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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Seriously? No I mean, seriously? In a serious tone, did you seriously? lol I'm actually being serious - did you send it in?
  2. Ah, I concede You can end the day now if you want, Itachi ;D It was tough playing a baddie in this game... especially because Crazypainter screwed me over before I even started playing. I couldn't really cover for what she said. Oh and for the record I really wasn't trying to make myself seem like Shikamaru, in fact I hadn't even looked at what every role does or what they were called, I was just trying to instill a sense of knowledge Of course it didn't work because apparently the role everyone thought I was pretending to be (which I wasn't) turned out to be Mekal's role, so yeah I got pwned ;D So, uh, good luck fellow baddies I think it's a close game and it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Good luck to the innocents too (I was hoping to be an innocent ), I did give you a free innocent identity at least, you should be glad ;D Anyway, sayonara, it was fun while it lasted You guys are getting darned good at nailing baddies, hehe
  3. I'm almost done with the intro, it's pretty epic/awesome It might be a bit on the long side too, but I introduce all of the good characters and one of the neutral characters. Any ideas/comments/suggestions on when I should host it?
  4. Hehe Anyway, first of all, let me state that I love to make long posts. Everyone that knows me knows this, and it is absolutely no grounds for voting for me. In fact it is rediculous grounds, and anyone voting for me 'because I made long posts' is growing more suspicious and silly by the second. There looks to be a lot of villanious manipulation in the votes for me, and ignorant innocents are blindly following suit. But despite this (or perhaps because of it, to stop this silliness) I shall rebuff your claims: ...what? I'm not pretending to be anyone. I tried not to give any hints about my role, but some slipped out, but I was definitely not trying to suggest that I was Shikamaru. Either go back and actually read what I said, or drop your vote ...? I never expressed such surprise. Honestly, making unfounded claims like this is downright treacherous to the innocents. We need to lynch a baddie today, or we lose! And what if I was surprised? Whether or not I expressed surprise in my posts, I actually was a little surprised. I expected at least one person to die on the first night as in usual mafia games. How does this make me suspicious at all? I did know something about her - or thougth I did. I know, pretty much from the beginning, that either Kat or Wally West was innocent. Part role, part deduction, part calculated guesswork. I had you (WW) on my 'suspicion list' from some of your early posts, so I figured that Kat had to be the innocent one. But now that I know Kat was a villain, I know for a FACT that Wally West is an innocent, which is why it's even more agonizing and frustrating that he's leading the charge agaisnt me! Again, I was not suggesting or trying to be Shikamaru. I don't even know what Shikamaru does, other than make riddles lol. Honestly, that's not my role (obviously), and my role is an innocent role, a pretty cool one actually. Don't you think you should either have actual valid reasons or unfocus a little and look for real baddies? They're everywhere but here (as in unreality), my friends WHAT? This is infuriating! I was one of the main pressurers against PM, my posts were very incriminating and even threatening toward him. But then, in case you mysteriously skipped over itachi's announcement, he said there were only a few hours left in the day (something like 7). It was already later in the afternoon for me and there was no way that PM was coming on and then me coming on [at least I didn't think so], so I didn't want to accidentally lynch PM in case he was just inactive, so I switched to Kat. Later Prince Marth actually wasn't inactive, and actually DID come on, and by luck I came on a little after him and was able to switch my vote to FIF, although I expressed concern that he may have been lying or still be a villain, I never blindly followed anything of course. Then WW, I think, said the plan about killing FIF at night, and I agreed with that so I switched my vote to Kat and we lynched Kat instead
  5. Well said Unless of course I was stranded on the island with 'em to set them straight ;D
  6. Hmm, I'm conflicted. Wally West makes a good point - which role is the one you're talking about?
  7. unreality

    GC: a cation is a positive particle, anion is negative. Though those are not particles actually, they are ions (ie, charged molecules, which may have more than one atom which are made of smaller particles). Negative particles would be either electrons or something like that ;D
  8. Well they believe it cuz their religion tells them to, at least that's there conscious reason for it. But I think you're right about how we think we have a soul - we're just arrogant and see ourselves as 'better' than other animals, and a good way to personify our intelligence and 'superiority' is by assigning something like a soul to explain our own behavior
  9. hopefully PM isn't lying to us (about FIF) Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF 2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru] 3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth 4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Kat 5) Kat -voting for Prince Marth 6) Prince Marth - Voting for FIF 7) Laharl - voting for Kat 8) unreality - voting for FIF 9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat 10) woon - voting for Dawh 11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth 12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat 13) GC - voting for Kat 14) Brandonb - voting for FIF 15) FIF - voting for Kat 16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth 17) Sinistral - voting for Kat
  10. I'm changing my vote. It's unlikely that PM will come on AND that I will come as well after that within 7 hours, so if he does reveal who Kisame is, I won't be able to change my vote Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF 2) Mekal -DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru] 3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth 4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Kat 5) Kat -voting for Prince Marth 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl - voting for Kat 8) unreality - voting for Kat 9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat 10) woon - voting for Dawh 11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth 12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat 13) GC - voting for Kat 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat 15) FIF - voting for Kat 16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth 17) Sinistral - voting for Kat So I'm switching to Kat. BUT, if PM does not reveal Kisame tomorrow either, he has to go... either he's uber-inactive for three days in a row OR he's deliberately witholding a very important piece of information. And he's not inactive cuz he's posted twice within the last 24 hours. That leaves only the latter option... [edit typo]
