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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Hehe, sorry. It's the first thing under the rules section "--Rules-- -This game only takes place in 24hr cycles. All actions must be decided within 20hrs, and the post will go up in the following 4hrs. From here on in the instructions and descriptions, Cycles=Days=Nights. It’s all the same."
  2. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    I will respond to them in a private PM to each team. In that situation, the RIE that the Heroes made would just be left hanging.... no confirmation... nothing (unless the player the guess was directed towards wants to answer [which there is no telling if they will give the true response]) Until the Company comes back with their own RIE. Once both sides have made their RIEs then I will respond to both in a Private PM to each team to confirm if their guess was correct or incorrect. yeah, the RIE works in a back-and-forth manner. Both sides post an RIE, then another round can begin. There is no limit to how often they can do it. A team can make as many guesses, and exchange as much info as they want, so long as the other team responds. Sure, you can do whatever you want within your own team. I will not stop you if you want to make one member your spokes person. I hope that clears a few things up EDIT: OH, Also Impervious has taken over for JS
  3. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    cool. Feel free to give it another try now. Once both teams have gone, I will PM the confirmation about whether the guess was true or false. Also, just to get this out there. When the teams decide what they are going to do with their roles and their drafts. Please just go ahead and send me a PM containing: -A roster of your players, with the actions taken by them next to each name. -your draft attempt -your sacrifice and the other attempt, if you are willing to make another draft attempt
  4. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Right. The guesses may be directed at anyone, including the unsided players. But no worries, thus far all of the RIEs have been disqualified. Also, PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO COLOR YOUR RIE so that I know which team made it. (red=company, Blue=Heroes). Thank you. And again, "In order to make this guess, the player must disclose a TRUE statement about any Player AND Role on his/her team (with current BTSC)" dms... trying being a little more proactive like Ysan... you may be able to do more than you think. Edit: I'm sorry, I know that this is a little confusing right now for everyone. It's a new setup and it will become more clear as the game progresses. But now I will just go ahead and be clear about why the RIEs were disqualified... both teams made statements relating to a role that they do not have current BTSC with. In other words, both teams have now disclosed the roles of their MIA members... So now your opponents know what role you are missing. But no one knows who they are yet.
  5. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Both statements are disqualified for both violating the rules of the RIE. Reread carefully and try again... keep in mind, b/c you both violated the rules, you may have just disclosed WAY more than you should have for trying to be sneaky
  6. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, thank you for making an attempt CP! but wow, I thought I had specified in the RIE rules that the 'S:' name and role must pertain to your team. However it looks like I only wrote "player". I'm very sorry, and it is my fault but I can't accept that statement. The Name and Role must pertain to the names and roles that you team has BTSC with. Sorry! still working out a few kinks. Also, remember that once you make the S: (statement) you may make a G: (Guess) along with it. So you disclose very little info about a player on your team, but you also gain just as much (if not MUCH more) info about the person you are making the guess about. Thank you for opening that up CP. Now I just hope everyone reads this since I can't go back and edit the OP... maybe I can get Rookie or someone...
  7. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    First, you do know who is missing. Just look at the 6 roles on your team (on the opening post) then deduce which one is missing among you current team. Keep in mind, for drafting you send me a PM. Your draft attempt is not supposed to be public knowledge. The RIE on the other hand, is supposed to be public knowledge. So your PM to me would say "We want to draft BOB as the <role>." The only role that you do not know is which role on the opposing team is the MIA. BUt I still wouldn't be opposed to you saying "the company MIA" if you wanted to. It could help you avoid the confusion b/w the RIE and the Draft. Again, PM me your draft attempt. But remember, there is almost no chance that you will complete a successful draft on day 1 unless you all start going out on a limb and trying the RIE to gain a little info. Now, as for the RIE (since it is public knowledge) you MAY refer to the role that you are attempting to discover as "the company MIA" so that the opposing team does not know which role you are missing. Also, the results of the MIA and the Draft attempt will be PMed to your team, so the opposing team will never know if your guesses were correct or not. Yes and no. You can try that if you want to, but your chances to succeed on a draft would be slim-to-none. The RIE was developed for a reason, and I fear that you all may not realize the importance until after the day1 post. Again, remember. Your draft guess must be PMed to me. The RIE (ex. "G: <name> is <role>, S: <name> is not <role>") must be posted in this thread. Edit: to include... Yes, all but the MIA has BTSC. And yes, they should agree as a team who they are going to try to draft. But one of them could go out on a limb and try the RIE, maybe just as it pertains to him/herself. Edit2: It looks like we are going to make use of our backups! First come first served! If one of our three backups wants to jump in, now is the time!
