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Everything posted by unreality

  1. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant
  2. unreality

    Sorry that I've been busy lately, haven't been on much to reply to your PM- but I saw ads. Monthly subscriptions are a huge No-No. Forums are free- it's always been that way ;D just my 2 cents
  3. some problems I came up with... they may be easy, they may be hard, you decide: (1) You have exactly 2.3 oz of exactly 2.3 pH coca~cola in a large container... exactly how much water must be added to dilute the coke's the pH to 7? (2) You have a straight line- two points are picked randomly on the line and that is where the line will be broken- now you have three lines. What is the probability that you will be able to make a triangle out of these lines? (2-EXTRA) You don't have to do these if you don't want to, but they are some variations: What if you picked one random point, broke the line there, then picked another random point on the larger of two pieces to break it again? What about if you picked the second point on the smaller piece? What if it had a 1/2 chance for each piece after the first break to pick a point randomly on?
  4. unreality

    Can you do these for me? 10 11 12 1 0 -1 thanks!
  5. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from
  6. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing
  7. This is just like my Zarball Competition puzzle, right? with the properties of e
  8. A good idea in general, Itachi-san, but I've had lots of forum experience, and limiting people's posts isn't usually a good thing. Though this site is very, very specific towards riddles, so it might work here, I dont know- especially with the rapid growth on this site. Yeah, I dont know... good ideas though!
  9. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more odors discombobulated
  10. unreality

    Glad to join in I dont know about other atheists here, but I don't believe in any supernatural- sure there may be undiscovered things or species or whatever- but then they would natural, not supernatural. Anyway- so all that kind of stuff- like luck, destiny, etc. I think people that don't understand evolution ("how could a fish turn into a dog?" or whatever, probably not that exactly, but you know what I mean, lol) don't understand the TIME involved. They say "we believe in micro-evolution, like different species of horses"- but there is no microevolution or macroevolution. "Microevolution" would just be the more recent evolving of things- a fish doesnt just give birth to a dog (I dont even know if those are on a direct relation, I doubt it, I'm just saying this for clarity's sake), TIME TIME TIME. Think of the billions of years that our earth has gone through. anyway, yeah, so this isnt a debate, right? It's like a 'discussion'?
  11. from what I can tell the nth term is 2n/102n
  12. unreality

    religious debate

    what are you insinuating? Just curious, what are your personal beliefs? Theist? Atheist? Pantheist? (it was something like that, belief in the earth or something) How so? I'm not arguing this point, I think I agree with you, but I'm curious. "our civilization"- which civilization? I agree. That's exactly what I'm saying, that the flood didn't cover the whole Earth. So we're saying the same thing I didn't say it was a coincidence, ever. (btw I dont think the Aztecs told that story, but MANY religions did, I know what you mean ) But I did say it wasn't an act of God. Since I'm not sure your position in this debate (theist, atheist, etc) I'm not sure if we agree or disagree on this point, but what I said is that floods devastate early civilizations, they are horrible and kill many people, so people need a reason for this terrible natural disaster that they can't explain. So they make up an explanation. They say the God/Gods did it. It's certainly not a coincidence- just the opposite. In all civilizations that floods have effected (almost all of them) they have myths about floods.
  13. So are we gonna do this? or not?
  14. you mean via email? What email address should I send it to?
  15. unreality

    religious debate

    Crude weapons and other tools were found and dated to almost 10,000 years ago or more. I dont wanna argue this point, cuz it's true, but I'm just letting ya know, cuz you never said you actually agree with that part of the Bible good, we're on the same page then You should be proud... you are one of the most open-minded theists I've seen. Writersblock was up there too. You guys are the guiding light for your religions (or not, maybe that's why you're open-minded ) You are correct in that many religions all reference a flood that wiped out their civilization, which a god told a specific person that the flood was coming so they had time to build a boat and survive (or a gourd, in Japanese myth). Christianity, Greek, Japanese- all of those mythologies, and probably others, noted great floods as being disastrous and great killers. Do you think it's a coincidence that all of those civilizations are situated right next to great bodies of water? Find me an isolated religion set in the middle of the desert or plains with no rivers or big bodies of water nearby that references a flood, and I'll believe you. But you won't find it- if such a religion exists, the people that fabricated its myths wouldn't even know what a flood was. People talked about the destructive power of floods in awe and myth and made floods 'the wrath of the gods' because they were ancient peoples and they didnt understand WHY the flood was flooding and killing so many people. Was Hurricane Katrina an act of God? Did all those poor people sin? Was God cleansing New Orleans? I agree, much to rally against it. First of all, there's not enough water in our hydrosphere. Not even close. Do you know how much water that is? I'm listening the Aztecs were a big civilization, and their empire influenced much of South America. The Aztec culture, and thus all the blood sports and sacrificing they did were part of our human developement as a species. Are you going to practice sacrifice now? The Romans had blood lust games too. In the South (of the USA) they kept slaves, as they did all around the world for a while. Yes, everything in culture is important, but that doesn't mean we need to DO or FOLLOW our historic cultures. Are you going to expect a black man to do your dirty work for free cuz your ancestors did? Will you sacrifice a human to the Aztec gods? Yes, our culture should be revered and studied, but not necessarily practiced. Just because ancient cultures believed that floods were caused by the wrath of gods doesn't mean we should too
  16. unreality

