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Everything posted by unreality

  1. Frost and JS: That's what I mean - I'm saying that just because there may be higher dimensions (possible) doesn't mean that there are beings of a "higher dimension looking down on us", mainly because we aren't looking down on some 2d world. If there ARE 31 dimensions to space, we are 31st dimensional beings
  2. of course CL: yeah I see now ;D Thanks
  3. Have you heard some 'theories' about there being "beings of a greater dimension than us looking down on us"... this is BS, IMO ;D Think about it - are we like 3-dimensional deities/superbeings to a 2-dimensional Flatland world? I don't think so! Just curious about your thoughts on this
  4. Yeah I wonder why though... They seemed to have stopped now. Either they gave it up, or they dropped it, or whatever. Whatever I did, I'm sorry ;D anyway, back to Eagle Eye
  5. You could tell it was an AI supercomputer from the start, but I still thought it was good
  6. "saw it already"? I just made it up And yeah the rounds will probably be about a day Did you see the Magelore choice spell? oh yeah I forgot about the vandal, I just gave it 5* too Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Frozen in Fire 3) More Valiant Mages Remember, the earlier you sign up, the better Flummox and Vacuum advantage you have ;D
  7. *bump* (so that people notice it )
  8. unreality

    LOST, Prison Break, Heroes. Ah yes The greatest and the best Well I've missed almost all of Heroes so far... I should catch up online
  9. On a different note, what do you think of that Palin wolf-hunting controversy? Being the governor of Alaska she should want to perserve Alaska's unique wildlife, not painfully slaughter them And Itachi, before you jump to answer, think for a bit. I know you're a Palin supporter, but an open mind is better than a quick response (or so the saying goes - the saying I just made up ;D hehe. I'm a modern Ben Franklin! ). You don't need to justify her actions, unless my news is wrong, but just tell me what you think about it (that goes to everyone). I'm curious about all the highly conflicted opinions on Sarah Palin and on ANOTHER note, my vandal has struck again Anyone mind giving this 5*? hehe
  10. unreality

    And of course the point of 'stereotype' is that it's not true for everyone, or not true to a certain percent where you should actually find out if it's true or not before assuming that it is
  11. Mekal, ready to fight? Also, has anybody seen Hacker?
  12. unreality

    Why do we need to give our emails? Isn't that what this thread (and PMs) are for? And I thought you meant it was going to be a standalone program, but I realize now that's dumb, it makes sense to integrate it into Brainden by having it post a topic .... but can we do that? Is that what the MySQL/PHP is for?
  13. unreality

    You're doing great I've really enjoyed the game ;D Now to stop Mekal from obtaining a weapon of mass destruction, muhahahahahaha xD
  14. Mage Duel! Simple. Non-Time Consuming. Quick. Fun The Goal: Be the last mage standing! The Gameplay: the game moves in 'rounds'. In a round, each mage casts a bunch of spells at once, in an epic blur of incantations, curses, hexes and jinxes that dominate the duel chamber with blasting lights and violent sounds. During the round sometime, each mage must PM me who they are casting each spell on for that round (your potent magical mastery means you can cast all the spells in each round). The Spells: * Freeze - paralyzes a mage for the next round only, disabling him/her from casting any spells. Doesn't affect the current round. However, if more than one mage freezes someone, the spells cancel out and no freeze occurs. You CAN freeze yourself if you think that someone else will be freezing you (and nobody else), but of course this can backfire if you end up being the only person freezing yourself * Shield - the Shield is a field of pure energy that surrounds and protects you. Each mage starts with 5 Shield Points, and each round they can cast Shield on another player (not themselves) to add 1 Shield Point to that player's defense. 10 Shield Points is the maximum number of Shield Points you can have * Curse - remove 1 Shield Point from someone. Shield and Curse are cofluxes, which means that if you choose to not cast Shield, you cannot cast Curse either, and vice versa. The Shield/Curse targets MUST be different, you cannot cast them both on the same person. 0 Shield Points is the minimum number of Shield Points you can have * Coup de Grace - after all spells (other than Coup de Grace spells) have taken effect, if someone has 0 Shield Points and the Coup de Grace spell is cast on them, they die. Otherwise, the Coup de Grace has no effect * Flummox - causes someone to be incredibly confused, and mix up their spell targets... 1/3 to mix up Freeze and Shield, 1/3 to mix up Curse and Shield, and 1/3 to mix up Flummox and Curse. The Flummox only has a 1/4 chance of success. Of those that do succeed in the round, the Flummox of the earliest person on the list will take effect first, then the next, and so on * Vacuum - half the time, it sucks up all the spells cast BY the target. The other half of the time, it sucks up all the spells cast ON the target. The Vacuum only has a 1/8 chance of success. Of those that do succeed in the round, the Vacuum of the earliest person on the list will take effect first, then the next, and so on, just like Flummox * Spell of Choice - for this spell, you choose from your diverse arsenal of magic: [None of these spells have specific targets, they affect the group as a whole] ** Hexquake - everyone either loses 1 Shield Point (70%) or gains 1 (30%), including yourself ** Magelore - unlocks a new Spell of Choice for everyone to use ** Aqua Vida - gives 2 Shield Points to the mage with the least amount of SP, if there are multiple mages of that amount then the target is chosen randomly from those people ** Magnetic Surge - all Flummoxes move up by 4%. Ie, originally they have a 25% chance. For each Magnetic Surge cast in the round, however, the chance increases by 4%. This value is totaled before the Flummoxes are rolled ** Quid Pro Quo I - everyone that cast Shield on you during the round gains 1 Shield Point themselves ** Quid Pro Quo II - everyone that cast Curse on you during the round loses 1 Shield Point themselves Note: Shield is the only spell you cannot cast on yourself The Final Duel: When it gets down to 2 people, rules change. Many spells are no longer castable and rules change. We'll see when it gets to that point Duel Master: Unreality 1) Anyone wanna sign up?
  15. unreality