  8. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Alright! I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying yourselves so far... but not much can happen unless you choose to utilize the RIE Also, I completely forgot to... THANK YOU UNREALITY for helping me develop (and name ) The RIE. That is what will allow this game to work, and I couldn't have drawn it up and tweaked it without you! Edit: Wow, I just noticed how bad I botched the first line in the intro post sorry!
  9. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    **Tips and Clarifications about the RIE** When attempting an RIE, Please use the Format: S: <name> is not <role> G: <name> IS <role> *G=Guess *S=(true)Statement. *Please also color your RIE (Red for Company, Blue for Heroes). *Remember, this game could go VERY fast or not so fast... your best hope for winning is to recruit as many players as you can. So start using the RIE ASAP! *Teams may not change their RIE once it had been posted. *If I am not online to declare a true or false, another round of the RIE may begin (so long as there has been a back and forth exchange) and I will answer them all when I return.
  10. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    The Nightmare Begins… Riding in the back, as riving through a tunnel late at night, she watched the lights overhead zoom up her windshield and straight back across her open sunroof. Combined with the droning sound of her engine hollowly echoing off the tunnel walls and through the sunroof, it was hypnotizing. She continued to drive, and let her thoughts wander on from the fading day's activities, to what would happen tomorrow, and on to her family that seemed to be ever-growing apart... The company, in their never ending quest for power, decided that it may be easier to make company agents, then to recruit them. Since the previous formula they created merely bestowed random abilities on their agents (and they had no use for agents with the ability to turn objects different colors, or to burn CDs with their minds), they decided to work on something new. After months of work, they came up with a new technology that was only referred to as "Hybrid." It could take the abilities of a person, so long as they were dead, and bestow those powers onto other living people. It could be duplicated to as many people as desired. Now that they have the Hybrid perfected, it’s time to start collecting… Somewhere outside of New York City... the sun was setting over a desolate train yard. Giant blue, black, gray, green, and red boxcars littered the area, but not a railroad worker could be found. But there were people there, two sides engaged in an epic battle. One side that was hunting, to fuel a source of unbridled power, and the other side, grouped together to save their own lives and stop the onslaught of the company. In the middle of the train yard, no powers, just two men and a gun. Mohinder and HRG fought for their lives, against eachother. With gritted teeth, both men wrestled on their feet against the side of an immobile boxcar, for control over HRG’s snub nosed revolver. Each man had one hand on the gun, and the other on the wrist of his opponent. However, HRG was stronger. With all of his effort he was able to get his finger on the trigger, and began to twist Mohinder’s arm down and turn the gun toward Mohinder’s head. The gun’s aim was just barely out of line with his face, when Mohinder used all the strength he had left to head butted HRG in the eye with a sickening crunch of bones crushing glass. HRG fell to the ground, and dropped the gun at Mohinder’s feet. “Well, it looks like I have won” said Mohinder as he picked up the gun and extended his arm to aim the barrel at HRG’s shattered face… ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzztt. Suddenly a burst of electricity shot towards Mohinder, it hit him in the side and blasted him against the boxcar. “Not yet” said Elle as she prepared her fatal blow. Her hands grew bright as she buzzed with electricity. In one huge blast she sent a wave of energy into the boxcar. “Are you OK?” Asked Nathan as he flew higher into the air while bear-hugging Mohinder. “I think that little vixen melted the soles of my shoes.” Someone needs to put her down. “Thank you for saving me” said Mohinder. “If you hadn’t swooped in and pulled me out of there, I would’ve been looking like your shoes.” This was really starting to make the green-glowing radioactive guy angry… and no one likes it when he gets angry. Ted spotted his target… Candice. She was laying flat in between the rails, hiding under a train. “How perfect” Ted thought to himself. His hands began to boil hot as he blasted the train with a nuclear blast. Candice didn’t even have time to react, all she could do was scream as Ted melted the train over her head, dripping molten metal down onto Candice, incinerating her. But