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Everything posted by unreality

  1. We'll see... we'll see... So are you ready to duel?
  2. Just because something's popular doesn't mean it's bad :D The Da Vinci Code is popular because of its controversy.... while I like the prequel (Angels & Demons) better, Da Vinci Code is still a good book ;D Dan Brown is a great writer. There are many great writers :P

  3. 5 maximum, just for you
  4. I know, I was just about say that, lol. It's one person, they must've made two accounts.... what a loser lol. Do they think I (or anyone else) actually cares? It's kind of fun to have your own personal 1-Star Vandal. Next time I make a topic, I'll be watching ;D And if they're anonymous, I'll get Rookie to ID them. Hehehehe . What a pathetic excuse for a human being back to Eagle Eye. Frost: You should see it. You'll like it
  5. I originally meant 4 total, but I picked it arbitrarily, I could change the max number of executors if you want (the current max is 4, see the SPLIT command in the OP)
  6. I'm thinking 200 nodes in the VNA, but the two programs' starting lines can be anywhere from 20 to 180 nodes apart going forwards (and thus 200 minus that number going backwards), the number produced randomly ~~~ Players Interested So Far: Unreality Frozen in Fire Mekal Taliesin Sinistral Players Ready For a Fight: (name and program name) Unreality - The Phoenix edit: To make way for possibly larger programs, the VNA will consist 200 nodes and the distance between the first node of P1's program and the first node of P2's program will be random from 30 to 170
  7. Anyone see this movie? I thought it was great I do have two qualms about the ending, but I'll have to discuss em in quadruple-spoilers with someone else that's seen the end
  8. On a side note, what do you guys think of the VNA having 200 nodes? The two programs' starting lines would be placed randomly from 80 to 120 lines apart (and thus 120 to 80 lines apart in the opposite direction). Too much? Too little? edit: Players Interested So Far: Unreality Frozen in Fire Mekal Taliesin Sinistral Players Ready For a Fight: (name and program name) Unreality - The Phoenix
  9. I've made a program which I call the Phoenix, and I'm entering it Does anyone wish to challenge me? (take your time ;D)
  10. unreality

    Good point. "Mafia Autopilot" - though a Backup Host might be a human alternative, I do see where you're coming from BL, and I wish you good luck, though I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to achieve, and you should clearly define the goal of the program before starting to make it
  11. No. Reread the description of BLANK (and then the Clarifier post on pg 1 too) Frost: it doesn't take up that much time - you can make a program over any time you want, then submit it for a battle. You don't have to be on BD at any set times, or at all
  12. Sinistral: programs are PMed in privately, but once the match begins I think they'll be opened. I might have a Tournament at some point too, where you enter one program and there's a bracket system. But yeah everything will be open source after the match Taliesin asked some questions: What does the "c" varible do? Inside the code block on the OP of this topic I talked about this: essentially the c input is there in case I add more commands later that may need more input values, AND to store extra data, if desired can we COPY "BLANK" -1? What do you mean? COPY's structure is this: COPY a,b... a is the line to copy, b is the line to copy it to. So if a pointed to a BLANK and b was -1, then yes People Interested So Far: Unreality Frozen in Fire Mekal Taliesin Sinistral
  13. Wow you like the classic books :D

  14. Soooo... People Interested So Far: Unreality Frozen in Fire Mekal Pretty good so far, for having posted it less than two hours ago edit: a major perk of this game is that all you need to do is make your program and PM it in when the match is going to begin, because after that you have no control on the game and don't need to be here every x hours or whatever ;D
  15. unreality

    Not a problem with PCs cuz I have a Mac
  16. unreality

    Yeah I can't see em either
  17. No, I've made this to be very different from any sort of programming language. After a few games and whatnot you'll learn how it works I just came up with one type of program that I call a Hijacker, and it's code is just BLANK. It just progresses one node forward each round until it hits the first node of the opponent's code, and thus "hijacks" it. The chance of winning with that is low and heavily dependent on the other person's code, however, and they can easily prevent Hijackers by putting this at the beginning of their code: COPY 2, -1 JUMP 2 BOMB [real program starts here] Another program, which I'm calling an 'Endless Copier', just consists of COPY 0,1... it copies itself forward forever, copying over the opponent's program when it reaches it too, turning both programs into infinite, endless copiers - that would be a tie And I've thought of a more complicated one (I'm gonna call it the Overloader) that I'm gonna start working on ;D
  18. Yes, you write the program that tries to defeat your opponent's program And two people can work together on a program, if they want. I don't care ;D
  19. oops I made a slight mistake in the Bomb Evader. Instead of this: SPLIT -3 JUMP com(exe(),1,4,1,1) MERGE EDITA -3, sub(a(-3),2) JUMP -4 COPY 2, sub(a(-5),7) JUMP sub(a(-5),8) JUMP 0 this is better: SPLIT -3 JUMP com(exe(),1,4,1,1) MERGE EDITA -3, sub(a(-3),2) JUMP -4 COPY 2, sub(a(-5),6) JUMP sub(a(-5),7) JUMP 0 I know, minor detail
  20. I know Take your time, and I'll dream up some ideas of a killer program ;D Clarifiers: (don't read until you've read [and understood ] the OP) * there can be some ambiguity about what is done next round after a SPLIT. The rule will be thus: I will find the most recent executor executed and then continue from there. For example, you have 1 exe, then SPLIT another. The next round will go to the 2nd exe, because two follows one. Say you have 2 executors now, and the first exe uses SPLIT to create a third... in this case, the next round will be the 2nd as usual, then the 3rd after that. If the SPLIT was used on the 2nd exe, then the next round will be the 3rd. It's common sense, but I need to clarify how the SPLIT works, just in case And MERGE works the same way, just in reverse * if the functions a(n), b(n) or c(n) are used on a BLANK command, they will return 0, as if the BLANK was BLANK 0,0,0, even though the BLANK has no input vectors at all
  21. What the hell- someone hates me, lol. I looked at it and someone gave it 1* edit: I've gotten it up a little bit with some help, still at 4*, oh well. Some people are just immature aaaanyway... I know the concept might be hard to get your head around, but is anyone interested in this?
  22. duuuuuude happy birthday!!!! :D 21 years old! You're gonna get wasted, right? ;D

  23. Yeah tell me how it is, and I might check it out. I'll only read it if it has more substance than preaching to the choir (irony, irony, lol)... ie, tell me if it changes anything about your atheism
  24. unreality

    Pirate Mafia

    Ah, now I can't say what I know, but I know who two baddies are Sorry Kat, lol. Have fun playing guys
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