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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    haha he has a good point
  2. changes to Thief, Inspector, PM prompts, random things to fix up, and Masked Lovers Mafia VI ** Gangs of Denbrain ** Basic Overview: Baddies (and Ninja) strike at night, while the Innocents try to lynch them during the day by majority vote RULES: 1) only play if you've read the rules, the roles, etc, and previous Mafia games!!! You need to know what you're getting into and how much time it takes up 2) no PMing behind the scenes!!!! Not only is this one of the stupidest things you could do in Mafia (you don't know who you're giving your role to and who is asking for your role, etc), even if you do know another person's role (or think you do) you can't PM them behind the scenes OR CONTACT THEM IN ANY WAY. There are notable exceptions, which will be mentioned later. If you aren't one of the exceptions, forget about BTSC (behind-the-scenes-contact) 3) each day in Mafia-time will finish 24 hours after the night post, and if you haven't voted/discussed/participated/etc during that time, you will be out of the game for inactivity. This time is set in stone and will be the end time no matter if everyone is done voting before this. Each night will end 18 hours after the day ends, however if I get all the necessary PMs in before the 18 hours, I will do the night post then. I'll probably extend night post estimates to when I'm awake and stuff (ie, I might say "night post in 20 hours" if I know I'll be awake and ready in 20 hours). In other words, days are always 24 hours long, while nights vary but are usually around 18 hours long 4) please don't be rude ;D be nice and courteous and respectful 5) after you die, you can post in the topic, but only once (it's called your "ghost post") not about anything important- ie, you can't reveal your role, make arguments, take part in strategy discussions, etc. And you have to post in GRAY! 6) Mafia is fun I will be choosing the final roster of 21 players, picking from the signer-uppers very carefully. I don't want to leave anyone out, but I don't want to have any inactives. If you weren't picked, it may be that we just don't have any room, and I won't be accepting any late-joiners either, it messes up the game (cough Mafia 1 cough Mafia III). There are exactly 21 players, no exceptions. We do have a backup list for emergencies, though. So please keep that in mind, and also Mafia is a game of elimination, sort of... so don't be mad or sad if/when you die 7) this rule may be unnecessary but you should never challenge the host ;D hehehehe A Few Points to Keep in Mind: 1) There will be no clues in any day posts 2) There will be no clues in night posts 3) Acting on a clue is stupid. I put them into Mafia II so they could be chuckled at retrospectively, not acted on during the game, which fueled bad gameplay in Mafia IV and V especially 4) There WILL be clues, though, but in a different fashion. You'll see 5) If someone outs their role, that does not mean they are that role. And even if someone contradicts soon and says that THEY are that role, that means nothing either. Be smart and not trusting. The Doctor and Healer don't have as much saving-power as you might think, and it's risky to come out with a role, especially an Inspector or Spy-like role. Especially since the Doctor cannot save the Inspector and the Healer cannot save the Spy 6) Never trust anyone! Even people you think/know are Innocents. The baddies are aware of the advantage of coming out with your role, so be prepared for dastardly tricks ;D 7) Laying low is NOT a successful strategy- people get very suspicious (and the host gets mad) if you don't participate, and the inactivity-kill-rule is taken seriously as well Night Posts: 1) Nobody's identity is revealed in a night post to any group (killer or otherwise), except the Defender and Bankroller, both of which are publically revealed. Other things may be logically revealed based on events (ie, only one QA left), but aren't 'officially' revealed (the other QA could be laying low, etc) 2) The hierarchy of kills and "what happens first" depends on what actions are taking place that night 3) Saving roles are only mentioned if (a) they save someone from death, (b) they achieve BTSC, or © they try to get into the jail but can't now for the best part... ROLES: 21 peope: 8 baddies, 13 Innocents baddies: * 3 Mafiosos (Godfather, Thief, Bankroller) - know who each other are. Can converse freely all the time. The Mafia kills each night. Each of the Mafiosos have a special night ability * 2 Quarky Agents (Master of Espionage, Master of Deception) - do not know who each other are (at first). The QAs kill each night. Must have both to kill. If they do both pick the same person or each other, they get BTSC * 2 Yakuza (Oyabun, Shatei) - a new gang in Denbrain who have BTSC, straight out of the archipelagos of the Far East. The Yakuza kills on every night except the first night, until absorbed by the expanding Mafia crime family (which the Yakuza can then communicate with the Mafia) * 1 Grim Reaper - a solo spectre of darkness who kills every even-numbered night. Invincible for first night and first day win conditions for baddies: * Mafia - kill everyone except Mafiosos and Yakuza (regardless of what stage of their game the Yakuza is at) * QAs - kill the Phoenix. However, Lord Phoenix is invincible to the QAs until his/her transformation after the GR dies. If the QAs fail to kill the Phoenix somehow, they are immediately notified (and are given BTSC) and a secondary mission is given: lynch a specific person the next day (the person is chosen randomly by me and is not a QA). If the QAs fail the secondary mission, their aliases are discovered and they are mass-lynched along with the actual person being lynched * Yakuza - the Yakuza have their own gang goals, but if their goals fail, they will team up with the Mafia. The goals are unknown to the Innocents (and every other non-Yakuza baddie), but everyone will be notified if the Yakuza fail, and after that the Yakuza will be assimilated into the Mafia * GR - kill the Ninja. If the Grim Reaper fails to kill the Ninja (ie, the Ninja dies some other way), the GR is outta the game mafia special roles: * Godfather - [any night, not 2x in a row] see the faction of 1 person (a faction is: mafia/innocent/QA/yakuza/GR). The Godfather is told instantly and thus can act on that information that night. Also, Vagabond is a different faction unless the separate win condition was not met, in that case Vagabond appears as an Innocent * Thief - [any night, not 2x in a row] each night, the Thief can pick from two actions: Steal or Frame. If they Steal, it's an identity theft, and everyone is informed of the breakin (and who was broken into) and the Thief assumes that person's identity tomorrow in case the Spy spies on the Thief. If the Spy spies on the brokenin person, they get their normal identity. If the Inspector was going to be PMed the Thief's identity the next day, they instead are PMed the name of the person broken into. Stealing has no affect on the Janitor's discovery ability. The other action the Thief can do is to Frame one person. Nobody except the Thief knows who was framed, but everyone is informed that a framing did in fact occur. The framing has no affect on the Thief's identity, and no affect on the Inspector, but if the Spy spies on the framed person, they get the results 'Mafioso'. Like stealing, framing does not affect the Janitor's spying ability. Also, see the Janitor role for a special case regarding the Thief * Bankroller - [can be used every night!] send the host a message which will be posted in the night post- ie, a "message from the Mafia". If the Bankroller dies at any time (night, day, whatever), the Bankroller's identity as a Mafioso is revealed, and also the specific identity as 'Bankroller' Quarky Agent roles: * Master of Deception - if the SB lie-detects a statement by the MoD, the MoD can decide what my reply will be (true, false, does not know) * Master of Espionage - can spy on one person every night. Gets told "innocent" or "baddie" only after the night post. Can be influenced by the Thief Yakuza roles: * Oyabun - the master of the small Yakuza crime ring. The Oyabun's ability is similar to the Bankroller's, and can be used every night just like the Bankroller's * Shatei - a common goon of the Yakuza. Has no abilities, but if the Oyabun dies before the Shatei, the Shatei takes the Oyabun's place and gains the Oyabun's ability Grim Reaper ability: the Grim Reaper has an ability called "death scent" which he/she can use on odd nights (ie, the nights that the GR doesn't kill). Death scent allows the GR to "sniff" one player. If/when that player is killed, the Grim Reaper is given a random living member of the faction of the killers. If the faction that killed the player has no living members, the GR is informed of this. If the person was a QA and is killed by the Vagabond, and the Vagabond is still alive, the GR is given the Vagabond's identity. If the person is lynched, the GR is told the name of a random living Innocent. The player that is 'sniffed' is informed that they have been 'sniffed', but the group as a whole is not *** Some abilities I will not PM a prompt asking about it. The users of these abilities must PM me, I won't wait for them. Those abilities are the Mafia special abilities (Godfather, Thief, Bankroller), the Oyabun's ability, the GR's death scent ability, SB's lie detect and explosion abilities, Policeman's arrest, and TC's vote removal. To the others, I will PM to ask about it Innocents: win by killing all the baddies. Each Innocent has a special role... saving roles = Doctor, Healer, Lord Phoenix * Doctor - save one person each night. Not same person 2 nights in a row. Can save self only once. The Doctor cannot save the Inspector (ie, the save fails) * Healer - same as Doctor, but different methods of medicine. The Healer cannot save the Spy (ie, the save fails) * Lord Phoenix - [cannot be killed by QAs] the master of Denbrain. Little do people know, Lord Phoenix is actually a real phoenix- a bird of fire. This fiery phantasm is capable of repelling the spectral Grim Reaper, and Lord Phoenix takes full use of this, saving people on even nights from the Grim