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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. Mekal

    Great one BL But I am in the mood for an argument... People say that Evolution has lots of evidence, but do we KNOW it is true? The reality of God has evidence, but we don't KNOW it's true either... how did we all come to be? why is it that there is no begining? Every thing in the world contains evidence of God. Why do trees grow in the way they do? Why is it that Birds fly in a V? Why do humans find the need for company? We can not find an answer to anything. Why does 2+2=4? well it is because if you take 2 things and put them with 2 more things, we get four? but why is it called four? because that is what people call it. Why do they call it that? Who knows... Everything comes down to God. No, we do not know if he is real... but nor we do know if he is not. That is why you may not believe in God and I might. Any response? That paragraph is SO going on my Sig...
  2. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    The clues to the start of the hunt are VERY subtle... Updated Roster Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Terrorist] Can not vote 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS - voting for GC 4)woon - voting for GC 5)FIF 6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist] 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart-- voting forGC 10)PG - - voting for GC 11)Slick - voting for GC 12)Reaymond - under arrest 13)Panther - voting for GC 14)foolonthehill [Dead:killed by Prisoners][Mission Handler]
  3. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    okay... Reaymond has been arrested
  4. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Grey Cells vote has been removed
  5. You bet!!! though one of the things i noticed in CSM is that it is way to easy for the terrorist to die... where as it takes at least 2 kills to get the S.W.A.T agent... I was thinking that maybe there should be a Terrorist assistant... or for the standard mafia a GR follower... that way it is more balanced since there has never been a GR win... Also... i have also found the Pheonix/whatever it is to be redundant... It almost seems pointless since it can only save from the GR... and the Doctor can do that also... I think there might want to be an addition the the role or something like that...
  6. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    sorry... i just randomly quoted myself...
  7. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Night 2: A circle of death GC knew that his end was coming. He had spent the night in a janitors closet that he broke the door handle off of, then burst through the door after night fall. He was in the corridor walking through the room when he heard a noise. Looking at the door, he noticed that it was ajar. Nobody in the right mind would leave their door ajar with prisoners, and him, running around. He put his ear to the door and listened… Meanwhile… 1 of the prisoners was sitting in the Central Park. They figured it would be too risky to take all of them, so they elected only one person to make the kill tonight. So they waited, and waited, for the person that they overheard speaking to his friend about maybe taking a night Zipline tonight. Finally, the whirring sound of the pulley connecter over head shot by, and right after, a small pop went. The mini bomb placed in the pulley fractured a hole in it. And right next to the prisoner, fell the mutilated, broken, and bent far out of shape body of Foolonthehill… Across the ship… The S.W.A.T agent heard the line of his Mission Handler go dead. He knew this was a bad omen, the MH NEVER turned off their earpieces. He let it slide, maybe it just dropped. But something in the back of his mind knew that he was wrong. Something in the back of his head KNEW that all of the Mission Handlers were VERY protective of their equipment. Anyway, he had a job to do… GC found that he was listening to snoring. What the… He thought. Nobody in the right mind would sleep with their door open. He looked inside at who was there, and was amazed. Inside was Kat… Oh well… I can’t complain, thought the Terrorist. Then, as fluidly as physically possible, walked over, pulled out his knife, and stabbed Kat in the abdomen. Back near the S.W.A.T Agent… The S.W.A.T agent now knew that his partner was dead. It had been over 2 minutes, and no replacement earpiece had come through. He would have grieved, since he and his MH had done 16 missions together and they had become close friends, but he knew he had a mission to do. The S.W.A.T agent was tracking Grey Cells. He knew he was somewhere else as of now, but soon GC would have to come back to his state room… After around 45 minutes of waiting, a small head that belonged to GC popped out at the end of the corridor. He rounded the curve, and just as the S.W.A.T agent raised his gun, GC took off. Running down halls, the SA chased the terrorist all of the way up to the top deck when he saw what stopped his chase. GC just took a rope, and using the zipline that was just the death of the SA’s Mission Handler, slide across the chasm. And now Day 3 begins!!! Sorry that it wasn’t very epic… I had to redo it to get it to work… Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Terrorist] 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS 4)woon 5)FIF 6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist] 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart 10)PG 11)Slick 12)Reaymond 13)Panther 14)foolonthehill [Dead:killed by Prisoners][Mission Handler]
  8. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Can i post? anyway... thanks... the night post is almost done... just a bunch happend last night and i am still trying to fit it all together...
  9. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Okay... i just got back from a dance... and unfortunatly... i have to move the post back another hour Right now i am tring to decipher all of my PM's... and if you tried to PM me but my inbox was full i am sorry...
  10. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Okay people... I have to go to bed now (2 tests and a Quiz) I will try to check up on in the morning... But other than that I will have to stay after school and then go to a dance... so I don\'t get home until 9:45... Ninja army: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  11. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Not ANOTHER one... anyway... you only have one more message untill you get gangbeat...But no... you can't vote... Though Congrats on going to State for CC... I did CC last year...
  12. Mekal