  11. How much time is left in the day, Itachi? edit: lol nvm
  12. Exactly And what about Phineas Gage? or things like Alzheimers and stuff? Do people with Alzheimers suddenly have full minds again after death? How do "souls" store memories? Do your brain's memories "transfer" over to your soul's memories after you die? You can't just make the assertion that a soul exists without some serious back-up and explanation about how the soul is compatible with the brain (which is proven to be the organ of thinking, memory, emotion, personality, logic, analysis, self-awareness, etc)
  13. kat didn't get my vote: Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF 2) Mekal - DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru] 3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat - voting for Prince Marth 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - voting for Prince Marth 9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat 10) woon - voting for Dawh 11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth 12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat 13) GC - voting for Kat 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat 15) FIF 16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth 17) Sinistral - voting for Kat
  14. I agree with Wally West - PM for sure learned the identity of Kisame, without a doubt. First of all the chance was 75-100%, but as WW quoted, the name was definitely revealed. Thus PM knows - the only reason that he hasn't come on to post is if he's inactive (... in that case, he isn't much use, but I doubt it) or trying to hide the info. Either way we need to pressure him out of it: Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for FIF 2) Mekal - DEAD executed and found to be [shikamaru] 3) Dawh - voting for Prince Marth 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - voting for Prince Marth 9) Joe's Student - voting for Kat 10) woon - voting for Dawh 11) Panther - voting for Prince Marth 12) Cherry Lane- voting for Kat 13) GC - voting for Kat 14) Brandonb - voting for Kat 15) FIF 16) Wally West - voting for Prince Marth 17) Sinistral - voting for Kat If PM waits too long, we'll end up lynching him instead of Kat (a known villain), so for the good of the innocents he better cough up soon [edit: color code]
  15. ~~~ Vote Results ~~~ Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost/Dawh - Panther/DMS 2) Frozen in Fire - Panther 3) CL - Panther 4) PG - DMS 5) GC - Panther 6) Dragonjest22 - Panther 7) foolonthehill - DMS 8) Mekal - DMS 9) Dawh - DMS we're tied Though the Frost/Dawh combo was leaning toward DMS, so DMS wins by a smudgeon as Panther's previous actions come back from the grave ;D however, Panther won the SP-game by 1 and DMS won the vote-game by 1, it really should be a tie I say... TIE! :D Good job DMS and Panther!!! I know I made a few slip -ups as a host, but hopefully they were all correct, I hope everyone had fun ;D
  16. Whoo, this game is complex I just finished finalizing most of the roles, I have to look over them all again, and make sure it's balanced and stuff. And write the intro while I'm at it As for when I'll host it, I still have no idea ;D
  17. Octopuppy, I agree with all that you said (except a minor detail about why we don't remember our childhoods - that's because our brains aren't full hardwired/connected/developed/etc I'm reading an article in Natl Geographic right now about memory, actually)
  18. Hehe I just need Frost/Dawh and Mekal now ;D
  19. You can't vote for both ;D And PM me your vote, I'll post them all when I have them
  20. unreality

    Very very well said, doublewulf Were you thinking of the 'Gregor' books when talking about prophecies?
  21. Remember this exchange: *Unreality returns with the bodies he "cleaned up" and they're alive! All of them were resurrected! Each of the 9 former mages are the jury for the winner of the game: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost/Dawh 2) Frozen in Fire 3) CL 4) PG 5) GC 6) Dragonjest22 7) foolonthehill 8) Mekal 9) Dawh The final winner, between Panther and DMS, shall be decided by those they fought against and outlasted - former alliances, betrayals and backstabbings all come into play. Each person will vote for who they want to win, and whoever has more votes win (Dawh gets one vote by himself and one vote to discuss with Frost and decide) Good luck to the both of you ;D I'm PMing them all now
  22. Yes, congratulations PANTHER!!!!! :P If there were more emoticon selections, I would dazzle you with an array of smilie faces, but alas those will have to do ;D Good job, and good job to everyone that played *rrrrr* rewind Didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you? NOT. [Wait a sec for my next post]
  23. Good point! I feel like an idiot now... I thought that Kat was a good guy, but if she isn't... well now I know the identity, for sure, of one good person. I can't say because (1) it might give away my role, and (2) with everyone suspecting me, me naming someone as a "good guy" would probably just make them suspicious and ruin their chances to help the team - cuz they're an important player, too But anyway, back to me. I swear I'm an innocent... I have nothing to back it up obviously, so that's really the best I can give you
  24. Obviously (unless someone tries some radical strategy) you will X the opponent and Z yourself. This causes a net 0 balance - which is where the Y comes in. Basically each round boils down to whether to Y_X yourself or Y_Z yourself. Results, not counting the -1 subtraction afterwards: Person A Y_X Person B Y_X Both lose 1 (with subtraction: -2 each) Person A Y_X Person B Y_Z net 0 (with subtraction: -1 each) Person A Y_Z Person B Y_Z both gain 1 (with subtraction: ±0 each) I agree, both people lose/gain the same amount in every scenario. The only way is if someone either does Y_Y to themselves (ie, nullifying their Y) or to the other person (making the other person's Y_Y quadruple) while the other person does not. If Panther does Y_X on himself for the rest of the game he has the game in the bag Well it looks like I was right about the best strategy happening when there are three people Because Panther and DMS are so close, I think we should share the victory, though Panther getting a bigger slice of course What do you think? Good job to everyone that played!!! It was a fun little experiment ;D
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