Reaper. Lord Phoenix cannot save himself/herself (for the sole reason that saving someone else effectively saves himself/herself), but Lord Phoenix CAN save someone two times in a row. If Lord Phoenix is targeted on an even night while he/she is out protecting against the GR, the night post says that the player wasn't there, but does not give the identity of Lord Phoenix (though obviously the group/person that went after Lord Phoenix knows). Once the Grim Reaper dies, Lord Phoenix will discover his/her true calling as 'the Phoenix', and transform permanently into the firebird, and discover another purpose (which has to do with saving people, but the common Innocent doesn't know what it is). However, after this transformation, Lord Phoenix becomes vulnerable to the QAs discovery roles = Inspector, Spy, Suicide Bomber * Inspector - gets PMed, every day, a baddie identity in this order: Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia. The order is determined at the beginning of the game by me randomly, so dead people may be included. The Inspector is fresh out of Pengville and is not familiar with how the Yakuza works (even if they are assimilated into the Mafia), and of course the GR is un-Inspectable * Spy - PMs me one player each day, I reveal their role, but not specific role within a baddie faction. If they are Innocent, however, the role-reveal is as specific as possible * Suicide Bomber - [knows Inspector & is known by Mafia] the Suicide Bomber is an ex-terrorist who is now sided with the Innocents. At any point DURING THE DAY ONLY, the SB can PM to me a victim, and both the SB and the victim die in the explosion. I will make it unclear which of the two was the SB and which of the two was the victim. There is a 1/4 chance that the SB will survive, and a 1/4 that the victim will survive- those events are independent so there is a 1/16 chance both will survive. Again, it will be unknown which of the two (SB or victim) that any survivor(s) are. When the SB PMs in the target, they can either choose to have it announced immediately, or in the day post. If the SB is lynched, they'll be PMed a prompt if they want to blow someone up at the lynching, otherwise it's a normal lynching. If the SB is killed at night, there is a 2/3 chance they will blow up and kill a random one of their attackers. The explosion does not affect the Grim Reaper whether done at night or in the day, so the Grim Reaper will be seen as one of the "survivors" if at day, or if at night, the Grim Reaper will just scythe down the SB as if the 1/3 chance of no explosion occurred. Also, the Suicide Bomber, being an ex-terrorist, is highly skilled at torture and knows when people are lying. Any night, but not 2 nights in a row, the SB can pick one TRUE/FALSE statement that someone has said and PMs it in. I will tell them one of three options: (1) TRUE, (2) FALSE, or (3) the person who said this statement does not know whether it is true or false. The person quoted MUST be still alive. If the person quoted is the MoD, the MoD is PMed and can choose my reply (TRUE/FALSE/does not know). However, there's another catch: it's been a long time since the SB was a torture-happy terrorist, and he/she isn't up to speed with today's pro-lying techniques. There are just some statements that are too ambiguious ("I'm not... a baddie..."), non-true-false ("I like the color blue"), direct-to-test (like "I am Innocent", etc) that the SB just cannot lie detect them. In this case, I will inform the SB and he/she can feel free to choose a different statement killing roles = Ninja and his/her Defender * Defender - [knows who Ninja is] every night that the Yakuza kill, the Defender can save someone against the Yakuza only. Also, no matter when the Defender dies, his/her role is revealed * Ninja - [does not know who Defender is, but knows who Janitor is] ancient warrior and nemesis of the Grim Reaper. While the Defender is alive, the Ninja cannot be killed at night, but the Ninja can be lynched any time. The Ninja kills for the Innocents on prime-numbered nights (2,3,5,7,etc). When/if the Defender dies, the Ninja is vulnerable at night other roles = Janitor, Vagabond, Policeman, Street Vendor, Tax Collector * Janitor - [knows who Ninja is] the Janitor, after his/her many years of watching and learning, has adopted many vital skills. Each night, I roll a 6-sided dice to determine the action of the Janitor (Saving, Killing, Eavesdropping (pick three people and get told which two of them have BTSC, if none of them have BTSC, or if all three have BTSC), Discovering (just like Spy), Cleaning (the Janitor is off cleaning and nobody can find him/her to kill), or free choice of the previous 5 if a 6 is rolled). The Janitor picks a person other than themself and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action (or choose the action to carry out, if I rolled a 6). Also, the Janitor doesn't have much possessions or ID and thus the Thief cannot steal from them (the steal fails, but counts as a use, but the Mafia learn the identity of the Janitor of course) or frame them (same deal) * Vagabond - also known as the Wanderer, the Vagabond wanders around the world, and has seen the ruthless expansion of Quarky, and thus is aligned against the Quarky Agents. The Vagabond, from his/her travel experiences, knows a way to tag suspects, and if the tagged person is a QA, they will dissolved by the taggant chemical the next day (regardless of whether the Vagabond is still alive). The Vagabond is a semi-independent character and wins by killing BOTH Quarky Agents in this manner. Otherwise, the Vagabond wins with the Innocents. If the Vagabond tags the Defender, they are both immediately notified and the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC on the spot * Policeman - the Policeman/woman (will refer to as male from now on for simplicity) can make one arrest per day. They must PM the arrest to me before the day is up, and the day post will include the arrest. The Policeman cannot arrest himself, nor any dead players (ie, the person lynched that day), nor any players previously arrested. The arrested player spends the following night with the Policeman in the Denbrain jail. The Policeman can ask one question, PMed to me, who is PMed to the arrested player, who PMs back to me. After that, the Policeman can release the arrested player (at which point the arrested player can be their normal role in the night & get killed/saved/etc) or keep the player in jail until morning. If the arrested player is saved and was kept in jail, the saving role cannot enter the jail to save them, obviously. If the arrested player is targeted for death and was kept in jail, depending on what baddie group went after him/her, the player may or may not survive and there may or may not be other repercussions relating to the Policeman and the baddie group (it depends on the baddie group and the circumstances). If a player is kept in jail overnight after the question is asked, they cannot use their night ability, and it also a general finger-of-suspicion type thing. The player is released in the morning and can never be arrested again. If the Policeman is targeted for death, certain things happen depending on who was arrested and whether or not they were kept or released, etc * Street Vendor - the SV sells tacos, sausages, burritos, gorditos, wraps, pretzels and paninis out on the streets of Denbrain. However, he/she has lots of underworld contacts... the Mafia let him/her sell on this street, or that corner. They could dispatch him/her at any time (via a PM to me) for free. They don't know his/her identity, though. Anyway, back to the SV: they see everything that goes on at night. Who the Doctor/Healer/Phoenix/Defender saves, which QA (MoE or MoD) went after which target, as well as the Janitor's choice of person, the role, and then the decision to carry it out. The SV is also told the Innocent/Baddie role of each player that died during the night, as well as if a Masked Lover died during the night. Useful for the Innocents? You bet, unfortunately the SV is a contact for the Mafia, if you've forgotten. The SV, at any time, can PM me a message (containing data that the SV knows, but doesn't necessarily have to be telling the truth) which I send on to the Mafia. They can decide when they want to dispatch the SV, if at all. This is a complex and tough role to play, but rewarding * Tax Collector - each day, can choose one person to remove from the poll that day only, ie, the person chosen cannot vote (and everyone is informed of this as soon as I get the PM and update the roster so that person can't vote). The Tax Collector must PM the vote removal at a time when 50% or less of the people playing have voted- I will check the time on the PM when I get it and compare with the times of posts Additional Roles: These are roles that are independent of your main role... * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. If there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, someone has to switch to break the tie * Masked Lovers - these tragic romantics don't know who the other Lover is, but if one of the Lovers is lynched, they recognize their Lover and the two die together. The Lovers, being tragic and all, consist of 1 Mafioso and 1 Innocent. Thus both Lovers are informed that they are a Lover, but not the identity of their fellow Lover. Specifically, the pick chances are weighted 1:3:5 (in ninths, ie 1/9, 3/9, 5/9). For the Mafia, it's Godfather:Thief:Bankroller. For the Innocents, it's Policeman:Defender:TaxCollector. BTSC: * Mafia has BTSC * Yakuza has BTSC * the two QAs only get BTSC after: ** they both pick the same person to kill (the kill happens) ** one picks the other, the other picks someone (they meet up, but no kill happens) ** they both pick the other person (no kill happens) * the Janitor and the Ninja have BTSC from the beginning of the game * the Doctor and Healer get BTSC if: ** they both save the same person ** they both save each other ** one of them saves the other * the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC if: ** the Vagabond tags the Defender ** the Defender saves Vagabond
  3. woot haha! Not a bad idea, but... no ;D yeah no backup. Ninja dies = GR is outta there
  4. the more pickiness about specifics, the better now for the Masked Lovers...
