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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver


  2. araver


  3. araver


    MARKS TRACE - 0 SHIRT - 0 BREAD - 0 EAGER - 1 ROBOT - 0 TRIED - 0 BRIAR - 0 PANDA - 1 LISTS - 1 TRIES - 1 Logo +5 MARKS - 5 Logo +25 Totals: +30 Logo +11 araver Maurice - 255 Logophobic - 213 Nana - 170 Araver - 127 Marksmanjay - 88 Phaze - 43 Framm - 34 Plainglazed - 25
  4. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TRACE - 0 SHIRT - 0 BREAD - 0 EAGER - 1 ROBOT - 0 TRIED - 0 BRIAR - 0 PANDA - 1 LISTS - 1
  5. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TRACE - 0 SHIRT - 0 BREAD - 0 EAGER - 1 ROBOT - 0 TRIED - 0 BRIAR - 0
  6. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TRACE - 0 SHIRT - 0 BREAD - 0 EAGER - 1 ROBOT - 0 TRIED - 0
  7. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TRACE - 0 SHIRT - 0 BREAD - 0 EAGER - 1 ROBOT - 0
  8. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TRACE - 0 SHIRT - 0 BREAD - 0
  9. The series is back(*). As we're still expanding in the universe, a small scout ship has encountered an anomaly near a binary system that has no planets only a few belts of asteroids. Getting closer to the system, they found the anomaly is centered in what seems to be an abandoned mining facility of alien design. The crew landed and started exploring the corridors of the facility. No alien was to be found, except for some strange markings in all the corridors. Each corridor has two lines of dots parallel to each other, repeating along the corridor. Each corridor ends with a wall where another yet another series of dots is inscribed. All except one corridor that has no dots. Scans indicate that there is nothing behind the walls at the end of all corridors except for the one with no markings. No guide or manual is available of course, but it stands to reason that some sort of alien algorithm or simple operation is behind this. So the crew noted all the number of dots in the corridors and walls, returned to the ship and unpacked their coffee reserves. This is going to take awhile... Can you help them decipher it? (Blue and Red are number of dots in the first and second line along the corridors while purple dots can be found on the wall at the end of the corridor) 12 ||| 4 = 4 7 ||| 3 = 8 8 ||| 11 = 12 5 ||| 6 = 6 2 ||| 3 = 3 18 ||| 19 = 24 7 ||| 11 = 16 27 ||| 24 = ?
  10. araver


    woot woot _ _ _ _ _
  11. araver


    Also --A-- since ----E and STORE=1 so STOR=0 and START =1. FLAME?
  12. araver


    FORTY - if 1 then ----E else if 2 then ---T- since FORTE = 2 and REPLY=0 and because QUOUM = 0 (since FORUM = 1, QUOTE = 1 and FORTE = 2) we get FOR-- = 1 and ---TE = 1. TORIC - if 1 then --R-- since TOPIC = 0, if 0 then F---- since FOR-- = 1 (as above from FORUM=1, QUOTE =1 and FORTE =2 by splicing) and TORIC=0 implies F----=1.
  13. Trying to visualize it, but as Bonanova pointed out
  14. Host - maurice Red - Blue - dee Green - Araver Purple - Orange - LimeGreen - Turqoise - Brown - HotPink - Gray - Framm
  15. Please sign me up: Green - Araver
  16. araver


  17. araver


    SHINY - if 1 then ----Y since SIENT, THIGH = 0 MINOR PIPET
  18. araver


    ALPHA - if 3 then --PHA since AUREI, SLEEP=0 if 0 then --G-- since SIGHT=1, SIENT,ALPHA,=0
  19. Nice catch. I disregarded those geometries since the word hypothenuse used in the OP is ambiguous in an elliptic geometry where two angles can be "right" at the same time yielding two "hypothenuses". But "square units" kinda need a rectangle to be defined which is not true in hyperbolic geometry. If I recall the definition of area correctly, in a hyperbolic geometry one could theoretically get any area size up to an upper bound by the product of a constant and the defect of the triangle. Presumably, if one chooses the "right" hyperbolic curvature one might get any number for the area including the elusive "square inches" measurement. But since the Euclidean case fails to produce such a "big" area, I'd look for an elliptic geometry.
  20. araver


    SIENT - if 1 then -I--- because SLEEP and GOING and GHOST=0
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