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Everything posted by TwoaDay

  1. TwoaDay

    Three Nuns

    did the man play piano professionally?
  2. TwoaDay

    Haiku WAI

    prob not right but itd be a cool answer for one of these (and is if it is the answer )
  3. yayy sounds good - and yeah, superhero mythology goes on forever (and is awesome) - good luck haha - cant wait!
  4. Host: ShadowAngel 1. Flamebirde 2. MikeD 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Brainiac100 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. TwoaDay 14. 15. 16. Hirkala 17. Panther 18. 19. mboon Backup: 1. 2.
  5. TwoaDay

    Newbie Mafia

    Host: TheCube 1. MikeD 2. 3. Flamebirde 4. gvg 5. 6.Yodell 7.TwoaDay 8. Brainiac100 9. 10. 11. Stardust backup 1. 2. 3. mentors 1. Thal 2. 3.
  6. BrainIAC: Y-san Roster: 1) Hirkala 2) marquessa 3) curr3nt 4) Molly Mae 5) Yodell 6) TheChad 7) Panther 8) Framm 9) MikeD 10) nana77 11) TwoaDay 12) jay 13) Flamebirde 14) 15) benjer3 Back-ups: 1) Brainiac100 2) LJ im back! (though most of my stuffs gone, just glad i have my acct back, cant wait for this to start)
  7. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    yes, great game, and good job baddies, i wish i could have been more active but still im glad i played and also, great job hosts, ik u guys had some problems with your internets but it was still great
  8. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    dont have much time right now but for what its worth, i didnt do any action last night
  9. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    yeahh, good thig im going to bed now and i dont have to wait to out concious...
  10. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    i will also gp with abhisk, in addition to all thats been said hes already seemed suspicious to me, and btw, i tried to spy slick last night... it failed [1) Music2 - Killed in the lynch (Matrim Cauthon) 2) tpaxatb2 - Voting for Abhisk 3) Slick-voting for onetruth 4) BlackCat1313 - Killed by Padan Fain (Elmindreda) 5) P4P - Killed by Osan'gar (al'Lan Mandragoran) 6) twin_bro 7) tpaxatb1 - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk voting for onetruth 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 - voting for Onetruth 11) Framm - Voting for Abhisk 12) Music1- Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) onetruth - Voting for Abhisk 14) Magic - Killed in the lynch (Mesaana) 15) JarZe - Voting for Abhisk 16) chrispen - Voting for Abhisk 17) twoaday - Voting for Abhisk 18) LIS
  11. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    yeah, how did i avoide getting killed? its seems like i was trapped, cuz my spy didnt work either, but idk, i feel dumb for asking this, but is that even possible?
  12. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    well now we all know who i am too, and nyneave is dead... well this is not looking too good, especially for me, so i guess for tommorow well have to use the accusations from the day that just ended...
  13. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    yep, and what music was hinting at matches what i got, not that saying that helps prove im not lying, but anyway i have to sleep now, so i think that means i wont be on before the dayh post, so hopefully good stuff happens while im gone...
  14. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    yes i did, and when does the day end? cuz i have to go to bed soon and we are really gonna have to do some work if were gonna change this vote
  15. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    1) Music2 2) tpaxatb2 - voting for Music2 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 - Killed by Padan Fain (Elmindreda) 5) P4P 6) twin_bro - voting for Music2 7) tpaxatb1 - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk voting for Music2 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 - voting for Music2 11) Framm - voting for Music2 12) Music1- Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) Onetruth 14) Magic - Killed in the lynch (Mesaana) 15) JarZe - voting for Music2 16) chrispen 17) twoaday - voting for GMaster 18) LIS well i should have said this earlier, i hope its not too late, but we cant lynch music2, musics goodie and i went with gmaster cuz he was first to accuse music, but idk who to go with edit: color
  16. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    isnt the day supposed to be over by now? well if its not, i think im gonna have to go with magic also, because if BC is wrong we know a baddie, and for my own reasons too 1) Izzy ??? 2) Crazypainter tpaxatb - - voting for Framm 3) Slick-voting for Izzy again. 4) BlackCat1313 - voting for Magic 5) P4P 6) twin_bro - voting for Framm 7) tpaxatb - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk - voting for Magic 9) Clozo - voting for Blackcat1313 10) GMaster479 - voting for twin_bro 11) Framm- Voting for Izzy??? 12) Music - Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) onetruth - Voting for JarZe 14) Magic 15) JarZe - voting for Slick 16) chrispen - voting for Blackcat1313 17) twoaday - Voting for Magic 18) LIS - voting for Magic
  17. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    Host / Co-Host: Medji / Sayalzah 1) Izzy 2) Crazypainter 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 5) P4P 6) twin_bro 7) tpaxatb - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 - voting for twin_bro 11) Framm- Voting for Chrispen 12) Music - Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) onetruth - Voting for JarZe 14) Magic 15) JarZe 16) chrispen 17) twoaday - Voting for LIS 18) LIS i guess i might as well put a vote out, but i think ill be on later to change it edit: better color
  18. TwoaDay

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    good point, i definately need to make some spread sheets and ill be active when im not in school but i think that will deff. be enough and yeah, cant wait for the first post
  19. TwoaDay

  20. wow i only had like 30% but i did it pretty fast i think, but those images are pretty tough for me to remeber, even though i think i have a pretty good memory, cool link tho
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