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Everything posted by unreality

  1. Afghanistan, Iraq, wherever. It's still overseas, it's still dangerous, and it's still pointless. We're wasting American lives for the Middle Easterners that don't even want us there. But that's just my personal opinion... obviously everyone in every group has opposing views on this (even within the military, or maybe most strongly so there). I'm just saying that Obama has a timetabled pullout plan, while McCain wants to stay indefinitely until we "win". Does anybody think that's actually possible? What does "win" mean anybody? Who defines win? After the Iraq War is over, there will still be terrorism in the world, there will still be hatred against the US in the Middle East. Terrorism doesn't follow the "chop off the snake's head" analogy - it's more like a hydra than a snake - if you chop off a hydra's head, two more grow in its place. And to Mekal's comment, about the families who have lost relatives in Iraq - this is exactly what I mean! More so than wanting their relative's sacrifice to be for something (an impossible "victory") than they want other people to not befall the same fate as their relative in a futile quest in a desert that soaks up our money and replies with decreasing oil and increasing hatred. Good point, but right now the Congress is Democratic, right? With Obama in office, a lot more reforms will be passed by Congress than with a Rebublican president (ie, McCain). There's one of the fundamental differences and why I think Obama is better in the economic regard, though of course I don't have much knowledge in that domain. You, Brandonb and Dawh seem to be pretty knowledgeable in that area What other candidates are there? I didn't even know there was others, lol - all I've heard is McCain/Obama, Biden/Palin, etc. What other parties are there? Cuz we need more big parties, that's for sure. I didn't know there were others - if there are, I'll have to re-look at the situation, and I think I'd agree with you about voting indendepent if only there was an Atheist or Secularist party or something
  2. unreality

    Hey Noct!! Where were you studying? Sounds awesome! I want to study abroad one day... *dreamy sigh* lol
  3. unreality

    Wait, have I PMed my moves yet? I forget
  4. ~~~ Round Six ~~~ DMS (roster spot 0 [8 - 8]) Freeze - FIF Shield - panther Curse - PG Coup de Grace - PG Flummox-GC Vacuum-GC Ascension Frost Freeze - Dawh Shield - Panther Curse - PG Coup de Grace - Frozen Flummox - GC Vacuum - GC Quid Pro Quo II Frozen Freeze-GC Shield-PG Curse-Frost Coup de Grace-Frost Flummox-dawh Vacuum-DMS Quid Pro Quo I Cherry Lane * Freeze - GC * Shield - Frost * Curse - PG * Coup de Grace - PG * Flummox - FIF * Vacuum - FIF * Quid Pro Quo II PG Freeze: CL Shield: FIF Curse: Frost Coup de Grace: Panther Flummox: GC Vacuum: Dawh QPQ I GC Freeze: GC Shield: Panther Curse: Frost Coup de Grace: Frost Flummox: CL Vacuum: Frozen in fire Spell of Choice: Aqua Vida Panther Freeze - Dawh Shield - Frost Curse - PG Coup de Grace - PG Flummox - Frozen Vacuum - Frozen Magelore Dawh Freeze: CL Shield: Panther Curse: GC Coup de Grace: Frost Flummox: DMS Vacuum: FIF Spell of Choice: Rain of Dual Bombardment - Lose shield point: 75%, gain shield point: 25% Whoo hoo, everyone PMed! * Vacuum-wise, Frozen and Dawh succeeded. Frozen blocked all spells cast on DMS before Dawh's Vacuum sucked up all spells cast on Frozen. * Only Cherry Lane's Flummox succeeded, but because it was cast on Frozen, it was absorbed by Dawh's Vacuum * Nobody is paralyzed next round * After Shields and Curses: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 2 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 8 7) Dawh - 7 8) DMS - 6 After