  5. thanks man! You guys are a big help in getting the rules perfect ;D yeah they can get him/her any time after the transformation, but he is invincible to them before (but not to others)
  6. no actually I was right the first time. Inspector is PMed names, and that sentence was about the Inspector. The Spy PMs a name and gets the role
  7. gone. It was superficial, forced, and un-mafia-like ;D If you read the rules, however, you'll see that there's no need for it anymore
  8. yep, I've already changed it k, changing. Good spot I'm actually taking this whole clause out, as ALL night activities have to be PMed for the night is over duh lol. I'll be replacing the clause saying which abilities aren't prompted by me (ie, the users of them have to take initiative) if you read it you will understand ;D k thanks! nah I like Policeman ;D hehe I dunno why, though PO is an okay abbrev about the PO- hehe thanks Dispatch implies that no work is put into it, while the others do ;D The Mafia can send a PM anytime, no cost, and wham, there goes the SV Though if sent at night, I'll put the 'whack' in the night post, otherwise have a During the Day post
  9. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    he's dead in LOST ;D first to die
  10. Tips for the Losties: the ratio of Losties to Others is 3:5. Lynch a Lostie today and it will be 3:3 tomorrow if Jack doesn't save anyone tonight. Ties will always go to the Losties, but still if one person deviates in the 3:3, the Others have majority and game over... so I'm just saying, you guys have to do whatever you can to lynch an Other today ;D Top Post Oceanic Flight 815 -- Night One - Smoke and Mirrors edit: let the day begin, it will end in probably 20ish hours from now, maybe less, maybe more ;D
  11. the Janitor always picks a person first, but once I reply saying "Cleaning", no other person applies, just the Janitor, so they can decline (stupid) or accept (duh ;D)
  12. I'm worried that Thief might be too powerful now - I'm changing back to any night but not 2x in a row.
  13. changes to Godfather, Thief, Tax Collector, Oyabun, and slight edit to Janitor Mafia VI ** Gangs of Denbrain ** Basic Overview: Baddies (and Ninja) strike at night, while the Innocents try to lynch them during the day by majority vote RULES: 1) only play if you've read the rules, the roles, etc, and previous Mafia games!!! You need to know what you're getting into and how much time it takes up 2) no PMing behind the scenes!!!! Not only is this one of the stupidest things you could do in Mafia (you don't know who you're giving your role to and who is asking for your role, etc), even if you do know another person's role (or think you do) you can't PM them behind the scenes OR CONTACT THEM IN ANY WAY. There are notable exceptions, which will be mentioned later. If you aren't one of the exceptions, forget about BTSC (behind-the-scenes-contact) 3) each day in Mafia-time will finish 24 hours after the night post, and if you haven't voted/discussed/participated/etc during that time, you will be out of the game for inactivity. This time is set in stone and will be the end time no matter if everyone is done voting before this. Each night will end 18 hours after the day ends, however if I get all the necessary PMs in before the 18 hours, I will do the night post then. I'll probably extend night post estimates to when I'm awake and stuff (ie, I might say "night post in 20 hours" if I know I'll be awake and ready in 20 hours). In other words, days are always 24 hours long, while nights vary but are usually around 18 hours long 4) please don't be rude ;D be nice and courteous and respectful 5) after you die, you can post in the topic, but only once (it's called your "ghost post") not about anything important- ie, you can't reveal your role, make arguments, take part in strategy discussions, etc. And you have to post in GRAY! 6) Mafia is fun I will be choosing the final roster of 21 players, picking from the signer-uppers very carefully. I don't want to leave anyone out, but I don't want to have any inactives. If you weren't picked, it may be that we just don't have any room, and I won't be accepting any late-joiners either, it messes up the game (cough Mafia 1 cough Mafia III). There are exactly 21 players, no exceptions. We do have a backup list for emergencies, though. So please keep that in mind, and also Mafia is a game of elimination, sort of... so don't be mad or sad if/when you die 7) this rule may be unnecessary but you should never challenge the host ;D hehehehe A Few Points to Keep in Mind: 1) There will be no clues in any day posts 2) There will be no clues in night posts 3) Acting on a clue is stupid. I put them into Mafia II so they could be chuckled at retrospectively, not acted on during the game, which fueled bad gameplay in Mafia IV and V especially 4) There WILL be clues, though, but in a different fashion. You'll see 5) If someone outs their role, that does not mean they are that role. And even if someone contradicts soon and says that THEY are that role, that means nothing either. Be smart and not trusting. The Doctor and Healer don't have as much saving-power as you might think, and it's risky to come out with a role, especially an Inspector or Spy-like role. Especially since the Doctor cannot save the Inspector and the Healer cannot save the Spy 6) Never trust anyone! Even people you think/know are Innocents. The baddies are aware of the advantage of coming out with your role, so be prepared for dastardly tricks ;D 7) Laying low is NOT a successful strategy- people get very suspicious (and the host gets mad) if you don't participate, and the inactivity-kill-rule is taken seriously as well Night Posts: 1) Nobody's identity is revealed in a night post to any group (killer or otherwise), except the Defender and Bankroller, both of which are publically revealed. Other things may be logically revealed based on events (ie, only one QA left), but aren't 'officially' revealed (the other QA could be laying low, etc) 2) The hierarchy of kills and "what happens first" depends on what actions are taking place that night 3) Saving roles are only mentioned if (a) they save someone from death, (b) they achieve BTSC, or © they try to get into the jail but can't now for the best part... ROLES: 21 peope: 8 baddies, 13 Innocents baddies: * 3 Mafiosos (Godfather, Thief, Bankroller) - know who each other are. Can converse freely all the time. The Mafia kills each night. Each of the Mafiosos have a special night ability * 2 Quarky Agents (Master of Espionage, Master of Deception) - do not know who each other are (at first). The QAs kill each night. Must have both to kill. If they do both pick the same person or each other, they get BTSC * 2 Yakuza (Oyabun, Shatei) - a new gang in Denbrain who have BTSC, straight out of the archipelagos of the Far East. The Yakuza kills on every night except the first night, until absorbed by the expanding Mafia crime family (which the Yakuza can then communicate with the Mafia) * 1 Grim Reaper - a solo spectre of darkness who kills every even-numbered night. Invincible for first night and first day win conditions for baddies: * Mafia - kill everyone except Mafiosos and Yakuza (regardless of what stage of their game the Yakuza is at) * QAs - kill the Phoenix. However, Lord Phoenix is invincible to the QAs until his/her transformation after the GR dies. If the QAs fail to kill the Phoenix somehow, they are immediately notified (and are given BTSC) and a secondary mission is given: lynch a specific person the next day (the person is chosen randomly by me and is not a QA). If the QAs fail the secondary mission, their aliases are discovered and they are mass-lynched along with the actual person being lynched * Yakuza - the Yakuza have their own gang goals, but if their goals fail, they will team up with the Mafia. The goals are unknown to the Innocents (and every other non-Yakuza baddie), but everyone will be notified if the Yakuza fail, and after that the Yakuza will be assimilated into the Mafia * GR - kill the Ninja. If the Grim Reaper fails to kill the Ninja (ie, the Ninja dies some other way), the GR is outta the game mafia special roles: * Godfather - [any night, not 2x in a row] see the faction of 1 person (a faction is: mafia/innocent/QA/yakuza/GR). The Godfather is told instantly and thus can act on that information that night. Also, Vagabond is a different faction unless the separate win condition was not met, in that case Vagabond appears as an Innocent * Thief - [can be used any night!] each night, the Thief can pick from two actions: Steal or Frame. If they Steal, it's an identity theft, and everyone is informed of the breakin (and who was broken into) and the Thief assumes that person's identity tomorrow in case the Spy spies on the Thief. If the Spy spies on the brokenin person, they get their normal identity. If the Inspector was going to be PMed the Thief's identity the next day, they instead are PMed the name of the person broken into. Stealing has no affect on the Janitor's discovery ability. The other action the Thief can do is to Frame one person. Nobody except the Thief knows who was framed, but everyone is informed that a framing did in fact occur. The framing has no affect on the Thief's identity, and no affect on the Inspector, but if the Spy spies on the framed person, they get the results 'Mafioso'. Like stealing, framing does not affect the Janitor's spying ability. Also, see the Janitor role for a special case regarding the Thief * Bankroller - [can be used every night!] send the host a message which will be posted in the night post- ie, a "message from the Mafia". If the Bankroller dies at any time (night, day, whatever), the Bankroller's identity as a Mafioso is revealed, and also the specific identity as 'Bankroller' Quarky Agent roles: * Master of Deception - if the SB lie-detects a statement by the MoD, the MoD can decide what my reply will be (true, false, does not know) * Master of Espionage - can spy on one person every night. Gets told "innocent" or "baddie" only after the night post. Can be influenced by the Thief Yakuza roles: * Oyabun - the master of the small Yakuza crime ring. The Oyabun's ability is similar to the Bankroller's, and can be used every night just like the Bankroller's * Shatei - a common goon of the Yakuza. Has no abilities, but if the Oyabun dies before the Shatei, the Shatei takes the Oyabun's place and gains the Oyabun's ability Grim Reaper ability: the Grim Reaper has an ability called "death scent" which he/she can use on odd nights (ie, the nights that the GR doesn't kill). Death scent allows the GR to "sniff" one player. If/when that player is killed, the Grim Reaper is given a random living member of the faction of the killers. If the faction that killed the player has no living members, the GR is informed of this. If the person was a QA and is killed by the Vagabond, and the Vagabond is still alive, the GR is given the Vagabond's identity. If the person is lynched, the GR is told the name of a random living Innocent. The player that is 'sniffed' is informed that they have been 'sniffed', but the