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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane - voting for woon 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi - voting for woon 6)GC 7)Kat 8)Frozen - killed by [Prisoners] 9)Brandonb 10)Woon voting for GC 11) Ben_Law - voting for Kat 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Dead [Terrorist] Ben Law and woon are bad. It's as clear as day now. Thanks for making this vote easier guys.
  2. yeah, I do that for all their shows =) That's how I even got the idea to watch Death Note in the first place. Sorry [as], but if you air the shows in Japanese I'll watch.
  3. yeah, I haven't been able to play the games I'm involved with as much as I would like right now. I'm just really busy. I've been very outspoken in these games as goodie or baddie. Maybe it's my lack of involvement, but I'm not seeing too much to go on honestly. I would quickly point the finger at anyone who tries to go after me though, so Ben is #1 suspicious right now. it looks like i was wrong about frozen, I really figured he was a prisoner and thankfully the prisoners made a silly move last night and saved us an innocent.
  4. I hope the voodoo people get involved Captain: Sinistral 1) Cherry Lane 2) Itachi 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) -If enough signups- 13) 14) 15) 16) Backups: 17) 18)
  5. I was introduced to anime on Adult Swim too! I saw Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha in English and those are the 2 I don't mind dubbed even now. Samurai Champloo I like in English too. For Cowboy Bebop, a lot of key lines are changed for some reason, which I really don't like, and I much prefer Jet and Ed in Japanese. Spike's not bad, I think he's Mugen's voice. A long time before Adult Swim I saw Vampire Hunter D, but I didn't really think about anime at the time. I just thought it was an awesome movie Same with Ninja Scroll actually.
  6. Here's the thing about Alaska: it's always been a surplus state. Alaska's budget always has a huge state-developed surplus that is given back to the people. Basically, people are payed to live there, to put it simply. But this does not equate to a good reputation for the Governor. The last Gov. of Alaska had a bad approval rating. About the Wasilla $3,000 you mentioned, are you sure that it was done by her as Mayor there or was it a State-wide thing? If it was specific to Wasilla, then I haven't heard that before and will definitely check it out when I get a moment. Like I said, executive experience does not have to be the "defining feature" of the candidate. I've already said Bush was a failure and he actually did a poor job in his executive experience prior to his Presidency, mostly in the businesses he ran. Palin has high approval ratings and has done well in her ventures. Again, I can't see how this is anything but a positive for her. I wouldn't come down on a community organizer as much as the Republicans did, but it's no Mayor, that's for sure. The responsibilities of a community organizer and a mayor or governor do not compare. And to argue that Obama went for a "civic-minded" position instead of money is rediculous. Obama has a multi-million dollar house and made 3-4 Million dollars last year. I could say he went for power and money instead of just money. I hope you recognize this is entirely hypothetical. He could live to 100. Maybe his survival of the POW camp proves that he has a very strong body. The bottom line is that the Dem President candidate is being compared to the Rep VP candidate. It is in the Democrats' and Obama's best interest to go after McCain, the guy he is actually running against. Obama just seems all the more weaker when compared to Palin, and as I see it, he even falls short of her credentials, let alone McCain's. Yeah, that's why it's mostly pointless to bring up the distant past. It is important to know the nation's history, but anything beyond 30 years ago is pretty much off topic when it comes to a current election. On a side note: I'm glad we can discuss politics and not have a nasty argument over it. I know my stance isn't popular, particularly among people of my age-group, so I catch a lot of flack when the subject comes up. I was actually going to shy away from discussing it, but I was right in trusting everyone here that a political discussion was possible Also, I'd like to hear more about that $3,000 per person in Wasilla.
  7. This is exactly what I was just going to post here. Well said Martini. PG, if you don't want to argue, no one is forcing you to. If you and Slick and other Theists want to talk amongst yourselves on a Thread, then by all means do so. If someone posts about an idea that you do not care to discuss, don't discuss it and continue on with your previous conversation. There can be multiple conversations going on in one thread. For instance, in the Theist thread, you and slick could respond to each other and unreality and ADParker could respond to each other. There is no rule saying you have to make a retort for everything posted on a thread in which you are involved. Frankly, I don't see the problem or the need to take your religious conversation elsewhere.
  8. itachi-san

    Agreed. I was being sarcastic though truthful in that remark about the new guy. In my experience I have sometimes built up an image of a girl I was attracted to, that frankly wasn't true. Then I got so pre-occupied with trying to date someone who wasn't really real, that I missed out on a much better girl who liked me and I was too blinded at the time to see. If your new relationship is great, then forget about the 'original guy' (for dating). It may be difficult to shake that perfect image from your thoughts, but time will help that and you'll be better off.
  9. itachi-san

    not good for the 'new guy from design theory'
  10. well at least you can't be killed. Question: can the PG arrest themselves?
