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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. No, that's just my notation, since Night and Day (the ~24hr cycles) is not the same as night and day (whether there is sunlight outside). Yes, but they count as block-on-block and therefore cancel themselves out and are not shown. Yes, faction info is revealed with the lynch. No, whether the lynched mafia is awake is not revealed. No...my policy is that you can say anything you want in my games...it's just not guaranteed to be true ;P. Copy/pasting from outside sources (such as the role PM *cough*) is not allowed. And don't read too much into my posts...I never give out hints...I just like to exercise my sense of humor . And also, I should have mentioned it earlier, but I prefer if you would address your questions to the host (me) in purple. Another of my quirks, but also I kinda feel like red is reserved for, like, admin stuff. Thanks!
  2. NIGHT 1 The good citizens of the village slept soundly, visions of hotdish and sheet cake prancing around in their heads. There was one, however, who did not sleep. The Instigator crept past rows of uniformly designed and color-coordinated houses, sneering with disgust. These poor plebes, who would marry their high school sweethearts, live in a white picket house, buy SUV's, and have 2.5 kids...and never actually make anything of their lives. But toNight, one was about to get a chance to change all that. Maybe it would take, or maybe the Instigator's attempt would be denied...but it was time to try. Duck...duck...duck...duck..., the Instigator counted,...duck...goose. Let's see if you lay a golden egg. MikeD was considering going out for some beers or something (non-alcoholic if he was not of age), but when he tried his own front door, he discovered that it had been super-glued shut. No doubt a prank from some of the local youngsters. "Very funny," he grumbled. Looking like he wasn't going anywhere toNight. Apparently some delinquents had also visited TheCube's residence, but these seemed to me more geekily inclined, as he discovered his doorknob had been replaced by a 5x5x5 Rubik's cube...doh. Looking like he wasn't going anywhere for a while either... PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. Framm 18 3. MikeD 4. EDM 5. Flamebirde 6. mew 7. Panther 8. Thalia 9. ShadowAngel 10. Aaryan 11.TheCube 12.Yodell 13. MiKi Day 1 starts now and ends at 11:59 AM (yes in the morning) on Monday, 6/18. I think that will be the cutoff for Day/Night from now on. Mmm....pi...
  3. Yes, yes, Night has ended...sorry...it's been crazy...post will be up when I wake up. The schedule will be more normal after this weekend.
  4. Umb...and you're fighting with what? Mismatched code ? I have a bankai...what do you have? ... ... ... ...sh*t (;P)
  5. Good try, but gotta figure out what term to replace the other part of the sentence with. For part of the first pass code you will need to translate from math to english, and the second from english to math . Edit: And phaze, yes, you have done a truly spectacular job on this series, but I always welcome more sharing of working ideas so that others may build upon them. I like to make my puzzles somewhat challenging and as a scientist, I highly encourage collaboration .
  6. Uh...being Chinese, I have a lot of complaints about the English language in general, regardless of pond-side. Such as the lack of a non-gender specific third person pronoun and the dearth of words for the different forms of 'love'... No chemistry knowledge required to solve this puzzle. Maybe a little physics, but its nothing a normal person hasn't learned by, like, age 5, from observation.
  7. Who, me? *innocent wide-eyed look* I've never been an evil AI in my life...*whistling* I like that! But I think it should kind of be the opposite... The cake may or may not be true, but the pi is universally constant. ;P (Okay, all this talk of cake is making me hungry...and wanting to make a Cake Mafia...Devil's food vs. Angel food, with Potato (Latke) indie...hmm...) Almost all have confirmed. If you have not done so already, please send in your actions. Thx.
  8. Sorry, but no cowards who hide in mafia safehouses all Night are allowed. ;P (JK...about the being allowed thing. I'm absolutely serious about the coward thing )
  9. Um...I am Chinese...you can test my DNA... I also eat mille feulle, shirataki, and gelato, but that doesn't make me French, Japanese, or Italian... (and it was Police Chief Leroy eating the bear claw, neways...you know cops and donuts...;P)
  10. Right on on the first ...for the second...wow...I've actually never heard of that before, and admittedly, it might actually work better than the original solution...*whistling*...okay, I should have made the clue slightly more specific...there's more wordplay and less math...(I know...*gasp*...but it's mathy wordplay 0:)...)...(and what the clue is referring to is actually on that page ) And don't forget in the end you need to come out with a four digit passcode .