group as a whole is not *** All Mafia abilities as well as the MoE's ability, the Oyabun's ability and the GR's ability, must be PMed to me separately before the night is over. I won't wait for a decision on whether or not to use the abilitity. Same with the SB's lie-detect & suicide-bomb abilities as well as the Policeman's arrest and TC's vote removal (though the SB and arrest and vote removal are day-abilities, not night) Innocents: win by killing all the baddies. Each Innocent has a special role... saving roles = Doctor, Healer, Lord Phoenix * Doctor - save one person each night. Not same person 2 nights in a row. Can save self only once. The Doctor cannot save the Inspector (ie, the save fails) * Healer - same as Doctor, but different methods of medicine. The Healer cannot save the Spy (ie, the save fails) * Lord Phoenix - [cannot be killed by QAs] the master of Denbrain. Little do people know, Lord Phoenix is actually a real phoenix- a bird of fire. This fiery phantasm is capable of repelling the spectral Grim Reaper, and Lord Phoenix takes full use of this, saving people on even nights from the Grim Reaper. Lord Phoenix cannot save himself/herself (for the sole reason that saving someone else effectively saves himself/herself), but Lord Phoenix CAN save someone two times in a row. If Lord Phoenix is targeted on an even night while he/she is out protecting against the GR, the night post says that the player wasn't there, but does not give the identity of Lord Phoenix (though obviously the group/person that went after Lord Phoenix knows). Once the Grim Reaper dies, Lord Phoenix will discover his/her true calling as 'the Phoenix', and transform permanently into the firebird, and discover another purpose (which has to do with saving people, but the common Innocent doesn't know what it is). However, after this transformation, Lord Phoenix becomes vulnerable to the QAs discovery roles = Inspector, Spy, Suicide Bomber * Inspector - gets PMed, every day, a baddie identity in this order: Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA. The order is determined at the beginning of the game by me randomly, so dead people may be included. The Inspector is fresh out of Pengville and is not familiar with how the Yakuza works, and of course the GR is un-Inspectable * Spy - PMs me one player each day, I reveal their role, but not specific role within a baddie faction. If they are Innocent, however, the role-reveal is as specific as possible * Suicide Bomber - [knows Inspector & is known by Mafia] the Suicide Bomber is an ex-terrorist who is now sided with the Innocents. At any point DURING THE DAY ONLY, the SB can PM to me a victim, and both the SB and the victim die in the explosion. I will make it unclear which of the two was the SB and which of the two was the victim. There is a 1/4 chance that the SB will survive, and a 1/4 that the victim will survive- those events are independent so there is a 1/16 chance both will survive. Again, it will be unknown which of the two (SB or victim) that any survivor(s) are. When the SB PMs in the target, they can either choose to have it announced immediately, or in the day post. If the SB is lynched, they'll be PMed a prompt if they want to blow someone up at the lynching, otherwise it's a normal lynching. If the SB is killed at night, there is a 2/3 chance they will blow up and kill a random one of their attackers. The explosion does not affect the Grim Reaper whether done at night or in the day, so the Grim Reaper will be seen as one of the "survivors" if at day, or if at night, the Grim Reaper will just scythe down the SB as if the 1/3 chance of no explosion occurred. Also, the Suicide Bomber, being an ex-terrorist, is highly skilled at torture and knows when people are lying. Any night, but not 2 nights in a row, the SB can pick one TRUE/FALSE statement that someone has said and PMs it in. I will tell them one of three options: (1) TRUE, (2) FALSE, or (3) the person who said this statement does not know whether it is true or false. The person quoted MUST be still alive. If the person quoted is the MoD, the MoD is PMed and can choose my reply (TRUE/FALSE/does not know). However, there's another catch: it's been a long time since the SB was a torture-happy terrorist, and he/she isn't up to speed with today's pro-lying techniques. There are just some statements that are too ambiguious ("I'm not... a baddie..."), non-true-false ("I like the color blue"), direct-to-test (like "I am Innocent", etc) that the SB just cannot lie detect them. In this case, I will inform the SB and he/she can feel free to choose a different statement killing roles = Ninja and his/her Defender * Defender - [knows who Ninja is] no special powers on their own. No matter when the Defender dies, his/her role is revealed. Every night that the Yakuza kill, the Defender can save someone against the Yakuza only * Ninja - [does not know who Defender is, but knows who Janitor is] ancient warrior and nemesis of the Grim Reaper. While the Defender is alive, the Ninja cannot be killed at night, but the Ninja can be lynched any time. The Ninja kills for the Innocents on prime-numbered nights (2,3,5,7,etc). When/if the Defender dies, the Ninja is vulnerable at night other roles = Janitor, Vagabond, Policeman, Street Vendor, Tax Collector * Janitor - [knows who Ninja is] the Janitor, after his/her many years of watching and learning, has adopted many vital skills. Each night, I roll a 6-sided dice to determine the action of the Janitor (Saving, Killing, Eavesdropping (pick three people and get told which two of them have BTSC, if none of them have BTSC, or if all three have BTSC), Discovering (just like Spy), Cleaning (the Janitor is off cleaning and nobody can find him/her to kill), or free choice of the previous 5 if a 6 is rolled). The Janitor picks a person other than themself and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action (or choose the action to carry out, if I rolled a 6). Also, the Janitor doesn't have much possessions or ID and thus the Thief cannot steal from them (the steal fails, but counts as a use, but the Mafia learn the identity of the Janitor of course) or frame them (same deal) * Vagabond - also known as the Wanderer, the Vagabond wanders around the world, and has seen the ruthless expansion of Quarky, and thus is aligned against the Quarky Agents. The Vagabond, from his/her travel experiences, knows a way to tag suspects, and if the tagged person is a QA, they will dissolved by the taggant chemical the next day (regardless of whether the Vagabond is still alive). The Vagabond is a semi-independent character and wins by killing BOTH Quarky Agents in this manner. Otherwise, the Vagabond wins with the Innocents. If the Vagabond tags the Defender, they are both immediately notified and the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC on the spot * Policeman - the Policeman/woman (will refer to as male from now on for simplicity) can make one arrest per day. They must PM the arrest to me before the day is up, and the day post will include the arrest. The Policeman cannot arrest himself, nor any dead players (ie, the person lynched that day), nor any players previously arrested. The arrested player spends the following night with the Policeman in the Denbrain jail. The Policeman can ask one question, PMed to me, who is PMed to the arrested player, who PMs back to me. After that, the Policeman can release the arrested player (at which point the arrested player can be their normal role in the night & get killed/saved/etc) or keep the player in jail until morning. If the arrested player is saved and was kept in jail, the saving role cannot enter the jail to save them, obviously. If the arrested player is targeted for death and was kept in jail, depending on what baddie group went after him/her, the player may or may not survive and there may or may not be other repercussions relating to the Policeman and the baddie group (it depends on the baddie group and the circumstances). If a player is kept in jail overnight after the question is asked, they cannot use their night ability, and it also a general finger-of-suspicion type thing. The player is released in the morning and can never be arrested again. If the Policeman is targeted for death, certain things happen depending on who was arrested and whether or not they were kept or released, etc * Street Vendor - the SV sells tacos, sausages, burritos, gorditos, wraps, pretzels and paninis out on the streets of Denbrain. However, he/she has lots of underworld contacts... the Mafia let him/her sell on this street, or that corner. They could dispatch him/her at any time (via a PM to me) for free. They don't know his/her identity, though. Anyway, back to the SV: they see everything that goes on at night. Who the Doctor/Healer/Phoenix/Defender saves, which QA (MoE or MoD) went after which target, as well as the Janitor's choice of person, the role, and then the decision to carry it out. The SV is also told the Innocent/Baddie role of each player that died during the night, as well as if a Masked Lover died during the night. Useful for the Innocents? You bet, unfortunately the SV is a contact for the Mafia, if you've forgotten. The SV, at any time, can PM me a message (containing data that the SV knows, but doesn't necessarily have to be telling the truth) which I send on to the Mafia. They can decide when they want to dispatch the SV, if at all. This is a complex and tough role to play, but rewarding * Tax Collector - each day, can choose one person to remove from the poll that day only, ie, the person chosen cannot vote (and everyone is informed of this as soon as I get the PM and update the roster so that person can't vote). The Tax Collector must PM the vote removal at a time when 50% or less of the people playing have voted- I will check the time on the PM when I get it and compare with the times of posts Additional Roles: These are roles that are independent of your main role... * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. If there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, someone has to switch to break the tie * Masked Lovers - these tragic romantics don't know who the other Lover is, but if one of the Lovers is lynched, they recognize their Lover and the two die together. The Lovers, being tragic and all, consist of 1 Mafioso and 1 Innocent. Thus both Lovers are informed that they are a Lover, but not the identity of their fellow Lover BTSC: * Mafia has BTSC * Yakuza has BTSC * the two QAs only get BTSC after: ** they both pick the same person to kill (the kill happens) ** one picks the other, the other picks someone (they meet up, but no kill happens) ** they both pick the other person (no kill happens) * the Janitor and the Ninja have BTSC from the beginning of the game * the Doctor and Healer get BTSC if: ** they both save the same person ** they both save each other ** one of them saves the other * the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC if: ** the Vagabond tags the Defender ** the Defender saves Vagabond