  11. I've read about this issue from both perspectives and have still yet to make up mind. It's like a tale of 2 stories when heard with each spin. NY Times is definitely part of the Liberal media though. Like I said, I don't know about this yet, but she will be in court soon to discuss this so I will wait until then. I don't. What's the closest thing to President aside from VP? 1) State Governor, then probably 2)Mayor, then probably 3) a Business owner or CEO. and she's been all 3 of those and the other people aren't even close to that. It doesn't have to be the "defining feature", but it certainly helps a great deal. If you don't think having executive experience over a State and its budget and its people (with a VERY high approval rating) is experience for being President then I don't know what to say. Yes, Lincoln was great (he was a Republican FYI), but let's not go back centuries to make comparisons. -and again she is being compared to a President which is very bad for Obama.
  12. The feeling's mutual Yes, this is what I believe. That is why she was such a good choice for McCain. If Obama picked Hillary, Palin would not have been the VP nominee. Was/wasn't. I've heard it both ways and this seems to only hurt McCain if it does anything, which I'm fairly sure it won't. -the stories 1) the pregnancy - Democrats shouldn't want to touch this one even though they did. It's like the parties switched sides on family values for this one. 2) The DUI - her husband got a DUI at around the same time Obama was smoking pot and blowing coke. 3) The scandal - I'm still up in the air on this. But it was well documented before she was nominated. The cop (brother-in-law) still has his job and did tazer a kid and did get caught drinking in his police car. The state official she tried to get fired goes deeper than the family feud. She will appear in court soon, so I'm waiting to hear what happens then. good. I really don't like Hillary. Though, I think she would make a better President than Obama and Biden himself admitted she would make a better VP than him. I was. I think he was foolish picking Biden. If he picked Hillary the election would be over already. Like I said before I'm looking forward to Biden vs. Palin, I just hope the debate isn't horribly run. They're definitely on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to issues, but as for women's progress the Democrats really shot themselves in the foot. If Palin becomes the first woman VP, then Hillary won't be a big deal when she runs in four years and the Democrats lost a battle they have been waging (supposedly) for women's progress. This was the perfect time for them to band together and put Hillary in the VP slot and they blew it. I am an atheist and think that the religious stuff is bad too, but when has a religious President or VP effected your life through Religion? Separation of church and state has worked pretty well IMO. Plus, there's no way an atheist will win a National election anytime soon. Did you also remember Obama who is actually running for President? He was a sitting Senator for less than 2 years which amounts to nearly nothing. He totes that running for election is his executive experience... and what has he been doing this long election cycle? certainly not his job which he has mostly just voted 'present' for. I can't believe Senators are even allowed to vote 'present'. They're elected to make decisions and Obama has proven to me that he is a very indecisive guy. As for vengeance, have you heard a word from Rev. Wright (Obama's pastor for 20 years) since he began to shout down Obama? I think his family was threatened or something.
  13. -When I edit a document for work and at the bottom write: Edit: typo
  14. -When I highlight everything I read on the internet to check for hidden messages -When I find myself thinking of hidden messages to type
  15. well, based on his vote for Bodhi, he isn't the thief... edit: role clarification
  16. Frozen_in_Fire is not replying because he is Frozen_in_Fear...sorry, I couldn't resist or is he Frozen_in_phear???
  17. It's a moot point really. If a pro-life candidate gets elected they won't be able to get a law passed to make abortion illegal. There's no way that's going to happen.. not on a National level at least.
  18. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi - voting for Frozen 6)GC - voting for Bodhi 7)Kat voting for Bodhi 8)Frozen 9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen 10)Woon - voting for Bodhi 11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]voting for Frozen OK, I change my vote to FIF because if the SA takes out an innocent over night we won't know for sure and this way we do.
  19. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi - voting for Bodhi 6)GC - voting for Bodhi 7)Kat 8)Frozen 9)Brandonb 10)Woon 11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist] I'll vote for the sure thing, just in case I don't get back on before the Day ends. But, everyone note how Ben just jumped on the bandwagon please. Ben is suspicious because of that. Bb offered to go for a Prisoner today and Ben disregarded it. According to my calcs. GC is probably good so don't turn on him, it's Ben's vote that makes me think. Edit: clarification
  20. itachi-san

    that's funny Ploper. Anyway, to answer your question: there is a Search engine in the top-right of your screen. type in chicken +egg and you'll see what threads were made with those words. You can be very specific and add as many words as you want. I wouldn't put it past Martini to have memorized it all though and in fairness, rookie and bonanova have locked many threads on this site.