then his hands began to cool while Candice was still screaming… he didn’t understand what was going on. Until he looked to his left and saw the Haitian standing there. Then the screaming stopped, and Candice vanished, along with the entire train… it was all an illusion. A trap to get the Haitian close enough to Ted to stop him. Just then, Ted heard a voice behind him. “Not so tough now are you?” Candice said as she drove an eight inch knife straight into Ted’s back and through his heart. Elle smiled when she saw that Mohinder had vanished. Until it felt like a train had plowed into her back. Elle went flying through the air head first into the side of the boxcar where Mohinder had just been leaning. Her body went limp, and she exhaled her last breath. Nikki smiled when she saw Elle’s fragile body crumple into a ball on the ground. Ted dropped to the ground, defeated. Candice glared down at him with a glorious smile on her face, as Ted choked out his last words “Not so tough now are you?” Then he vanished. Confused, Candice looked around to see a luminescent Peter standing over the Haitian who he had just knocked over the head with a baseball bat. “Not so funny when someone does it to you is it?” said the glowing Peter, as Ted appeared next to him… In the middle of all the madness, Linderman was walking around somehow unnoticed by the others around him. He strolled through the train yard, observing the chaos and laughing to himself. As he walked, he ran his fingers along the side of the boxcar next to him. In the middle of his absurdly calm stroll through the battle, he came up to a crumpled pile of what was once Elle. “Well we can’t have that now can we?” he said to the pile of twisted flesh. Linderman merely bent over and touched the blood soaked blonde hair, and suddenly her body began to untwist and reform into the beauty that she once was. Elle inhaled and coughed, as she looked up at Linderman with thanks and wonderment. “You are welcome young lady” he said with a smile. “Now things are about to get very… heated. I suggest that you go ahead and return to our rendezvous point. DL was searching for Niki, he hadn’t seen her since they split up and she went to save Mohinder. The train yard was nothing for him, we just phased through the cars one by one searching for his wife. Until he entered into the same area where Ted and Peter were standing. “I could go for something like that.” said a voice. DL whipped around to see Mr. Petrelli standings a foot away from him. Petrelli reached out to touch DL and steal his powers, but his hand phased right through DL. Peter stood in the center of the chaos, attacks whirling around him. He began to feel slightly dizzy, there was so much going on. Everyone was fighting and he couldn’t focus on anything in particular. Suddenly, his hands started to glow fiercely. Peter had absorbed too many abilities, and now he would experience the consequences. He glanced down at his hands, realizing what was about to happen. In the midst of all the confusion, Peter yelled out for everyone to run for their lives. He was going to explode. All of the warring people glanced up at the shimmering person standing solitarily in the middle of the train yard. They quickly comprehended the situation and the danger they were in. They ran for it, many hitching a ride on a passing train that had just whizzed by. Peter could feel himself pulsing with energy, on the verge of erupting in a mushroom cloud of power. He collapsed onto his knees, staring into the sky. As Peter was looking up, high in the sky Mohinder was looking down at him. “We have to help him!” yelled the anxious Mohinder, holding onto Nathan to stay alive. “It’s too late to go back, we may as well just save ourselves!” Nathan replied. He shot off into the night sky, while far below, a massive explosion shook the earth. Two of the people that had been fighting hadn’t quite made it out of the train yard by the time of the eruption. While they were running in opposite directions, the blast caught them from behind, knocking them down, unconscious. The body of Peter lay smoldering right where he had been standing moments ago. The body trembled for a bit, and then struggled to get up. Peter’s face slowly healed itself, the burned skin revitalized. He stood up and glanced around for a moment, only to rocket into the sky, flying back home. The next day, the company members met at the headquarters in New York. Arthur Petrelli, the company founder, spoke to the group. “Last night was pathetic. We need to take down those so called ‘heroes’ so we can continue with project Hybrid. Without test subjects, we can’t perfect the method to give us all abilities. Unless one of you wants to volunteer…” Mr. Petrelli looked down upon the small group of members, all of whom glanced around nervously. “We need more recruits to complete this task. Clearly our force