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Everything posted by Kikacat123
Thank you for the amazing game, y-san, and congrats to nana on winning!
Let's be honest. Amazo is a bigger threat than the baddies at this point, so I vote nana.
Phil: I would like some information. Who exactly are you? And if you're not comfortable with outing yourself, at least tell why you aren't a baddie or Amazo.
That's a good question. He's been far too silent for my liking. I vote for Phil, and encourage him to speak up.
Y-San, could I edit the last vote post to make it neater? It's kind of bugging me. Edit: never mind. I just saw Barcallica's vote post.
Sorry for the above format, it's very messy. I just didn't want Y-San to have to deal with vote changes right on the hour. Edit: above, "arave" means "araver." Sorry.
I'm mobile too, but here are the no color-rapid fire votes. #230 Barcallica Advanced Member Members 117 posts Gender:Male Location:Room with a View Posted Today, 08:42 PM Dr. Fate: Y-san Roster: 1) Phil1882 - voting for dee_tot 2) Nana77 - voting for plasmid 3) bonanova - voting for araver 4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth - voting for arave 7) dee_tot - voting for plasmid 8) plasmid - voting for araver 9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched 10) Kikacat123 - voting for araver 11) araver - voting for plasmid 12) Barca - voting for araver I must admit, I haven't been following the game closely. And I don't have anything concrete on araver, but I don't think killing someone who just claimed and not counter claimed (well, indy seems to be counterclaiming? ?) is such a good idea. 0 Quote MultiQuote
I'm changing my vote to araver. I have some intel on him that makes him a suspect. It's not definite, though. To nana: I'm curious as to your defense that you are not the Indy. If so, you aren't as big a threat as the baddies, but still worth lynching. What say you?! (LOTR reference ) Edit: Yippee! 500 posts!
And my vote to Onetruth, if you could. Call it a pressure vote.
Dr. Fate: Y-San 1) Phil1882 - kikacat 2) Nana77 -voting for Two-a-day 3) bonanova - voting for Two-a-day 4) tolecnal - DEAD Martian Manhunter lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD Hawkgirl killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth - voting for dee 7) dee_tot - voting for Kikacat 8) plasmid - voting for dee 9) TwoaDay 10) Kikacat123 - voting for Two-a-day 11) Araver -voting for Two-a-day 12) Barca - voting for Nana Yup.
Dr. Fate: Y-San 1) Phil1882 - kikacat 2) Nana77 -voting for Two-a-day 3) bonanova - voting for Two-a-day 4) tolecnal - DEAD Martian Manhunter lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD Hawkgirl killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth - voting for dee 7) dee_tot - voting for Kikacat 8) plasmid - voting for dee 9) TwoaDay 10) Kikacat123 - voting for Two-a-Day. 11) Araver -voting for Two-a-day 12) Barca - voting for Nana Sorry, TwoaDay. You're second most highly suspected on my list after Phil, but my vote will not make a difference to be able to lynch him. Once again, I regret I cannot do colors at this time. Please accept my sincere apologies.
To Phil, araver, nana, and dee: what kind of info do you want? I'm a male JLer, and there was a bad movie made about me, if that helps.
Wow. That's a pretty fast-forming bandwagon, I gotta say. Do you want information? Well, my Mafia role is male. I don't want to reveal too much, because Lex might be in the game, but you can at least have that information. If anybody has any actual proof that I am a baddie, then speak up, because I haven't heard any yet. Meanwhile, I vote Phil, who has been just as silent and suspicious as I have, apparently.
Doctor Fate: Y-san Roster: 1) Phil1882 - voting for Bonanova 2) Nana77 - voting for Bonanova 3) bonanova 4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth 7) dee_tot - voting for Plas 8) plasmid - voting for Bonanova 9) TwoaDay 10) Kikacat123 - voting for Bonanova 11) Araver - voting for Onetruth 12) Barca- voting for Phil Sorry there are no colors.
I'd like to put a vote on plasmid, just to press for info. I'll probably change it later, if he responds.
Nana: your apparent willingness to narrow down your role so much does not seem like something any goodie would do on D1.
Would somebody kindly put my vote on nana? I don't have really any information at this point, and her words seem a tad suspicious.