    yikes. good point probably What if the fools are the people that said the other two quotes...? Dun dun dun! stale bread can get even staler It isnt. Is it? It does? Show me some proof! talk about audience participation. Or higher dimensions just the semantics... but that's funny. I wonder what the word origin is land isnt free
  17. unreality

    religious debate

    Good point, though Ploper wasn't being specific, he was just making a point. Duh Puck, are you saying the Bible is total truth? for example, what about a Flood that covered the entire Earth? Never happened in the history of our planet
  18. only 3 votes, I think we should wait for more
  19. I made a word document but now it says I cant upload it, and it has a bunch of superscript and subscript stuff and I dont want to convert to bbcode Is there any way I can get that file up here, cuz it followed thru with those formulas I just started... it's a Word document
  20. Well adding 9 is like incrementing the tens place by 1 and decrementing the ones place by 1 17 + 9 = 26 119 + 9 = 128 etc so adding a multiple of 9 is like doing that multiple times adding 27 (9*3) is like incrementing the tens place by 3 and decrementing the ones place by 3 example: 55 + 27 = 82 I'm still trying to see how this relates to this riddle, but I think there's probably a connection I did sorta find one in the other post: abc+cba = m9 + 2(cba) where m9 is any multiple of 9, abc is a number (of any amount of digits, i made it abc arbritrarily) and cba is its inverse on a different point, what IS inversing? abc would be a*b*c, so what I mean by abc must be: 100a+10b+c flipped is: 100c+10b+a so in a three-digit number, flipping means adding 99c and subtracting 99a is there some sort of pattern we can get for x amount of digits? a = a, no change needed, keep a the same 10a+b = 10b+a, you need to add 9b and subtract 9a 100a+10b+c = 100c+10b+a, you need to add 99c and subtract 99a, keep be the same 1000a+100b+10c+d = 1000d+100c+10b+a, you need to add 999d, add 90c, subtract 90b and subtract 999a 10000a+1000b+100c+10d+e = 10000e+1000d+100c+10b+a, you need to add 9999e, add 990d, keep c the same, subtract 990b, subtract 9999a yeah I see a pattern emerging....
  21. I'm the one making the rules as rookie said dont worry, they'll be short and sweet and to the point yeah I like Duh Puck's "Life, the Universe and Everything" idea... I think that's what the forum should be called wait, rookie, so are we going ahead with this idea or not?
  22. unreality

    religious debate

    Just to clarify, that d, $x and $y thing is NOT a reason for me (or anyone else) to be an atheist, at all, it's just a vague thing I thought of just now to disprove Pascal's Wager. But we already know his Wager has been debunked. So ignore that lol, my thoughts were off, kinda. Yeah. Just ignore that lol but theists, reply to my thing about the Bible. I'm curious as to why you think the Bible is more special than any other book (Bible/Quran/Torah/etc you know what I mean)
  23. unreality

    religious debate

    It wouldnt matter if you tallied up all the likelihoods in the world in that method you described and it came out to Atheist 500000, Theist 2.7. The theists would say the world is how it is because God made it that way. They would say 2.7 is enough Coming around to another point, theists seem to think that us atheists are "denying" the existence of God or something, but that's wrong. Most atheists leave the option open, but just cuz there are two possibilities (generalizing here, I'm talking about theism and atheism) doesn't mean the possibilities are 50-50. It's called the "Gambler's Fallacy" or something like that yes, it's POSSIBLE that God does in fact exist. BUT very unlikely. Some game theory here: * You have a dice with 'd' sides on it. the chances to roll a specific number are thus 1/d * If you roll that specific number, the payback is $x * However in order to roll the dice once, you have to pay a fee of $y Would you roll the dice? How many times? Clearly your answer depends on the values of d, x and y, as well as personal intuition actual evidence of a God existing hasnt appeared here yet, no matter how many theists say they have it, and various logical and philosophical thinkings point away from existence of a God, so I'd say 'd' is a very high number. The chances of God existing are low. Very low. 1/d is very low. I dont see how a theist can deny THAT but then the theist (rightly so) says that the payoff, $x, is very high if they win. if a God exists then it would be rewarding for a person to have 'rolled the die'. If the cost was 0 to roll the die, then everyone should 'roll the die' and believe in God (i think that's Pascal's Wager) but there's a cost to rolling the die. Pascal's Wager doesnt take that into account. see this website: http://www.helsinki.fi/~ssyreeni/atheist/no-ghost-c-04 The biggest for me is truth. I dont want to waste my life worshipping something that doesnt exist. And I dont. Some theists think that atheists live in a meaningless world, but they couldnt be more wrong. The universe is a wondrous place back to logic arguements: yesterday I asked my sister. "How can you be so sure Jesus exists? Cuz the Bible says so?" and she said "well, yeah" So I just thought of a good analogy: if God existed cuz a book says so, then every single movie would be extremely good, because it says so on the back of the DVD case
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