yesterday wasn’t enough to capture them, so we need more members. But where to get them…any ideas?” Someone piped up that they thought they had head of some people with powers living in the area. “Good…find them. We need more recruits!” The members started to disperse, when Arthur suddenly shouted “Wait! Something’s not right…weren’t there more of us? We were all supposed to meet back here after the battle. Where’s…” Not much earlier, the heroes had regrouped as well, but somewhere very different. Peter mentioned the fact that they need more people in the group. “We can’t fight this fight alone; we need to recruit others with powers like ours to help us.” The other heroes nodded in agreement. “If we don’t, the company will keep trying to kill us until we’re all dead. It’s a matter of life and death here, and I’d much prefer the former on this one. Well, for us at least.” Peter stood up, “Let’s get recruiting...wait a minute. Someone’s not here.” They looked around, wondering where the missing hero could be at the moment. They strained to get up, gasping for breath. Collapsing back to the ground, they opened their eyes, squinting in the bright morning sun. They heaved themselves up and dusted themselves off. Their head was pounding, still a little groggy from the night before. “Where am I?” they thought, “What am I doing here? Is this a train yard?” They looked around, taking in the environment around them. “Come to think of it, who am I?” The person wandered around, panicking a little at the unknown. Across the train yard, another person was experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. Those two people headed off from the train yard, in search of the world, and their identities. Not much later, they would discover that they had incredible abilities, and their quest for knowledge would involve them in the battle between the heroes and villains. However, they were each already sided with one those groups, they just didn’t know it. Yet… ***Thank you to Frost! You wrote the second half of this Intro post and I couldn't have done it without you!*** The Company 1) Marth 2) Crazy Painter 3) Joe’s Student 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy OK, everyone is in! Time to Begin! Cycle One Starts NOW! (2 hrs early) It will end at 8:00 tomorrow. ***A few things have changed. The days will be 22hrs long. Ending at 8:00pmEST and starting at 10:00pmEST.
  11. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    This thing is long. Like Unreality Long Sorry man. I've added you to the backups just in case
  12. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Intro Post is Coming
  13. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, all PMs have been sent, except for Mekal's. If he hasn't Confirmed that he is playing within the next 1.5 hrs (when the game starts and the intro post goes up), then Impervious will take his spot.
  14. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, roles will be PMed soon. All of the roles have been assigned.
  15. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, current Roster: (15 slots available) 1) Y-san 2) Itachi 3) Frost 4) Marth 5) Kathleen 6) Crazy Painter 7) Sinistral 8) reaymond 9) star_tiger 10) Joe's Student 11) limeliam 12) frozen_in_fire 13) SomeGuy 14) dms_172 15) Mekal (Or impervious if Mekal Declines) Backups 1) Impervious 2) Cherry Lane 3) Grey Cells
  16. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    LOL, Thanks! Also, I'm hoping that this new full-disclosure format will put an end to that. Opposing players should be more afraid of the roles than the "what if a player is actually in that faction" paranoia. Now they will know you are not on their team... but you may not be worth attacking to them, depending on your role .
  17. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Still need one more player for sure (I just got a PM so it may be filled) then I need to hear back from Mekal and aka and depending on their responses I may need another one or two players. Then, once I have the roster filled I will randomize the roles and send them out to the players. Hopefully all of this and the intro post will be up by tonight. I think the 24hr cycles will be running at about 8:00est (a little over 7hrs from now).
  18. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    They can do something if they want... They could go and kill a random person if they felt like it . Cycles are there, so that I can make some pathetic attempt at writing epic posts . All players get 20hrs to make their decisions about what actions or inactions they will take with their roles. And so teams may decide who they want to try and draft, and make whatever RIE deals they want. Once the 20hrs is up, I make the post about how the battle went down, and inform the teams about their draft attempt. Then it begins again with 24hrs till the next post.
