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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Correct! First code cracked! Props to all involved, particularly phaze .
  2. Yes, Hirk and MiKi were targeted by KILLs. Cube was targeted by mafia. In the Post, the mafia KILL, BLOCK, and SAVE will be indistinguishable from the villager KILL, BLOCK, and SAVE roles if/when they awaken.
  3. Well...to be fair...some of us slept through history classes...*whistling* I can usually get a pretty good read on people, but you keep surprising me, bon-chan ;P.
  4. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    Whoa...for once in my life I'm popular...XP Changing the format slightly...specifying an ending rather than a beginning...(and inspired by the new Karate Kid movie) ...because in China, all _____ know kung-fu.
  5. NIGHT 2 For the evening's round of experiments, Y-san partitioned the group into pairs. Later, she might mix up the pairs, depending on who remained... ````` Hirkala and his partner were led into a room and told to stand on either side of a table, on which sat a panel with 2 blue buttons and a large red button in the center with the words "DO NOT PRESS" stamped on it. "This is the way this is going to go," Y-san stated, reaching into her pocket for a pen and finding instead a glass vial. "You can either go through that door together," she gestured, absentmindedly twirling the vial in her fingers, "in which case, you will each receive $75, or one of you could press your blue button, trapping the other, and get $100." "Well," Hirkala considered, "It seems like it'd be best to betray, but one of use could agree to give $26 to the other out of our $75..." But the other had already jumped at the button, causing plexiglass panels to come down from the ceiling, trapping the pontificating Hirk. Y-san shrugged, still playing with the vial. ````` The same experiment was repeated (for good measure, of course), with Flamebirde and his partner. They had both leapt for the button at the mention of the $100, but his partner was just a tad faster. Another shrug. ````` MiKi and her partner were led into a room with a table, two cups, and a vial very similar to the one Y-san had been toying with. "The vial contains a laxative," Y-san explained, "MiKi, you choose a cup to put it in..." she proceeded to instruct the other to turn around and chose their eyes. "Your partner will choose a cup to drink and you will drink the other one. The one who goes the longest without having to go to the washroom will get a new Ipad." MiKi wanted the Ipad, but she would feel bad for making the other suffer. Maybe if she divided the dose b/w the cups, it would be less effective? She was strong, she could outlast her partner in a battle of wills... So that's what she did. The pair drank their cups. MiKi painted a smile on her face. She could do this...she could handle it...suddenly the smile froze on her lips as her chest began to heave in convulsions. A few moments later, they stopped... but so had her heart. Y-san frowned, her brow creasing. Then she glanced down at the vial in her hand. "OHHHH...," she exclaimed, relieved to find the source of error. "I must have mixed up the vials...that wasn't the laxative, that was the poison...lol..." "Ah, lol," said the other. "Good, I've developed an immunity to most poisons, but not to laxatives..." ````` "Alright, that wraps up this level," Y-san noted to the participants of the last group. "Now, to move on and collect your $200, please deposit your cubes in the recycling receptacle." She motioned towards an orifice from which an angry orange glow emanated. "Wait..." spoke up TheCube. "I didn't get a cube..." "That's b/c you are The Cube," his partner elucidated with a knowing grin, then proceeded give him a firm shove. As his screams echoed up the shoot, Y-san frowned. She really should have ordered better sound-proofing... ````` Hirkala was growing antsy in his incarceration. Shouldn't they be done with the round of experiments by now? Shouldn't someone have come to let him out? "Hello?!" he cried out, "Anyone there?" A figure popped into the room. "Hey, buddy, could you let me out? I think if you press that blue button right there..." The person walked over the table, but their eyes immediately flew to the big shiny red button. "I don't think that's a good..." Hirkala began, but it was too late. Greenish gas began to flood in from the vents, into his chamber. He coughed, gasping for breath..."...help me..." The person glanced at the ominous looking miasma, then to the buttons, then to the miasma again. Then, after a quick look around to make sure no one was watching, the person made a quick and surreptitious exit. From behind the one-way window she watched from, Y-san smiled her lopsided smile and jotted down a few notes. Ah...human nature... She was just turning away to go finish up her report when a quick movement caught the corner of her eye. Defying common sense, and (more importantly) her hypothesis, a good Samaritan dashed into the room, took a deep breath, pressed the blue button, and lunged into the miasma, emerging a moment later with Hirk in tow. The Samaritan smashed down the button again, cordoning off the remaining gas. "Thanks, buddy..." Hirk said, between gasps. Y-san frowned deeply. This is was going to make the report much more tedious to write. How annoying. PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. Framm 18 3. MikeD 4. EDM 5. Flamebirde 6. mew 7. Panther - DEAD [sAVE, Villager] Lynched 8. Thalia 9. ShadowAngel 10. Aaryan 11.TheCube - DEAD Killed by Mafia 12.Yodell 13. MiKi - DEAD Killed by KILL Whew, what a Night. Day 2 starts now, ends 11:59 AM tomorrow!
