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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0
  2. unreality

    Ooh if nothing else is working on the kids, tell em they'll go to hell if they don't join up! You're sad. It saddens me to see people like you. People who think they know the truth. You know what I know? I know that's impossible to know anything. There are no absolutes. That makes the world so beautiful, so complex, so alive. Your world is stale, one-purposed, singular, redundant, a pointless game wrapped in a shell of sweet quick-n-easy sells to capture unwitting persons. Religion is a beaurocratic mess. God exists in your mind because you want answers to questions that have no external answers but only internal ones. I want you to be happy, to believe what you want to believe. But you're so backed in a corner right now that you think the answer to a silly question about dead bodies is the key to your god's existence. Your proof of a God should be so much more powerful and vibrant. But clearly it's not
  3. unreality

    We have given you many answers, you just stubbornly ignore them. THAT is interesting. YES. You can write a book about anything and it will fly. It's legal to write falsehoods, even to make a religion on them. There are hundreds of religions. For the sake of the argument say there are 1000 religions in the world (even though there are thousands more). You think 999 are false and 1 true. I just go the one further. One less Holy Book that's "true" out of hundreds of so-called holy books.
  4. unreality

    Not what Lord of the Rings said either. very very few people. Possibly nobody. It was possibly fiction, a metaphor, a simile, a hyperbole, any number of things. It was written down; doesn't mean it was true.
  5. unreality

    not entirely true. The pre-Islam, muslim-Meccans, had 100s of gods (idols) but when Muhammad reformed and created Islam, he brought the idea of One True God and no man would be on equivalent with God. Much like the Old Testament acknowledged the existence of many multiple gods, however it only allowed the worship of one of those gods - Yahweh. And I did answer the question, see above post
  6. unreality

    yes you compared Muhammad & Buddha to Jesus & Hindu Gods. That is an incorrect comparison assuming that's true, so why Christianity over them? I was never asked before, you were asking Izzy. But to be honest I don't care what happened to his body. Maybe it was robbed, burned, or resurrected by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It doesn't matter. A disappearing body is no proof to justify an entire religion.
  7. unreality

    you obviously have little to no knowledge of other religions: 1) Muhammad is not prayed to by Muslims. In fact the entire religion of Islam came about as a response to idolatry (worshipping things that are not true God(s)). The city of Mecca was full of marketplace-idolatry, with gods and commerce intertwined. Muhammad was said to be visited by the archangel to bring "Allah"s will to the people. The Quran is supposed to be an exact copy of a book existing in heaven, transmitted to Muhammad by the angel. You may have heard that Muslims do not like Muhammad to be portrayed, in picture/movie/sound/etc, not even reverently - because THEY DO NOT WORSHIP MUHAMMAD. They accept Jesus as a prophet, Muhammad as a greater prophet, but the whole thing with Islam is "submission" (that's what the word 'islam' means) to the greater being, Allah. To them, it's ridiculous and insulting to suggest that humans like Jesus and Muhammad can have godlike status. Hence you are confusing your own Christian beliefs and do not understand that Muslims worship no man as a god but rather God as God. Muhammad lived like a man and died like a man; he was no god. So yes his grave is full and the Muslims are okay with that. They believe Jesus was not resurrected either. 2) Buddha was also not a god. There is no official god in Buddhism, rather a life force and energy of the Universe. Buddhism can actually be incorporated as a life philosophy into many other religions. Buddha became enlightened, reaching a state that any human can reach (though some sects of Buddhism hold that it takes multiple cycles of reincarnation to reach nirvana and become freed from the cycle). But Buddha is no god, and Buddha died as the man he was. A great man, yes. An intelligent man, yes. A man that brought words of wisdom to a whole subcontinent and SE asia, yes yes yes. But he has never been considered a God even by the most devout of Buddhists, just like Muslims think of Muhammad as a messenger not a god 3) Hindus do not pray to 'one thing', they pray to hundreds of deities. These gods and goddesses all represent different things (many things) and have lots of stories, legends, folk lore, etc. Certain gods are attributed to certain weather, situations, elements, geographic regions, etc. Hinduism is the third most populous religion on earth. Chances are you if you were born in India, you would be a Hindu. So, since you knew so little about these MAJOR religions, how can you say that Christianity is the way for you? Maybe there is a loving ever-present God - but perhaps you're wrong about the way He/She/It manifests itself. Maybe Christianity is wrong and one of the others is right. How can you know if you haven't explored other options?
  8. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0
  9. unreality

    And you believe because you choose to? It all comes down to faith, that's what it boils down to. Are you saying that Muslims are wrong? That Hindus are wrong? That Buddhists are wrong? edit: and EDM, there's a major difference between OBEs and NDEs.
  10. unreality

    Oh cmon now you're acting childish. I never said I hate god, I said that no god has appeared to me in any concrete fashion defying what I have so far learned about my universe. I have no reason to believe in a God. Asking an atheist if they hate God is like asking an adult if they like the way Santa Claus laughs. It's an irrelevant question. I simply have no belief in an intelligent being guiding the events of our universe. It's certainly possible that a being created the universe but it has no active participation in it - as Einstein said "the only miracle is that there are no miracles". So I am an atheist who would accept deism as a legitimate possibility. The natural framework of existence itself needs no god but rather is the god. So saying i hate your capitalized God is ludicrous. Your god does not exist except as a framework in your mind to explain things that happen to you in the world
  11. unreality


    ok so we've got: _ A B O O color - (1) codes - (0) colon - (1) oiler - (0) bloat - (0) above - (0) decor - (1) santa - (1) panda - (1) palor - (2) twist - (0) favor - (2) kazoo - (3) races - (1) rodeo - (1) taboo - (4) hmmm Naboo? the planet in star wars?
  12. unreality

    Oh I have asked, believe me. Do you then expect me to take any kind of random phenomenon and try to attach them to make them into a meaningful intelligent picture?
  13. unreality


    twist got zero so it's the B
  14. unreality


    and _ A _ O O color - (1) codes - (0) colon - (1) oiler - (0) bloat - (0) above - (0) decor - (1) santa - (1) panda - (1) palor - (2) twist - (0) favor - (2) kazoo - (3) races - (1) rodeo - (1)
  15. unreality


    Oh wow I didn't see that you scored KAZOW, the KAZOO -> KAZOW (3 -> 2) is enough to get the last O but in AIM you told me kazow wasn't a word, so I had to go with the RACES/RODEO route. Dang
  16. unreality


    as i expected. Last letter is O races has 1 from the a, so R is not first letter. Hence "rodes" if it were a word would be a 0 because of "codes = 0" and R is not first letter. So rodes -> rodeo goes from 0 to 1, only thing changing is switching to O in the last spot so last letter is O
  17. unreality


    second letter is A palor is 2, 1 is from the o the final R is not the other 1 cuz color only had 1 (its o) the middle L is not the other 1 cuz of oiler=0 either the P or A has to be the letter. Now if it was P, panda's 1 would be due to the P and that would make _ANDA all zeroes for a non-P underscore, making SANTA =1 impossible, because _AN_A is identical to PANDA, the second to last letter is already O. So if the first letter were P (and we know the second to last letter is O) then we know that of PANDA, the P is the scorer, hence it's not the _ANTA in SANTA, it has to be S. But a letter cannot be S and P at the same time. Proof by contradiction - the second letter is A
  18. unreality

    hambone I don't want to make this thread a religious debate but I am really curious; could you send me a PM?
  19. unreality

    dawh, Libertarianism is not outright lawless anarchism, and it's still democracy. It's just an improved form where the government isn't so bloated and self-righteous and the people have more freedoms.
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