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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    hey guys! I haven't taken part in any of these deep metaphysicalalityavalaboriciousness discussions in a while, so I'd thought I'd pitch in when i saw Duh Puck's last post 1) as I predicted (not sure if I actually posted said prediction), this topic swiftly became another religious debate ;D which is fine if the OP and all involved are fine with it 2) responding to Duh Puck: I think you misunderstood octopuppy's post a little. He never said the radio thing was possible. Clearly it's impossible, due to how a radio would need to be fit together and what a shaking motion can do. Obviously you can't shake a walnut in a box and get a shiny green telephone when you open it again. etc. He never said "everything is possible". this is a generalization this is referring specifically to the radio so it comes down to one question: Is the formation of intelligent life POSSIBLE without divine intervention? If we come to the consented conclusion that it's impossible, then we can agree that divine intervention must have occured. But then that leads on other metaphorical questions, ie, "God is intelligent life, and if we have determined that intelligent life is only possible with divine intervention, another being, higher than God, created God" etc. Anyway, if we decided that the formation of life is indeed possible without divine intervention, then we can assume (a) there is no god, it happened that way, or (b) there is a god, but it still happened that way, by chance, or © there is a god, and it COULD'VE happened that as it's POSSIBLE to happen that way, but the "easier path" was for the god to create it before it could happen So either way, nothing is proved, unless we can prove that life cannot arise without divine intervention- in which case we arrive at an infinite ladder of gods, which then must be accepted by the believer, or the believer must disassociate "god" with "intelligent life" to arrive at a separate type of creation for a god. And so either case can work both ways: (1) divine intervention required for existence of life = divine intervention required for existence of god (2) life can arise on its own = god can arise on its own so why are we even discussing this? lol and Duh Puck has already alluded to this, I think: anyway, this isn't an arguement against Duh Puck, or octopuppy, or what they are saying. I'm just pointing out the fluidity of either answer ;D
  2. Alright... how about this: Duh Puck will make the first move of Mass Battle, starting off the game when he next comes on and looks at what I'm typing right now... after that, it's game time ;D
  3. mmk... we'll need probably around 6, maybe 7. not sure
  4. yes. Because it's "at least one", so the chances aren't 50/50, though the chances are the same for white and black think of it this way: Black - Black White - White White - Black Black - White all of those, except for 1, have a black included. So it's 3/4. White would also be 3/4, if it was asked of white. It's easy once you see that the probability to get all black is 1/4, all white is 1/4, and one of each is 1/2
  5. people are still joining, so we'll keep waiting a bit before starting 14 people so far
  6. ah, well it's not my idea. I picked up the "one word story" thing from something i saw at another forum but I did make up other games, such as Mass Battle. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocchi, which sparkled like an awesome blossoming avocado of which fantastic tentacles suddenly started erupting into chuckles, "Why had my inane pig
  7. The DEITY System *** This is an RP, or roleplay- a collective story told by many people (as many that sign up), who each control a single character. They tell the story of their character as the characters interact with each other and the world, moving the story forward- sometimes toward a finish, sometimes not. Only participate if you like to write ;D *** Welcome to Epsilon, a world consisting of a tropical sea scattered with small islands. These islands, also tropical, are known as Epsilon-1, Epsilon-2, etc, all the way up to Epsilon-27, a sandbar off of Epsilon-26. Nobody living in Epsilon decided on that, or the name of their world. They just know that's what it's called. Some of the islands are close enough together that you can see an island from the beach of another- the people there don't have the curiosity nor innovation to build a boat and explore- not yet, anyways. And nobody living on (for example) Epsilon-21 is curious that there may be 20 other islands, and maybe more... not yet, anyways. The inhabitants are thus restricted to their own islands, all isolated from each other, where they make their living- a pleasant living. The weather is almost always good, except for the occasional monsoon. There is plenty of fish in the sea, fruit in the trees, and meat running around the jungle. Most of the islands have set up a sort of tribal leadership and community, living peacefully in beach huts or jungle houses, pretty sanitary too, though all the islands vary. Some are worse off than others. The people are usually very pacified. This proclaimed "unrealism" is denounced by the mysterious DEITY System- the apparent boss of the world. It represents a god to the people of Epsilon- they know it exists, just as they know that they are living a place called Epsilon, just like they know their own island number. They also know that the DEITY System resides on the island Epsilon-0. I say "apparent boss of the world" because the DEITY System does not interact with its world- not directly, anyway. The people fend for themselves. It does not interfere, for good or bad. It does not see the future. The people don't pray to it. But it is their god, their ruler - they just know that. I said "not directly, anyway"- and by that, I mean the DEITY System's propoganda. Yes, it interacts through propoganda- strange creatures known as Heralds may appear on the horizon, a couple of them in a long boat, using long paddles to bring themselves to shore. The people of whichever island the Heralds are visiting gather around, offering them food, drink, shelter. But Heralds don't eat, nor drink, nor sleep. They have no need. They are just there to give messages of the DEITY System, to spread propoganda. Slogans such as "Adapt. React. Be Independent. Be REALISTIC!"... or pictures of tribesmen gathering together, working in groups, or thinking of new ideas- or discovering new things, creating new inventions. Once the Heralds have given their message successful, whether it be verbal, a sand drawing, or an object they had taken with them, they depart as they had come, disappearing into the horizon. It seems to you or I that Epsilon is a very strange world- but not so to the people that live there. Intrigued? Want to join? Before I post how to join and how to get started, I just want to see a show of hands of how many people are interested, if any. So post here if you're interested
  8. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocchi, which sparkled like an awesome blossoming avocado of which fantastic tentacles suddenly started erupting into
  9. mmk ;D Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4 Puck : 30 GP, 6/4 Itachi : 30 GP, 6/4 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 6/4 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 30 GP, 6/4 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4
  10. I got this in seconds not to brag or anything hehe I'm sure someone's got it by now, It's like 3 pages so far my solution would be to put them in the squares adjacent to the center square, ie making a "plus" sign except for the middle square. Then put the next two in either topleft-bottomright or topright-bottomleft opposite corners
  11. current roster: Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4 Puck : 30 GP, 6/4 Itachi : 30 GP, 6/4 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 6/4 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 30 GP, 6/4 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 wow, 11 people ;D definitely more than I've hard before. This'll be interesting- some people will go more frequently than others- remember this is part of the game. No griping if you die It's a good thing I foresaw 'brainden = more people' cuz I made it "you must wait for TWO people to go before you can go again" instead my usual rule "you must wait for ONE person to go before you can go again" anyway- at this rate, I might wait a little longer ;D some of my buds from TR (The Revival) might be joining, not sure
  12. this is like Josephine, but with one major difference
  13. hehe I said "slightly less than 1/2" ummmm I obviously meant 1/4 lol jk. You guys are right. I'm wrong good job! And thanks Duh Puck for pointing out my error- it's NOT the same random seed cuz the lines affect each other's randomness, even though the points are picked are randomly at the same time. good job guys!
