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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. When the GO attacked they could have just as easily shot the person. I found it more fun to write them using their Geass' and making the person kill themselves. Again, Marth, the GO rules will be cleared up for the next game. Once I post the new and/or clearer rules, feel free to ask anymore questions then.
  2. hehe, none of the above (which are all the same answer anyway) . it's written just to make you think that, but if you look at all the lines they don't quite fit. the comment in the Topic just means the riddle wasn't original O, so I changed the wording around a little.
  3. If you have two, it could cure your hunger If you have twenty-one, you won't want another Eighteen is what the table needs But seven more will show your greed Five can be a lot if your feeling alright Eighteen more? you'll feel tight Nineteen? I can't handle that trick. Now I think we all will be sick! What am I?
  4. No. you couldn't have used it every Night. It can only be used once without you dying. And that is only if no one had attacked you, which they didn't. So you could have used it a second time and died doing so. I'll make all that clearly next time around. Definitely no more than twice. With CC's Power, I think once max is enough actually, no matter what. Probably LeLouche and Marianne too. maybe they can sacrifice themselves just to save someone else like Kat did instead of getting double Ability use. I like that better.
  5. itachi-san

    Do You YouTube?

    Those Lost videos were cool! That show is great no matter how many times LIS bashes it Here's my favorite Naruto AMVs - it's done to a Sifl and Olly sketch - done to the Matrix Reloaded trailer Most badass fight ever! - done to a Voodoo People rmx no less! Edit: just to clarify, these videos are worth watching if you've never seen and/or never plan to see Naruto. For the second one, it helps if you've seen the second Matrix because the images line up perfectly.
  6. basically. it will be clear in the new rules for ABR 2 edit: well, no matter what they can only use their Geass 2 times at Night throughout the Game, unless they are attacking someone.
  7. I can't quite tell if some people want to sign up for the second Battle based on their posts. So please pm me if you want to play in the next game. That way I will know for certain. Thanks.
  8. Is knowing how many Villains are alive enough? Now that I think about it, I may add that Kenshin can't attack the same person 2 Nights in a row as opposed to never again.
  9. Thanks! I'll definitely have to make it less obvious in the Night Posts when GU's are involved. What did you think of L and Kenshin finding Kat's body? Was that a fair way of writing that she used her 2nd Night Geass and killed herself?
  10. The tables turned every Night actually so I feel it was pretty balanced. I think the rules need a bit of tweaking and will post some modifications I made, but overall I don't think the GO had an advantage. Their Defenses are much weaker than everyone else and they only have a 50% of taking someone with them if it comes down to it. Just pointing out a couple of random things: 1) the Items and Defenses were not used enough at all. 2) Bb had everything nailed shut as Spike and then was killed by a Hero (ahem, Joe's Student) so if Bb was not attacked without any proof by a Hero we might have seen a much different outcome. So, I'm not tempted to say the GO had an advantage at all. In addition, L could have attacked with a Blindfold in the Last Night and things would have kept going. I'm not pointing fingers, just helping with strategy for everyone in the next game. I would have suggested L to just Defend last Night since the Blindfold Lynch was coming. L never Defended which would have helped the Heroes. 3) I don't think people really noticed (I didn't make it clear enough and will in the 2nd game) that Spike, L and Ed had 100% efficiency against defense-less players because they are discovery roles. Since Ed is not much of a discovery role, I'm going to lower his efficiency to 50%. then maybe Spike would have lived. But I like Spike and L having 100% if their victim is defense-less and I like Yuna's increasing experience. Also, I think I'll make it so that Ed can only kill GUs, similar to the Ichigo character. - on second thought I'd rather Ed could kill anyone just with a 50% chance success of Attack. 4) Kenshin could use some more power, so I'm going to make him similar to the Sage. Due to his battle instincts, he knows how many Villains are still alive after each Night. 5) With Light, again this was my fault for not explaining it properly, but it was obvious moot because it was GC, but he doesn't have to kill all those people himself. Light wins if L, Alucard and the GO die. 6) Blindfolds do not save someone from a Geass Ability. 7) The GO each gets one False Name 8) Blindfolds do not save someone if the GU overuses their Geass and kills themselves. There's still a 50% the attacker of the GU will die. I'll have to come up with a more poetic way of describing that like: the GU's head explodes and sends a shockwave of power at the attacker, hence the Blindfold isn't enough to stop it. 9) So basically the Blindfold will save someone from being attacked by a GU and save someone from attacking a GU who has yet to use their power. 10) One strategy tip, which I'm guessing CL and many others picked up on is the Defenses in the Night Post. Either someone is missing or someone will take the bullet for them. This is a big clue in case anyone missed that. I screwed up with Kat though and made it too obvious that she was Rolo. Sorry about that, but you all won anyway. I don't mean to diminish the GO at all though. They really housed everyone this game. Well done girls! I knew that was going to be a dangerous combo when I randomly picked those 3. I'll post an easy-to-read version of these new rules and maybe some others tomorrow. In the meantime please sign-up here or pm me and I'll add you to my sig. Also, please contribute any rule changes you would like to see.