  11. Well explained! Except "that woman" is not a reference to Irene Adler...she was "the woman". Small difference, I know, but..."that woman" is a reference to the anime/manga both B-kun and Y-san's appearance and personality ascribe from, which is an accurate description of the relationship b/w them. May go dig up the link to the manga page later...
  12. A heavy burden weighing down his heart, Police Chief Leroy trudged towards his police car, not relishing the call he now had to make. As he approached, he noticed a particularly corpulent seagull perched upon the hood, greedily eyeing the half-eaten bear claw lying in the passenger side seat. The Police Chief waved his arms at the bird, hoping to scare it into flight, but the creature only sat there stubbornly, glaring at him. Reminds me of someone... He let out a deep sigh and capitulated. He had lost his appetite anyways, so he snatched up the pastry and tossed it at the seagull, who flew to meet it with surprising agility. Briefly, Police Chief Leroy wondered if birds could get diabetes, and felt a pang of guilt, but he shrugged it off. He had more pressing matters to attend to. When B-kun picked up, he went straight into the explanation, as the stoic young man had never been one for small talk. The Police Chief paused at points, giving him a chance to react, but there was only silence from the other end of the line....until he arrived at the note. “The autumn of 267? That’s what it said?” There was a short pause and then...laughter broke out from the other end of the line. The Police Chief frowned. Had the shock driven the poor boy mad? “Are you alright, B-kun?” “Yes, yes,” he answered, between peels. A pause to take a deep breath, and then a barely audible mutter: “I knew it would take more than that to be rid of that woman.” “Are you saying she escaped somehow? But how? The door was locked when we arrived. According to the landlord your parents hired, the door could be locked from the inside with the latch, but only from the outside with the key, and there was only one key, which was found inside the house. There is no way anyone could have scaled that cliff. Everything suggests that she hadn’t known about the attack beforehand, so she couldn’t have had the precognition to pack a hang glider or anything like that. And if she had done something flashy like that, the neighbors who reported the gunshot would have noticed. They are an observant bunch. They were insistent that she never left the area after arriving here a few days ago, and besides the local market, there are no shops nearby, so she couldn’t have made a new key or anything....” A part of him wanted so badly to hold onto hope, but the police officer inside him warned him not to. On B-kun’s instruction, he reluctantly re-entered the house and took a second look around, describing the scene over the phone, the overturned furniture, the broken glass, the blood. The key to the house was lying inside a heavy-bottomed glass jar, about 6 inches high with a 4 inch diameter opening. Also in the jar were some small particles that the Police Chief hadn’t taken the time to identify yet. A beach towel and a half-packed suitcase of clothes lay upon the sofa-bed (with the other half strewn randomly around...guess she had still been somewhat in ‘college’ mode), a half-drunken cocktail rested next to the computer monitor, which was fortunately on the other side of the room from the mayhem. “Yes...” B-kun murmured at the mention of the computer. “She said something about a file...” There were sounds of clicking and tapping and an interval of pensive silence. “Go look in the refrigerator.” Perplexed, but believing in B-kun’s insight, Police Chief Leroy obliged. There was a bowl of mangoes, ghiradelli chocolate syrup, a half of a loaf of brioche, some eggs, some butcher paper that seemed to have contained meat or seafood of some sort at some point, a container of ginormous meatballs, a jar of red sauce (Y-san’s special homemade, no doubt), a container of spaghetti, and a bottle of grey goose in the freezer. More pensive silence, and finally...”If I remember correctly, around the house there was always some...yes, I see...yes, it’s possible...” There was another laugh from the usually meticulously composed young man. “Only that woman would think of something like that...” “WHAT?!!” the war inside of Police Chief Leroy finally exploded. After B-kun explained, he shook his head. “I can’t believe that would actually work...” But he sure hoped that it had.
  13. Hence the potatoes...;P Night comes first, and yes, thank you for the reminder, please do send in your actions! I should have included that in the PM's, but it's been a while since I've hosted mafia, too...