QPQ I and II spells: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 1 5) GC - 4 6) Panther - 8 7) Dawh - 7 8) DMS - 6 Rain of Dual Bombardment has no affect, and Magelore will come in a sec, the only other SoC cast was GC's Aqua Vida, which applies to PG: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 3 5) GC - 4 6) Panther - 8 7) Dawh - 7 8) DMS - 6 [Nobody Paralyzed] * Spell of Choice - for this spell, you choose from your diverse arsenal of magic: [None of these spells have specific targets, they affect the group as a whole] ** Hexquake - everyone either loses 1 Shield Point (70%) or gains 1 (30%), including yourself ** Magelore - unlocks a new Spell of Choice for everyone to use ** Aqua Vida - gives 2 Shield Points to the mage with the least amount of SP, if there are multiple mages of that amount then the target is chosen randomly from those people ** Magnetic Surge - all Flummoxes move up by 4%. Ie, originally they have a 25% chance. For each Magnetic Surge cast in the round, however, the chance increases by 4%. This value is totaled before the Flummoxes are rolled ** Quid Pro Quo I - everyone that cast Shield on you during the round gains 1 Shield Point themselves ** Quid Pro Quo II - everyone that cast Curse on you during the round loses 1 Shield Point themselves ** Ascension - [takes effect before anything else] during the round that you used it in, your rank is as if it subtracted 11. For example, the 11th person becomes 11-11 = rank 0. The 8th person becomes 8-11 = -3. This gives the upper hand in Vacuums and Flummoxes ** Assassin Bolt - your Coup de Grace spell is amplified to affect not just the person you selected but the person above and below them, ignoring Vacuums on either of the three targets or on you. This takes affect no matter what, even if you are one of the adjacent victims (remember that Coup de Grace only succeeds if someone's SP is 0, and Assassin Bolt just triples the Coup de Graces you get and makes them unstoppable) ** Vacuum Warp - [takes effect after Ascension, before Vacuums] this spell will affect the Vacuum-type chance. Normally it's 1/2 and 1/2 whether the Vacuum will absorb all spells cast ON the person or all spells cast BY the person. When you cast Vacuum Warp, you change the chances to 70% & 30%, weighted in either direction, which you choose (for example, "Vacuum Warp - 70% spells cast on me, 30% spells cast by me") ** Aqua Excessum - this spell poisons the reviving water of the Aqua Vida spell, causing it to take away 2 Shield Points from the lowest instead of giving 2 SPs. Aqua Excessum obviously has no effect if Aqua Vida is not cast in the same round ** Rain of Dual Bombardment - harness of the power of weather to bring a ripple of devastating energy into the Duel Chamber! Not only does the Rain of Dual Bombardment bring about a Double Round the next round IF and only if EXACTLY TWO Dual Bombardment spells are cast, regardless of that, the Rain morphs the power of the other natural disaster spell: Hexquakes. The Rain allows you to transfer up to 5% of one the chances to the other, and multiple people using Rain all combine their effects on Hexquake. The Rain of Dual Bombardment may cause other random, adverse changes on the Hexquake spell as well ** Spellguard - also known as the Antiflummox, this spell forges a barrier of force that surrounds and protects your spells from confusion and switching. In the round that you cast Spellguard, all Flummoxes used against you fail. Spellguard takes effect AFTER Vacuums Bring on Round 7! ;D
  5. Ah okay I see. My Eviscerator has the BOMB at the end, adds a lot of efficiency if it's possible with the program (of the first section at least, the backup parts are after that of course)
  6. happy bday!!! :D What's up?

