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Everything posted by Akriti

  1. Akriti


    :big eyes: Why is everyone leaving? :whine:
  2. Hey! would you like to join Trainer's manuaal mafia III, many have dropped out just when the game was about to start.

  3. Akriti


    I will ask aaryan once again.
  4. Akriti


    I PMed Mukul, he said he will not be able to play! That's bad, nobody can play!
  5. Akriti

    By the time I was typing, nana7 posted the answer as well. I should have typed faster.
  6. Akriti


    Great idea!!
  7. Akriti


    I am not sure, but I guess you can do so
  8. Akriti


  9. Well, I guess, you are getting a little rude!!! Calm down!!
  10. Akriti


    Yeah, I meant this. And what I get from it is that except for the first night, (s)he can use the spy capabilities. AM I right?
  11. Akriti


    Could you explain this line a bit, plz. thanx..........
  12. Sorry, for that double Anon, I didn't read the list carefully. Sorry. Guess, you will be happy to have two roles!!! :P
  13. Comments on my profile doesn't show without my consent or approval. Well, to add anyone as friend, you have to just go to anyone's profile and then under their profile pic you will get the option, "add me as friend" click on it. Or you can see an icon under anyone's post. Click on the "add as friend" icon.

  14. JK Rowling: Shadow7 Random House: Akriti 1. PEACE 2. nox 3. Aaryan 4. Anon26 5. yoDell 6. Thalia 7. EDM!!! 8. Q-Cumber 9. Anon26 10. Araver 11. 12. Auramyna 13. Segul Backup 1. Klue 2. 3. Backup of backup 1. curr3nt Adding Anon. If you want to remove your name, then let me know. But, I will not let you do so that easily
  15. Good to see you back, anon. Welcome to the new game. You are in, I guess.
  16. Akriti

    Man, whichever page I open, it is already solved.
  17. I guess since Hirkala, our host for Trainer's manual mafia III, is a little busy, and there has been a long time since the signups, so, we will go to a round of confirmation.


    (Copy the address and paste in the address bar. Hope to see you confirmed there) :)

  18. I guess since Hirkala, our host for Trainer's manual mafia III, is a little busy, and there has been a long time since the signups, so, we will go to a round of confirmation.


    (Copy the address and paste in the address bar. Hope to see you confirmed there) :)

  19. I guess since Hirkala, our host for Trainer's manual mafia III, is a little busy, and there has been a long time since the signups, so, we will go to a round of confirmation.


    (Copy the address and paste in the address bar. Hope to see you confirmed there) :)

  20. Hey, welcome to BD. Hope you have fun here.

  21. @araver: thanx for making things clear. And of course, thanx for the lot of typing work that you did.
  22. Akriti

    Newbie Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala OR Kathleen & Darth Nox 1. The son of rage and love 2. Psychosmurf 3. Akriti - confirmed 4. Kokiri971 5. mangamathsfreak 6. Auramyna 7. Aaryan 8. Yodell 9. Mukul Verma 10. kristamark1 - I am in
  23. I can't believe it. I turned GREEN!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. peace*out


      so you went from being the devil to the wicked witch of the west..

      hahaha! :D

    3. Akriti


      Ha Ha HA ....................

    4. EDM


      Some are just mean...or they make mistakes....that can happen....:P

  24. Yipee!!! hurray!!!!! Nice to have you here EDM!!!
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