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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. also... CL was the inspector. Edit: here is my spreed sheet nvm... it dosen't work...
  2. i would like to say that i was completely within the game rules... but also, allowing people to post pms would be really cool... Baddies would have to fabricate a believable post... and also have a good story... it would add a whole new element... Edit: grammer
  3. umm... i would just like to say that... i think that the PM's would be a really cool element to add to mafia... baddies could try to fabricate them...also...*whimper* dont hurt me... edit:grammer
  4. which means that you are the MoE... scince you and 2aday never caught up...
  5. your just upset that you lost... JK... ill just put you down as a stupid QA...jk(again) ill just say QA A and QA B Edit: Tact
  6. so can you tell us which of you was the MoD and which one was the MoE?
  7. it might just be me... but isn't the phoenix already dead?
  8. 3 words... 3 for 1... we know that the QA's (you and clueless) are trying to lynch someone... so we probably shouldn't chose whoever you guys pick...
  9. accually... i was thinking you are a QA... we know y-san is a yazuka... and we think that jhonson is a QA lynching target...
  10. ya... sorry about reveling your role... Edit: wow... BB got on right on time...
  11. what time does the day end? actually... i don't want it to end... *whisper*UR might put me back in the jail to get gang beat
  12. yes... but i came out because i had y-sans role... and you guys had been planning on lynching LM... who i knew was innocent.
  13. Notice how you are using one of my defenses... well we will know that im right when y-san is revealed as a yazuka... also if you are a QA and the phoenix is dead... jhonson is probably your lynching target... Edit:I was also sitting comfortably in the shadows
  14. im going to sleep... ill check up on this in the morning... see you guys...
  15. sooo how does the evidence point to me lying? Think about it. reasons for me not lying: 1) there was no reason to say i was the spy when i had nothing to fear... unless i knew a baddie role... which i did. 2) I placed posts that were exact copy's from my inbox... 3) i had never been a spy before so i wouldn't know what a spy PM looked like. 4) Read the words... who does that sound like 5) I am being defensive because i knew that if you didn't believe me i would be a gonner. 6) why would i attract suspicion? Edit: grammer
  16. you are just digging your hole deeper... you know that if i am lynched i will be revealed as the spy... and you will be immediately suspicious... that is why you are trying to stop my lynching.
  17. im not saying he's not a mafiso... i was just wondering how you found that... vote for him if you like...
  18. yes... but i was always a QA... never a spy... so i had never seen what a post to a spy looked like...
  19. how did we find out that esj was a mafiso?
  20. look... he is trying to make it so that i dont get lynched so it dosn't show that im the spy. also, think about this... i wasn't in any danger of being lynched... why would i make a big deal about this? Edit: i am defensive because as soon as i started coming out of with my role... if i didn't prove that i was the spy... then i would look suspicious... and i would get lynched.
  21. yes... but read the words... Who does that sound like.
  22. ya... but i don't even know how to create my own... all i did was copy my PM's from my mail box
  23. here is me spying on LM... you don't need to Spy right away. The first day isn't as random as you think. You can wait to any point in the day to spy- though you can also spy right now if you wish. So do you want me to spy LM, or wait? Okay, Now i will spy on LM she is the Vagabond
  24. WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!! i have perfect proof!!!!!!!! il even throw in LM's role!!!!! shes the vegabond!!!
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