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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Night 1: I swear this has happened before... “Are you sure about this?” Asked the Techie. “I mean, I know you wanted to come back with a bang, but to do the EXACT same thing again? People will KNOW we survived!” exclaimed the Techie “People knew we survived when we killed that dock worker, I think it will be fine.” Replied the Framer “Now, help me spray this under the door, okay.” Said the Hitman “Just a random question, but where on earth did you get chloroform?” asked the Threatener. An glance by the Hitman told him that it was a stupid question, and he dropped it. The Hitman mounted the pump while the Framer positioned the tube beneath the door. According to the Techie’s computer, it should take 1 minute and 22 seconds for the subject to fall asleep. On another part of the ship… The S.W.A.T agent pressed the microphone into his ear. “Can you hear me?” asked the Mission Handler. “Yes… now who is my target for tonight…” asked the SA. “We believe that the woman “CrazyPainter” has the highest percentage of being one of the prisoners that snuck aboard.” Replied the MH, his voice fizzing through the microphone. The SA followed the directions to the room that was currently in use by his target. Finally he was there. He looked at the number and repeated it back to his MH, and after a confirmation, burst through the door. Before Crazy painter even had a chance to wake up… she was dead. On the top deck… The prisoners were dragging Joe’s student across the deck to the back. JS was heavily drugged with the chloroform, and to be even more sure, the prisoners had attached an experimental patch that helped you sleep when you were seasick. The prisoners finally got to the back and were not disappointed. On this ship, there were 2 flow riders. “Now, which one, the right one, or the left one…” asked the Threatener. “Does it really matter?” said the Hitman. “Let’s just drown him and get out. The right one will do.” The Prisoners dragged him to the right side and picked him up, drowned him, and ran away… Around 5 minutes later… “OH MY GOD!!!” the nurse yelled. She was doing her usual round when she saw some people running away. She went over to look at what was wrong when she saw the body, limp and hanging over the right flow rider. Naturally, her experience as a nurse kicked in and she ran over. She pulled him out and started CPR. After 4 rounds, she was about to give up, but then she saw water come gushing out Joe’s students mouth. She felt the pulse on the man and was relieved to find it beating… slow, but steady. Okay. Day 1 begins now. The day will be over at 8:00 P.M. tomorrow. Remember, you can use an activity during the day, but you can only use 1 the whole trip… DISCLAIMER: all pronouns are used as i think of them in the story line. there is no relation to the actual role. Roster: Sea God: Mekal 1)GC 2)CP [Dead: killed by Prisoners] 3)JS 4)woon 5)FIF 6)Kat 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart 10)PG 11)Slick 12)Reaymond 13)Panther 14)footonthehill
  2. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Okay, Night post coming up... It is pretty epic to me...
  3. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Okay, sorry about this... but i just realized that i have ANOTHER band concert today, so I don't know if i will be home by 8:00... So I am going to extend the night post time 1hr... I am really sorry about this... But i will make sure that it is epic
  4. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Good... Anyway... i still need my Nurse (2) PM, my S.W.A.T PM... and my prisoner PM... so pretty much i only have 1 P.M. in... And if it's not in by 8:00 then it will be a little... shall i say... Quiet... tonight...
  5. Intro: “Is that a ship! After 3 months of being stranded on this island, we are finally being rescued!” the man yelled. “Let me see, we are wanted in 17 states, we killed half of a cruise ships roster, and are supposed to be dead. ” Said the Techie. “So, The Problem is, even if they ARE coming for us… they will put us into custody.” “Way to put a damper on this. We haven’t seen one sign of civilization in 3 months. “Replied the Hitman “Well don’t get your hopes down yet, the boat is heading towards the island.” Said the Framer “Wait a second, if it is heading towards the island then there must be some other civilization here. Hey, Hitman, toss me those binoculars you saved.” Said the Techie. The Hitman tossed him the binoculars and he looked through them. “What the… that’s a cruise ship!!! And it is also is another royal Caribbean!!!”The techie exclaimed. “Well, whose up for a Payback?” the Threatener coolly said. “Something big to announce our survival…” Beneath the surface of the sea… The Sea God Mekal was swimming on his hippocampus when he first felt the dark presence. He felt around through the water to find what was wrong. Using his omnipresence, he looked at the problem. It was the man that had stained his clear blue water with red blood. An extreme hatred came over the Sea God. Not only had this man stained his water, but his evil spirit was also roaming around the seas. Suddenly, his omnipresence also alerted him of trouble in Atlantis. He had to get rid of the evil spirit and didn’t have enough time to send him to the underworld. So he did the one thing that was possible in the short amount of time. He brought the terrorist back to life. “I am putting you back on shore, and if you ever touch my water again I will drown you, bring you back to life, drown you again, and then finally send you to Hel.” In a little bit, the terrorist woke up. He was lying on the beach, and noticed he had an unusual fear of water… On Oasis of the Seas… “I am sorry sir, but I can’t let you in without a card.” Said the dock worker “But I am telling you, I lost my card! My wallet with my passport and my drivers license fell overboard when I got off ship! Can’t you just look at the registry!” yelled the Threatener. The Techie had already hacked into the ships registry and added their names with the laptop the Hitman stole from a Best Buy. “Once again, I am sorry, but it is against