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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. Okay... First off... I didn't write the story. The thing is... I defended last night. But what about the 5 other people that defended? Couldn't grammaw be one of them? Anyway... i have to go to a tennis tournament... again... wish me luck...
  2. Mekal

    I just sent mine in a little bit ago...
  3. I didn't write the story... and what about Ichiago and Kisuke?... anyway... It's your choice...
  4. Mekal

    If you guys want you can run tests on the theater... it's powered by the same company as brainden... only BD is better...
  5. I knew that someone would try to kill me... thats how my life works... Anyway... I don't really think that we have anything to go on yet... so as of now i am not voting....
  6. Mekal

    I was downloading a program called handbreak and i saw it there... i think the full version goes like this... And what have they ever given us in return? Xerxes: The aqueduct. Reg: Oh yeah, yeah they gave us that. Yeah. That's true. Masked Activist: And the sanitation! Stan: Oh yes... sanitation, Reg, you remember what the city used to be like. Reg: All right, I'll grant you that the aqueduct and the sanitation are two things that the Romans have done... Matthias: And the roads... Reg: Well yes obviously the roads... the roads go without saying. But apart from the aqueduct, the sanitation and the roads... Another Masked Activist: Irrigation... Other Masked Voices: Medicine... Education... Health... Reg: Yes... all right, fair enough... Activist Near Front: And the wine... Omnes: Oh yes! True! Francis: Yeah. That's something we'd really miss if the Romans left, Reg. Masked Activist at Back: Public baths! Stan: And it's safe to walk in the streets at night now. Francis: Yes, they certainly know how to keep order... let's face it, they're the only ones who could in a place like this. Reg: All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us? Xerxes: Brought peace! Reg: What!? Oh... Peace, yes... shut up!
  7. Mekal

    ya... i had already changed it to go by 2... but i hadn't thought about starting 30 away... i'm also going to make it a bit more advanced...
  8. Mekal

    I think i have a few ideas to make my stuff a bit better... but i would still like to hear yours...
  9. Mekal

    The thing about paranormal is that... well... we just can't tell! I mean... how do we KNOW that there arn't ghosts... How do we KNOW there arn't phycics... anyway... i think that ghosts are not real... Man;y because of Natural physics... as for phycics... I think that it is possible... i mean... we only use 10% of our brain... so if we use 50%... could we be able to interpret others brainwaves? Aliens... ya... that is probably the most likely... The funny thing is... in the movies the aliens are all more technologically advanced... more likely we would be more advanced...
  10. Mekal

    Darn't!!! oh well... Good program I based the Tidal Wave of of your bomber though... but it is all about where my program is located...
  11. What i meant was that my post was short because i had just left for a band concert and was doing it on an iPhone... so i didn't have much time to post... You know that i'm always active... the reason why i didn't post earlier was because i Havn't seen the shoot out forum on the "View new post" link and I didn't cheack after because i though i had already posted my turn:( ... Oh well ... I guess i'll have to play next time... Sorry...
  12. Mekal

    Darn't!!! You just had to be so smart...
  13. Wow! all new characters!!! This looks good!!! but you left out Light and L! That was the only one I've watched/read! i guess that i will have to watch new things... Can't wait!
  14. sorry, umm... I'll use all of them. My shoot card goes to sinistral. sorry if this is short, at a band concert.
  15. Mekal

    Hmm... So CP... you still going for obama?
  16. Mekal

    In some unknown way... I ended up with 2 of my exes yelling at me, hitting me, crying on my shoulder, then hitting me again, then saying can we still be friends. All in less than a minute... then the next day they are with another guy... Of course, with my luck, the first ex went to my best friend... and then to my other best friend... and then to some other guy... and that is all in under a week... ya... my life moves fast...
  17. When you end up yelling at your younger brother because brainden was down. When my friends stool my book as a joke and I muttered under my breath "When I get home I'm going to get UR to write a death scean for you all" (Oh, and if your board UR... their names are John, Michael, Travis, and Conner) When you bring your iPhone to a band concert so you can check Brainden between songs... (don't try it... I got my iPhone taken away...)
  18. Mekal

    I'll try i don't know if my dark and devious mind can avoid tring to find a loophole somewhere JK...
  19. Mekal

    WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can i join? Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Frozen in Fire 3) CL 4) PG 5) GC 6) Panther 7) Dragonjest22 8) foolonthehill 9) Mekal
  20. Mekal

    oh... ya... i'm running on Windows vista... But good job on getting close to finnishing...
  21. Mekal

    can you say that again in English? You have to remember that i can only program in HTML... Which does close to nothing compared to emulators...
  22. Mekal

    fine with me... so... can you send me the code for the emulator and instruct me on how to use it?
  23. Mekal

    Ya, as of now, the canidents are mainly just pulling each other down. What is really getting on my nerves is that by the time we get to the election, the canidents will be so exploited that their private lives will never be private again! Some democratic senator's son already hacked into Sarah Palins email, and it was her personal G-Mail!!! That is why i would never run for president... to have all of my secrets exposed... it makes me shiver... But about the bailout... I think that it's BOTH partys fault. That isn't an issue that can only be 1 partys doings...
  24. Mekal

    Pirate Mafia

    GREAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sign me up for the next one that you host!!! Ya... sorry about killing you... so i didn't end up reading the rest of it... but did anyone suspect that i was the kraken? I wan't to know if my mafia skills are getting better...
  25. Mekal

    okay.. i am ready to fight... so should i post the program or send it to you?
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