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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Yeah... I was thinking about that. It seems to me that he would be kinda weak if he only had telepathic powers (like how he was communicating), that wouldn't be very scary. But then take a look at two of his three sons... they take the powers of other people. Maybe Peter/Sylar/Nathan's Dad is like Peter... but with years and years of experience in the company, meeting hundreds of people with the most powerful abilities, collecting those abilities, and learning how to use them efficiently. But then again... nope, that's not the case. Why? B/C he would have known Adam. Which means that he wouldn't be in that bed near death. So... I wonder what he really does? I wonder if he's gonna wear a big purple helmet?
  2. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Wait... Why is Hiro targeting PG and Niki targeting CP? Shouldn't it be the other way around? There is no protection from Hiro, so he can get CP no matter what.
  3. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    You're right! someone has to die first... THEN it's automatic
  4. Brandonb

    Wow, Sorry. I completely forgot about the time zone thing... I thought I had used a spoiler for the important part! Sorry again!
  5. Brandonb

    LOL!!!! Hiro killed Ando!!!
  6. Brandonb

    OH NO! I missed the 1st half!! I turned it on and HRG was pulling Claire out of a black hole or something... I can't wait to see what that was all about.
  7. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Wow those points were redundant... I guess that's what happens when you don't proofread for content So basically their plan will be damage control plus some sort of kill. Edit: ***This is just a reminder for myself to share my other suggestions right before the night post goes up (in case I die tonight).
  8. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Oh yeah? Check this out. Using my normal Baddie Abilities I will expose the best plan that the Company could use... -First we need to realize that Candice(PG) or the Haitian will be protected tonight (most likely Candice/PG since she will be able to use her ability tomorrow, but the haitian will not). -The Haitian will most likely target Ysan tonight since her kill is only every-other day and Hiro takes 2 days to kill (plus she will be protected and they cannot be sure who Nikki is). -So Nikki must kill tonight, because of this, DL will not be able to save anyone. -This leaves the two saving roles, Claire and Nathan. The company's best option would be to take out Ysan or Nikki tonight, but since they can be certain that Ysan will be protected by Nathan, that will not be an option. They will not know the difference between Nikki and Hiro, so they have a 50/50 of nailing the right person. -Since Ysan will be protected, this allows the Haitian and HRG to split up. Since the Haitian will stop Ysan, that means HRG will try for Nikki or Hiro. (though now it could be anyone else *gulp*) ---Well... that's what I would do Do what you will with this Heroes. I am not trying to give the company any ideas. I just don't want us to be caught off guard, mainly by the fact that only Nikki OR DL can act tonight and if Claire acted last night... she can't do anything tonight. It may be best if Niki, once again, does not act.
  9. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    SWEEET!!!! Best possible outcome! (maybe better than Linderman)
  10. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Yeah, as far as IDs go yeah. But I can figure out some ways for them to still hang on pretty well... Maybe to the point of getting close to a majority. But it would require a perfect series of events. Wow, does that mean that you trust me now?
  11. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Don't be. If I was Linderman I'd do it Edit: HEY PG!!! Mind telling us your role now so I can begin a strategy for the night?
  12. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Yeah, but she hasn't had a vote for her this whole game, so I guess it has been working well for her I'm still not sure Prof Temp is who he says he is. I'm sure he's figured out that Nathan was the only remaining role to to split between 5 players... I wouldn't be surprised if he just sold a teammate down the river! BTW, I REALLY hope PG is not HRG. That would be the worst scenario right now.
  13. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    OK, voting is closed (12mins ago) I wish I had been around for the last minute revelations Edit: Wow, what a swing in the final 30mins! That was amazing!
  14. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Yes, one of them should be Nathan (assuming all hints have been true and that I am telling the truth <_< ) Now lets see what happens as they both claim the role Hey could Parkman check one of them for me? Oh wait... Edit: BTW, I don't remember where I got this idea from... but a while back I got the suspicion that PG is the Haitian. I don't remember why though.
  15. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Wow, alot of talk last night! I hate that I missed it! Yeah, the company is PT, CP, PG, and either Slick2 or Kat. Lets not try to assign protection tonight until we see which one is injected. If we inject the Haitian then Ysan will not need it. Oh BTW, this little bit of info could finish off a few rosters and clear up the Kat/Slick thing... Parkman is dead Now that just about everything is out in the open... lets see how the chips fall... Edit: That's assuming the 'hints' were true... Edit2: Change my vote... my last one did end up telling me alot, thanks SK 1) Brandonb - voting for Prof. Templeton 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat -voting for Slick 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth - voting for Prof. Templeton 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prof. Templeton 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious - voting for Prof. Templeton 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Grey Cells - voting for Puzzlegirl 15) Joe's Student - voting for Prof. Templeton
  16. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Crap, sorry to change my vote so soon. Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb - voting for Sweetness Kat 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prince Marth 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prince Marth 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student But this is one will tell me alot Edit: IF PM is telling the truth... then I may have it narrowed down to 5 people... If Parkman would please check PM that would be cool. And if SK would respond... we can get this game going edit2: change colors, Slick already had it.
  17. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    No. When you're silent, you are suspected. When you make posts for no reason other than to say "I have nothing to say, I dunno who to vote for" and just post for the sake of making a post (like the above post)... THAT makes you suspect. Edit: Wow ^ four 'post's in one post! lol (I guess now it's six )
  18. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    After that last post.... No defense, no... nothing... at all... <_< Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb - voting for Prince Marth 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prince Marth 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prince Marth 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student
  19. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    What's the point in hinting? I either need to just come right out with it or not mention it at all.
  20. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Seriously good point. Right now is a great time for Claire to come forward since she cannot be killed without one of the company being killed Edit: Plus Sylar is dead
  21. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    OK, I guess I'll kick off the festivities with my obvious vote for Itachi Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb - voting for Joe's Student 2) Kathleen 3) Sweetness Kat 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2 8) Crazypainter 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student Aww, you know I was just kidding
  22. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    And no attack from Niki, so GC was telling the truth.
  23. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    hehe, I dunno... I have my preferences, which I will be able to narrow down after the night post. My biggest progress was figuring out two more roles, and heavily narrowing down three others.
  24. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Well, I think I just made alot of progress. My Current list of suspicious characters (no order) are: CP JS PG SweetKat and to a lesser note, PM I can say one thing though. These all have over a 50% chance of being baddies, I'd say the first four range from about 60-75%
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