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Everything posted by unreality

  1. (1) A large Mafia game is at the point where there are 9 people left: 4 Mafia, 2 Yakuza, 3 Townsfolk. There are no special or individual roles. Mafia: kill each night. Goal: kill everyone else Yakuza: kill each night. Goal: kill everyone else Townsfolk: no kill or BTSC. Goal: kill all the baddies via lynchings The Mafia vote in a block for one of the Townsfolk, basically outing themselves. The voted-for Townsfolk quickly votes for one of the Mafiosos, and the other 2 Townsfolk follow suit, leaving 2 undecided voters (the Yakuza), whom the Mafia call out as the Yakuza and ask for help. So now basically everyone knows everyone's role. The Mafia ask the Yakuza to vote with them to kill the Townsfolk player, promising they won't attack them the following night, and etc. The Townsfolk plead for the Yakuza to help them. You are one of the Yakuza: what do you do? And not just for this one lynching, but in all the lynchings and night kills til the end of the game, what do you do? Remember, you want to win! Notes: Majority (over 1/2) is needed for a lynch. If a lynch is a tie, the outcome is 50-50 who will die Notes: If two baddie factions attack each other at the end of the game to eliminate each other (example: 1 Mafioso and 1 Yakuza left, they attack each other at night), they both kill each other and they both win Notes: There is no play for 2nd place (2) The next problem is the same scenario (even the Notes ;D), except the Yakuza's win condition is to kill the last remaining Townsfolk. If there is only 1 Yakuza left and 1 Townsfolk and X amount of Mafiosos, if the Y attacks the T, but the M attacks the Y, the Yakuza gets their kill in first and wins the game before the Mafia can off the Yakuza. Also, in that same situation, if the Mafia goes for the Townsfolk in the same night as the Yakuza, the Yakuza get their kill in first and win. (2a) Everyone knows the Yakuza's win condition (2b) The Yakuza's win condition is secret Does anything change between 2a and 2b? *** Good luck, and use spoilers! [edit: added "and use spoilers" ;D]
  2. unreality

    hmmm, slick, that sounds just like Drydung's About Me page ;D
  3. unreality

    There is a point when you step off, let's just say 1/64 left to go and land on the 0 left to go (the finish line), you have just stepped over the remainder of the infinite halfway points (ie, 1/128 and 1/256 and etc for the whole infinite series) in one step of the foot, since at some point the distance becomes so small that we step over it But if this is more of a theoretical math problem of a point traveling along a line or something, rather than reality-based, it can indeed cross an infinite number of points in a finite number of time. In fact, in the first second of its travel, it's already passed an infinite number of points, same with the first millisecond, and nanosecond, etc
  4. unreality

    I have a hunch it's not possible, but maybe with Do(n)
  5. what I've got so far: Manchoodle Manor Murder Mystery Mafia! Mr. Manchoodle was found dead in his extensive mansion! The party guests and manor residents have gathered in the Great Hall to bring justice to the murderers amongst them! The powerlines are down, and the power is sporadically going out and coming back on... the people decide who to arrest while the lights are on (Light Phase), and when the lights go out (Dark Phase), the Murderers use the cloak of darkness to make their kill Factions: * Murderers (5) - the Murderers are a small Manchoodle-hating conspiracy group that have finally succeeded in their goal... unfortunately, everyone is locked in the Great Hall, so the Murderers must continue to murder! They kill one person until nobody except themselves is alive, and then they can escape! * Guests (5) - these are the elite of Mr. Manchoodle's party guests, from a variety of skillful professions across the world. The Guests win if all of the Murderers die * Manor Residents (5) - these are the personal servants of Mr. Manchoodle, ready to avenge. They are sided with the Guests * Secret Agent (1) - the Secret Agent was infiltrating the party to pick up data on one of the Guests, who may not be who he/she appears to be. The Secret Agent can incapacitate one person each Dark Phase, and rifle through their things, to find out if they are a Guest or not. The person wakes up a few moments later without remembering what happened to them. The Secret Agent can make two kills in the game, at any time during any Dark Phase, and wins if he/she kills the specific Guest in question GUESTS: * Surgeon - this person is a world-famous doctor, who (at each power outage), picks one person to stick close to. If that person is attacked by the Murderers, the Surgeon can save their life. The Surgeon cannot save against the Secret Agent's skillful instant-kills, but if they pick the SA's incapacitation victim, they can help the victim regain their memory and both the Surgeon and the victim learn that the person was incapacitated by the SA * Sleuth - a wannabe Sherlock Holmes. The Sleuth takes advantage of the Dark Phases to follow up on his/her suspicions and figure out someone's role. They PM the person to me, and I PM the exact role in return * Actor/Actress - the Actor (will refer as 'he') is a famous stage or movie actor, and thus of course a VIP guest. [Not sure on ability] * ? * ? MANOR RESIDENTS: * Ex-Bodyguard - the EB used to be Mr. Manchoodle's bodyguard, and is now on a revenge spree to kill off his/her charge's killers (like 'Man on Fire' ;D). The EB kills one person each night, though can decide not to kill on any night (for example, they should decline on the first night) * Butler - the Butler was the personal servant of Manchoodle before his/her master's death, and now is putting his/her abilities to use. They recognize Manchoodle's previous Guests and Manor Residents, and thus can detect their presence at the Great Hall. Each Light Phase, the Butler may learn the identity behind any Guest or Manor Resident role (ie, "I want to know who the Sleuth is") by mingling with the guests * Gardener - works as the gardener, groundsmaster and landscaper for Manchoodle Manor. The Gardener has a green thumb, and knows the right plants for every need. The Gardener can make a variety of herbal concoctions and use them over the course of the game. [Will flesh this out later] * ? * ? (game still in the works)
  6. that sounds just like previous Mafia games, rehashed.... QAs are a bad choice. Same with Mayor just my opinion though
  7. unreality

