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grey cells

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Everything posted by grey cells

  1. grey cells

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Looks cool! I will miss the angry discussions. Have a thrilling game!
  2. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    I didn't mean for the mafioso, I meant for the mafia games. And finally, Thank you LIS for hosting and finally seeing an independent win.
  3. grey cells

    Reaymond the BD swimming machine has proved himself yet again.
  4. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    Congrats SG! You really deserved to win this one. Too bad, I didn't take the safer option of arresting Imp. We could have atleast extended the game. JS, yet again you ruin me. I will not forget this. We have ourselves to blame here, but an independent winning is really good for Mafia. Thanks for that SG, if only we hadn't lynched PM..
  5. To have a better chance of killing: GC: Attack Twin Pop Dms: Attack Twin Pop There's a better chance of killing TP this way. Dms, we have a chance of finishing this game tonight if you attack with me. After Imp makes his choice, Riranor and Imp will go for their target. FIF and Foxtacy, what do you say to attacking together, either Sparanda or Twin_bro? EDIT: Riranor, Kairi's going to save you. Have no fear.
  6. grey cells

    Argentina failed to qualify for the 2011 world cup qualifiers but Afghanistan and Uganda did. Looks like a 3 horse race for the top spot in ICC ODI rankings. The Aussies lost out on regaining the top spot from South Africa after losing to NZ. But India have a chance to grab the spot, if it beats Sri Lanka 5-0, which I think is very much possible. GO INDIA!!!
  7. Imp, I think you should attack Sparanda or twin_bro. the reason being Twin Pop(Xaldin) has one more defense left. Sora has a chance of breaking through a defense, so I guess Sora should be attacking him. Maybe you and Riranor should be attacking Sparanda or Twin_bro.
  8. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    That would have been safer. But maybe the sheriff was sure and had other plans. I hope it's not a mistake. But I think the game would have been over if SG is the FP. LIS could have ended it immediately unless LIS is waiting for SG's PM.
  9. But AAP's dead. Which means we have Xaldin, Axel and Luxord on our hands. Riranor, please do as Imp. says. We will give you the same protection we had throughout the game. I will keep my word.
  10. CPB you betrayed me. You said the previous roster was right but I got ST and AAP's roles mixed up. But do not worry, tonight I have a feeling it's going to be a bloody massacre. 1. Kathleen - Light 2. dms172 - Light 3. RainThinker - Organization(Demyx) 4. Firebird766 - Light 5. grey cells - Light 6. Sparanda - organization(Luxord) 7. star_tiger - Organization(Saix) 8. FIF - Light 9. Silverheart - Light 10. SomeGuy - Light 11. A. Person - Darkness(Not completely sure here. Riranor, was A.P. Darkness?) 12. Impervious - Light 13. Limeliam - Darkness 14. Twin Pop - organization(Xaldin) 15.twin_bro - Organization 16.Neptune - Darkness(Jafar) 17. LIS - Darkness 18. Skywalker - Darkness 19. Awesomely-Awesome Person - Organization(Xemnas) 20. Riranor - Darkness 21. Foxtacy - Light 22. Andromeda - Organization(Xigbar) EDIT: Corrected
  11. Thanks Imp, right on time. Sorry ST, at least you can have a good time with Kat. Always see the positive side. Right! Then AAP was Xemnas, if ST wasn't.
  12. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    If the FP doesn't act tonight, there's a good chance that the FP is either JS or was Peace. If it's SG(I sincerely hope not). I am going with the tricky JS.
  13. Well done guys! Guerrilla warfare, eh? C'mon Light, bring it on. EDIT: Very efficient, all within a space of 6 min. A planned assault.
  14. Imp, where are you? The org. are pulling a sneaky stunt here. If you get on, change your vote to ST. FIF and Fox, come on!
  15. Haha.. good one Pop! Poor Nick. On topic, go for him Imp, hopefully we can double up on the 3 remaining organization members. : muhahaha:
  16. Sure! One saving role will save you like he has saved Light through this entire game. I will see to it that happens. And oh! You have a better chance of killing an organization member than one of the Light. So you have made the right decision by choosing us.
  17. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    To try completing the roster. 1 - Prince Marth - Inspector 2 - Peace*out/crazy painter - killed by Vigilante 3 - IDoNotExist - killed by mafia 4 - Social Darwin - voting for Kat 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for Kat 7 - Joe's Student -voting for Kat 8 - JarZe - killed by Mafia 9 - Reaymond 10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat 11 - akaslickster-voting for Kat 12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER 13 - Impervious - voting for Kat 14 - Kat - voting for SomeGuy 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante
  18. grey cells

    How I managed I will not tell, LM. Because it's a secret arrangement. Wait! Did I see you use a smiley? EDIT: In the homework section too. That leads to the conclusion that you aren't LM.
  19. Thanks you, sugar! That means I am right. But seriously, I know I am right.
  20. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    Good to see you back CP! That's it, I am laughing. The mafia should kill me tonight, but we will have the last laugh.
  21. Now what's that supposed to mean? I was under the impression that ghosts had no feelings. Obviously you and Itachi have done some research on that and come up with startling, ghoulish conclusions. Yay! India beat SL by 15 runs in a thrilling encounter. On topic, did I get the organization roles right CPB? PM won't be happy if I am wrong again.
  22. Thanks for confirming that. Someone had to be Saix.
  23. grey cells

    Thanks. I finally managed to win one of woon's games.
  24. grey cells

    Mafia Olde Style

    Thanks Reay! At least Reay agrees to have an open mind and admit I could be a goodie, unlike others who have put a lid on their thinking process and say I can only be a baddie.
  25. It's understandable with the mistake I made with PM(again thanks to JS ). But if we do not lynch Xemnas today, she may block a kill tonight. And unlike with getting PM lynched based on other's statements, the deduction that ST is organization and Xemnas is based purely on the night actions. If you want, you can check this out, by filling in the organization roles. And I clearly cannot be organization, after the struggle I had with CPB.
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