  14. yeah... but earlier in the day somehow - 50% have voted btw Bb has had an idea for a change in the Thief, which I like a lot. I'll update the TC and the Thief in a sec
  15. hmmm. IMO, it's less of an interesting role if used at the end of the day when they know how the vote is, and they wouldnt have that much affect anyway unless it was tied or 1 away from tying. Think about it. The first night one is like a random guess, but after that it is an important decision. The point would be to take baddies out of the vote, or people that are opposed to you or people you think are Innocent. However, it's not necessarily possible to know how the day might turn, so here's my suggestion of a change, since I like this better now that you've brought it up: the Tax Collector can stop someone's vote during the day, but only at a point in the day when less then 40/35ish% of voters have voted (the person stopped doesnt have to be someone that's voted yet). What do you think? you guys don't know the goal of the Yakuza so this is an area where you can't really make suggestions, ya know? . But I do like this identity. A framer, of sorts. Maybe it could be a general Yakuza ability. After each kill, they can plant evidence. If the Spy spies on the person evidence planted on, they get Yakuza I like it, but no, sorry It's like uber-Thief for the Yakuza, which don't need it. Sorry. But I do like the idea of a frame-up type thingy, maybe a later game ;D
  16. Top Post Oceanic Flight 815 Smoke and Mirrors As the sun sets beyond the liquid horizon... "Well if ain't Marvy the Martian," Sawyer snorted as he/she passed Marv's sleeping body, leaning down to shuffle through the duffel bag. "Shuffel the duffel," Sawyer chuckled to himself/herself. "Well well well, looks like Marv's a poet and he don't even know it!" "Happy about something?" came a cold voice. Sawyer shot a nervous glance to his/her left, and saw a shadowy figure, standing in the silhouette of the red setting sun. Sawyer, who had just been fiddling with a small mirror from Marv's pack, stood up nervous. "Cya later, Hemingway," Sawyer hissed to Marv, before turning and dashing away toward the jungle. The figure leapt after him like a jungle cat, snagging Sawyer's shirt and tearing it, revealing a giant tattoo that read Lost In Space. LIS slashed down with the small mirror, hacking his assailant's arm. The assailant- Ethan- dropped his/her arm with a furious snarl, giving LIS enough time to sprint away into the treeline, followed viciously by the Other. "Come on, Tarzan!" Sawyer shouted back as Ethan leapt off trees, moving through the jungle as if he/she owned it. "There's a new sheriff in town!" "Shut up," growled Ethan, and tackled Sawyer to the dirt in a small clearing. LIS struggled, but Ethan was amazingly strong, pinning LIS to the ground and tying his arm to a piece of twine attached to a nearby tree. Then Ethan whistling, as if calling an animal, and retreated into the shadows. "Where you goin', Dr. Doolittle?" Sawyer shouted as Ethan disappeared among the trees. "Had enough of this? Huh?" He was silent for a second before yanking on the twine angrily and yelling, "Come on! Get me outta here, hoss! No more stealing from me!" He raised the small mirror and began sawing at the twine, but it wasn't helping. "Hey! Where'd you go-" His loud pleading was cut off by an even louder roar, coupled with a blaring foghorn as a wild wind kicked up, rustling the foilage. Something was comer closer, booming and shaking the trees as it tore its way toward the clearing. LIS was shocked into silence as whatever came closer and closer- as it neared to where he was tied, LIS could see trees being upended and tossed into the air like matchsticks. He gulped. And suddenly a coil of pulsating black smoke was wrapped around him, smothering him in the dark memories of his past. He barely had to time to scream before the tentacle of darkness ripped him from the tree (and taking part of the tree with it) and raising him into the air. Sawyer/LIS howled in fear as the smoke monster slammed him against the trees. The first slam rattled every bone in his body, dislodged plates in his skull, snapped a few of his ribs, puncturing one of the ribs, and sloshed the brain around. Before he could even register the pain, the smoke had swung him around and smashed him into another tree, breaking his back, crushing his head and snapping his neck as most of his internal organs were dashed apart as well. By the time he hit the third, and then fourth, trees (oddly, forming the shape of a cross), LIS was already as good as dead. His bloody body was dropped onto the clearing and the smoke retreated with a chittering sound. As the final wisps of smoke disappeared, LIS dropped the little mirror into the dust. But wait... his hazy vision was blackening quickly... was that Jack emerging from the trees? No, it was Ethan, come back to check on him. By the time Ethan reached his body, LIS didn't care anymore... because he was dead. The Island: Unreality 1) Ysub 2) Taliesin 3) GC 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Marv 6) ROF 7) LM 8) LIS - DEAD [sawyer] Killed by Others 9) Rene83 yes I gave away the identity on the first night, just cuz
  17. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    great post Hehe I see you used some of my ideas ;D Can't wait to see how this day pans out
  18. I have made the final role! changes: updates to Def/Vagabond BTSC, added Tax Collector Mafia VI ** Gangs of Denbrain ** Basic Overview: Baddies (and Ninja) strike at night, while the Innocents try to lynch them during the day by majority vote RULES: 1) only play if you've read the rules, the roles, etc, and previous Mafia games!!! You need to know what you're getting into and how much time it takes up 2) no PMing behind the scenes!!!! Not only is this one of the stupidest things you could do in Mafia (you don't know who you're giving your role to and who is asking for your role, etc), even if you do know another person's role (or think you do) you can't PM them behind the scenes OR CONTACT THEM IN ANY WAY. There are notable exceptions, which will be mentioned later. If you aren't one of the exceptions, forget about BTSC (behind-the-scenes-contact) 3) each day in Mafia-time will finish 24 hours after the night post, and if you haven't voted/discussed/participated/etc during that time, you will be out of the game for inactivity. This time is set in stone and will be the end time no matter if everyone is done voting before this. Each night will end 18 hours after the day ends, however if I get all the necessary PMs in before the 18 hours, I will do the night post then. I'll probably extend night post estimates to when I'm awake and stuff (ie, I might say "night post in 20 hours" if I know I'll be awake and ready in 20 hours). In other words, days are always 24 hours long, while nights vary but are usually around 18 hours long 4) please don't be rude ;D be nice and courteous and respectful 5) after you die, you can post in the topic, but only once (it's called your "ghost post") not about anything important- ie, you can't reveal your role, make arguments, take part in strategy discussions, etc. And you have to post in GRAY! 6) Mafia is fun I will be choosing the final roster of 21 players, picking from the signer-uppers very carefully. I don't want to leave anyone out, but I don't want to have any inactives. If you weren't picked, it may be that we just don't have any room, and I won't be accepting any late-joiners either, it messes up the game (cough Mafia 1 cough Mafia III). There are exactly 21 players, no exceptions. We do have a backup list for emergencies, though. So please keep that in mind, and also Mafia is a game of elimination, sort of... so don't be mad or sad if/when you die 7) this rule may be unnecessary but you should never challenge the host ;D hehehehe A Few Points to Keep in Mind: 1) There will be no clues in any day posts 2) There will be no clues in night posts 3) Acting on a clue is stupid. I put them into Mafia II so they could be chuckled at retrospectively, not acted on during the game, which fueled bad gameplay in Mafia IV and V especially 4) There WILL be clues, though, but in a different fashion. You'll see 5) If someone outs their role, that does not mean they are that role. And even if someone contradicts soon and says that THEY are that role, that means nothing either. Be smart and not trusting. The Doctor and Healer don't have as much saving-power as you might think, and it's risky to come out with a role, especially an Inspector or Spy-like role. Especially since the Doctor cannot save the Inspector and the Healer cannot save the Spy 6) Never trust anyone! Even people you think/know are Innocents. The baddies are aware of the advantage of coming out with your role, so be prepared for dastardly tricks ;D 7) Laying low is NOT a successful strategy- people get very suspicious (and the host gets mad) if you don't participate, and the inactivity-kill-rule is taken seriously as well Night Posts: 1) Nobody's identity is revealed in a night post to any group (killer or otherwise), except the Defender and Bankroller, both of which are publically revealed. Other things may be logically revealed based on events (ie, only one QA left), but aren't 'officially' revealed (the other QA could be laying low, etc) 2) The hierarchy of kills and "what happens first" depends on what actions are taking place that night 3) Saving roles are only mentioned if (a) they save someone from death, (b) they achieve BTSC, or © they try to get into the jail but can't now for the best part... ROLES: 21 peope: 8 baddies, 13 Innocents baddies: * 3 Mafiosos (Godfather, Thief, Bankroller) - know who each other are. Can converse freely all the time. The Mafia kills each night. Each of the Mafiosos' special abilities are useable any night but not 2 nights in a row * 2 Quarky Agents (Master of Espionage, Master of Deception) - do not know who each other are (at first). The QAs kill each night. Must have both to kill. If they do both pick the same person or each other, they get BTSC * 2 Yakuza (Oyabun, Shatei) - a new gang in Denbrain who have BTSC, straight out of the archipelagos of the Far East. The Yakuza kills on every night except the first night, until absorbed by the expanding Mafia crime family (which the Yakuza can then communicate with the Mafia) * 1 Grim Reaper - a solo spectre of darkness who kills every even-numbered night. Invincible for first night and first day win conditions for baddies: * Mafia - kill everyone except Mafiosos and Yakuza (regardless of what stage of their game the Yakuza is at) * QAs - kill the Phoenix. However, Lord Phoenix is invincible to the QAs until his/her transformation after the GR dies. If the QAs fail to kill the Phoenix somehow, they are immediately notified (and are given BTSC) and a secondary mission is given: lynch a specific person the next day (the person is chosen randomly by me and is not a QA). If the QAs fail the secondary mission, their aliases are discovered and they are mass-lynched along with the actual person being lynched * Yakuza - the Yakuza have their own gang goals, but if their goals fail, they will team up with the