  14. VILLAGER, VILLAGER, MAFIA The game: Unlike regular forum mafia, instead of one of every role, there will be three of every role (with one exception). One out of the three of every role is mafia. The catch is that they don't know it. There is one unique role, the Instigator, who starts the game as mafia and is aware of it. Every Night he will chose a player to approach and if the player is mafia, they will 'awaken' and gain BTSC with the Instigator. The Instigator's vote has 0 weight. If the Instigator dies, a living mafia member will be chosen at random to awaken and take over the instigating. Villagers win if all the mafia are dead and mafia wins if all the villagers are dead (even if they don't realize it). There are 4 roles: Spy, Save, Block, and Kill. Blocks, successful saves, and kills will be shown in the Night Post. Block on block will result in a canceling out of actions and will not be shown. Spies attain role information only, faction information is only revealed with the lynch (unless its the Instigator, of course). Brief (make that very brief) Intro: Y-san nodded encouragingly as the people of the small town gathered around Y-san in what passed for a town square, some sitting on the sacks of potatoes they had in lieu of benches. "I'm just going to performing a little social experiment here," she said, giving them a beneficient smile. "No one will get hurt, I assure you...and at the end, there'll be some nice cake." PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. Framm 18 3. MikeD 4. EDM 5. Flamebirde 6. mew 7. Panther 8. Thalia 9. ShadowAngel 10. Aaryan 11.TheCube 12.Yodell 13. MiKi Roles have been sent, please confirm. Night 1 starts now and will end at 11:59 US Central Time on Saturday, 6/16. Thanks, and have fun! (I know I will ;P)
  15. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    Yeah...there's a reason I refrained from posting in the "as fast as" portion... Last week, Japanese scientist got absolutely nothing done, correlated with 97.9% probability with Nichiro TV having an idol marathon...("I love you, Yuuko-chan!")
  16. Good thinking, but no...*tries not to wince at the thought of 74,73->7473*. Gotta be able to square it with the paragraph underneath . I tend to be a creature of harmonic habits ;P (yes, that was a doubly entendred hint ) Was it the note typed in red? Nah, that was just something of a hint...as well as the title...and don't forget the handwritten hint... On track with the last two, but for the last one that's only half of the clue... Mmmm...pi...
  17. Yes, props to phaze for doing the work...but it is those who do the math that get to Y-san's final solution ;P. Well done! Chemical engineer actually...which is most definitely not the same thing. I call her (the ChE inside me) a dragon, b/c she was forged in the fires of hell...(over 60% of my starting ChE class either dropped out or switched majors...ah, fun times...who doesn't love quantum statistical thermodynamics? @_@)... Oh, not that many...just one or two...or twenty-seven...*whistling* Good work everyone, part 3 will be up later this afternoon/evening...in the meantime, as a bonus, if any Holmes fans care to expound on the implications of the message, be my guest.
  18. ( Wow...I never actually pay attention to current events @_@...but no, this was like, Cali...not far away (like within a few hours drive) from her usual haunt, Redrum University...as Police Chief Leroy wouldn't be there otherwise.
  19. Wow, very nice...you really have been doing your homework...props . And sorry if I came off as curt earlier...I've been somewhat busy and stressed lately...I really do appreciate when observant people take note of the little 'easter eggs' I throw in...some of them come into play in later storylines .
