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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. No, and please use a spoiler for your answers.
  2. OK, since this one seems to be dying out I'll point the way. Yes, there are 2, maybe more, ways to read the second line. The intended direction is toward the living. But the duality was intended to make the riddle more difficult.
  3. I'll tell you why people (myself in this case) thought it may have been a trick question. Probably 1/10 of the riddles I've read/heard are trick questions... What is spelled incorrectly in this sentence?, What is the man's last name?, How many days was Moses on the Arc?, etc...
  4. Do they have the same thing in common with orange?
  5. I'm not sure I'm following you LIS. If you're saying that 'beer' works, could you please explain how it fits the first 2 lines?
  6. itachi-san

    Nice bonanova, that one's going in my back pocket.
  7. Hehe, I just meant home-brewed to mean that I made this one up
  8. It is not a weapon or money, but it is something
  9. I Dug this one up from the archives, but it's pretty clear the OP will not be around to post the answer he/she had in mind: I'm also interested if there are any other new ideas for this one. I'd have to say...
  10. Maybe it's not fair to post a riddle within a puzzle so I'll make this one a solid clue:
  11. itachi-san

    I think I got this:
  12. Haha. No tea could possibly help you on this one.
  13. I couldn't help but notice that nobody solved this one. The answer is Ohio-5. There is a typo in the OP though. It should be South Dakota-6. The numbers represent the number of states each particular state borders.
  14. Nikyma has it. Well done. I really liked this one, it made my brain hurt.
  15. I think you're a little off Nikyma. For 2 you put C, meaning B for question 4, meaning there are 2 answer Ds. But you only have 1 D. I originally thought this was right too.
  16. OK, here's a small hint. This hint is actually a riddle, but may help to get you started.
  17. I agree with almost everything deepthoughts said about this one (not any of the negativity about people of course).
  18. itachi-san

    Agreed. Even if the point is that we don't know which pills are sugar and which pills are real, the double-blind test with 200 people will still prove the effectiveness by the number of participants who show the desired effects of the real pill.
  19. itachi-san

    I think you got it Sue. And is meant to be left in the room (which is what i gathered from ash013's spoiler answer too). It doesn't make sense though.
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