  14. exactly ;D I'm just like you, Norbi. I love the logic and the math, and I like word puzzles too, but not as much
  15. remember what I told you guys a) we start when I say so, once we have all the participants (soon ) b) you have to post EVERYONE's stats, all at once so our statblock so far is: Phoenix: 30 GP, 6/4 Puck: 30 GP, 6/4 Itachi 30 GP, 6/4 Frazzler: 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 6/4 Nayana: 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi: 30 GP, 6/4 anyone else wanna join? I've never had this many before in any my games ;D It'll be interesting. Once you guys start to get experienced, I'll add on rules for future games (alliances, special moves, etc)
  16. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocchi, which sparkled like an awesome blossoming avocado of which fantastic tentacles suddenly
  17. I have this on The Revival, but I'm making one here cuz there's so many people Basically, this is a forum game where everyone that wants to play must sign up beforehand, and at a certain time I will start, and we are locked in The game is called Mass Battle and the goal is to be the last player standing- you get a big, invisible prize The gameplay is centered around a list of the players and their stats, with each person reposting the stat block after their turn. This is what someone stats are like: Unreality: GP, atk/def GP stands for "Game Points", it's sort of like your "health". People can 'damage' you and take away from your GP. When your GP gets to 0 (or below) you are out of the game! Last one standing wins!. GP starts out at 30, for this game (I'm expecting a lot of people) atk/def are your Attack and Defense stats. They start out as 6/4 and must always total 10 so the starting stats for everyone: Name: 30 GP, 6/4 so a starting-statblock would look like this: Name: 30 GP, 6/4 Name: 30 GP, 6/4 Name: 30 GP, 6/4 Name: 30 GP, 6/4 Name: 30 GP, 6/4 Name: 30 GP, 6/4 etc, depending on how many people are playing Mass Battle game is turn-based... everything happens in "moves". You can move whenever you want, BUT at least TWO people have to go have went before you can move again. In other words, you can't go twice in a row or with one in between, there has to be at least 2 other moves in between before you can take another move. When you take a turn, there are two things you can do! * Attack- pick a target, then take your "Attack" stat and subtract your target's "Defense" stat. The remaining number (if above 0) is how much damage you deal to the target. Take the damage away from their GP. If they are now at 0 GP or less, they are out of the game. You can take their name off the stat block * Rearrange- this is the other thing you can do. You can rearrange your atk/def stats to be any numbers, as long as the two numbers both add up to 10, and are positive. Also, your defense cannot go above 8, so the two extremes you can have are 10/0 and 2/8 after you take your turn, make sure to post the new statblock!!! So, that's Mass Battle ;D sign up, and hurry! We'll be starting soon Phoenix: 30 GP, 6/4 (I'll call myself Phoenix for this game ) so, if another person joins, they would post this: Phoenix: 30 GP, 6/4 TheirName: 30 GP, 6/4 etc yep ;D any questions about the rules, just post here. Mass Battle can get complicated in later games, when I add Special Moves and other tactical things and all kinds of awesomeness. But for this first game, I'm keeping it simple
  18. yep btw I posted my #2 answer on page 2 if anyone's interested ;D
  19. I think she/he was probably looking at the first page only ;D no harm done The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocci, which sparkled like an awesome
  20. My solution to #2: The answer would be a teeny bit LESS than 1/2, by my figuring
  21. unreality

    If it were required to pay money to visit BrainDen, I would not visit it. I am only a student and have no money to donate Please don't think of me as a bad person... but I just don't have the cash So I'm all for other options. If you guys do decide on some mandatory fee, however, it was nice knowing you all!
  22. For everyone arguing over the pH of the water, reread my OP. I clearly said 7 ;D only 2 people have gotten #1 so far, I won't say who (but I'll give a hint: it's a trick question) okay I'll say who, lol for #2... it's a good one ;D CLARIFICATION FOR #2: By "line" I meant "line segment", with two ends and a finite length ;D HINT FOR #2:
  23. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocci until we get a fitting ending to an epic story of nonsense, of course
  24. unreality

    Of course not- hosting a website takes money. I meant for the end user, though I agree (which is why I voted for ads ;D)
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