    I think I can help and explain it better to Ysan, AAA and Bb: Say the treadmill is running while the plane is just sitting on it: the plane does not move! It stays in place, the wheels spinning at the speed of the treadmill, but since the wheels are free-spinning, the plane stays in one place. Now say that the plane turns on its jets - it now moves forward, regardless of the speed of the treadmill. The wheels are now spinning at speed A+B, where A is the treadmill speed and B is the airplane's speed. In the case where A adjusts to match B, the wheels always spin at 2B (or 2A, same thing). But A doesn't affect B. The treadmill can be whipping up a pace of 300 mph, and the plane can just put on 100 mph, but the plane does not go back, it goes forward at 100 mph - REGARDLESS OF THE TREADMILL. Assuming that the wheels can take the speed of moving 400 mph of course Since the plane still goes forward at its usual pace, it's just the same as if there was no treadmill!!! It takes off! The only change that the treadmill causes is increasing the speed of the free-spinning wheels
  8. so? It doesn't matter, cuz we'll be dead ;D The point is that life has no meaning, so live life and enjoy life the way you want to
  9. right now I'm working on: Manchoodle Manor Murder Mystery Mafia!
  10. update to Bankroller * Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive. If the Vigilante attacks the Bankroller, there is a 3/8 chance they accidentally go after the Hitman instead, if the Hitman is still alive remember that Vigilante attacking the Hitman results in a 50-50 on who dies and who lives ;D
  11. yeah - I'm saying that the liberating beauty of life lies in the fact that it has absolutely no meaning! That's what's so awesome!
  12. unreality

    dms: exactly! It doesn't make a difference except for doubling the speed of the wheels. The airplane's speed relative to the ground & the air still increases and it goes forward and then takes off
  13. unreality

    That is where you go wrong, Ysan. The wheels are free-spinning. If the plane was turned off and the treadmill was still going, the airplane would stay in one place since the wheels would just turn (assuming friction is minimal) Now if the airplane turns on, it moves forward. The treadmill just succeeds in moving the wheels, which doesn't affect anything. Think of a plane on an icy lake - can it take off? Yes, because the speed comes from air thrusters, not wheels
  14. unreality

    It never says that, it says the treadmill matches the airplane's speed - however all this does is double the wheel's speed without affecting the airplane speed
  15. exactly - life is fleeting, and I respect your opinion that it's meaningless, but I have to disagree. The universe is a chaotic and beautiful place, and we should appreciate its vast wonder and (etc ;D). But really, live your life to the best because there is nothing after it. This is your shot, no heaven, no hell, just us. So you can live it anyway you want, cuz when you die you're dead. So enjoy life, my friend On another note, having a god doesn't add any further meaning - how does it? In what way? Nothing! The meaning is to what, go to heaven? And then be immortal in the clouds in a constant state of orgasm forever? Know how boring even that would get? And on a higher level, what would god's meaning be then? Nothing! Just like us! So enjoy life ;D
  16. unreality

    Ysan, the plane DOES move forward through the air, regardless of the treadmill. You're right that IF the plane was standing still, it couldn't get up the acceleration to lift off. But the plane does move relative to the air, since the treadmill doesn't affect the jets on the back, just the free-spinning wheels. Thus the plane takes off
  17. it's not necessarily 10-10, it could be anywhere from 20-0 to 0-20
  18. unreality

    I don't think AAA understands a simple fact: the airplane wheels are FREE-SPINNING, and have no effect on the speed of the plane. They're just for smooth landings and take-offs, and aren't connected to anything. They're just free-spinning wheels
  19. yeah, I agree... numbers are based off nature, not the other way around ;D 10 > e, so what? ;D phi has the coolest properties ever ;D Way better than e. E is just related to exponents... phi is waaay cooler. click here or here, and then keep scrolling down as to your questions of WHY, phi is that way because it's the same thing as (1 + √5) / 2, based on the quadratic equation. That's why the number of those properties is ~= 1.6180339887... as for why pi is around 3, check this out
  20. unreality

    it's like the plane still goes forward, with the treadmill sort of sliding underneath to double the wheels' speed to go normal speed, right?
  21. hey Prince_Marth85/Johnathan, and Jugnoo! Welcome to the Den
  22. 1) why is there an extra topic for this? Goes fine in the actual topic (the M4F14 topic) 2) what changes did you make to the Mimic role? It needs some serious fixing
  23. phi > e !!!!! go 1.61803399 and -0.61803399!!! The Golden Ratio is waaay more amazing than e
  24. numbers "made" by what? Thought up by people? Clearly 'numbers' of things exist regardless, so I don't see where you're coming from. And yeah, the Golden Ratio (and heavily related Fibonacci sequence) are definitely integral parts of nature, so I think numbers and nature go hand in hand ;D
  25. How about this then... the King announces the number of prisoners to the prisoners, but I, Unreality, won't say the number. You have to figure out a plan (whether basic or number-specific) basing on the fact that the prisoners know how many there are
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