policy to check up on that” replied the Dock worker. Wrong choice. The Hitman stepped up to the dock worker. “I’ll take care of this.” Came a cold snakelike voice… And then the Hitman shot her. Meanwhile… The terrorist had been walking up to the ship when he heard the gunshot. He started running towards the Ship to see what was happening, but by the time that he got there all he saw was a woman dead on the gangplank and bleeding horribly. Well, the terrorist thought with a smirk, Looks like my work just got a lot simpler. What the terrorist didn’t know was that the Registry Worker had already called the S.W.A.T agent, His long time enemy… And with that, the night begins!!! The night will end when I get all of the neccacary P.M.’s in. (Prisoners, Nurses, and S.W.A.T) All P.M.’s are due by 8:00 P.M. tomorrow night. Cruise ship mafia Note: the Ship used in this is based off of the royal Caribbean cruise liner “Oasis of the Seas” A copy of the deck plans are here: Deck Plans The Baddies: The Prisoners: After washing up on shore on an island, they joined up and snuck aboard. The Framer (All): The most elusive baddie… Any night, but not 2 nights in a row, gets the ability that of the person killed by the prisoners the night before. The Threatener (Prisoner): Can send a message every night which will be posted in the night post. When the Threatener is killed, his role is revealed. The Techie (Prisoner): Stole a computer and hacked onto the cruise registry. Any night, but not 2 in a row, can see the faction (Innocent/Terrorist) of a player. The Hitman (Prisoner) - Kills anyone that visits him/her at night. Terrorist (terrorist): The sea god did not want his evil spirit in the sea, so he granted life once more to him. Kills on even nights. Once The S.W.A.T dies, he is out of the game. Invincible for the first night and day. Goal is to kill the SA. The Innocents: (2)The Nurses(Saving): Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Can save self only once. Have a 50/50 chance of getting BTSC at the beginning (one will be alerted that they cannot save the Minor Thief because of their moral beliefs.) Stage Magician (Saving): A real magician who passes as an entertainer. The SM can make a powerful illusion to save someone each night from the terrorist only. If the terrorist dies the SM uses his magic to save 1 person on any night once. After that they are a vanilla character. Mission Handler (saving): The person who helps the SA keep updated. As long as the MH is alive, The SA cannot be killed at night. If the S.W.A.T is lynched then he uses his high tech equipment to find out the role of anyone 1 time. After that he becomes a Vanilla character. S.W.A.T (SA)(Misc.): A Expert in his field who kills for the Innocents. Since he is an accomplished fighter ever since the events on “Freedom of the Seas”, he was sent to eliminate the new threat. He kills on prime nights. Cannot be killed at night while MH is alive. The Minor Thief (misc.): A minor Thief who breaks into staterooms for fun. After the amount of loot he got in on “Freedom of the seas” he decided to try his hand on this ship. PMs me the name of a player each day and I PM their role. Room Cleaner (Saving, Misc.): After years of Cleaning rooms and seeing the ongoing of the cruise, The RC has finally gotten a promotion. The cleaner picks a player and then I tell them what the action is(cleaning, killing, saving, spy, role manipulation, or previous choice) to which they can either decline or carry out the action. Role manipulation is when the janitor chooses a role and chooses his own targets, and the person with the role is unable to use their ability Registry Worker (misc.): The RW PMs me the name of a person and that person is removed from voting for the day, The RW also has a ¼ chance of finding out that persons role The Prison Guard (misc.): arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). The Person is stuck and can make only 3 posts while in jail (or else they get gang beat and stay in the hospital for another day). They may not use any day or night power while in prison, but they have a 50/50 chance of safety if they are attacked and saved. Rules >Nights and days are 24 hours in central time. Night one will start 8:00 P.M. Central time, and will end when ever P.M.s are in, latest being 8:00 P.M > If someone didn't participate in lynching , they will be asked to be replaced, if no replacement is found, then they will be killed the second lynching that they are not active in. > When you die, you have two 'ghost-post' in gray to make, but it CANNOT reveal any information or hint at anything or relate to the game, it must be entirely off-topic… > There will be hints… But in the scavenger hunt way… keep your eyes open in the INTRO post for a clue… > Nonsense posters will be warned and then punished Don't spam the thread (as much as I hated this rule, it is still in effect) > Rules are rules, so don't complain. Also keep in mind that Mafia is a game of elimination, and dying is part of it. > The roles will be determined completely randomly, so don't bias > Have fun … Or else > you may not post anything from outside the thread >Tidal waves are subject to hit… especially after the annoying of the sea god. New Rule addition: Because of the pure size, the oasis of the seas has certain activities at can benefit you. However, you can only use 1 once. You must PM me to activate your activity… Zip line: this thrill seeker levels up your adrenaline. That night you have a 50% chance of escaping from an attacker. Flow rider: you have a 50% chance of falling of your board and hitting your head (causing the removal of your vote) or being totally beastly (your popularity soars and you get your vote x2) Shopping: This gives you a chance to shop for the cruise. You have a 50% chance of finding something good to wear, letting you go off the boat while at the port of call, causing no day roles(But still lynching) to affect you… and a 50% chance of finding nothing, which does what you find. Roster: Sea God: Mekal 1)GC 2)CP 3)JS 4)woon 5)FIF 6)Kat 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart 10)PG 11)Slick 12)Reaymond 13)Panther 14)footonthehill
  6. Mekal