    You know what... i am also... Honestly... One of the reasons that i didn't think was that big untill now is that if Obama is elected, then the democratic party will retain the House, the Senet, and the Presidency... and with the MOST far left leader... I am even more scared... I would be just as scared though, if the Republicans retained everything... Honestly... I don't want to biggest anything... I wouldn't vote for the Biggest Librel, and I wouldn't vote for the Biggest Conservative... Much less if it would put an end to the balance of our country...
  13. Mekal

    1) The Fox 2) Mekal Like you could keep me out of a Mafia game... any type of spin off...
  14. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    No... dms172 was already arested...
  15. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    He is... that is why he ecaped into the ship... and it dosn't say DEAD next to his name... Though you should read the Day name
  16. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Day 1: Something is oddly familiar about this... BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT!!! The people were all gathered in the AquaTheater®. Everyone was talking about the events of last night, and comparing them to a news story from 3 months ago. A woman was killed by some prisoners in a flow rider on another Royal Caribbean cruise liner. Were these prisoners the same ones? (Quick disclaimer… The relations are the names of the roles, not the names of the people…). The people on the ship finally decided to take the events of last night into their own hands, the captain didn’t seem to be doing anything about it… “Okay, who to throw off, who to throw off…” Muttered PG… “Well, last time, some of the people that attacked the Ship were named Kat and Woon. Isn’t it a little bit odd that we have 2 people on this ship with the exact same names? I am going to vote for Woon…” Declared GC “That almost is like you are just trying to lynch an innocent, I think YOU are one of the prisoners!!!” Retorted many of the people. “Throw off GC!!! Throw off GC!!!” Came a chorus of many voices. GC knew that something bad was going to happen, so as soon as the chorus against him started, He ran for the exit. Jumping over chairs and dodging tackling hands, he almost made it, but Slick and JS blocked the entrance. "Not so fast..." Muttered one of them. GC was dragged over to the back of the boat and was hoisted above the sea. A sudden fear rushed over him and he struggled, with all of his might, to get away… Finally, his leg rammed into somebody face, dropping one side of him. Shrugging away the other person holding him, he made one last run for the exit, but this time turned, grabbed a railing, and started climbing up to the rooms that looked out on the Aqua theater. After the first room he got to, he ran through the door and disappeared into the gigantic ship… Day 1 is over, Disclaimer: The reference to Kat and Woon was ONLY part of the story… for the policy on hints, read the rules… General announcements… The night post for tomorrow will have to be postponed to 10:00 Central I need all schedule conflicts sent to me so I know what to do… Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Terrorist] 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS 4)woon 5)FIF 6)Kat 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart 10)PG 11)Slick 12)Reaymond 13)Panther 14)foolonthehill
  17. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Okay, Night post coming up... I tried to make it a bit more epic... so as a marker, I want you guys to rate it... 1-5...
  18. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    You guys make my Day posts so hard... Also... Reaymonds vote was discarded...
  19. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Okay, i just got back from a tennis match... So first things first... about hints, I posted the policy in the rules... Let me get into the swing of things... and then I will be back...
  20. Mekal

    You also can't come out with an exact role of another person... Or at least that is what i think it is...
  21. Mekal

    First off, no matter what, we will eventually win the war. What matters is how many people die while doing so. Second off, Though i don't support war, i do think that it is sometimes necessary. Now maybe this war isn't, but nobody can decide that Third off, you fell right into my point. Notice you responded to the second, but not the first. It may not be as important, but it does show that alot of Democrats are being hypocritical, and that is not good.
  22. Mekal

    3.5 tries, i got the last part on the 3rd one so i had to watch the first half again... I wonder how CP would do on this...
  23. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Not to ruin it... but the S.W.A.T and the MH have BTSC... and i would announce the death of the MH... oh... and speaking of Friday... I will have to extend the night an extra 3 hours since I will be at a dance...
  24. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    ah... yes... thank you kat...
  25. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    That will take a while i am only on chapter 2 after 4 weeks of writing... and there is 21 chapters Oh... and BTW... dms172 was arrested.
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