    Ummm, I have four lives, not 3
  16. Yeah I didn't mean that, I meant designed specifically thinking that 'Shielded Phoenix' would be your opponent - I was just saying that would be a mistake because you never know what program I'm gonna use Taliesin: COMMAND a(0), #, # is not allowed COMMAND #, b(0), # is not allowed COMMAND #, #, c(0) is not allowed Can't point to itself cuz it has no value. But THIS is allowed: COMMAND #, a(0) in this case, anything for # is fine EXCEPT something that would essentially be this: COMMAND b(0), a(0) Because then we have our infinite loop. It's just common sense, but with programming we've got to be clear
  17. Oops, I meant add ;D Sum, add, same thing great! The only thing is that you've seen my program Lol I might make a new one, not sure. I'll be on Tomorrow, but I'm logging off now for the day, sorry EDITB 0, add(b(0), mul(7,a(0))) essentially you're asking EDITB 0, b(0) Well b(0) in the b slot references itself, so impossible And you can't do EDITX 0, X anyway.... I left that out of the rules, though it's common sense in a way. I'll make sure to specify that ;D No EDITing the same line as the edit (or potential infinite loop). A ROUND-based infinite loop is fine (usually that player will lose, though sometimes not), but an infinite loop WITHIN a round means that the game will freeze, so no go Neither... I won't be on for about 19 and a half hours or thereabouts, so you can reread your code... remember that I might be making changes to the codes I've already posted here, so don't base your code off of mine, that would be cheating
  18. Here are the top 24 headlines of 1998!! 1. Include Your Children When Baking Cookies 2. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Experts Say 3. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers 4. Drunks Get Nine Months in Violin Case 5. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms 6. Prostitutes Appeal to Pope 7. Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over 8. British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands 9. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids 10. Clinton Wins Budget; More Lies Ahead 11. Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told 12. Miners Refuse to Work After Death 13. Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant 14. Stolen Painting Found by Tree 15. Two Sisters Reunited after 18 Years in Checkout Counter 16. War Dims Hope for Peace 17. If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last a While 18. Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide 19. Man Struck by Lightning Faces Battery Charge 20. New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group 21. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Space 22. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks 23. Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half 24. Typhoon Rips through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead
  19. I didn't make it up, but it's hilarious
  20. No I haven't even done the battle yet Read the end of page 6 and then all of page 7 ;D I'm guessing that I'll win, but we'll see who has the better algorithm
  21. Steven Spielberg was discussing his new project - an action docudrama about famous composers starring top movie stars. Sylvester Stallone, Steven Segall, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger were all present. Spielberg strongly desired the box office 'oomph' of these superstars, so he was prepared to allow them to select whatever composers they wished to portray, as long as they were famous. "Well," started Stallone, "I've always admired Mozart. I would love to play him." "Chopin has always been my favorite, and my image would improve if people saw me playing the piano," replied Willis. "I'll play him." "I've always been partial to Strauss and his waltzes," said Segall. "I'd like to play him." Spielberg was very pleased with these choices. "Sounds splendid." Then, turning to Schwarzenegger, he asked, "Who do you want to be, Arnold?" Arnold in a slow deliberate voice replied, "I'll be Bach."
  22. hahaha Did you make this up, Itachi? edit: found it here
  23. the old Hopper wasn't complete. This one's smaller by one line and better and works perfectly and smoothly Hopper COPY 0, sum(a(0),c(0)), X EDITA -1, sum(a(-1),1) JUMP com(a(-2),3,sub(c(-2),2),sub(c(-2),2),-2) edit: every 9th round it jumps off to the next version of itself X spaces away example: Hopper COPY 0, sum(a(0),c(0)), 150 EDITA -1, sum(a(-1),1) JUMP com(a(-2),3,sub(c(-2),2),sub(c(-2),2),-2) jumps 150 spaces forward. You could simplify further and make it: Hopper COPY 0, sum(a(0),c(0)), 150 EDITA -1, sum(a(-1),1) JUMP com(a(-2),3,148,148,-2) if you knew what X was going to be. But making it all dependent on one variable only would mean you could change the jump distance at a fly and you would just have to change one number ;D Hopper COPY 0, sum(a(0),c(0)), X EDITA -1, sum(a(-1),1) JUMP com(a(-2),3,sub(c(-2),2),sub(c(-2),2),-2) I'm pretty proud of Hopper if you can't tell edit2: the only restriction is that X has 3 as a minimum value and 197 as a maximum
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