  6. Alright, Post will be up shortly...it's a tad longer than last Night ;P
  7. Wow...that was unexpected. And here I was trying to figure out how many of each word would fit neatly around each other...*whistling*
  8. About 4 hrs left. If you have not done so already, please send in your actions! Thx.
  9. Yes, blocks that go through (whether they affect the actions of others or not) show up. I don't consider the block 'failed" unless it was blocked itself. The Instigating itself is unblockable. What will or will not be shown in the NP is exactly what was specified in the OP. I only wrote the Instigator acting on Night 1 for the story (but there really is no reason for the Instigator not to choose to Instigate...or their replacement should they die). The mafia kill itself is blockable.
  10. Okay...slightly revised clue... Year A was published Russian 2pi [Year] Sun’s country code It’s not easy[ness] to be a gem of the day of independence
  11. Wow...that sounds like something out of Detective Conan (which, trust me, is a good thing )...but no, nothing that precisely tuned/timed.
  12. I doubt you could even if you wanted to ;P. Yeah, been there...it's tough ...out of curiosity, may I ask what your major is?
  13. As for the other one...I have a thought related to your name, but it seems not quite PC...
  14. Yes, I think I answered that previously... And apologies to Panther for getting your gender wrong in the post...I should have double checked before posting.
  15. DAY 1 "Now, this is the first level of the experiment," Y-san said as the villagers accrued in a room with 13 doors. "Everyone pick a door." They did so. "Now we open them?" Y-san nodded, but frowned. "I haven't done this in a while," she admitted. "I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something..." "I'm sure you're doing fine, I believe in you," Panther reassured her. As encouragement, she confidently threw open her door...right as a ball of lighting shot out, disintegrating her on the spot. "Oh yeah, that," Y-san said calmly. "I knew I was forgetting something..." PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. Framm 18 3. MikeD 4. EDM 5. Flamebirde 6. mew 7. Panther - DEAD [sAVE, Villager] Lynched 8. Thalia 9. ShadowAngel 10. Aaryan 11.TheCube 12.Yodell 13. MiKi Night 2 starts now, ends 11:59AM tomorrow!
  16. Yes, that's what it means. Sorry, 'block' as in the verb form of block, not the BLOCK role.
  17. 1. No. They just learn the Instigation failed. 2. The mafia kill is blockable. The Instigation is not. 3. If a kill is blocked, it's blocked. In my games, all actions 'go through in the transition b/w the Night and Day' so you get your Night action no matter what, unless you were blocked. It is highly frowned upon [insert picture of glaring frown]. If everyone abstains it'll probably count as a 13-way tie...
  18. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    That would seem more impressive if...I had any idea what you were talking about .
  19. Everyone dies. And I mean everyone. A great ball of flaming reckoning descends upon the village and wipes it out of existence inside of a picosecond . (Just kidding...but I really do hate ties...for this game let's say the tied players die...in the future I may add a clause about the last person voting to make it a tie dies...;P)
  20. Yes, mafia (awake or not) will be revealed as mafia. No. It is not blockable, and saves only save from kills (they don't save from, like, blocks either). Good to see the amount of activity here.
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