Mafia. The goals are unknown to the Innocents (and every other non-Yakuza baddie), but everyone will be notified if the Yakuza fail, and after that the Yakuza will be assimilated into the Mafia * GR - kill the Ninja. If the Grim Reaper fails to kill the Ninja (ie, the Ninja dies some other way), the GR is outta the game mafia special roles: * Godfather - [any night, not 2x in a row] see the faction of 1 person (a faction is: mafia/innocent/QA/yakuza/GR). The Godfather is told instantly and thus can act on that information that night * Thief - [any night, not 2x in a row] steal from 1 person and assume their identity the next day if the Spy investigates or if Inspector is getting the Thief's identity PMed the next day. Also, see the Janitor role for a special case regarding the Thief * Bankroller - [can be used every night!] send the host a message which will be posted in the night post- ie, a "message from the Mafia". If the Bankroller dies at any time (night, day, whatever), the Bankroller's identity as a Mafioso is revealed, and also the specific identity as 'Bankroller' Quarky Agent roles: * Master of Deception - if the SB lie-detects a statement by the MoD, the MoD can decide what my reply will be (true, false, does not know) * Master of Espionage - can spy on one person every night. Gets told "innocent" or "baddie" only after the night post. Can be influenced by the Thief Yakuza roles: * Oyabun - the master of the small Yakuza crime ring. The Oyabun's ability is similar to the Bankroller's, and it can also be used any night, but not 2 nights in a row * Shatei - a common goon of the Yakuza. Has no abilities, but if the Oyabun dies before the Shatei, the Shatei takes the Oyabun's place and gains the Oyabun's ability Grim Reaper ability: the Grim Reaper has an ability called "death scent" which he/she can use on odd nights (ie, the nights that the GR doesn't kill). Death scent allows the GR to "sniff" one player. If/when that player is killed, the Grim Reaper is given a random living member of the faction of the killers. If the faction that killed the player has no living members, the GR is informed of this. If the person was a QA and is killed by the Vagabond, and the Vagabond is still alive, the GR is given the Vagabond's identity. If the person is lynched, the GR is told the name of a random living Innocent. The player that is 'sniffed' is informed that they have been 'sniffed', but the group as a whole is not *** All Mafia abilities as well as the MoE's ability, the Oyabun's ability and the GR's ability, must be PMed to me separately before the night is over. I won't wait for a decision on whether or not to use the abilitity. Same with the SB's lie-detect & suicide-bomb abilities as well as the Policeman's arrest (though the SB and arrest are day-abilities, not night) Innocents: win by killing all the baddies. Each Innocent has a special role... saving roles = Doctor, Healer, Lord Phoenix * Doctor - save one person each night. Not same person 2 nights in a row. Can save self only once. The Doctor cannot save the Inspector (ie, the save fails) * Healer - same as Doctor, but different methods of medicine. The Healer cannot save the Spy (ie, the save fails) * Lord Phoenix - [cannot be killed by QAs] the master of Denbrain. Little do people know, Lord Phoenix is actually a real phoenix- a bird of fire. This fiery phantasm is capable of repelling the spectral Grim Reaper, and Lord Phoenix takes full use of this, saving people on even nights from the Grim Reaper. Lord Phoenix cannot save himself/herself (for the sole reason that saving someone else effectively saves himself/herself), but Lord Phoenix CAN save someone two times in a row. If Lord Phoenix is targeted on an even night while he/she is out protecting against the GR, the night post says that the player wasn't there, but does not give the identity of Lord Phoenix (though obviously the group/person that went after Lord Phoenix knows). Once the Grim Reaper dies, Lord Phoenix will discover his/her true calling as 'the Phoenix', and transform permanently into the firebird, and discover another purpose (which has to do with saving people, but the common Innocent doesn't know what it is). However, after this transformation, Lord Phoenix becomes vulnerable to the QAs discovery roles = Inspector, Spy, Suicide Bomber * Inspector - gets PMed, every day, a baddie identity in this order: Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA. The order is determined at the beginning of the game by me randomly, so dead people may be included. The Inspector is fresh out of Pengville and is not familiar with how the Yakuza works, and of course the GR is un-Inspectable * Spy - PMs me one player each day, I reveal their role, but not specific role within a baddie faction. If they are Innocent, however, the role-reveal is as specific as possible * Suicide Bomber - [knows Inspector & is known by Mafia] the Suicide Bomber is an ex-terrorist who is now sided with the Innocents. At any point DURING THE DAY ONLY, the SB can PM to me a victim, and both the SB and the victim die in the explosion. I will make it unclear which of the two was the SB and which of the two was the victim. There is a 1/4 chance that the SB will survive, and a 1/4 that the victim will survive- those events are independent so there is a 1/16 chance both will survive. Again, it will be unknown which of the two (SB or victim) that any survivor(s) are. When the SB PMs in the target, they can either choose to have it announced immediately, or in the day post. If the SB is lynched, they'll be PMed a prompt if they want to blow someone up at the lynching, otherwise it's a normal lynching. If the SB is killed at night, there is a 2/3 chance they will blow up and kill a random one of their attackers. The explosion does not affect the Grim Reaper whether done at night or in the day, so the Grim Reaper will be seen as one of the "survivors" if at day, or if at night, the Grim Reaper will just scythe down the SB as if the 1/3 chance of no explosion occurred. Also, the Suicide Bomber, being an ex-terrorist, is highly skilled at torture and knows when people are lying. Any night, but not 2 nights in a row, the SB can pick one TRUE/FALSE statement that someone has said and PMs it in. I will tell them one of three options: (1) TRUE, (2) FALSE, or (3) the person who said this statement does not know whether it is true or false. The person quoted MUST be still alive. If the person quoted is the MoD, the MoD is PMed and can choose my reply (TRUE/FALSE/does not know). However, there's another catch: it's been a long time since the SB was a torture-happy terrorist, and he/she isn't up to speed with today's pro-lying techniques. There are just some statements that are too ambiguious ("I'm not... a baddie..."), non-true-false ("I like the color blue"), direct-to-test (like "I am Innocent", etc) that the SB just cannot lie detect them. In this case, I will inform the SB and he/she can feel free to choose a different statement killing roles = Ninja and his/her Defender * Defender - [knows who Ninja is] no special powers on their own. No matter when the Defender dies, his/her role is revealed. Every night that the Yakuza kill, the Defender can save someone against the Yakuza only * Ninja - [does not know who Defender is, but knows who Janitor is] ancient warrior and nemesis of the Grim Reaper. While the Defender is alive, the Ninja cannot be killed at night, but the Ninja can be lynched any time. The Ninja kills for the Innocents on prime-numbered nights (2,3,5,7,etc). When/if the Defender dies, the Ninja is vulnerable at night other roles = Janitor, Vagabond, Policeman, Street Vendor, Tax Collector * Janitor - [knows who Ninja is] the Janitor, after his/her many years of watching and learning, has adopted many vital skills. Each night, I roll a 6-sided dice to determine the action of the Janitor (Saving, Killing, Eavesdropping (pick three people and get told which two of them have BTSC, if none of them have BTSC, or if all three have BTSC), Discovering (just like Spy), Cleaning (the Janitor is off cleaning and nobody can find him/her to kill), or free choice of the previous 5 if a 6 is rolled). The Janitor picks a person other than themself and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action (or choose the action to carry out, if I rolled a 6). Also, the Janitor doesn't have much possessions or ID and thus the Thief cannot steal from them (the steal fails, but counts as a use, but the Mafia learn the identity of the Janitor of course) * Vagabond - also known as the Wanderer, the Vagabond wanders around the world, and has seen the ruthless expansion of Quarky, and thus is aligned against the Quarky Agents. The Vagabond, from his/her travel experiences, knows a way to tag suspects, and if the tagged person is a QA, they will dissolved by the taggant chemical the next day (regardless of whether the Vagabond is still alive). The Vagabond is a semi-independent character and wins by killing BOTH Quarky Agents in this manner. Otherwise, the Vagabond wins with the Innocents. If the Vagabond tags the Defender, they are both immediately notified and the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC on the spot * Policeman - the Policeman/woman (will refer to as male from now on for simplicity) can make one arrest per day. They must PM the arrest to me before the day is up, and the day post will include the arrest. The Policeman cannot arrest himself, nor any dead players (ie, the person lynched that day), nor any players previously arrested. The arrested player spends the following night with the Policeman in the Denbrain jail. The Policeman can ask one question, PMed to me, who is PMed to the arrested player, who PMs back to me. After that, the Policeman can release the arrested player (at which point the arrested player can be their normal role in the night & get killed/saved/etc) or keep the player in jail until morning. If the arrested player is saved and was kept in jail, the saving role cannot enter the jail to save them, obviously. If the arrested player is targeted for death and was kept in jail, depending on what baddie group went after him/her, the player may or may not survive and there may or may not be other repercussions relating to the Policeman and the baddie group (it depends on the baddie group and the circumstances). If a player is kept in jail overnight after the question is asked, they cannot use their night ability, and it also a general finger-of-suspicion type thing. The player is released in the morning and can never be arrested again. If the Policeman is targeted for death, certain things happen depending on who was arrested and whether or not they were kept or released, etc * Street Vendor - the SV sells tacos, sausages, burritos, gorditos, wraps, pretzels and paninis out on the streets of Denbrain. However, he/she has lots of underworld contacts... the Mafia let him/her sell on this street, or that corner. They could dispatch him/her at any time (via a PM to me) for free. They don't know his/her identity, though. Anyway, back to the SV: they see everything that goes on at night. Who