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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    it's a toughie - I came up with a few attempts, all of which failed: print do 2 print do 2 do 2 print do 2 do 2 do 2 failz (a few that grew exponentially) so I decided to make a template: state A state B both are in the form of either "print x" or "do y print x", where x printed (once OR y times) produces the other state on a knack I dont think they can both start with "do", or at least don't have to. So the first one could start with print print x x must thus be a command that produces "print x"... I think I've found it: (half my template, half random insight)
  2. unreality

    prime: yeah I was going beyond the riddle, having 'new' represent whatever OS was actually being used. As for the alternator, I see my mistake now. Some sort of combination produced an alternator, but maybe I was mistaken. That's a good task for the continuation of this riddle then: making an alternator out of do and print
  3. unreality

    i know this is a very old topic but I remembered it the other day while shoveling the driveway (I need something to think about whenver I'm doing anything mindless ) and tried to recall what vimil's solution had been and ended up reinventing the wheel so to speak for the quine: do 2 print do 2 print I defined 'do x cmd' as running 'cmd' x times. 'print' will print to the screen (on the same line always) everything that follows it, and assume that's the end of the line as everything that follows it is taken as a string. When I finished the driveway, I defined a new language composed of ONLY 'do' and 'print' and each program can only be a single line. The next "iteration" a program is running the printed output from the previous iteration these are some programs I made with it: quine = do 2 print do 2 print alternator = print do 2 print do 2 expander = do 3 print do 3 print reducer = do 1 print do 1 print I think the ONLY quine that can exist is "do 2 print do 2 print"... larger indexed ones grow infinitely and many others shrink to nonexistence by eventually printing a blank for the next generation if there's some sort of virus with an extra command process called "attack" you could place it within the quine like this: attack do 2 print attack do 2 print this would attack, then print "attack do 2 print" twice to replicate itself... you could do any set of additional commands along with the replication if the commands are called "c" are placed exactly like this: c do 2 print c do 2 print then I thought... hmm, an ideal virus or digital organism would want to reproduce and continue existing, so maybe a command called "new" would create a new process and then subsequent "prints" would write to all open programs (the next generation of the current one plus all newly created ones). Thus a program that doubles each iteration: new do 2 print new do 2 print but what if the new program had to be "started up" with a command called 'run' (the current one just continues with the next generation)? Is it possible? You couldn't just do "new run" as it would run a blank program and then close it, dying off i wonder what would happen if a program was created to simulate an environment of these organisms filled with random combinations of the commands (do, print, etc) and numbers after 'do' if necessary... then "releasing" them and seeing which ones survive. I may do that
  4. unreality

    from what I can tell, the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012, but rather a very large time period of it does. For the Mayans this wasn't an apocalyptic prophecy but it would've been a huge festival (if they lived to 2012) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayan_calendar http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2007-...maya-2012_n.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8yMXINOh8U
  5. so? So is A&D and almost every other (non-children's) book. What matters more is how good it is - and at least to me, Fragile Things doesn't seem very appealing. I would be willing to read A&D again, although right now I'm reading Xenocide (book 3 of ender) and Slaughterhouse Five
  6. unreality

    Macs > PCs for me.. for a couple reasons. First, there is no such thing as a Mac virus... if you find one, PM it to me as an attachment, I'll download it and see if it lasts .002 seconds or if it works at all If you can write a Mac virus you'll go down as a genius. Macs use a more secure UNIX foundation (similar to Linux structure) and are more structurally sound. Think of Windows like a leaky boat with lots of holes (thus all the "patches"), while Mac is a sturdy ship (no patches issued, no safety updates necessary). Linux is better than Mac AND windows for server stuff and internet stuff, though (that wasn't an option). For me, the Mac operating system is so much smoother and easier to find stuff than the windows layout, but I understand that's just a personal preference and depends on what you're used to. But for me I feel like I have control over my mac whereas a PC has weird things hidden in weird folders that don't entirely make sense. Also, Macs are much faster per megabyte space than PCs - this could just be a ram thingy, but on many PCs I've used, it takes forever to do simple tasks. So I'm mostly pro-Mac, but there is one major thing that is pro-Pc as well: games and applications. So much more stuff is compatible with only PCs. However macs are increasing in popularity so mac stuff is too, so it's not that bad and yeah some Mac mice have right click (and superduper spherical scroll wheel that can go in all directions), others just have a single button but can be manipulated with other buttons (like option or control)
  7. unreality

    That would take some serious modding, and as you said would destroy some of the day constructs of mafia.
  8. unreality

    it's not my game, and i was just kidding *swiftly hides knife behind back* *waits*
  9. unreality

    *twiches* *looks at kitchen knife rack* *twitches*
  10. unreality

    All of these "high school rants" do not define my high school at all... maybe they do for the junior high or even freshman, but for older grades, all lines are blurred. There are no "groups" or "cliques" and everyone just grows up. Usually it happens before high school (at least in my area). Actually my whole area is surprisingly friendly lol, save for a few jack@sses About Frost's post: yeah I totally agree - it's not really annoying to me to scroll past it, but what is annoying is that most people know it's courtesy to not quote big posts, but do it anyway
  11. unreality

    In this world, the rich get what they want - it's just how it works in a capitalist society. It's not really that bad for the rest of us - the rich kids don't need to get scholarships or anything, so it's not like they suck that money up
  12. I finished Speaking for the Dead the other day, it was pretty good I have the next book but I'm going to read another book first, one that I've been meaning to (Slaughterhouse-Five). But yeah, what is the next official book?
  13. unreality

    if you have access to the programs' source codes, you could optimize them - but only if you knew the language that they're written in. What kind of programs are you talking about here?
  14. unreality

    d3k3: lol The sad thing is, you really do hear that kind of stuff sometimes
  15. unreality

    good for you Always question ;D my only rant is against this one dumb feature of Firefox: when something causes it to crash for whatever reason, when you start it the second time, it prompts to "restore to previous session", it's even the default flashing button... like, whaat? Am I missing something here? Why would you want to return to the exact same state that caused it to crash last time?
  16. unreality

    i hate FOIL... I never use any of those methods (FOILing, synthetic, completing the square, quadratic formula, etc), I just do it in my head ~ unless I absolutely can't figure it out, then I use the quadratic
  17. unreality

    Yeah - here in the US, religion is a big deal, much bigger than in most other countries (not counting like Vatican City ), and a lot of things go unpunished
  18. unreality

    yeah that lockdown stuff is really dumb sometimes omg I feel you. Wow. I wonder if that was a publicity stunt or if she was really that twisted
  19. unreality

    haha, the other day I slowed down for a stop sign, and some impatient jack*ss swerved around me to the left, sped up, and passed me back to the right - it's not like I was going slow, I was even going a little above the speed limit
  20. unreality

    has anyone ever used one of those "other" browsers, like Opera, Maxthon, Flock, etc?
  21. unreality

    Star Wars Mafia II

    no thanks (I'm a bit busy), but thank you for the offer
  22. unreality

    Star Wars Mafia II

    not to interrupt in a game I'm not part of, but if you're reshuffling the roles, than some players will have knowledge of other roles' secret abilities
  23. on wikipedia, everything is attempted to be cited as much as possible. The superscript numbers in closed brackets are citation numbers, and should be like a minilink. If you click on it, it pops you down to the references section at the bottom and highlight the link that the information came from
  24. yeah me too My confidence is more placed in source code than in word games... the list of letters reduces it a lot, and one of the functions reveals how the subdirectory should be entered - so it reveals more than some people think ;D
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