  19. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Maybe, Maybe not... I really have no how this thing could turn out... Not a bad question at all. There will be two MIA players. One that is taken from each Team (one hero, one Company Member). They will not have BTSC with their original team until they have been drafted. So even though each team has a list of six roles, there will only be five of them with BTSC at the beginning of the game. The other will be hiding among the Unsided Players. Also, something that I forgot to include in the intro stuff... The two MIA players will not know their own identities until they have been drafted. They will obviously know that they are MIA, and therefore will have a kill ability. But they will not know who they are, so they will not know which side to attack, UNTIL one of two things happens...
  20. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    There is still one spot remaining, and maybe one or two more depending on Mekal and Slick’s decisions. So far the roster looks something like this Y-san Itachi Frost Marth Kathleen Crazy Painter Sinistral reaymond star_tiger Joe's Student limeliam frozen_in_fire Also, as soon as the roster is filled, they will be randomly rearranged and will be posted like this: The Company 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The Unsided 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The Heroes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) This will publicly show every player on each team. However, their particular roles will not be shown. If there are any questions please ask in the thread.
  21. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Heroes Hybrid --Rules-- -This game only takes place in 24hr cycles. All actions must be decided within 20hrs, and the post will go up in the following 4hrs. From here on in the instructions and descriptions, Cycles=Days=Nights. It’s all the same. -All roles must PM their action/inaction to me each night if they are able to take action. Failure to send a PM confirming the decision of action or inaction will result in default use of the ability with no effect. (Ex. If no PM is received by HRG during a given cycle, he will use his kill ability, but it will not harm anyone, and he will not be able to use it again the next day). All of a team’s role actions may be collectively PMed to me by a single member of the team. -There is no lynch vote. As a result, there is little incentive for a great deal of posting in the thread, except for any conversation made in an effort to learn the roles of the unsided players. So the more conversation, the more likely a team will make a successful draft. -Every day, each team may make one collective kill attempt, in addition to whatever actions are taken by the kill roles. -At team may satisfy a double-source kill during a particular night by sacrificing the following night’s group kill… Rephrased: a team may use the current night’s kill, AND choose to sacrifice their following night’s kill, in order to fulfill a double-source kill. Because the members of the team risk too much to successfully make the kill against their target, they would spend the next night recovering. --Drafting-- -ONCE* Every day, each team may choose one player to draft from the group of 5 unsided players. In order to successfully make a draft, the team must PM me the correct name AND role of the unsided player. If a player is drafted, they will be aligned with the drafting team, and will gain BTSC with them. However, the opposing team will not be informed whether or not the draft was successful. -If a team makes a guess, and they are incorrect, then they are informed only that the draft failed. If one team has already drafted someone... then the other team tries to draft that same person, they are informed only that the draft failed. If both teams attempt to draft the same person on the same night, then both teams are informed that the draft failed. -*Teams may also purchase additional draft attempts by sacrificing the use of a chosen role’s ability. -No team may draft the MIA member of the other team. --Role Inequality Exchange-- - At any time, on the thread, a team member may make a formal guess about the identity of any player that does not have BTSC with the guesser. In order to make this guess, the player must disclose a TRUE statement about any Player AND Role on his/her team (with current BTSC), in the form of "<NAME> is not <ROLE>". Following this, the opposing team may take up the offer or refuse it. If they take up the offer, they respond in kind with a guess of their own about any player not on their team, and also must provide a true statement about one of their members in the abovementioned form. After this is completed, I will PM each team with the truthfulness of their guess (in terms of 'right' or 'wrong'). However, if they refuse to take up the first team's offer, nobody can start a new round of guessing until the refusing team finally accepts the offer. There is no limit to how often this RIE may occur. [Note= the same inequality statement cannot be made twice (though you can use the same player again, just with a different role, and you can use the same role twice, just with different players), and it must pertain to a living player whose identity has not been publicly confirmed.] There are three groups. (Starting with 5 players per team) The Company: *All-but the MIA members have BTSC* Objective: Kill all of the Hero members including the MIA player. • Mr. Petrelli – Any night but not two in a row, he may steal the ability of any living role for the night. But when he