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Everything posted by unreality

  1. haha! Nice one HH ;D
  2. unreality


    haha nice beginning to both Ysan and of course Phaze ;D I can't wait to see how this plays out
  3. the Yak Hunt can be done any time by anyone - just read the first two posts of the Yak Hunt topic in New Puzzles, you don't have to read the rest
  4. I'm thinking there's probably a way that's higher than 3/4 to get 9 people
  5. hehehe: {wikipedia} Harris was invited to audition for the character by Megan Branman, the casting director for the show. He assumed that he was invited solely because the two were friends and did not believe he had a chance of winning the role. Harris later said that "Since I (considered) myself the long shot, I didn't care that much, and I think that allowed a freedom." His audition centered around a scene of laser tag, and Harris executed a dive roll, accidentally knocking over a chair and slamming into a wall. CBS executives enjoyed his performance, and Harris was quickly offered the part.
  6. Closing Ceremony tonight!!!!
  7. "this is the 12th most worried I've been learning that someone's pregnant" lol
  8. actually hers isn't Mafia VII i don't think- that's what I was planning for some later time, with the Alpha Werewolf and whatnot. Hers is 'M4F14' ;D It's waaaay in the future and like a different storyline, kinda like mini-LOST-mafia ;D (except that wasn't in the future lol) or Sinistral's pirate mafia (if that is played)
  9. there's no set time where anyone needs to start working on it lol.... you don't even need to read any of this topic, just yak's post in it
  10. Good job- but can you do it with 9? I have a solution that works 3/4 of the time for 9 people. Can you do better?
  11. Zarball Olympics You played Three Games of Zarball and had to win two in a row... you made the right choices (but unfortunately lost). Your second chance for freedom came with the Five Games of Zarball, in which you had to win at least one of three combinations. Again, you lost in a mistake up against the King. However you won your freedom, and deserved it, in the intense Royal Zarball Tournament, where you made your way to victory. Now you have taken the King's offer as the Supreme Dignifiably Appointed Royal Zarball Trainer of Excellence. and figured out the probability of hats being returned to the proper heads in The Royal Zarball Spectators crisis. You then arranged the Village Zarball Tournament to set up the brackets and byes to make the game as fair as possible in one task, and as skewed toward your buddy Perry as possible in another. You then went on to master the betting process of The Zarball Champions... and now... in Realm year 1080... the Olympics! In the Olympics, Zarball matches are held with either red or blue balls- the color of the ball is random. When a game finishes, the Ball Lackey (BL - one of 8 Ball Lackeys) that oversaw that game runs the ball back to the equipment shed, where there are two bins: a bin for red balls and a bin for blue balls. There is also a green chute that incinerates the ball instantly. The red & blue bins are tall opaque cylinders. There is a notch every 2 ball spaces, so if a BL looks down into the bin, he can see whether there are an odd or even number of balls in the cylinder (if the number of balls approaches a certain limit, the cylinder incinerates the lowest 2 balls, keeping the even/odd count the same and not overfilling the bin) - but only the even/odd value, not how many balls there are exactly. Ie, the BL sees the top ball and sees whether there is a notch above it or if the notch is hidden, and determines if there is an even or odd number of balls in the bin. Balls cannot be removed once placed in a bin. The blue bin starts out with one blue ball and the red bin starts out with one red ball. It's up to the BLs to end the Zarball event when all 8 of the BLs have overseen a game: one of the BLs must announce when all 8 have overseen at least one game. As many games of Zarball are played as needed until one BL announces correctly that all 8 have overseen - if a BL guesses incorrectly, all of the BLs are fired, so the guess must be 100% sure no matter what. Another thing: the games are random, the order is random, the ball color (red or blue) is random, and which BL oversees a game is all random. Also, the BLs cannot modify the equipment room in any other way cuz it may mess up other sports that use it- EXCEPT for the light switch in the equipment shed. It starts out at OFF and nobody except the BLs will use it for the duration, so it's fine to turn the switch ON or OFF as they please. The BLs meet the night before to plan out their method to make the games go as swiftly as possible. The following day, they execute it perfectly... what was their strategy?
  12. oh I got the harder problem ready ;D though I don't know what you should be calling hard- your answer is wrong say B is 25 for simplicty (13 for RC, 12 for FC) if RC wins: king rakes in 99*12 - 88*13 = 44 if FC wins: king rakes in 99*13 - 99*12 = 99 but anyway, this wasn't a very good problem.... its wording seemed to confuse Clueless (and you) and it was just to re-introduce Zarball ;D I'll post the hard problem now
  13. unreality

    If everyone on earth was an atheist, there would be MUCH less war. Or if everyone on earth was under the same religion- then there would be much less war too. It's not religion that causes the war, but differences in people's religions. And before you say anything, atheism is not a religion. It's a lack of religion ploper: I agree... but overpopulation is no excuse for war. There are other ways, as well as nature course-correction, etc. In biology, when a species exceeds its 'population limit' (I forget what the exact term is, or maybe that's it), factors cause it to drop back down again... but those factors aren't necessarily pretty. That's why, in the other thread, I essentially suggested we make the factors ourselves (such as keeping the birth rate low) so that we don't have to face the ugly ones later (war, famine, disease)
  14. yeah. If you are bet 99 on the realm Champion, and the RC wins, you get 88 and the King gets 11 (ie, the King pays out 99 and takes 1/9 back, thus pays you 88). If the RC loses, all of your 99 goes to the King. If you bet 99 on the FC, and the FC wins, you get paid 99, but the foreign Lord keeps 2/9 of it, thus you get paid 77 and 22 goes to the foreign Lord. If you bet on the FC but the FC loses, you pay 99 to the King
  15. not if she was an alien 21-spotted fuzzy creature ;D
  16. why are you waiting for me? The link you tried was missing the ".com" lol OHHH you were waiting for my PM reply! Well I replied to all my PMs a few mins ago so everyone should have em ;D
  17. unreality

    Like when you look out of the side of a car, and see stuff whizzing past, but look straight forward and everything is more static
  18. all good guesses, guys And all of em are plausible lol
  19. omg, I was under the impression that 18+15 = 31 lol. Sorry guys! And Frozen, read the instructions more carefully And I screwed up a second time with the blog- I meant the hundredth decimal place (51) not the tenth (5). I was just thinking "2 decimal spots" and on the OTHER side of the decimal point that's tenth, but it's hundredth on the other side ;D Sorry. I'll update the blog right now, adding the -2 and the hundredth
  20. btw, about rolling 6 six-sided die and seeing what your chances are of getting a six, look at the probability of NOT getting a 6. Ie, the probably of getting at least one six after 6 rolls is: p = 1 - ((5/6)^6) or add up all the numbers in the binomial distribution except the last one in the line
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