  21. CP, I'm not really sure why you quoted my comments about drilling and then said nothing about them, but I'd be happy to address your concerns. I'd like to further point out that I'm not a McCain fan, I just prefer him to Obama on many issues. If I could pick a President out of all the people who ran/are running I would have liked Ron Paul or Bob Barr. The only thing they lack is the only thing Obama has: presence in appearance and voice. actually he is prolife and anti-abortion and I'm certain he has always been. If you can provide a concrete statement I'd honestly like to hear it. He's also pro-adoption and wants to make it easier and less expensive, which I also agree with. Every candidate has changed stances. It's negatively termed "flip-flopping" but if they make the right change, then why come down on them? McCain was against all the alternative energy plans. He admitted he was wrong and now is for them. I do not think that is bad, I think that is good. He admitted a mistake in policy and corrected it. I think you mean Economics, not Foreign Policy. I thought this was bad too, but that's why Presidents have cabinets and advisers. She hasn't really been around long enough to make judgments. I say wait for the debates when she goes up against Biden. I do think she was a terrific choice though. McCain did what Obama failed to do: put a women in the VP slot. It totally energized McCain's ticket and so far, I like her. I think her record is actually pretty intriguing and more accomplished than McCain, Obama and Biden combined. I also find it funny how she is always being compared to Obama. He is running for President, while she is running for VP... there's a big problem there if the Presidential nominee is being compared to someone running for a lesser position. This is an abysmal failure not just by the govt. but by the auto-makers, oil companies, environmental boards and us the people. I suggest you watch Who Killed the Electric Car? it's a fascinating documentary about the electric cars GM made in the 90's that were literally torn from the owners' hands and demolished. One thing is that outlet stations would need to be put in place of/or in addition to gas stations which is a big project, but yeah, everyone involved really screwed us over on the electric car. The only good outcome was that the whole event insipred Japan to start making hybrids, which is why we have hybrid cars now. Firstly, raising taxes on the top 5% of the wealthy will not amount to the trillion dollars of govt. spending Obama wants, so where is he going to get the money from to pay for all those govt. run programs? There are a lot of hidden taxes in his plan, like capital gains, etc... also, recently, Obama admitted that this cornerstone of his economic plan indeed makes no sense, so his economic plan is really falling apart already. I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope you don't think I'm hateful. I really have looked into this quite a bit and have come to the conclusion that Obama supporters are really falling in love with the image and not the policies. Also, Bush was so bad, the word Republican has a bad taste for almost everyone. Things are starting to turn around already though. The economy grew and did well this past quarter. I'm looking forward to the debates, but I find it to be an awful state of affairs that only the 2 candidates get to debate. In 2000 Nader wasn't even allowed on the premises, which he sued and won actually because it was unlawful. Like I said, I'm not a McCain fan so I'm not happy about voting for him. It's an evil EVIL thing. Though I don't think anyone running right now is evil... they're all just wrong a lot. This time, IMO, McCain is wrong less than Obama.
  22. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter [?] - killed by Mafia 2)Cherry Lane - voting for - woon 3)Slick [?] - killed by S.W.A.T Agent 4)Joe's Student [?] - killed by Room Cleaner (Role Manipulation of Hitman) 5)Itachi - voting for Janesia 6)GC - voting for Bodhi 7)Kat- 8)Frozen - voting for Bodhi 9)Brandonb - voting for Janesia 10)Woon voting for Bodhi 11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi 12) Jane 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi - voting for woon yeah, i like that better. No participation is always the worst. Edit: ok, so she posted while I was posting, but it was suspicious so I'm staying with it
  23. Me and Frozen. Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 83.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 94.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 92.5% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 95% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 92.5% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 94% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 86.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 86.5% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 91.5% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 85.5% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 88.5% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 92.5% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  24. yeah, i've mistakenly voted to have Healing characters killed in previous games, much like what might happen to bodhi soon. Like Lynching Ben in Speed Mafia. The problem is that it really is the easiest role to claim to be, so if she is a Nurse then it's just bad luck. It's not so much bad play as it was in the past games, because bodhi never really said anything too suspicious. I'm hoping the thief has checked out bodhi and is aboard the bandwagon. With so many votes, that's a high probability and hopefully true. But then again, the thief may be one of the people trying to save bodhi right now, so it's the typical first day of these games...
  25. The drilling towers actually stand up really well against hurricanes, as seen after Katrina, so that is really just an unjustified scare tactic. Not on your part Bb, I'm against the media on that one. Well, McCain is for every method of making America self-sustainable on energy (supposedly) which is the same stance as T. Boone Pickens. The thing is, like Bb said, alternative energy needs to get started now, but it won't be in place and beneficial to our economy for about 30 years. So what are we going to do until it's up and running? Drill here domestically. Alaska is full of oil and hardly anyone lives there or goes there. How many people travel to Anwar, Alaska every year... I don't think that "keeping the land untainted" makes much sense when we've already cultivated the rest of the country. And with the tech. now it can be done cleaner than ever before. It's a common saying that the oil industry doesn't drill on half the land they are allowed, but why don't they? Because it's not drillable... that's the part a lot of people leave out. The oil companies are making record profits, but this is America and that's one of our nation's staples: that you can build a company and profit off of it. The regulation on monopolies and such is up to our Congress, which of course has been an abysmal failure for the past decade.
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