does, he will be outed to the role that he stole from after the following post. If the role is already dead, then the steal fails. If the ability was going to be in use by the chosen role, then they would not be able to use it until the following night. (*Stealing the ability of a player that has BTSC with the company, counts as a use for that player. Stealing the Ability of anyone else, does not count as a use by the target). • Linderman – 1) Every night will be able to choose any person to protect for the night, but not the same person two nights in a row (this ability may be used on himself). OR 2) Any night but not two in a row, instead of protecting someone, Linderman may come to the rescue of any person that died the night before. He will be able to choose any person after they have died from a single attack and revive them. However, he will not be able to revive a person that was attacked by more than two sources (double-source kill) at the same time. Linderman may not use this ability on himself. • Candice - Any night but not two in a row, she may choose any person and change their reality. Candice’s target is randomly redirected to anyone. However, Candice may specify three players that will not be redirected towards. • HRG – The man with the Horned Rimmed Glasses. Any night but not two in a row, HRG gets to kill one person. He is outed when he dies. • The Haitian – Any night but not two in a row, selects one player that will lose their role ability for that night. • Elle – Any night but not two in a row, Elle may electrocute someone to death. The Heroes *All-but the MIA members have BTSC* Objective: Kill all of the Company members including the MIA player. • Peter –Any night but not two in a row, Peter gets to visit one person, and uses that person's ability on them. If Peter is visited by 3 or more people on the same night he will blow up and take everyone else that visited him with him. (IF peter chooses Ted, then peter gains Ted’s invincibility, however, he also mimics Ted’s kill ability and thus subtracts 1 from Ted’s double-source kill). • Nathan – He can save someone each night by flying them to safety, but not the same person two nights in a row. • Mohinder Suresh – Any night but not two in a row, Mohinder may inject any other player with a serum that will allow the person to perform their ability for the second night in a row (of course this excludes saving roles that work every night. And yes, the second use counts as a use and therefore the ability would not be used on the third night). Because this is not a power, this ability may not be stolen by Mr. Petrelli, nor reflected by Peter. • DL – Any night he can save one person, but not the same person two nights in a row, and only as long as Niki isn’t killing someone. If Niki dies, then DL gets restricted to use his ability any night but not two in a row. • Niki – Any night she can kill one person, as long as DL isn’t saving someone. If DL dies, then Niki gets restricted to use her ability any night but not two in a row. • Ted – With his radioactive powers, he can kill someone any night but not two in a row. Also, due to his radioactivity, it is difficult for any one person to get close enough to make an effective kill on him. However, if Ted is attacked by more than one source (double-source kill), enough damage will be done to cause Ted’s death. Also, Ted can never be saved by anyone. The Unsided *No BTSC until drafted* Objective: Survive till the end, or win with the drafted team. • Matt Parkman – Any night but not two in a row, he may choose one person to read their mind and find their role. The target will be notified that they were discovered. He cannot be protected two nights in a row. • Claire Bennet – May save one person any night but not two nights in a row, and she can’t save herself. She is invincible to everyone (except Peter's explosion) as long as HRG is alive. • Isaac Mendez – Each day he paints a picture showing the events of the night before and learns the roles of the people that died. Also, any night but not two in a row, Isaac may paint the picture of the role of his choosing, and show the action that was taken by that role the night before. ***The unsided group will also have two MIA members (They do not start with BTSC with their teams) • +1 Random Killer Role Company Member without BTSC • +1 Random Killer Role Hero Member without BTSC These two roles will only be able to be drafted by their credited teams, at which point, they will regain BTSC. *Tip: Keep in mind that the opposing team will also be looking for all hints possibly given by the MIA players, and IDing an opposing team's killer role would make a juicy target.
  22. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid Signup has begun if anyone here is interested.
  23. Brandonb

    Jumper Mafia

    Just wanted to post and let everyone know that I'm going to go ahead and start Heroes Hybrid early (or at least the signups depending on when we get a full roster). PM me to join, the signup is in my sig. Also, there will be 15or16 spots available (depends on when we start)
  24. Brandonb

    Jumper Mafia

    Don't feel bad. The Unknown had no voting power. So no matter who Kat killed... as long as we killed the warrior last night we would have won the game.
  25. Brandonb

    Jumper Mafia

    Sorry if I made anyone mad or if I was too aggressive Well Done paladins! And well done Jumpers! Those last few minutes at the end of day 3 were INTENSE! I was pacing like crazy around the house Great game and Epic posts UR!! You are the master!
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