  7. ^ I was just disagreeing with that But about the differences between them, there are plenty. The Iraq war, for example. McCain wants to keep going and keep failing "cuz we're Americans". Obama has a smart, quick pullout plan that will also not leave the country in shambles ("withdraw our troops in a responsible way" like he just said on the debate lol). I agree with Obama there. As for the economy, I'm not an economist or anything, but there are definitely differences between their plans, key differences. And you know I can't vote, I'm not rushing to vote for either. Obviously we need to change a lot more than just a president, I'm with you there. Hell, we need a revolution! If our Founding Fathers were alive today, they would declare a new country - something needs to be done. But right now, the focus is on Obama vs McCain, so the question is who will bring the change we need, the beginnings of the transformation you want. It's not going to happen overnight... so the best candidate for that, in my personal view, is Barack Obama
  8. unreality

    wow Big lol at the Judge one and and the Tired/Exhausted one ;D
  9. unreality

    Interesting that 3.5 is the average roll value of a single 6-sided dice. Are you sure you got the if-statements to work recursively for as many trials to get 6? Just checking Interesting result
  10. Though it will be between these two, and from the Presidential debate, among other factors (even the VP debate) I'm definitely leaning towards Obama. I think he's the best candidate from our options, and unlike itachi I think that this election is very important and will determine the path of the USA for the next 4 years.... so IF I could vote lol, I would vote for Obama
  11. unreality

    I think someone's trying to frame Crazypainter ;D Unless she's using reverse psychology
  12. 1 + -1 + 1 + -1 + 1 + -1 .... = ? (1 + -1) + (1 + -1) + (1 + -1) .... = 0 1 + (-1 + 1) + (-1 + 1) + (-1 + 1) .... = 1 1 = 0 infinity minus one On a more serious note, think of one representation of the Golden Ratio: p = √(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+... square both sides p2 = 1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+√(1+... replace the thing after "1+" with the original equation: p2 = 1 + p Which is of course the defining property of the Golden Ratio, which, with some basic algebra, arises its amazing properties deeply connected with the Fibonacci numbers What we did, though, was reduce one part of the infinite series, yet it was infinite, so there was still the infinite series afterwards
  13. Ah, okay... I think I see now. Thanks Fool: get rid of the first three lines (JUMP, BOMB, SPLIT) and then re-place the BOMB and SPLIT after the other lines, so that the COPY is the first line. You'll have to change some of the linepointers to point to the new BOMB instead of -3, and make it SPLIT 47 or 48 or 46 or whatever it is instead of SPLIT 51, etc, but those are minor changes, and you get rid of the pesky JUMP 3 in the beginning which wastes a line and a round ;D
  14. I've been trying to make sense of taliesin's emulator but it just doesn't make any sense to me - does it update one VNA thing? (that's what mine does), or does it create the new status off to the right? It doesn't seem to be working properly from what I can tell, yet somehow it must yield the correct results because we matched them against each other and taliesin's got the same results of who won and what round. Also, when you enter a number, is that how many rounds it does? Where is this recorded? Why is there nothing from 0 to 10 and 190 to 200, but blanks elsewhere? What are the "-1", "0" or "1"s before the code line? I assume those to be the player number, but actually players do not "own" code. They add programs into the VNA at the beginning of the game, and get put at that line #, but after that, nobody 'owns' code. If you run into code created by another person, you still execute it, there's no difference. Sorry about all these questions, I'm just having a hard time understanding your emulator Some help would be appreciated
  15. Yes but not traditional base-2 bitmasking, from Fool's description. If you want to compare things, you can use com and com-like functions so we'll add equ, geq and leq, and remove num. Your saying that we need "greater than" AND "greater than and equals" is actually the same thing, unless specifically different things, then use com. And if we add geq we should add leq So: equ, geq, leq
  16. I thought of adding binary functions but then decided they were unnecessary for the coding... that's what the com function is for, though we can simplify the com's unwanted parameters by adding the equ, geq and leq functions if you want
  17. Yep ;D Then the Hexquake would be standard 70% - 30%
  18. I ran a test against my Eviscerator, Swarm at line 1, Eviscerator at line 99 (entirely by chance!) and the Eviscerator won in the second round Lol so I redid it (this time the Ev got placed at 162), but then in the usual first copy, the Swarm copied a huge chunk of text. I copied what it resulted in and compared with the original code, and came the conclusion that my emulator coughed out at one point and copied the rest in, however it wasn't exactly the same, some numbers seemed to have been reduced before it died (quite a lot actually, but the Swarm had too many nested functions for it to handle). The only other possibility was that there was a faulty parentheses or comma in the Swarm somewhere, but after taliesin said it works fine on his, it just means my emulator can't handle it So we'll have to do any Swarm runs in taliesin's ;D In the future lets try not to create uberfunctions unless absolutely necessary, hehe btw taliesin do you mind reposting the link to your emulator? Also check out posts 155 & 156 And I'm planning a Tournament, bracket-style, where each person must enter a program. Thus it must be able to fight many different types of opponents. It would be unreality-run, which means the program needs to work on my emulator () and all programs would be PMed to me (don't worry about me cheating, I haven't changed a single line of the Eviscerator's code since I made it a few days ago). However I would want 4 or 8 people involved, maybe 6 with byes? Not sure. Also, for each match, there will be 5 games each with a different random starting point, in case a program gets lucky. But for that we need everyone involved in this to PM out and get more people to join I know that vimil is interested, and we need to get Mekal and Frozen back in, and Sinistral, and Ben Law maybe, and anyone else ;D In the meantime if anyone wants to challenge my Eviscerator they can, though I'm hesitant to give out the code
  19. Fool: off the top of my head I can think of one way to make your program more efficient, reducing it by 1 line and also reducing by 1 the number of rounds to any step, but the change is minor to the overall appearance and it would still have the same nested functions. After all your hard work on the Swarm, I have no doubt that it's compact as it can be in all other regards, though maybe the new functions I proposed above can help (equ, geq, leq - basically shorthand coms).
