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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. hmmm... you could have a oracle... who knows 5 roles that are randomly chosen... but the oracle can not come out with there role... and if they do they are removed from the game... so its more of a persuasion role. or you could have a trapper, who sets traps around peoples houses and if a were wolf uses a night ability against that person(i.e if the doctor saves that person or if the mafia attack) they get trapped and the slayer is notified...the trapper and the slayer might have BTSC These are just ideas...
  2. I am defently in... my school doesn't start till September 1st and we also don't have much homework till a couple weeks after...
  3. Pirate Mafia: Takes place on a large ship. Instead of lynchings we have plankings. Players can vote to not plank anyone. If the majority votes to not plank anyone, then there is no planking for that day. Strong emphasis on night actions(will make for some epic night posts)... many roles are active at night, even for the innocents. Threw in some voting twists (Bartender, Gambler) to make the voting more interesting. PIRATES: - Win by killing off all innocents. Know each other's identities and can communicate at night. Pirate Lord - Always appears as an innocent if investigated, will show as pirate if planked. sounds good Pirate Wench - Can select one person each night to "visit". That person fails to perform any actions for that night. (They were sorta... distracted.) Does not have any effect on Kraken. Takes precedence over all other night actions. sounds good Copycat - Any night, not 2x in a row, can choose one person. Copycat gains that person's abilities for the current night and day, but still shows as pirate to investigation (Unless Pirate Lord ability is gained.). Target must still be living for abilities to work. Has no effect on Alchemist/Kraken/One-Eyed Jack. sounds good Scallywag - Can escape from being planked once, as long as he is not the last living pirate.sounds good Pirate Alchemist - During the day, not 2x in a row. Can PM a person's name AND role. If correct, that person dies from poison during the night if not treated by herbalist. If incorrect role is given, the wrong poison was used and the person will know they were poisoned. If treated by herbalist, announced in night post to everyone. Does not count as a night visit. Sounds good KRAKEN: The Kraken - The Legendary Sea Monster, awakened by One-Eyed Jack in his youth. Kills on even nights. Immune for first night and day. Wins if it can kill One-Eyed Jack. If One-Eyed Jack is killed by some other means, the Kraken is out of the game. CREW: - Win if all the Pirates are dead. One-Eyed Jack - Former pirate who once awakened the Kraken, but has grown old and is now paranoid that the Kraken is after him. Is missing one eye, and can't see very well with the other. Will kill ANYONE who visits him during the night, except the Kraken. Cannot be pirate killed at night. Can still be planked/poisoned. Wins with innocents.mabey you should make it a 1/4 percent chance that he finds out the role of the person... Bartender - The bartender is well-liked and respected among everyone on board. All his votes are counted double(triple if over 10 people alive). The bartender has an extensive knowledge of drinks and thus cannot be poisoned by the Alchemist. Will be informed if a poison attempt is made on him, but is not informed of the Alchemist's identity.sounds good Doctor - Chooses one person each night to save. Can save self once per game. If that person would be killed by pirates that night, they are saved instead. Does not save from Poison/Kraken/One-Eyed Jack.you sould have it work on one eyed jack kills... Navy Officer - Chooses one person each night to investigate. Will be told in morning if that person is (pirate/innocent/Kraken). [Knows identity of One-Eyed Jack].sounds good Stowaway - Can visit one person each night and hide in their cabin. If that person is visited at night, the Stowaway will know who visited them. Lookout - From up in the crow's nest, picks one person to watch each night. If that person visits someone at night, the lookout will know who they visited. Does not count as a visit.mabey they could see the persons role(since they see what they were carrying...) Veteran - The veteran has been through many voyages and sea battles and is able to live through wounds that would kill most people. Can survive ONE night kill from pirates. Will still die from planking/poison/Kraken.sounds good Swashbuckler - A master swordsman. Can choose one person each night to protect from pirates. Can choose self(defend). If pirates try to kill that person at night, an epic battle ensues. 50% chance the pirate is killed, 25% chance the swashbuckler is killed, 25% chance target is killed. When defending self, chances are 50/50. After used successfully, swashbuckler's identity is revealed during night post.sounds good Herbalist - Each night can choose one person to visit and counteract poison.sounds good Martyr - If planked, has option to choose one person to kill.sounds good First Mate - If killed at night, identity is revealed and there can be a double planking the next day.sounds good Gambler - (Semi-Independent) With his/her amazing luck, can escape from being planked once. Can visit one person each night to play games of chance. Person visited will end up owing a debt to the gambler and future votes against the gambler by that person will be nullified. Cannot visit same person twice. Debts are cleared if Gambler escapes a planking. Gambler wins if collects 5 debts. Otherwise will win with innocents. sounds good
  4. you could have the inspector be the analyst... Cohosting sounds fun ... mabey...jusst mabey i could cohost with someone else in somthing like mafia VIII
  5. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I SURVIVED!!!!(by using unexcusable cheating... but thats no the point)thoughout the entirtre game... AND I GOT POST 1000!!!!! and to you UR.AMAZING HOSTING!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Mekal

    we are both trying to figure out what the answer is???
  7. well... i my memory serves me correctly...rene chose someone else last night... as she knew that people wouldn't go for me scince everyone thought i was protected... so rene CAN save me tonight... therefore i am not in grave danger... however... BB should save rene to see if they can get BTSC... this will also verify that they are the doctor and healer... saving my spy for tommarow
  8. okay... here are some statments... the healer can never save me... my goal is to lynch all the baddies... I can find out your role... those were the first ones off the top of my head
  9. mind you... those spoilers were completely necessary , it isn't as much fun with out the dramatic effect...
  10. host:Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost - voting for Dawh 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh - voting for Frozen_2 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson - voting for Dawh 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Dawh 15) Rene - voting for Dawh 16) CrazyPainter - voting for Dawh 17) Frozen_2 - cannot vote 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM - voting for Brandonb 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) CL_2 - voting for Dawh
  11. and dawh is... DRUMROLE PLEASE...
  12. i already chose... im spying on dawh...*starts bugging dawhs room* Edit: i am waiting on UR to get on...
  13. first off... i HATE long posts... not that i didn't read it... i just hate them... second off... im going to chose dawh since she seems the most suspicious...
  14. i didn't confirm that she was the inspector... that is only if BB is not lying...
  15. hey guys, sorry but i went on a road trip... anyway... who should i spy... the choices...(mind you, i may have missed something since i skipped the last 4 pages...) Frozen BB i don't need to lie detect dawh since if i detect frozen then i find out which one is telling the truth...
  16. okay... im going on a trip for majority of the day and i don't think i will be back untill 6:00 central time... so hopefully i can get on and see where the vote is at before the day is over... but if not... ill just hope i can make it through the night.
  17. Mekal

    i have one... but i used a name that sounds real... unlike my real name(mekal bormer)
  18. okay, who should i spy... choices Frozen Dawh Frost CP
  19. lol... that was the shortest night post ever... yet you still made it epic i really don't know how you do it...
  20. i got it though the google gadget... then i hacked onto my friends account and installed it on his
  21. NEVER!!!!

    *lights C-4...*


  22. gosh... you are way too good at making people feel guilty... i even felt bad when i KNEW you were a yazuka... anyway... i am truly sorry... i was so frustrated when clueless came out as the spy and you guys were going to belive him that i got my PM's and posted them... i do feel bad i hope i haven't ruined the game... i eleminated all of the other possibilitys... such as the PM and the janitor are still alive... and CL is dead... so thats how... i would post my spreed sheet but i did it on Open Office. EDIT: let me try to post it now... mafia_VI.xml
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