  20. November 11, 2011 It was a black, chill evening, and portents of snow pranced through the night air. The street was well-lighted, and made brighter by the flickers from the display of televisions in the window of an electronics shop. On the multitude of screens of various sizes, a slender brown haired man was discussing his platform for the upcoming election. He was stressing the reform of law enforcement to cut down on crime, especially seeing how criminals were becoming more clever and devious. Following his words, a picture flashed across the screens, of a pale-skinned, dark-haired man with aristocratic features, a stoic expression, and a look of condescension about the eyes. This man, the candidate explained, was B-kun, a very dangerous criminal that was currently eluding authorities. The man to whom the face belonged strolled past the display without pausing, but pulled his hood more tightly around his head. No doubt the affluent candidate’s even more affluent ‘friend’, Patrick “Trick” Moriarty, had put him up to it. A deep frown creased B-kun’s face as he thought of the man. After the lead ‘expert witness’ had been taken out, and Trick’s bevy of highly-paid attorneys tore the remaining case apart like a pack of rabid dogs, the state had no choice but to let him go. And then the charismatic young man had gone on national television to tell ‘his side’ of the story...of how he had lost his parents at a young age but been taken in by his Godfather, Harold Mortimer, who had turned out to be the kingpin of a criminal organization and had beguiled the ‘poor boy’ into dipping his hands into the mess. One 30 minute spot with those large teary violet-blue eyes, pretty face, and Manchester accent was all it took to go from criminal to media darling. Now he was head of the newly formed Evitceted Corp, which he swore bore no ties to his Godfather’s criminal organization, IETNAT, and there was talk of an appointment to Secretary of State. Over my dead body, B-kun thought. But that was exactly what Trick wanted. Suddenly, B-kun noticed the sound of footfall behind him. He sped up his pace, and the steps also sped. He slowed down and his pursuers followed suit. He stopped. So did they. Suddenly, he broke out into a sprint, veering to the left after a block, hopping over the prostrate form of a homeless man occupying the alley. The pursuer closest behind him also turned...right into a well-placed fistpalm. The one after slowed so as not to run into his compatriot, but he couldn’t avoid running into the limber B-kun’s sweeping roundhouse. After adding a few extra blows for good measure, B-kun frowned. He could have sworn he had heard three sets of footsteps. He twisted around... ...To face the barrel of a pistol pointed in his directions. The man holding it, out of reach of even his quick kick, sneered. “Guess your kung fu’s not so tough now, huh?” He licked his fat pink lips and raised the firearm into position. “Oh, the Boss is going to reward me well for this...” A loud sound reverberated throughout the alley, and a moment later, the goon’s large substantial form crumpled to the ground. Over it loomed the homeless man, a broken bottle poised in one hand. “That’s what you get for disturbing my sleep, boy,” he grumbled in a hoarse, raspy voice. A long scar ran down the side of the man’s face, which itself was being devoured by an overgrowth of beard. He turned to scowl at B-kun. “And you...” he started to admonish, but then stopped and pursed his lips. “You...you look familiar...haven’t I seen your face somewhere before?” B-kun ignored his question and stepped over to the nearest unconscious goon. He felt around the man’s pockets and pulled out a cell phone. “Yes!” the hobo exclaimed in recollection. “You’re the man on the TV...on the most wanted list. You...killed someone, right? And tried to kill someone else...” He snorted. “And here, to think, I just saved a criminal.” “I’m not a criminal,” B-kun replied curtly. He frowned at the phone. There was a four-digit passcode. “So you didn’t kill anyone or try to kill anyone?” the man asked. B-kun didn’t respond. He searched around some more and produced a folded scrap of paper from a hidden pocket in the man’s suit. On it were typed some phrases: Year A was published Russian 2pi Sun’s country code It’s not easy to be a gem of the day of independence At the bottom was scrawled a note in hasty handwriting: Don’t let anyone see this. In summation, better dead than read! B-kun’s eternally frowning face creased further. He pulled out his own cell and performed a series of actions. Then he inputted four numbers into the goon’s phone. The screen darkened and then a new screen presented itself. Another four-digit code, but this time the hint was on the screen. No doubt this one changed weekly/daily/hourly, synced by some central computer of the organization, to keep out those who didn’t know the code: Superman (aeons) Batman After a moment, B-kun’s usual impassive expression was replaced by one of rage. He had used her to rid himself of the things standing between him and the power he coveted, and now, he was using her code. How dare he... Seeing, and perhaps misunderstanding, his anger, the hobo shrugged and placed a not-too hygenic hand on the young man's shoulder. “Well you owe me a bottle of vodka, but you’re lucky I been near. Funny thing, that’s my name, Ben Near.” (To be continued...find the codes!)
  21. Sweet! I'll PM roles Friday afternoon. This is going to be fun .
  22. Yeah I noticed that too...but then the next suspect also said the same thing so I thought they announced it sometime...*shrugs*
  23. Now you're just guessing . I know b/c that word is enigmatically unfeasible, and definitely not = 267. Yes, sorry it was Edicius, and no, that has nothing to do with the current puzzle...it was introduced in previous installments of the series involving a prank war b/w universities... And sorry again, in my excitement for the scene I forgot to write in the part where the Godfather locks the door behind him when he steps in...to make sure no one disturbs him on his errand...but the locked door is part of the third question...we'll get to that once the enigma is solved ;P.
  24. Oh yeah, sorry, I wasn't sure what you meant by the question...yes, that was very evident, especially with the aleph hint earlier. Very nice .
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