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Everything posted by TheCube

  1. TheCube

    Seveny Rollo

    DATABLE? I have no clue if that is a word I am more use to regular ROLLO.
  2. TheCube

    Sixy Rollo

    BROOMS If O then the 5th letter is D since BROOMS BROODS the M and D is the only change If it is not, I'm going to be mad because it took a long time to type this.
  3. TheCube

    Seveny Rollo

    The last letter is E because the only in common between DRIBBLE - 3 OFFSIDE - 1 is the E BECAUSE
  4. TheCube


    CHORD FLAME - 0 AEONS - 1 TRUST - 0 RATED - 1 RATES - 0 FRONT - 1 SPEED - 1 CHORD - 5 maurice - 5 Wombat - 25 TheCube - 7 (I believe)
  5. TheCube


    ??O?D FLAME - 0 AEONS - 1 TRUST - 0 RATED - 1 RATES - 0 FRONT - 1 SPEED - 1 maurice - 5 Wombat - 5
  6. TheCube

    How about this? A-fri-can El-e-phant Do adjectives count? Because that would be six.
  7. TheCube

    I am Heronflight of WaterClan
  8. TheCube


    ????D FLAME - 0 AEONS - 1 TRUST - 0 RATED - 1 RATES - 0 SPEND - 1 maurice - 5
  9. TheCube

    Yo mama so stupid that she sold her car for gas money.
  10. TheCube


    ????D FLAME - 0 AEONS - 1 TRUST - 0 RATED - 1 RATES - 0 maurice - 5
  11. TheCube


    ????? FLAME - 0 AEONS - 1 TRUST - 0 RATED - 1 Edit: How come you all are always on when I'm not?!?!?!?
  12. TheCube

    Thanks, Aaryan. It's Georgia.
  13. is jamming to Skrillex

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aaryan


      Im jamming just cuz. ADHD, you see.

    3. TheCube


      "Scray Monsters and Nice Sprites", "Slats, Slats, Slats", and "Rock That Body Remix"

    4. peace*out


      *looks up the 2nd one* I know the first and third one...they're awesome. :)

  14. TheCube

    That is one but there is another one I'm looking for.
  15. TheCube

    There were two golfers. The first one scored a total of 69. The other one scored a total of 72. The golfer that scored 72 won, though. How can this be?
  16. TheCube

    I was thinking of 1089 until I saw that it was to be a 3-digit number.
  17. TheCube


    ????? FLAME - 0
  18. TheCube


    OK I got one ?????
  19. TheCube


    ?IA?? shouldn't it? GIANT - 2 MEANT - 1 GRACE - 1 So the I is left.
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