  20. You were at 0 Shield Points at the end of the round, from various factors. But even if you had been at 1, you would still would've died of course ;D
  21. Oh yeah you're right! Good catch! Roster: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 5 5) GC - 6 6) Panther - 4 7) Dawh - 7 8) DMS - 6 Nobody paralyzed for Round Six! (which shall end in about 23 hours)
  22. If we simplified com, which would we simplify? I mainly use "=" and ">", the first two options, as the same, with "<", the third option, as different, though in other cases I use "=" as one thing and "<" and ">" as the same. I rarely have all three different, but they're all necessary because you don't know which combination you'll have. If you knew that one of them would never ever happen, you could just put in "0" instead of whatever you would want it do IN CASE that happened, if you knew that wouldn't happen. We can't simplify com, but I could make two more functions: equ(w,x,y,z) Compares w & x. If equal, y, if not equal, z geq(w,x,y,z) Compares w & x. If greater OR equal, y, if less, z leq(w,x,y,z) Compares w & x. If lesser OR equal, y, if greater, z And also remove the 'num()' function, it's not needed. If we're ever doing a VNA size other than 200 and max size other than 30, all will be notified. No more num() function What do you guys think about the above function ideas?
  23. ~~~ Round Five ~~~ Dawh (roster spot = -1) Freeze: GC Shield: foolonthehill Curse: PG Coup de Grace: Frost Flummox: GC Vacuum: Panther Spell of Choice: Ascension Frost Freeze - dawh Shield - Panther Curse - Dragonjest22 Coup de Grace - Dragonjest22 Flummox - dawh Vacuum - PG Quid Pro Quo II FIF [Paralyzed] CL Freeze - dawh Shield - Frost Curse - foolonthehill Coup de Grace - foolonthehill Flummox Vacuum Aqua Excessum PG * Freeze - Mekal * Shield - DMS * Curse - Cherry Lane * Coup de Grace - FOH * Flummox - Frost * Vacuum - Dawh * Hexquake GC [did not PM] Panther Shield - Frost Curse - Foolonthehill Coup de Grace - Foolonthehill Assassin Bolt Dragonjest22 [Paralyzed] Foolonthehill [Paralyzed] Mekal * Freeze - PG * Shield - GC * Curse - frost * Coup de Grace - CL * Flummox - PG * Vacuum - Dawh * SOC-Magelore DMS Freeze:dawh Shield: Frost Curse: dragonjest Coup de Grace: dragonjest Flummox:dawh Vacuum:mekal Spell of Choice: Aqua Vida * Vacuums: both Frost and Mekal succeeded - two people! And I didn't even double the chance, though that would've been cool ** Frost's Vacuum sucks up all spells cast by PG ** Mekal's Vacuum sucks up all spells cast on Dawh * No Magnetic Surges, normal Flummox chance. No Flummoxes succeeded! * PG and Mekal Froze each other, except PG's spells were vacuumed so only PG and GC were frozen for next round (GC was frozen by Dawh) * After applying Curses and Shields: (ignoring spells cast by PG and on Dawh) Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 5 ** 5) GC - 6 ** 6) Panther - 4 7) Dragonjest22 - 0 8) foolonthehill - 0 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 After Frost's Quid Pro Quo II (was going to apply PG's Hexquake as well, but then realized she was Vacuumed), and then Aqua Vida [but Aqua Excessum was cast, thus it's -2 not +2]. It doesn't apply to 0 SP people cuz then it'd be worthless, so it was picked randomly between Frost (3 SP) and Mekal (he had 4 SP before, but had 3 after Frost's QPQ II). Even for Frost, odd for Mekal, the All-Knowing Die chose 5, thus Mekal ended up with 3-2, or 1 SP: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 5 ** 5) GC - 6 ** 6) Panther - 4 7) Dragonjest22 - 0 8) foolonthehill - 0 9) Mekal - 1 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 Frost and DMS Coup de Graced Dragonjest22, CL Coup de Graced Fool... but more importantly, Panther Coup de Graced Fool, and also used Assassin Bolt, which means Panther Coup de Graced Dragonjest22, Fool AND Mekal, since they were the the three adjacent names centered on Fool (whom Panther targeted). Remember