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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Good first step ;P. There is a significance to the number 9...but not the one you're thinking of.
  2. Yoruichi-san

    I assume this is okay since your HW doesn't require you to derive the expression: For an uniformly wound solenoid having N turns and length l, that satisfies l>>r (radius of the windings), and assuming the core of the solenoid is filled with air, B is magnetic field, u0 is the permittivity of free space, @ is the magnetic flux, I is the current, A is the cross-sectional area: For a closely spaced coil, the induced electromagnetic field (emf), according to Faraday's Law is related to the negative time rate of change of magnetic flux, which should be proportional to the source current in the circuit. The proportionality constant, L, is the inductance. Induced emf=-Nd@/dt =-LdI/dt -> L=N@/I The magnetic field in a solenoid is: B=u0NI/l -> @=BA=u0NAI/l -> L=N@/I=u0N2AI/l The right-hand rule tells you which direction the induced magnetic field will be pointing. If you point your thumb in the direction of the current then your fingers curve around in the direction of the induced magnetic field.
  3. Lol...well, at Redrum University we say "if it seems simple, then you're probably missing the hidden code." ;P But seriously, no...all four hands were part of the message. The fact that the 3rd hand had 6 cards and 2 numbers instead of face cards says something... Well, the ransom thing was told to her later by police. But the kid definitely indicated that he was in trouble. As I hinted at earlier...perhaps the numbers are suppose to be there...perhaps the glass is half-full instead of half-empty...;P
  4. Actually, I was referring to the number 6's amidst all the letters...;P
  5. 2 2 ? 0 1 0 ? 0 1 4 ? 2 0 1 ? 0 0 1 ? 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ? 1 0 0 0 0[/codebox] [spoiler=Hint...]relates to something in my sig...;P[/spoiler]
  6. Yoruichi-san

    *Cough*...your name doesn't happen to be Light Yagami, by any chance...? ;P
  7. Oh? Is the glass half-empty or half-full? ;P
  9. Alright, some good observations...here's another question you might want to ask yourself...;P
  10. Yoruichi-san

    Well, we're all winners for being able to partake in a fun game .
  11. Uh...no...I'm not really sure what that has to do with cards... Yes and no. That's all I can say. ;P
  12. Playing cards. Y-san's eyes aren't super-human enough to see the number on a die from 10-20 feet away...;P
  13. Nope, just the very basics about cards...;P
  14. Yoruichi-san

    Um, actually, clozobozo was the only one who guessed Norman killed Elizabeth. Woon and I figured out Enrique killed Robert, for the right reasons ;P. And thanks again, it was a lot of fun. My other suggestion would be to time the information being given out a little more evenly. I felt that at the beginning, there was really very little pertinent information, and then all the important information seemed to come out at the end, and probably because of this, and because the players were busy with other things, some questions never got answered and some of the information that would have helped never came out. I think there would have been a lot more correct guesses if Norman actually got a chance to answer questions about what he was doing the afternoon before Elizabeth was killed . Anyways, the story was brilliant and taliesin, you were a fantastic host. Definitely let me know if you're going to have another one.
  15. One brisk day in March, Y-san was inside a gas station belonging to the PumpItUp chain, refueling on some much needed caffeine. The sound of the bell on the door drew her attention to a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses walking up to the counter. The man asked the gas station attendant, "Excuse me, sir, could you give me directions to I-70? I'm taking a trip with my son, and our car doesn't have GPS." The man gestured to the run-down, old car parked outside. A young boy sat looking at them from the window. Seeing he had their attention, the boy looked down at something in his hands. A moment later, he raised a hand holding some playing cards. They were, in order: KJJKA. The man at the counter let out a laugh that Y-san thought was just a little too high-pitched. "Two pair, very good!" the man said, waving his hand dismissively. "Yeah, it's going to be a long trip so I gave him some cards and some dice to play with. Looks like he's taken an interest in poker." The gas station attention smiled and nodded and continued giving directions. Y-san's attention remained on the boy. The boy then held up: JJQAJ, then: Q6Q6JA, then: JJJKA. Then the boy pointed to his eyes and formed his mouth as if hissing. Keeping the corner of his eye on the boy, the man shook his head and laughed again. "Seems like he likes his three-of-a-kind jacks. And one of those hands wasn't quite legal. I guess I still have some teaching to do." He shrugged in a nonchalant manner and turned to the attendant, thanked him, and walked out of the gas station. As soon as the door swung closed behind him, Y-san spun around and ordered the attendant to call the police. The attendant, bewildered, asked her why. She replied in a confident, commanding tone, "That boy is definitely not that man's son." As the attendant obliged her instructions, Y-san smiled and mused, "That kid is way too smart to be the son of that guy..." The car had driven off, but Y-san had memorized the license plate and gave the information to the police over the phone. Having that information, and knowing that the man was headed to I-70, the police managed to apprehend the criminal quickly. The man was a gambler with major debts who had kidnapped the son of a wealthy family in order to hold him for ransom. When the police asked Y-san how she knew, she smiled enigmatically and answered "Never underestimate the patterns a kid will notice when playing with toys."
  16. Yoruichi-san

    This is a good explanation. To put it slightly more mathematically, keeping to Newtonian physics, the 'equal' means that the force you apply to the earth is equal to the force the earth applies to you. Using Newton's first law, force=mass*acceleration, since the forces are equal, this means mass(you)*acceleration(you)=mass(earth)*acceleration(earth) => a(earth)/a(you) = m(you)/m(earth) ~ 10^(-23) But actually...
  17. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...yeah...well, I dealt with that by having Space Invaders on my graphing calculator...;P
  18. Yoruichi-san

    Btw, Welcome back!
  19. Yoruichi-san

    ... Uh...please tell me it was a WALLY test...
  20. Yoruichi-san

    Yeah, you need an angle...or the value of the unmarked line. For the first problem, no, it's not possible since the top of the second red line is shorter (3x-7<3x) and the bottom is longer (5x+8>4x), which is physically impossible. Is this your homework? If it is...your teacher either is looking for the trick answer...or...uh...needs to spend more time double checking his/her problems...
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...well, that explains why he never answered my questions about what he was doing in the afternoon... Nicely done, taliesin. I'd like to play again...if you made all the players detectives and the characters NPCs so that the information wouldn't be limited by how active the players are. Thanks for the fun game!
  22. Yoruichi-san

    Well, funny thing about Maxwell's Demon...the more he drinks the less disorderly he gets...;P
  23. Yoruichi-san

    That would be the Ergodic Feory, she's very fickle. ;P
  24. Yoruichi-san

    Umm...isn't everyone suppose to confess now?
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