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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yoruichi-san

    Okay, in lieu of further clarification from the author, here are my final conditional answers: If the point of the treadmill was NOT to have the plane be not moving relative to the ground, then yes, the plane will take off, the thrusters just have to provide twice the speed. If the point of the treadmill was to have the plane be not moving, then: 1) Assuming a frictionless treadmill (no drag), the plane would not take off because there is no moving air (no velocity/pressure gradient). 2) Assuming there is a non-zero coefficient of drag, then the treadmill would "drag" air along with it, and induce air flow around the wings, which, if the plane and hence the treadmill goes fast enough, could cause a high enough velocity/pressure gradient to cause the plane to lift off.
  2. Yoruichi-san

    Uh...well, for Unreality's point, the opening needs to be clarified...if the plane is actually moving relative to the ground, then my answer is yes, the plane can take off, but I thought the point of the question was if it wasn't... As for the friction I'm talking about, I'm not talking about the coefficient of friction between the treadmill and the wheels, I'm talking about the "drag" coefficient, the coefficient of friction between the air and the treadmill, which would induce air flow around the wings.
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Isn't that what it means for the treadmill to match the plane's speed exactly? I.e. the plane is going 0mph relative to the ground, and the wind (which is measured relative to the ground) is 0mph...
  4. Yoruichi-san

    It's not the airplane's own speed that matters, it's the airplane's speed relative to the air. If the treadmill is matching the plane's speed, than the plane's speed relative to the air if 0mph. But that is neglecting friction, which I discuss in my previous post.
  5. Yoruichi-san

    Well, thinking about it more, I suppose the plane may be able to take off, depending on the coefficient of friction/drag of the treadmill...the friction from the moving treadmill will induce some motion in the air, by "dragging" the air with it. So I suppose if the treadmill went fast enough, there could be enough induced air flow to lift the plane...
  6. Yoruichi-san

    No...the way it says in the opening, the plane is not moving relative to the ground, and the wind is 0mph relative to the ground...so the plane and the air are still relative to each other...
  7. Yoruichi-san

    Okay, I agree with AAAsn888s. Given that there is 0mph wind as stated in the opening, the plane will not take off. I respect Taliesin's pilot background, but I have a background in fluid dynamics (flow of fluids, including AIR as in this case), and here is what I know: Defining "taking off" as lifting in the air, the reason a plane takes off is that there is because the MOVING AIR traveling above the wing more slowly than the MOVING AIR traveling below the wing. The shape of airplane wings is designed so the bottom is straight (shorter distance between front of wing and back of wing) and the top is curved (longer distance). This means that the air going below the wing gets to the back of the wing faster, which creates more air pressure under the wing and allows the wing (and the plane) to lift. As I've tried to emphasize, the key is MOVING AIR. In order to take off, planes need a runway to accelerate to get the (relatively still) air moving around the wings (relative to the plane) fast enough so that there is enough of a velocity/pressure gradient (difference) created to lift the heavy plane. If the plane, and most importantly, the wings, are not moving relative to the air, then there is no MOVING AIR around the wings, so there is no velocity/pressure gradient created, so the plane will not lift off.
  8. Yes, the PO arrests someone each night (has to be PMed before the day post).
  9. Okay, for the extra M4F14 roles, I'm thinking about the Assassin-type role, and splitting the Thief-type into one who steals and one who frames...since I like the idea of frame, but no one uses it because steal is more to their immediate advantage...
  10. Okay, changes to the Citizen (Innocent) roles: Wraith: Can't arrest the same person more than once. Getting rid of Mad Scientist (since no more QAs), thinking about changing to Electromagnetic Pulsar (EMP), who can shoot a person every day and if that person is infected with nanobots, the subspace link is disrupted and they die. Getting rid of CD, replacing with the Corporation Man or the Corporation Representative who is sent by Genevron to keep an eye out for their investments. Probably going to have a Mayor-like ability to have his vote count as 2. May have a secret objective (those Corporations always have their secrets ) Getting rid of Mutant, not sure what to replace him with yet...maybe a role that saves Citizens who have been infected from dying when they get shot by the EMP?
  11. Actually, I'm No Princess (which I've also chosen as my theme song ;P)...as BL will no doubt find out
  12. Yeah, but the Mayor's the only one who the mafia can't cast suspicion on...and if anyone knows all about casting suspicion on everyone else, it's you...that's why I'm voting for you! (except that neither of us are playing, of course ;P) Haha...Mathgirl says: *cough* *choke* *hacking cough* *gasp* *coughing up blood*
  13. Very close, but And thanks! I'm really glad someone got the QA names .
  14. HAHA...I guess he figured out the one and only way to avoid the curse of his shifty eyes...;P
  15. ...also remember what happened just before the flash of light...
  16. Lol, no the rabbit was normal (besides being made in a test tube )...and it wasn't the rabbit that was giving the Mimic trouble...;P
  17. Oh, and it applies the same night as the infection occurs, i.e. the infection and beginning of the Avatar's communication with the nanobots is instantaneous... ...this may help you with 1. ;P
  18. No, its a secret...they're clandestine agents after all ;P Edit: I came up with the ability because it seemed like the most fitting ability to give her, given how she fits into the storyline...;P
  19. and since I was 7... I changed my mind and PM'd Ysan a new target. Thats why 7 left the room. My kill decisions were made 24 hrs before the night post, at least. So the last 24 hrs of conversation didnt influence my choices. Nice theory. But the BioE is a different person than Miria...;P While we're here: Two years after the mysterious tragedy that befell Affinion 7, the most complex AI of its time, which had been miraculously salvaged from the ruins, Y-S4N, has been installed as the overseer of the newly developed space colony Belryius 8. The Citizens chosen to populate this mecca are bright-eyed, eager types who are in anticipation of this new adventure. Unbeknownst to them, however, the ubiquitous M4F14 have sent new agents of destruction to annihilate this new threat to their technological superiority. Another thing that the citizens are not aware of is that their seemingly benevolent god AI has sent its own ANGELs (Advanced Nanotechnology Genome Eliminating Lifeforms) to eradicate organic lifeforms and recreate their world in its own image. All the brilliant minds of the population know that predicting the future is impossible. So who will decide the victor in what promises to be a truly epic battle? I wanted to go with a tried and true structure for my first one, but I'm changing it up for the next one...here's what I'm thinking: 12 Citizens (innocents) -win if only Citizens remain 5 M4F14 -win if only M4F14 remain 3 ANGELs (the Avatar, the Mimic, Zero) -win if everyone left alive is infected with nanobots Since they are the clandestine agents of Y-S4N, it is protecting them in secret, so the ANGELs cannot be killed at night. The ANGELs infect someone with nanobots each night (maybe two a night, haven't decided). The Mimic kills on odd nights, Zero kills on even nights. Thinking of making it so that if Zero kills Eight (the new Number), it triggers something in the storyline which "unlocks" a new ability for Zero. The Avatar is the nanotechnological "brain" so if a role with information abilities is infected, then she gets the same information they do.
  20. Yoruichi-san