that, in the Double Round, you can be Coup de Graced if you have 1 Shield Point!!! After Coup de Graces: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 5 ** 5) GC - 6 ** 6) Panther - 4 7) Dragonjest22 - DEAD 8) foolonthehill - DEAD 9) Mekal - DEAD 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 Sorry Dragonjest, Fool and Mekal You guys played a great game, and better luck next time [if the Mage Duel chamber isn't shaken apart first lol] The new roster: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 5 ** 5) GC - 6 ** 6) Panther - 4 7) Dawh - 7 8) DMS - 6 ** = Frozen Congratulations to the remaining 8! With three enemy mages out of the way, your competition has been reduced and you're that much closer to the ultimate victory. The game is intensifying and spells are heating up!! How far will you make it? Also, we cannot forget Mekal's Magelore spell, even if he's dead. His parting gift before tearing into pure arcane energy is a new Spell of Choice: Rain of Dual Bombardment! * Spell of Choice - for this spell, you choose from your diverse arsenal of magic: [None of these spells have specific targets, they affect the group as a whole] ** Hexquake - everyone either loses 1 Shield Point (70%) or gains 1 (30%), including yourself ** Magelore - unlocks a new Spell of Choice for everyone to use ** Aqua Vida - gives 2 Shield Points to the mage with the least amount of SP, if there are multiple mages of that amount then the target is chosen randomly from those people ** Magnetic Surge - all Flummoxes move up by 4%. Ie, originally they have a 25% chance. For each Magnetic Surge cast in the round, however, the chance increases by 4%. This value is totaled before the Flummoxes are rolled ** Quid Pro Quo I - everyone that cast Shield on you during the round gains 1 Shield Point themselves ** Quid Pro Quo II - everyone that cast Curse on you during the round loses 1 Shield Point themselves ** Ascension - [takes effect before anything else] during the round that you used it in, your rank is as if it subtracted 11. For example, the 11th person becomes 11-11 = rank 0. The 8th person becomes 8-11 = -3. This gives the upper hand in Vacuums and Flummoxes ** Assassin Bolt - your Coup de Grace spell is amplified to affect not just the person you selected but the person above and below them, ignoring Vacuums on either of the three targets or on you. This takes affect no matter what, even if you are one of the adjacent victims (remember that Coup de Grace only succeeds if someone's SP is 0, and Assassin Bolt just triples the Coup de Graces you get and makes them unstoppable) ** Vacuum Warp - [takes effect after Ascension, before Vacuums] this spell will affect the Vacuum-type chance. Normally it's 1/2 and 1/2 whether the Vacuum will absorb all spells cast ON the person or all spells cast BY the person. When you cast Vacuum Warp, you change the chances to 70% & 30%, weighted in either direction, which you choose (for example, "Vacuum Warp - 70% spells cast on me, 30% spells cast by me") ** Aqua Excessum - this spell poisons the reviving water of the Aqua Vida spell, causing it to take away 2 Shield Points from the lowest instead of giving 2 SPs. Aqua Excessum obviously has no effect if Aqua Vida is not cast in the same round ** Rain of Dual Bombardment - harness of the power of weather to bring a ripple of devastating energy into the Duel Chamber! Not only does the Rain of Dual Bombardment bring about a Double Round the next round IF and only if EXACTLY TWO Dual Bombardment spells are cast, regardless of that, the Rain morphs the power of the other natural disaster spell: Hexquakes. The Rain allows you to transfer up to 5% of one the chances to the other, and multiple people using Rain all combine their effects on Hexquake. The Rain of Dual Bombardment may cause other random, adverse changes on the Hexquake spell as well
  24. Round Five results coming
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