  11. Night 3: The sun was setting. Naruto raced around the village trying to make friends and finally came to Y-San's house huffing and puffing. Any normal person would have passed out long ago, but Naruto had the stamina to keep going. Naruto's face gleamed in the porch light. He held himself up with one arm braced on the wooden banister of her front porch and put on his best smile before starting to pound wildly on her door. To his surprise nobody answered, but he relentlessly kept knocking. As he knocked he noticed a figure sitting near the outer gate of her house. "Was he there the whole time?" Naruto thought. Naruto: Who are you? ...sitting there so casually. What do you want? ???: My name's Ed. You don't seem like such a bad guy so I was waiting for you to leave before I made any movement. You don't seem like someone I should be getting into a fight with. Naruto: Oh, I'm Naruto Uzumaki! The Greatest Ninja in the World! I'm going to become Hakage someday so you better respect me! Ed: (nervously laughing and brushing a hand through his hair) hehe... OK, well are you done here? Naruto: Not yet, I'm trying to make as many friends as possible and Y-San is next on my list. Ed: Well, I'm sorry to say Naruto, but she isn't home. I guess we'll have to come by some other night. Ed got up, dawned his red Alchemist's cloak and began to walk away slowly with his hands in his pockets. Naruto: Are you trying to make friends too? Ed paused as he walked away. "Nah, I was here to kill her." He didn't wait for Naruto's reaction as he disappeared into the new night. Naruto let out a huff and stalked away. "I'll turn you around Ed. I just know we can be friends...someday" --- Kenshin thought to himself "Tonight is it! I finally get to give my sword a taste of blood after that shameful display the First Night. Mekal turned out to be a tough guy, but still... my Hiten Mitsurugi style should kill anyone I target." Kenshin began to unsheathe his sword and ran towards Kat's house. He stopped just outside the front door. Kenshin: I need to be quicker than last time. Now! Kenshin kicked the door open of the lit house and ran in on a shadowy figure sitting over Kat's body. He could see that Kat's head had exploded and there was blood everywhere like something out of a horror film, or one of his typical assassinations for that matter. The mysterious person rose and then seemed to lazily fall over in the corner of the room, looked up at Kenshin and grinned. Kenshin: Identify yourself! You're not my target, but my sword is crying for blood tonight! L: It seems I had a fan. Either way the writing's on the wall Kenshin. Kenshin: You know my name? L: You just told me. At least one of your names that is (L smiled to himself and began to eat a Snickers bar he had been hiding) ...Do you want to tell me your player name as well while we're at it? Kenshin: Hmph. Well, if you're L, you're not my enemy. Kenshin left the house with a frustrated look and raced off into the dark of the night. L: Good, now I can get back to work. So much to collect, so much to study. I had to finally show up here in person. These characters were proving too wiley and interesting for me to hold back anymore. --- FIF walked into his house with a yawn. "It's this late already? I need to get some rest." He stopped with a start at the shadowy figure standing in his bedroom doorway. FIF: Who are you? I thought I wasn't going to have to kill anyone tonight, but I guess I was wrong. ???: You were wrong indeed. ???: You're going to kill... yourself! With that FIF calmly walked over to his bed, reached under the pillow for one of his many hidden guns, pointed it at his head and blew himself away. The GU stepped over the body and stalked off into the night with a satisfied smile. Recruiter: Itachi 1)dawh 2)FIF -DEAD (Killed by GO) 3)Kat -DEAD (Found dead) 4)CP 5)Mekal -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Alucard) 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student 11)Prince Marth 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) Just then, crazypainter and the rest of the Geass Order decided to make a bold move, and Luck was on their side. crazypainter: dawh you are now one of us! With that the game ended by default since the Geass Order had reached a majority. Itachi appeared in the morning mist and slaughtered Joe's Student and Prince Marth before they could even realize he was there. He then gathered the surviving members of the Geass Order (Y-San, crazypainter and now dawh). Itachi: Congratulations are due for winning this contest. Sometimes sacrifices are indeed necessary for the common cause as you proved by Kat using her ability a second time and killing herself. Akatsuki hasn't fully recognized your skills though and decided that the Geass Order must participate in another Battle Royale to prove just how badass you all are. The rules will be altered and the names will be changed. Prepare yourselves. With that Itachi vanished and the Geass Order was elated with an almost Flawless Victory. Recruiter: Itachi 1)dawh - Naruto -then Marianne 2)FIF - L 3)Kat - Rolo 4)CP - CC 5)Mekal - Alucard 6)Brandonb - Spike 7)Y-San - LeLouche 8)GC - Light 9)CL - Ichigo 10)Joe's Student - Ed Elric 11)Prince Marth - Kenshin 12)taliesin - Yuna I'd like to keep this thread open for Anime Battle Royale 2 Sign-up. Also, please offer any suggestions you may have to make 2 even better. Thanks for playing everyone!
  12. I'm mellowing out waiting for all the pms... (itachi yawns) It's a good thing Sasori left because he HATES waiting
  13. itachi-san