    On the other end of the spectrum, ppl who aren't willing to give others the benefit of a doubt, ppl who aren't willing to accept others have different strengths and weaknesses and have different things going on in their life: (An extreme example ) Ppl who aren't willing to believe others may have a good reason for letting them down, i.e. not going to their play because they were busy trying to save the city...
  21. Yoruichi-san

    I know what you mean...there are the type of girls who can't be around anyone they think is "competition"... But I just have more in common with guys...I like playing games and solving puzzles and talking about ideas and stuff ;P, not talking about who's dating who or makeup or going shopping (I know, *gasp* )
  22. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...well I've always had more guy friends than gal friends...what does that say about me? I agree close minded guys are annoying. I find close-mindedness is usually a symptom of being ignorant and not being willing to admit it... Another turn-off for me: cowardness. If something's worth it, you should be willing to take a risk to get it. That is especially true when it comes to a person you like and want to have a relationship with...I hate when guys try to "test the waters", I need the guy to be straightforward. I <3 Rail Tracer! ;P
  23. Yoruichi-san

    That's good (about your ex's). But if a person is jealous because insecure about losing something, then to me that says they put themselves and their desire to keep that thing, i.e. possessiveness, first, and are not thinking about what is best for that thing. If that thing is a person, then that means that that they don't care about that person's happiness, which I would say means they don't love that person.
  24. Yoruichi-san

    Haha...I'm "intense" in a different way...got in a shouting match with a guy over Brownian motion...I forget what the discussion was initially about but I brought up the example that there was some probability that all the air particles in the room would go to one corner, he argued that was impossible because it would require an applied force...(never took quantum, I guess ;P)...anyways, I kept trying to explain and he wasn't getting it and I kept getting louder and louder...XP
  25. Yoruichi-san

    I don't believe in jealousy...I think that if you truly love someone you want them to be happy no matter what, even if its not with you...so I see being jealous as being possessive of something you think belongs to you, not loving someone... But, on a different kind of "shallow" (I guess you could call it), I think the do or die thing for me is intelligence. I'm serious. I don't like being around people who I feel like can't keep up with me. I don't like gossip or talking about cars or movies or whatever, I like to discuss philosophy and game theory and psychology, applying concepts I've learned from my math/science background, and I like to share my ideas for stories. I need a guy who can not only keep up with me but can contribute constructively. I can't stand guys who only want to talk about their cars or sports or weigh-lifting. I can't stand guys who don't like to think ;P.
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