    Game forum coming up I am about to send the Role Confirmations...
  7. Mekal

    Sign me up 1) PG 2) Mekal You might want to start this around day 3 or 4 of CSM2 while it is winding down...
  8. Mekal

    Okay... this poses a small problem... Heroes season 1 has ended... but we still need one more person... COME ON PEOPLE!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  9. Mekal

    Okay... I have all of the Role confermations writen out except for the last person... so I Will probably send them right after the last sign up...
  10. Mekal

    I had alot of problems with setting up the right usernames and it was too public... so people could say Villan 1 was on the theater while *** was on brainden... It just didn't work as well...
  11. Mekal

    I have one of those Baddie websites... (And this time it isn't on the theater!!!) So that won't work...
  12. Mekal

    Ah... who dosn't love bribery Ya... The sunbathing thing was the farthest stretch... I kind of want to put in at least 3 activity's... but I don't know... Let me think about that... A replacement one should be there by the start...
  13. Mekal

    Just 3 more people!!! come on guys!!!
  14. Mekal

    I might try to start watching it... What channel bradcasts it? Although 20 bucks (or a batch of PG's Brownies) that I will be completely confused...
  15. Mekal

    kind of... you still have the day roles like the Prison Gaurd and the Minor thief, and also the Activitys... but other than that... Oh... and BTW... What do you guys think about the Activitys? If you missed them they are at the bottom of the rules...
  16. Mekal

    :D LOL :D And there goes the last mammoth... probably went to go commit Suicide after
  17. Mekal

    Maybe you should pull a BB/Surge
  18. Mekal

    Sure This is open to everyone everywhere Anyways... are you guys all okay with the estimated start date?
  19. Mekal

    of course Just 6 more people!!!
  20. Mekal

    Current Roster: Sea God: Mekal 1) GC 2)CrazyPainter 3)Joe's Student 4) woon 5) FIF 6) Kat 7)dms172 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) I already had CP down as #2
  21. Mekal

    Ill go in... just how Time consuming do you think it will be since i am due to host CSM2 after Heroes: Season 1? I most likely think i can be active...
  22. Mekal

    okay... i think i got a couple...
  23. Mekal

    Cool! So... do you mind advertising this so we can be ready soon after the end of H:S1?
  24. Mekal

    Cricket... Cricket...
  25. Mekal

    By the way... the start time is negotiable...
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