the Doctor/Healer/Phoenix/Defender saves, which QA (MoE or MoD) went after which target, as well as the Janitor's choice of person, the role, and then the decision to carry it out. The SV is also told the Innocent/Baddie role of each player that died during the night, as well as if a Masked Lover died during the night. Useful for the Innocents? You bet, unfortunately the SV is a contact for the Mafia, if you've forgotten. The SV, at any time, can PM me a message (containing data that the SV knows, but doesn't necessarily have to be telling the truth) which I send on to the Mafia. They can decide when they want to dispatch the SV, if at all. This is a complex and tough role to play, but rewarding * Tax Collector - each night, can choose one person to remove from the poll the next day, ie, the person chosen cannot vote (and everyone is informed of this in the night post). If the night post does not inform who was removed from voting based on tax debts, (1) the person chosen died at night, (2) the Tax Collector is dead, or (3) the Tax Collector chose not to remove anyone from the vote Additional Roles: These are roles that are independent of your main role... * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. If there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, someone has to switch to break the tie * Masked Lovers - these tragic romantics don't know who the other Lover is, but if one of the Lovers is lynched, they recognize their Lover and the two die together. The Lovers, being tragic and all, consist of 1 Mafioso and 1 Innocent. Thus both Lovers are informed that they are a Lover, but not the identity of their fellow Lover BTSC: * Mafia has BTSC * Yakuza has BTSC * the two QAs only get BTSC after: ** they both pick the same person to kill (the kill happens) ** one picks the other, the other picks someone (they meet up, but no kill happens) ** they both pick the other person (no kill happens) * the Janitor and the Ninja have BTSC from the beginning of the game * the Doctor and Healer get BTSC if: ** they both save the same person ** they both save each other ** one of them saves the other * the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC if: ** the Vagabond tags the Defender ** the Defender saves Vagabond
  19. still dont have the final role, but posting: changes: Bankroller ab every night, no more Insp & SB contact, Insp doesnt know SB, added Janitor and Ninja BTSC Mafia VI ** Gangs of Denbrain ** Basic Overview: Baddies (and Ninja) strike at night, while the Innocents try to lynch them during the day by majority vote RULES: 1) only play if you've read the rules, the roles, etc, and previous Mafia games!!! You need to know what you're getting into and how much time it takes up 2) no PMing behind the scenes!!!! Not only is this one of the stupidest things you could do in Mafia (you don't know who you're giving your role to and who is asking for your role, etc), even if you do know another person's role (or think you do) you can't PM them behind the scenes OR CONTACT THEM IN ANY WAY. There are notable exceptions, which will be mentioned later. If you aren't one of the exceptions, forget about BTSC (behind-the-scenes-contact) 3) each day in Mafia-time will finish 24 hours after the night post, and if you haven't voted/discussed/participated/etc during that time, you will be out of the game for inactivity. This time is set in stone and will be the end time no matter if everyone is done voting before this. Each night will end 18 hours after the day ends, however if I get all the necessary PMs in before the 18 hours, I will do the night post then. I'll probably extend night post estimates to when I'm awake and stuff (ie, I might say "night post in 20 hours" if I know I'll be awake and ready in 20 hours). In other words, days are always 24 hours long, while nights vary but are usually around 18 hours long 4) please don't be rude ;D be nice and courteous and respectful 5) after you die, you can post in the topic, but only once (it's called your "ghost post") not about anything important- ie, you can't reveal your role, make arguments, take part in strategy discussions, etc. And you have to post in GRAY! 6) Mafia is fun I will be choosing the final roster of 21 players, picking from the signer-uppers very carefully. I don't want to leave anyone out, but I don't want to have any inactives. If you weren't picked, it may be that we just don't have any room, and I won't be accepting any late-joiners either, it messes up the game (cough Mafia 1 cough Mafia III). There are exactly 21 players, no exceptions. We do have a backup list for emergencies, though. So please keep that in mind, and also Mafia is a game of elimination, sort of... so don't be mad or sad if/when you die 7) this rule may be unnecessary but you should never challenge the host ;D hehehehe A Few Points to Keep in Mind: 1) There will be no clues in any day posts 2) There will be no clues in night posts 3) Acting on a clue is stupid. I put them into Mafia II so they could be chuckled at retrospectively, not acted on during the game, which fueled bad gameplay in Mafia IV and V especially 4) There WILL be clues, though, but in a different fashion. You'll see 5) If someone outs their role, that does not mean they are that role. And even if someone contradicts soon and says that THEY are that role, that means nothing either. Be smart and not trusting. The Doctor and Healer don't have as much saving-power as you might think, and it's risky to come out with a role, especially an Inspector or Spy-like role. Especially since the Doctor cannot save the Inspector and the Healer cannot save the Spy 6) Never trust anyone! Even people you think/know are Innocents. The baddies are aware of the advantage of coming out with your role, so be prepared for dastardly tricks ;D 7) Laying low is NOT a successful strategy- people get very suspicious (and the host gets mad) if you don't participate, and the inactivity-kill-rule is taken seriously as well Night Posts: 1) Nobody's identity is revealed in a night post to any group (killer or otherwise), except the Defender and Bankroller, both of which are publically revealed. Other things may be logically revealed based on events (ie, only one QA left), but aren't 'officially' revealed (the other QA could be laying low, etc) 2) The hierarchy of kills and "what happens first" depends on what actions are taking place that night 3) Saving roles are only mentioned if (a) they save someone from death, (b) they achieve BTSC, or © they try to get into the jail but can't now for the best part... ROLES: 21 peope: 8 baddies, 13 Innocents baddies: * 3 Mafiosos (Godfather, Thief, Bankroller) - know who each other are. Can converse freely all the time. The Mafia kills each night. Each of the Mafiosos' special abilities are useable any night but not 2 nights in a row * 2 Quarky Agents (Master of Espionage, Master of Deception) - do not know who each other are (at first). The QAs kill each night. Must have both to kill. If they do both pick the same person or each other, they get BTSC * 2 Yakuza (Oyabun, Shatei) - a new gang in Denbrain who have BTSC, straight out of the archipelagos of the Far East. The Yakuza kills on every night except the first night, until absorbed by the expanding Mafia crime family (which the Yakuza can then communicate with the Mafia) * 1 Grim Reaper - a solo spectre of darkness who kills every even-numbered night. Invincible for first night and first day win conditions for baddies: * Mafia - kill everyone except Mafiosos and Yakuza (regardless of what stage of their game the Yakuza is at) * QAs - kill the Phoenix. However, Lord Phoenix is invincible to the QAs until his/her transformation after the GR dies. If the QAs fail to kill the Phoenix somehow, they are immediately notified (and are given BTSC) and a secondary mission is given: lynch a specific person the next day (the person is chosen randomly by me and is not a QA). If the QAs fail the secondary mission, their aliases are discovered and they are mass-lynched along with the actual person being lynched * Yakuza - the Yakuza have their own gang goals, but if their goals fail, they will team up with the Mafia. The goals are unknown to the Innocents (and every other non-Yakuza baddie), but everyone will be notified if the Yakuza fail, and after that the Yakuza will be assimilated into the Mafia * GR - kill the Ninja. If the Grim Reaper fails to kill the Ninja (ie, the Ninja dies some other way), the GR is outta the game mafia special roles: * Godfather - [any night, not 2x in a row] see the faction of 1 person (a faction is: mafia/innocent/QA/yakuza/GR). The Godfather is told instantly and thus can act on that information that night * Thief - [any night, not 2x in a row] steal from 1 person and assume their identity the next day if the Spy investigates or if Inspector is getting the Thief's identity PMed the next day. Also, see the Janitor role for a special case regarding the Thief * Bankroller - [can be used every night!] send the host a message which will be posted in the night post- ie, a "message from the Mafia". If the Bankroller dies at any time (night, day, whatever), the Bankroller's identity as a Mafioso is revealed, and also the specific identity as 'Bankroller' Quarky Agent roles: * Master of Deception - if the SB lie-detects a statement by the MoD, the MoD can decide what my reply will be (true, false, does not know) * Master of Espionage - can spy on one person every night. Gets told "innocent" or "baddie" only after the night post. Can be influenced by the Thief Yakuza roles: * Oyabun - the master of the small Yakuza crime ring. The Oyabun's ability is similar to the Bankroller's, and it can also be used any night, but not 2 nights in a row * Shatei - a common goon of the Yakuza. Has no abilities, but if the Oyabun dies before the Shatei, the Shatei takes the Oyabun's place and gains the Oyabun's ability Grim Reaper ability: the Grim Reaper has an ability called "death scent" which he/she can use on odd nights (ie, the nights that the GR doesn't kill). Death scent allows the GR to "sniff" one player. If/when that player is killed, the Grim Reaper is given a random living member of the faction of the killers. If the faction that killed the player has no living members, the GR is informed of this. If the person was a QA and is killed by the Vagabond, and the Vagabond is still alive, the GR is given the Vagabond's identity. If the person is lynched, the GR is told the name of a random living Innocent. The player that is 'sniffed' is informed that they have been 'sniffed', but the group as a whole is not *** All Mafia abilities as well as the MoE's ability, the Oyabun's ability and the GR's ability, must be PMed to me separately before the night is over. I won't wait for a decision on whether or not to use the abilitity. Same with the SB's lie-detect & suicide-bomb abilities as well as the Policeman's arrest (though the SB and arrest are day-abilities, not night) Innocents: win by killing all the baddies. Each Innocent has a special role... saving roles = Doctor, Healer, Lord Phoenix * Doctor - save one person each