Well, well, well! Looks like the good ole' heroes fighting between themselves. Unless one of us is Stryker. But independent roles can survive only by striking the right balance, lying low and yet not lying low. So far CPB(Andro) looks to me like one of us X-men, unless she is Stryker and wants a spying role to investigate her very badly.
LIS, good try to distract the others. But we have been baddies in the past and the baddie saving roles will never take such a risk. How could they possibly know that in a field of 16 players, one particular player, namely ST will be hand-picked by Stryker or any other killing role? As you know, the chances are close to zero. I agree with Izzy on this.
Reaymond, if you have suspicions on Izzy, please abandon them. Do not waste your ability on her, if you are truly a X-man, which are you are most likely.