Day 4 Post: The Final Execution The residents of Brainden City Asylum gathered around Auramyna, with the exception of one. Dee_tot had been released from the Asylum that very afternoon, after her box of matches and tube of lighter fluid were confiscated. She was last seen heading to the fireworks store, forever an incurable Pyromaniac. Araver, the Asylum Guard, narrowed his eyes. "So, Aura, you admit it. You're the final Killer!" Dr. Bonanova shook his head in disappointment. "Why, Auramyna? We talked about being kind and constructive in our group session. You should know better." Marksmanjay insisted, "No, really! I'm the murderer!" "Shut up!" growled the Guard. "We all found out you're nothing but a rotten little liar!" He refocused on Auramyna. "You realize I have to execute you now." "I have nothing to live for," Aura acknowledged. She grinned evilly. "But if I'm going to die, all of you are going with me!" Aura leapt onto a table and flung out her arms, revealing that she had slashed the sleeves of her straitjacket. The Asylum Guard began to draw his gun. Aura reached into her shirt pocket and drew a heavy-looking object out. It was a tomato sauce jar. She pitched it at the Guard, where it hit his hand and shattered, smashing the gun. Aura sprang to the floor and snatched up a long, jagged shard of glass. She clenched it so tightly the others didn't know if the red liquid dripping from her hand was spaghetti sauce or blood. "Well?" she hissed. "Come and kill me, then." Araver charged toward her, arms outstretched to strangle the Killer who had murdered so many Patients. Aura nimbly stepped aside like a matador from a charging bull. Araver crashed headfirst into the table and slid unconscious to the floor. Auramyna stabbed his side for good measure before turning to bonanova. "You should have been a patient in here yourself, you old nut!" Auramyna spat. "Let's see if you can therapy yourself out of this!" She slashed at him twice with the glass, but the first two attempts bonanova deflected with his trusted clipboard. The third time, however, her makeshift knife broke through the flimsy wood and grazed bonanova's forehead. He backed away, but found himself up against a wall. Aura struck at his head again, but bonanova ducked. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough. Aura's fist caught the top of his head and sent him flying. His skull hit the tile with an unsettling thunk. Bonanova wasn't dead, but he wouldn't be able to escape, either. Now only Marksmanjay was conscious and able to fight. His eyes widened as Auramyna's narrowed into slits. "It's a wonder you survived for this long, Marksmanjay. Too bad you're going to die now." Aura stepped toward the Patient and swung the glass shard, but Marksmanjay deftly avoided the strike and jumped over to the other side of the table. Enraged, Aura jumped onto the table herself and crouched, preparing to spring and sink her weapon into Markmanjay's neck. "Any last words?" she cackled victoriously. Marksmanjay stared somewhere behind Auramyna and looked puzzled. "What are the cafeteria ladies doing with that vat of pasta? It's not spaghetti night." Aura whipped her head around. "Pasta?" She saw nobody behind her. "Why, you-" Before she could turn back, she felt a forceful push from behind. "Haha, I lied!" "No!" she shrieked as she plummeted to the ground. The very tomato sauce jar she had thrown at the Guard had not broken completely, and the spiky bottom half was rushing to meet her. Marksmanjay closed his eyes as the glass punctured her neck with a sickening squish. The last Killer was dead. Much later, after the Asylum Guard and the Psychologist were patched up, the Wardens congratulated them for catching the murderers. "Well, Marksmanjay did the actual execution, as you know," they admitted. "Does this mean I can be released now?" Mark asked. "Oh, not a chance," the Psychologist chuckled. "But we'll throw a spaghetti banquet in your honor." That evening, the Wardens were splitting a loaf of garlic bread and discussing the recent events that had taken place at Brainden City Asylum. "You have to admit, it was pretty exciting," Kikacat123 insisted. "What with the murders and all." "Exciting? More like nerve-wracking," nana77 replied. "No, really! There's something exhilarating about discovering there are killers among you." Nana laughed. "You're crazy!" "Well, maybe I am," Kika accepted. "Maybe we all are." Congrats to the Sane, mtamburini, Barcallica, and dee_tot, you won! Thanks to everyone for a great game of Asylum Mafia! Special appreciation goes to nana77 for being an amazing co-host and helping me through difficult patches of the game. I would like to present a secret award to Onetruth for being the most truly sane person in the game, with her quick deductions. Since I am on my phone and don't have much battery left, actions and roles will follow tomorrow. I hope that you all enjoyed the game despite my lack of experience, and thank you for playing Asylum Mafia!
A player's vote still counts if they are released, but there is no way to stop the lynch from occurring.