    I'm not clear on what this is about. Probey can you write a post explaining what this is please?
  14. Thanks! and thanks also for playing. I'm glad it's fun for everyone. There will definitely be a 2nd, but let's save discussion on that for after this one ends The Night will be posted when all the pms are in and I get a chance to write it.
  15. Day 2: The increasingly smaller group gathered in their usual meeting spot. But Itachi was not there to greet them, if you could ever even call it that. They waited around impatiently for their Recruiter to appear. Feet tapped, sighs were let out and eyes darted all around. After some time, Itachi appeared in the center of the ring, just as he had done in the very beginning, without a sound and with a distant look in his dangerous eyes. Itachi: Hmm. Looks like someone chickened out after all. Though a fresh face has replaced him. Luckily I've developed a technique that will allow the transfer of LIS's character to dawh, our newcomer. Well, enough time has been given for dawh to make his case, and it seems it was convincing. Mekal! Get over here! Mekal: Heh. Make me! Itachi made a hand-sign and Mekal dropped to his knees. "Careful what you wish for." Mekal was seemingly pulled by strings and dragged right in front of Itachi's face. Itachi's stare seemed to go through him. Mekal: You can't kill me, you fool. None of you can! And what are these strings? ???: Maybe I can't kill you, but I'll gladly send you back to Hell my precious puppet. Itachi: Sasori, Finish Him! Sasori: Gladly. Oh what a great Human Puppet your body will make! I'm excited just thinking about it! Sasori lifted Mekal up off the ground and made his body dance like a puppet, but the dance began to slow, until Mekal's body just hung lifeless in the air, humiliated. Sasori came prepared for just such an occasion, detached a string from Mekal and used it to launch a stack of needles directly into his heart. Sasori: Those needles are made from the wood of the cross and dipped in Holy Water. Sayonara Alucard. An evil aura poured from Mekal's orifices until he was just a lifeless corpse. Sasori gathered the body and disappeared. Recruiter: Itachi 1)dawh 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP 5)Mekal -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Alucard) 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student 11)Prince Marth 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) Night 3 begins! I need pms from everyone.
  16. Not yet. I agree with Joe's Student and will wait for everyone to give dawh a chance, though I was going to do that anyway
  17. itachi-san

    I completely agree as well. I used to not agree, but changed my mind based on two people I have met. They work together as scientist/researchers and in my opinion are the smartest people (complete geniuses) that I have ever met. They are also both highly spiritual and religious. It took me a long time to sort that out in my head. I kept thinking "How could such great scientists believe in God?, etc..." Then I realized that the issues are completely separate. It comes down to fact and faith, which cannot be compared as unreality pointed out.
  18. OK, I'm here. LIS is being officially replaced with dawh 1)dawh 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP voting for - dawh 5)Mekal - dawh 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San voting for - dawh 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student - Y-SAN 11)Prince Marth - dawh 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) Though it looks like dawh is just getting thrown to the wolves right off the bat sorry dawh. It looks like I'm not that late because we need votes from Kat, FIF and now dawh (I'll accept 2 out of 3 at the least) and then make the Day post. As for Day/Night cycles I thought i would strict about them, but I really don't care too much. Kat has been on and not posting though, I don't get that and is a bit frowned upon. I understand if people have work/school whatever, but if your on, please at least post/vote.
  19. itachi-san

    As hot as a computer steamrolling a rhinoceros into a strawberry?
  20. A guy shows up late for work. The boss yells, "You should've been here at 8:30!" The guy replies, "Why? What happened at 8:30?" "John Doe, owner of a movie theater chain in New York City, has passed away at age 65. The funeral will be held on Thursday at 2:10, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40 and 10:50." A duck walks into a drugstore and asks for a tube of ChapStick. The cashier says to the duck, "That'll be $1.49." The duck replies, "Just put it on my bill!" A magician was driving down the road..then he turned into a drive way... What do you call a sheep with no legs? A cloud. Q: What does a blonde owl say? A: What, what? Q: What are 3 words you never wanna hear whilst making love? A: Honey, I'm home! "Very funny Scotty. Now beam up my clothes." A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. Marriage is a three ring circus: an engagement ring, a wedding ring, and suffering Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of man your wife would have preferred. Did you ever walk into a room and and forget why you walked in? that's how dogs spend their lives. There was this Eskimo girl who spent the night with her boyfriend. Next morning she found out she was 6 months pregnant.
  21. itachi-san

    Why? I was referring to my face tattoo. It's like Mike Tyson's only it's a spiral saying to vote for PG
  22. itachi-san

    Sure thing. But maybe you'd rather see the one I have on the other side
  23. itachi-san

    Martini can't explain because cats eat houses that are covered in planets but are smaller than elephants sandpapering ducks into stereos.
  24. itachi-san

    I have that same tattoo
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