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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    The prisoners are to enter the room and move the clock exactly three (3) hours backwards or forwards. They must choose one and may not try to communicate with the others in any fashion (aside from changing the time). edit: nevermind, Tuckerton's solution still works. You can retain the state by simply moving the dial to the other position within the same state!
  2. unreality


    Prince Marth you've fallen into the same trap that others have - in general the phrase "have in common" is a sign of an illogical proof. Sometimes by accident it works out but you have to show why. In the simplest case: GRAPE - 1 SPARK - 1 the only thing they have in common is the center A. Does that mean A is the middle letter? Not necessarily. It COULD mean that. But it could also be the G in GRAPE and the K from SPARK. Or a whole bunch of other combinations. ~~~ In general the best way to prove a word is to start with a word that's in "one excess", that is, of its grade (1,2,3, or 4), all of those numbers are accounted for as previously-filled-in-letters EXCEPT FOR ONE. Then you look at remaining letters - if N is the grade it got, you'll have to look at the remaining 6-N letters and eliminate 5-N of them, leaving just the single letter that could logically be the desired letter. To eliminate a letter you find a word with "no excess" - either a Zero or a number with all the numbers accounted for previously-filled-in-letters. This word has the letter you want to eliminate in the spot you want to eliminate it from. Sometimes proofs are more convoluted (like dawh's just now) but the above is the simplest way edit ~ I haven't acutally looked at your proof. Yours could be one of those that works out properly. I will right now though
  3. unreality

    hey, welcome to the Den A while ago I was a Dungeon Master too, it's fun and creative... but challenging (yet rewarding) haha. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here
  4. unreality


    I propose a variant that could be entitled 'SPEED TOURNEY ROLLO' It's not a free-for-all like open ROLLO; rather people must "enter" if they want to play. Everyone is on at the same time and the host must be super active with basically nothing other to do than refresh and grade and update. Anyway to enter you must have at least 50 points - 40 for the initial "blind" (ie - all entrants put 40 points into "the pot") and 10 or so or more for guesses (see rules below). Rules of STR - each guess costs a player 1 point.(If you have no more points, no more guesses, uh oh. You could of course, loan points from someone - with an interest cost I'm sure lol). That point transfers from the guesser to the host. However, the first person to break the "one barrier" (ie the first to guess a word that gets scored a 1) gets 1 point back out of nowhere; the first person that gets the first 2 gets 2 points; etc; etc. If you guess a higher level barrier, you get all the available bonus points up to that level. For example, if player A breaks the 1-barrier they get 1 bonus point, then if player B gets the 4 barrier they get 2+3+4 points for breaking the 2nd,3rd and 4th barriers. Actually these numbers are tiny though, I'm thinking of multiplying by 5 or 10 actually for the bonus pts. ANyway there is no logicking - you only get points by breaking the grade barriers. Wheover guesses THE WORD first gets the +5 bonus points of course from breaking the 5 barrier, but they also win the tourney and get the pot.
  5. unreality


    Framm got it DEPTH PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 3 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2 DECKS - 2 PINTO - 1 PENNY - 1 DELAY - 2 DEPTH - 5 (not counting the messed up DENTS in my score), and giving Gylc +10 and Framm +25 (the extra +5 is from a correct logic despite my messing up) Unreality - 186 Izzy - 157 Framm - 121 Plainglazed - 85 Dawh - 61 t8t8t8 - 57 Abhisk - 20 Glycereine - 10 Prince Marth - 10 go for it Framm
  6. unreality


    again sorry about that. Glyc +10 Framm +10 DE*T* PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 3 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2 DECKS - 2 PINTO - 1 PENNY - 1 DELAY - 2 did you still want me to grade DEMMO?
  7. unreality


    oops I screwed up bad. DENTS is 3 We'll give Glyc another +5 because that was correct logic, it was just my fault DE*** PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 3 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2 DECKS - 2 PINTO - 1 PENNY - 1 DELAY - 2 sorry... if that 3 would have made people behave differently probably, I'll eliminate points from the following ones, or at least from zeroes like COUNT if you want
  8. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 2 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2 DECKS - 2 PINTO - 1 PENNY - 1 DELAY - 2
  9. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 2 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2 DECKS - 2 PINTO - 1 PENNY - 1
  10. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 2 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2 DECKS - 2 PINTO - 1
  11. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 2 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2 DECKS - 2
  12. unreality


    DE*** PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 2 COUNT - 0 DEFER - 2
  13. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1 DENTS - 2 congrats Glycereine on the D Glyc +5 Framm +5 DE***
  14. unreality


    *E*** PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2 ENTRY - 0 DRIVE - 1
  15. unreality


    *E*** PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1 DELVE - 2
  16. unreality


    Framm +5 *E*** PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1 BEGET - 1
  17. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0 AERIE - 1
  18. unreality


    by the way, I've written a computer program that hosts a game of ROLLO for you. I just need to tweak its ability to record your high score. But I'll post it when i finish
  19. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 BRAVE - 0 CRAVE - 0
  20. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0 BERRY - 1 The Ice is BROKENNN!!!!
  21. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0 ZZZZZ - 0
  22. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0 AIOLI - 0 STILL - 0
  23. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0 NICHE - 0 SPOIL - 0
  24. unreality


    PRAWN - 0 CHRIS - 0 FABLE - 0 ALLOY - 0
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