Night 4 Post Auramyna glanced over her shoulder. She was, understandably, on edge after being trapped in both a vent and a kitchen cabinet. There was a small rustling behind her, and a pool table scoresheet fluttered to the floor. Aura's heart was beating at the warlike tempo of a drum. She had just entered the recreation room (used by both the Patients and the sane ones) to try to stop her worry with a game of ping-pong. "Anybody want to play a game?" She called as she took up a paddle. There was nobody in the room. But there was someone at the door. Aura felt her breath catch in her chest as the door was slammed shut from the outside. There was a scraping sound, and the lock clicked. Then a cackle of joy from just outside the room. Aura pounded on the door, but it would not budge. She frantically twisted the handle, only to find that to her horror, it was growing warmer. A deep black smoke began to seep out from beneath the door. The doorframes glowed with an orangish blaze. Auramyna backed up against the far wall. She picked up the Ping-pong ball and paddle. She knew she couldn't fight this fire. At least she wasn't trapped again. She might as well enjoy a little game while she waited for the flames to die out. However, for now, her only exit was blocked. In another room, a shadowy form slipped through the halls without making a sound. The Asylum bulletin board, layered with imperative notices and alerts, made only the gentlest flutter as the figure halted in front of it. Ever so carefully, they plucked a tack from the board and stuck it into a sheet of paper, placing the note in the very center. The lettering was identical to the handwriting of the Warden. What was written on the note, however, was a cunning lie. The Asylum Gaurd and Psychologist held a meeting in the morning to discuss the strangely uneventfully night. No more murders had been committed, and nothing else unusual had occurred all night long. It was very odd indeed. Roster: Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123 Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77 1. bonanova 2. dee_tot 3. plasmid -DEAD- poisoned by Killers 4. araver 5. Marksmanjay 6. phil1882 -DEAD- executed as Hallucinator 7. onetruth -DEAD- executed as Schizophrenic 8. Boquise -DEAD- executed as Homicidal Maniac 9. Auramyna 10. Barcallica -RELEASED as MPD 11. mtamburini -RELEASED as Paranoiac Day 4 ends August 24, 9:00pm Central Time.
Day 3 Post Barcallica was whistling a merry tune. Why shouldn't he be happy? He was getting released today! He changed from the itchy Patients' uniforms into a provided shirt and pair of jeans. There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" he invited, reclining in a chair and tilting it onto the back two legs. The Psychologist entered. "Well, I'm very proud of the progress you've made, and I want to congratulate you. Not many Patients do so well in therapy." The Psychologist gestured to the door. "The van is waiting, if you've packed your things. Ready to leave?" "You know I am!" Barcallica replied cheerily. He sprang up from the chair and practically ran down the Asylum halls, suitcase in hand. The driver already had the engine running. Barcallica took a long look back at the Asylum where he had spent the past eight years. "Goodbye and good riddance!" Waving to the Psychologist, Barcallica hopped into the car and rolled his window down to experience the breeze. The van began to slowly trundle down the narrow lane. "Farewell!" Barcallica called out. "I'll miss you people!" Then his face changed. "I wish you all were dead! And my wish is coming true!" Something altered again. "Thanks for working to cure me!" His tone batted back and forth like a pong-pong ball. "You old quack! I hope the killer get you next!" "Goodbye! I'll always remember you!" "Sayonara, suckers! Haha!" "Get well soon!" "See you NEVER! I won't come back to this hellhole again!" The Psychologist gaped, open-mouthed as the van disappeared over a hill. He had just released the MPD. The group of Patients was now smaller than it had ever been. There were two suspects this time, though. It had come down to dee_tot and onetruth as to who was the Killer. The Patients had to choose carefully. There couldn't afford to lose too many people. Otherwise, the Killer would be victorious. The Asylum Guard examined the two carefully. They were undecided. Sure, they had been lucky once. But it really mattered now. The Guard chained dee and onetruth together, and led them down a passage. The patients and the Psychologist followed. They came around a corner and stopped at a door they all knew, the one where the most dangerous Patients entered and never came out again. It was the room for the electric chair. The Guard led dee and onetruth into the room. "I'll decide in a minute," they explained. The door shut. The patients could hear arguing and what sounded like a punch. Then, the clank of chuckles onto a pair of wrists. The whir of the electricity humming in the circuits. A scream. And silence. The Asylum Guard slowly opened the door, looking haggard and worn. Behind him followed dee_tot. Onetruth was not with them. The Guard opened their mouth, and quietly spoke out. "Onetruth admitted who they were right as I flipped the switch. They were..." The Gaurd took a deep breath. "The Schizophrenic. Not the Killer." The group was silent again. They stood together and waited for the terror of the night. Roster: Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123 Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77 1. bonanova 2. dee_tot 3. plasmid -DEAD- poisoned by Killers 4. araver 5. Marksmanjay 6. phil1882 -DEAD- executed as Hallucinator 7. onetruth -DEAD- executed as Schizophrenic 8. Boquise -DEAD- executed as Homicidal Maniac 9. Auramyna 10. Barcallica -RELEASED as MPD 11. mtamburini -RELEASED as Paranoiac Night 4 ends August 23, 9:00pm Central Time.