night. Not same person 2 nights in a row. Can save self only once. The Doctor cannot save the Inspector (ie, the save fails) * Healer - same as Doctor, but different methods of medicine. The Healer cannot save the Spy (ie, the save fails) * Lord Phoenix - [cannot be killed by QAs] the master of Denbrain. Little do people know, Lord Phoenix is actually a real phoenix- a bird of fire. This fiery phantasm is capable of repelling the spectral Grim Reaper, and Lord Phoenix takes full use of this, saving people on even nights from the Grim Reaper. Lord Phoenix cannot save himself/herself (for the sole reason that saving someone else effectively saves himself/herself), but Lord Phoenix CAN save someone two times in a row. If Lord Phoenix is targeted on an even night while he/she is out protecting against the GR, the night post says that the player wasn't there, but does not give the identity of Lord Phoenix (though obviously the group/person that went after Lord Phoenix knows). Once the Grim Reaper dies, Lord Phoenix will discover his/her true calling as 'the Phoenix', and transform permanently into the firebird, and discover another purpose (which has to do with saving people, but the common Innocent doesn't know what it is). However, after this transformation, Lord Phoenix becomes vulnerable to the QAs discovery roles = Inspector, Spy, Suicide Bomber * Inspector - gets PMed, every day, a baddie identity in this order: Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA. The order is determined at the beginning of the game by me randomly, so dead people may be included. The Inspector is fresh out of Pengville and is not familiar with how the Yakuza works, and of course the GR is un-Inspectable * Spy - PMs me one player each day, I reveal their role, but not specific role within a baddie faction. If they are Innocent, however, the role-reveal is as specific as possible * Suicide Bomber - [knows Inspector & is known by Mafia] the Suicide Bomber is an ex-terrorist who is now sided with the Innocents. At any point DURING THE DAY ONLY, the SB can PM to me a victim, and both the SB and the victim die in the explosion. I will make it unclear which of the two was the SB and which of the two was the victim. There is a 1/4 chance that the SB will survive, and a 1/4 that the victim will survive- those events are independent so there is a 1/16 chance both will survive. Again, it will be unknown which of the two (SB or victim) that any survivor(s) are. When the SB PMs in the target, they can either choose to have it announced immediately, or in the day post. If the SB is lynched, they'll be PMed a prompt if they want to blow someone up at the lynching, otherwise it's a normal lynching. If the SB is killed at night, there is a 2/3 chance they will blow up and kill a random one of their attackers. The explosion does not affect the Grim Reaper whether done at night or in the day, so the Grim Reaper will be seen as one of the "survivors" if at day, or if at night, the Grim Reaper will just scythe down the SB as if the 1/3 chance of no explosion occurred. Also, the Suicide Bomber, being an ex-terrorist, is highly skilled at torture and knows when people are lying. Any night, but not 2 nights in a row, the SB can pick one TRUE/FALSE statement that someone has said and PMs it in. I will tell them one of three options: (1) TRUE, (2) FALSE, or (3) the person who said this statement does not know whether it is true or false. The person quoted MUST be still alive. If the person quoted is the MoD, the MoD is PMed and can choose my reply (TRUE/FALSE/does not know). However, there's another catch: it's been a long time since the SB was a torture-happy terrorist, and he/she isn't up to speed with today's pro-lying techniques. There are just some statements that are too ambiguious ("I'm not... a baddie..."), non-true-false ("I like the color blue"), direct-to-test (like "I am Innocent", etc) that the SB just cannot lie detect them. In this case, I will inform the SB and he/she can feel free to choose a different statement killing roles = Ninja and his/her Defender * Defender - [knows who Ninja is] no special powers on their own. No matter when the Defender dies, his/her role is revealed. Every night that the Yakuza kill, the Defender can save someone against the Yakuza only * Ninja - [does not know who Defender is, but knows who Janitor is] ancient warrior and nemesis of the Grim Reaper. While the Defender is alive, the Ninja cannot be killed at night, but the Ninja can be lynched any time. The Ninja kills for the Innocents on prime-numbered nights (2,3,5,7,etc). When/if the Defender dies, the Ninja is vulnerable at night other roles = Janitor, Vagabond, Policeman, Street Vendor, ?? * Janitor - [knows who Ninja is] the Janitor, after his/her many years of watching and learning, has adopted many vital skills. Each night, I roll a 6-sided dice to determine the action of the Janitor (Saving, Killing, Eavesdropping (pick three people and get told which two of them have BTSC, if none of them have BTSC, or if all three have BTSC), Discovering (just like Spy), Cleaning (the Janitor is off cleaning and nobody can find him/her to kill), or free choice of the previous 5 if a 6 is rolled). The Janitor picks a person other than themself and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action (or choose the action to carry out, if I rolled a 6). Also, the Janitor doesn't have much possessions or ID and thus the Thief cannot steal from them (the steal fails, but counts as a use, but the Mafia learn the identity of the Janitor of course) * Vagabond - also known as the Wanderer, the Vagabond wanders around the world, and has seen the ruthless expansion of Quarky, and thus is aligned against the Quarky Agents. The Vagabond, from his/her travel experiences, knows a way to tag suspects, and if the tagged person is a QA, they will dissolved by the taggant chemical the next day (regardless of whether the Vagabond is still alive). The Vagabond is a semi-independent character and wins by killing BOTH Quarky Agents in this manner. Otherwise, the Vagabond wins with the Innocents. If the Vagabond tags the Defender, they are both immediately notified and the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC on the spot * Policeman - the Policeman/woman (will refer to as male from now on for simplicity) can make one arrest per day. They must PM the arrest to me before the day is up, and the day post will include the arrest. The Policeman cannot arrest himself, nor any dead players (ie, the person lynched that day), nor any players previously arrested. The arrested player spends the following night with the Policeman in the Denbrain jail. The Policeman can ask one question, PMed to me, who is PMed to the arrested player, who PMs back to me. After that, the Policeman can release the arrested player (at which point the arrested player can be their normal role in the night & get killed/saved/etc) or keep the player in jail until morning. If the arrested player is saved and was kept in jail, the saving role cannot enter the jail to save them, obviously. If the arrested player is targeted for death and was kept in jail, depending on what baddie group went after him/her, the player may or may not survive and there may or may not be other repercussions relating to the Policeman and the baddie group (it depends on the baddie group and the circumstances). If a player is kept in jail overnight after the question is asked, they cannot use their night ability, and it also a general finger-of-suspicion type thing. The player is released in the morning and can never be arrested again. If the Policeman is targeted for death, certain things happen depending on who was arrested and whether or not they were kept or released, etc * Street Vendor - the SV sells tacos, sausages, burritos, gorditos, wraps, pretzels and paninis out on the streets of Denbrain. However, he/she has lots of underworld contacts... the Mafia let him/her sell on this street, or that corner. They could dispatch him/her at any time (via a PM to me) for free. They don't know his/her identity, though. Anyway, back to the SV: they see everything that goes on at night. Who the Doctor/Healer/Phoenix/Defender saves, which QA (MoE or MoD) went after which target, as well as the Janitor's choice of person, the role, and then the decision to carry it out. The SV is also told the Innocent/Baddie role of each player that died during the night, as well as if a Masked Lover died during the night. Useful for the Innocents? You bet, unfortunately the SV is a contact for the Mafia, if you've forgotten. The SV, at any time, can PM me a message (containing data that the SV knows, but doesn't necessarily have to be telling the truth) which I send on to the Mafia. They can decide when they want to dispatch the SV, if at all. This is a complex and tough role to play, but rewarding * ?? Additional Roles: These are roles that are independent of your main role... * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. If there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, someone has to switch to break the tie * Masked Lovers - these tragic romantics don't know who the other Lover is, but if one of the Lovers is lynched, they recognize their Lover and the two die together. The Lovers, being tragic and all, consist of 1 Mafioso and 1 Innocent. Thus both Lovers are informed that they are a Lover, but not the identity of their fellow Lover BTSC: * Mafia has BTSC * Yakuza has BTSC * the two QAs only get BTSC after: ** they both pick the same person to kill (the kill happens) ** one picks the other, the other picks someone (they meet up, but no kill happens) ** they both pick the other person (no kill happens) * the Janitor and the Ninja have BTSC from the beginning of the game * the Doctor and Healer get BTSC if: ** they both save the same person ** they both save each other ** one of them saves the other * the Vagabond and Defender get BTSC if the Vagabond tags the Defender
  20. so you're saying have a random chance of a role messing up? No. sorry, but no. This isn't dnd, and roles are all skill and hard enough as it is read back in the topic, I was considering putting it in, but decided not to btw, for everyone, I've made more changes since the last time I posted, but probably won't post it again until that last open role is finalized ;D
  21. it's the night, and we're just waiting on one more person to PM
  22. unreality

    that's fine It's just proclaiming that you rival Mafia is a big claim and that's why people are saying that ;D Good luck with your game sounds kinda like the Mass Battle game I ran a while back: http://brainden.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2039
  23. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    nice- a few things 1) wtf is the Teaser sea? 2) The Island from LOST is a completely different, everything ;D they're not related 3) Tumbleweed is in Content Phoenix other than that, great map ;D Better than mine, I have a crappy paint program and had to rush. But my handdrawn map is awesome, too bad my scanner sucks
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