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grey cells

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Everything posted by grey cells

  1. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    Truth said, I am not as half as smart as many Mafia players. No, I am not being modest, that's the truth. I acknowledge that fact. But let's not spam LIS' thread. Enjoy your first game on BD. And no that does not mean you aren't a baddie.
  2. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    Welcome to the den and specifically BD Mafia, Social Darwin.
  3. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    The words of a probable mafioso? A good ploy to prevent the doc and healer from meeting each other. But I am not denying that you could be a goodie, but the doc/healer may be confused and could go for different persons. I am inclined to believe Jarze though. The reason being a mafioso wouldn't normally try something so early. Unless he is a mafioso and has a secret ability of killing the doc/healer protecting him. Then again it's unlikely since there's a good chance that the doc/healer may die and his faction could be outed. On the whole, I think Jarze is an innocent. Even if he's a baddie, doc/healer get BTSC. So Doc/Healer, please change your saves to Jarze, even if you have PM'ed your moves to LIS. Sorry Impervious, but we don't need any confusion on the first night.
  4. grey cells

    Hey! I missed that and I am pissed. There was talk of US sending a team to the 2003 world cup, but I guess they didn't qualify. But there's an incentive for you guys out there to play cricket. There's talk of China getting revved up to learn and play cricket. China have already proved themselves in the Olympics, which means they can prove themselves in Cricket World Cup too. They have a hired a former Pakistani player as a coach was the last I heard, I am betting that in less than a decade China will be among the cricketing elite.
  5. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    It's good for us innocents if the doc and healer obtain BTSC the very first night. Going in that direction, Doc/Healer both of you should save impervious tonight. He could be Mafia but with him being targeted the first night so very often , it wouldn't be a bad idea if you guys saved him and obtained BTSC.
  6. Great game Itachi! I will be sure to play the next one.
  7. - when the net's down at your home, and you desperately want to check on the mafia games, so you decide to visit the nearby internet cafe or borrow your friend's comp. as I am doing now.
  8. grey cells

    Well done CL. Waiting for the final results. :muhahaha:
  9. grey cells

    Kat give me your warrior name, I will powerplay him/her for you. Isn't that awfully nice of me? jk. I am fine with any day too.
  10. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    I was lucky to survive the first night, so not really a surprise. I actually had a dream, in which I saw my name in gray last night. The knowledge one can gain, does not always go in vain. That much I can say as a ghost. X-men can really win this one easily, it should be a cakewalk now.
  11. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Sorry a miscalculation on my part. Wolverine/Cyclops do not target me if you don't want to reduce the X-men by one. I repeat, I miscalculated; so Wolverine/Cyclops do not target me. Edit: Typo
  12. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Yeah! You need to be saved. But still, Wolverine can attack me. But hey! Imp, can Magneto save one of the X-men? I hope not, otherwise they could frame me. EDIT: Emphasis
  13. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Okay, I have a plan by which I can prove that I am one of the X-men. Wolverine, attack me tonight! If Magneto saves me I am obviously not one of the X-men. If a X-men saving role saves me, then it's obvious that I am one of you guys. If the Brotherhood target me, it's clear that I am not one of them. If they kill me, they are obviously wasting a kill. Which baddie would want to kill a suspected baddie and facilitate the X-men narrowing down the suspects. EDIT: Emphasis
  14. grey cells

    Start by seeing the Twenty20 matches. You will become a die-hard fan of cricket. You folks out there in the US are missing out on something wonderful. Personally I feel Test matches are more fascinating, but they are a tad unattractive at the beginning.
  15. grey cells

    The lowest total in an ODI where a team has lost 5 wickets. They had to get 153 and they reached it with some difficulty. Murali(the great offie whom you call the chucker ) smashed 20 runs off the 47th over. Sangakkara batted like there was all time in the world and compiled 59 runs from 134 deliveries. If they had got him earlier, it was game over for Sri Lanka. At one stage they had made just 6 runs for the loss of 5 wickets after 8 overs.
  16. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    LIS if I was Magneto I would have definitely saved one of my own. That's because I wouldn't have known that ST would be attacked. Anyway, ST was not a hero, she was genuinely protected by Magneto. Yeah! I think one and/or both of the dead on night one were X-men.
  17. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Good-bye, ST! For a colorless ghost, you sure use a lot of smileys. Cute night post Imp! Nice work on the charm bringing back CPB.
  18. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Tut, tut. I just admire CPB, she is hot in the brainy sense.
  19. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Cool down CPB! You are really hot, but don't let the others know that. It's strictly between us. And don't leave the game, the fun's just starting.
  20. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    I am not denying your statement about me finding out Izzy's role. But I am not agreeing with your role identification part.
  21. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Neither! I think you see what I see and others have seen or might see or may not see.
  22. grey cells

    X2: Rematch

    Well, well, well! Looks like the good ole' heroes fighting between themselves. Unless one of us is Stryker. But independent roles can survive only by striking the right balance, lying low and yet not lying low. So far CPB(Andro) looks to me like one of us X-men, unless she is Stryker and wants a spying role to investigate her very badly. LIS, good try to distract the others. But we have been baddies in the past and the baddie saving roles will never take such a risk. How could they possibly know that in a field of 16 players, one particular player, namely ST will be hand-picked by Stryker or any other killing role? As you know, the chances are close to zero. I agree with Izzy on this. Reaymond, if you have suspicions on Izzy, please abandon them. Do not waste your ability on her, if you are truly a X-man, which are you are most likely.
  23. grey cells

    Sri Lanka were 6 for 5! And Bangladesh let them win. The closest they have come to win a series and they missed it.
  24. I am "A Kinky Hater". :muhahaha:
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