The NK can indeed be stopped if the Killer who initiated the action is blocked or trapped. A block or trap on the target does not save them..
Night 3 post Auramyna was the last person in the Asylum cafeteria. It was spaghetti night, and she always took fourth helpings. Aura finished her final portion and picked up her plastic tray. That delicious combination of tomato sauce and noodles wouldn't be served again until next Thursday. She had to savor it. Aura strolled casually over to the counter and stacked her tray onto the others. She was about to turn and walk away when she noticed something unusual on the ground. The object was a shiny golden color, and Aura soon realized it was a candy bar wrapper. She chuckled. A Patient must have been on their best behavior today to have earned such a rare treat. Aura picked up the wrapper, meaning to throw it away. Before she could toss it into the garbage, however, she involuntarily paused. Was there something written on the paper? She turned it to the other side and read the writing. The script was bold and exclamatory, with block letters proclaiming, "YOU ARE THE OFFICIAL WINNER OF THE HIRSHEE'S KANDY KOMPANY GOLDEN WRAPPER KONTEST! KONGRATULATIONS!" Auramyna literally jumped for joy, pumping her fists in the air. "Yes! I won! Woohoo!" She was so excited that she never heard the silent figure stealthily sneak up behind her. Something soft and strong-smelling was clapped to her mouth and nose, and Auramyna slipped into oblivion. She awoke in someplace dark and smooth and cold. The surface she was lying on felt like metal. She was gagged and bound, unable to cry out, but she could see. She was in a cupboard of some sort. At least it was cleaner than the vent. She tried to lean against the door to open it, but there must have been a lock on the handles. Once again, Auramyna was trapped. Perhaps she could get out by moving over to an unlocked door? Auramyna shuffled about six inches before she came to solid wall of jars, which even in the darkness she could see held tomato sauce. She was completely blocked from getting out. Dee_tot was no more fortunate that night. She was had only wanted to leave her cell/office, but an inexperienced delivery man had deposited an order of iron cell bars right in front of the door. She, too, was blocked from leaving. The Warden and Deputy Warden were in the main office together sipping hot cocoa and coffee, respectively, to welcome in the dawn. And it was very welcome, too. No murders had occurred that night. Despite the pleasant report that no one had been killed, the Asylum Guard felt uneasy. Something was awry in the Asylum that night, but the Guard just couldn't put their finger on it... Roster: Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123 Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77 1. bonanova 2. dee_tot 3. plasmid -DEAD- poisoned by Killers 4. araver 5. Marksmanjay 6. phil1882 -DEAD- executed as Hallucinator 7. onetruth 8. Boquise -DEAD- executed as Homicidal Maniac 9. Auramyna -TRAPPED in kitchen cupboard for N3, D3 10. Barcallica 11. mtamburini -RELEASED as Paranoiac Day 3 ends August 22, 9:00pm Central Time.
Day 2 Post All the surviving residents of Brainden City Asylum (with the exception of Auramyna, who was still trapped in the vent) were assembled at the meal hall. Despite the situation, they were at least relieved to not have another 3-way tie. "The murderer is obviously Phil!" a few Patients called out. "It's mtamburini," less people cried. "Onetruth!" a lone figure insisted. "Alright, I hear you!" The Asylum Guard interrupted. "The last Killer has to die!" The Guard drew a handgun from the holster on their belt. They aimed it at Phil, who stood silent and resigned to his fate. The Asylum Guard slipped a finger onto the trigger. He pulled. The last thing Phil saw was the bullet hurtled towards his head. He closed his eyes, and in the split second between the pull of the trigger and his death, Phil screamed, "No! Leave me, vampires of the darkness!" As the echo of the gun resounded in the room, the Psychologist turned pale. "I know that Patient. He was the one who had the visions of monsters." The Psychologist spoke to the Asylum Guard, "He wasn't the Killer. He was just the Hallucinator." "Where's mtamburini?" Interjected a Patient. "I released him this afternoon," the Psychologist admitted. "He was harmless, just a little paranoid." The Killer smiled secretly. The tables were beginning to turn. Roster: Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123 Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77 1. FreeOwn 2. Flamebirde 3. plasmid -DEAD- poisoned by Killers 4. araver 5. Marksmanjay 6. phil1882 -DEAD- executed as Hallucinator 7. onetruth 8. Boquise -DEAD- executed as Homicidal Maniac 9. Auramyna 10. Barcallica 11. mtamburini -RELEASED as Paranoiac- Night 3 ends August 21, 9:00pm