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Everything posted by TheChad08

  1. Google Amanda Todd and figure out the horrors of internet anonymity. This case is beginning to garner international attention, especially with Anonymous (the evil hacker group) getting involved. I don't support internet anonymity, because although there are some benefits to it, I think that there are many more dangers involved. Sure, it is helpful to hide your identity to share information against oppressive regimes and the like, but there are other methods than could be used.
  2. TheChad08

    One Up Me

    And the winner is...
  3. Have a look. In case you can't flip your monitor around, check the spoiler.
  4. TheChad08

    One Up Me

    Just to let everyone know... The actual expression is If wishes were horses... EDIT: Typo
  5. First off I would say: http://www.theatheistpig.com/2012/07/30/life-a-poem-2/ Second:
  6. TheChad08

    One Up Me

    If wishes were horses...
  7. Please use spoilers. Either write [ spoiler ] TEXT [ /spoiler ] (without the spaces) OR Use the Blue box with the S and select spoiler.
  8. TheChad08

    One Up Me

    when life gives you nothing... you are the 99% (or the 47%, whatever the "hip" percentage is these days).
  9. I understand the answers, but I have no clue how people knew what to look for. Where does the title come from?
  10. curr3nt, I highly recommend you watch a movie called "The Fountain" In fact, I recommend that movie for everyone here. It is actually a really good movie.
  11. TheChad08


    _ A _ _ S WORDS - 1 STUDY - 0 CARDS - 2 DRAFT - 0 WORDY - 0 CARTS - 2 MAGES - 3 ROLLO - 0 MAGUS - 2 CORDS - 1 GAMES - 5 Brainiac100 +5, Rob_Gandy +5, curr3nt + 5 I don't quite know how to score it anymore. I think this whole "Logic the answer" is kind of a joke. When you get a 5 it is pretty easy to logic the answer. So we need to add points for Rob_Gandy getting it right and for me hosting. P.S. I'm surprised it took so long to guess GAMES.
  12. Did you just wish for leprosy?
  13. The reason for our evolution is the guiding hand of God. Without him tinkering with genetics our evolution would have never come about. I don't understand the purpose of this question. Nah, I'm just messing with you guys... I don't believe in God.
  14. TheChad08


    _ A _ _ S WORDS - 1 STUDY - 0 CARDS - 2 DRAFT - 0 WORDY - 0 CARTS - 2 MAGES - 3 ROLLO - 0 MAGUS - 2 CORDS - 1 Brainiac100 +5, Rob_Gandy +5 Ok, you convinced me curr3nt, I'll accept Mages (against my better judgement). It's a 3
  15. TheChad08


    _ _ _ _ S WORDS - 1 STUDY - 0 CARDS - 2 DRAFT - 0 WORDY - 0 CARTS - 2 MAGES - Not going to answer since this isn't a real word. Plural of mage is Magi ROLLO - 0 MAGUS - 2 Brainiac100 +5
  16. TheChad08


    _ _ _ _ S WORDS - 1 STUDY - 0 CARDS - 2 DRAFT - 0 WORDY - 0 CARTS - 2 MAGES - Not going to answer since this isn't a real word. Plural of mage is Magi ROLLO - 0 Brainiac100 +5
  17. Because it is still a clue. Why mention that there is only one male teacher then? That is listed in the clues.
  18. Seriously? His = masculine. Saying that one has HIS last name as Sharma. Saying that Prashant is the only MALE teacher. MALE and HIS go together meaning that Prashant is Sharma. Let's use a different term instead of his/male... Let's say that one has an ASIAN last name of Sharma. Let's say that Prashant is the only ASIAN. They go together like that? It is fine if English isn't your first language, but to claim I'm wrong because of your lack of knowledge is just insulting.
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