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Everything posted by phil1882

  1. i bleive this challange may have been posted before, never the less here goes. you have 3 wieghing scales, a normal scale that gives the correct result, a reverse scale that gives the oppisite result, and a random scale that gives, well you guessed it, a random result. you have 4 normal coins and 4 heavy coins. your task however is to simply identify which scale is which with the fewest weighings, and you don't intially know which coins are which either.
  2. the square squared puzzle got on a quest. here's some interesting factoids. the problem of squaring the square with smaller squares, and finding the minimum number of squares necessary to do so is quite the challenge. it is currently unknown if the minimum squares necessary to tile an m x n square is always also the minimum for a k*m x k*n square. squaring the square in a "no where neat" fashion; that is, such that two squares of the same size don't completely align, can be quite fun. i have yet to find an example where every square, both the outer square to be filled and all inner squares, are all prime size. the smallest packing size for all integers can also be quite the challenge. it's known for 1-51. http://www.mathpuzzle.com/MAA/06-Square%20Packing/mathgames_12_01_03.html just the tip of the iceberg I'm sure.
  3. no clue about this one. seems to me the lowest prime number the outside could be is 11, with the blue diamond being 7 and the black pentagon being 3. but how to prove that is beyond me.
  4. could you give a pictorial example of it working in 2d bonanova? i can't find an example.
  5. got the fourth one third is not quite right.
  6. i've always been a fan of the sequences and series puzzles. see if you can solve the following 1) 0 5 3 3 1 6 6 4 2 0 ? 2) 1 2 5 7 12 15 22 35 40 ? 3) 7 8 11 13 14 17 19 20 23 26 29 31 32 37 38 41 43 44 47 ? ? ? (next 3 terms) 4) 1 11 1001 11011 1010001 ?
  7. if all 4 glasses are up or all 4 down, the game is over at the start.
  8. sorry should have read closer
  9. here's a picture of superprismatics solution.
  10. hmm, I'm going to be out of town soon so i guess i should sit this one out sorry.
  11. http://www.mathpuzzle.com/ no, or at least not much. we know it for d2 -d7, and if you want to cheat you can look at the solution for d8 at IBM's page, but as far as I'm aware there's no general solution.
  12. granted; he did mess up his role and you end up having to kill him. i wish for strong telekinetic powers which i have perfect control over.
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