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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver


    BASES - If 1 then BU--- since B---- and BUSES=2. If 3 then BAS--- since B---- SLEEP, STEPS=0. If 2 then B-S--- since exactly one of -AS-- has to be true from B---- and SLEEP, STEPS=0 but since BUSES=2 exactly one of -US--- has to be true. And it can't be both A and U on the same spot, so S has got to be it.
  2. araver


    BUSES- if 3 then BUS-- since B---- and SLEEP and STEPS =0
  3. Note: Since the other challenges started with 2-3 cases and a question, I started this one with 7 cases. I will add more if needed after the 7th day which would be August 28th. But if anyone needs a clue before then, lemme know.
  4. araver


    CRAVE - if 2 then ---VE since CRAMP=0
  5. araver


    CRAMP - if 2 then C---- since BRAVO=1 so -RA-- <=1 and SIGMA, SLEEP=0
  6. Just 4 more spots: Host - maurice Red - Blue - dee Green - Araver Purple - Plainglazed Orange - marksmanjay LimeGreen - Turqoise - Brown - HotPink - nana Gray - Framm
  7. araver


  8. araver


    SPURS AORTA - 0 OUNCE - 0 TREAT - 0 PLAIN - 0 BUILD - 0 SCORE - 2 SLAIN - 1 maurice +5 SNORE - 2 SCALE - 1 SNARE - 2 maurice +5 SKIRT - 2 SORRY - 2 SMURF - 3 SCARF - 2 SMART - 2 logo +5 SPURS - 5 logo +15 Totals: +20 logo +10 maurice +16 araver Maurice - 265 Logophobic - 247 Araver - 173 Nana - 170 Marksmanjay - 88 Phaze - 43 Framm - 34 Plainglazed - 25 And the battle is getting heated
  9. araver


    S _ _ R _ AORTA - 0 OUNCE - 0 TREAT - 0 PLAIN - 0 BUILD - 0 SCORE - 2 SLAIN - 1 maurice +5 SNORE - 2 SCALE - 1 SNARE - 2 maurice +5 SKIRT - 2 SORRY - 2 SMURF - 3
  10. araver


    S _ _ R _ AORTA - 0 OUNCE - 0 TREAT - 0 PLAIN - 0 BUILD - 0 SCORE - 2 SLAIN - 1 maurice +5 SNORE - 2 SCALE - 1 SNARE - 2 maurice +5 SKIRT - 2 SORRY - 2
  11. araver


    S _ _ R _ AORTA - 0 OUNCE - 0 TREAT - 0 PLAIN - 0 BUILD - 0 SCORE - 2 SLAIN - 1 maurice +5 SNORE - 2 SCALE - 1 SNARE - 2 maurice +5 SKIRT - 2
  12. araver


    S _ _ R _ AORTA - 0 OUNCE - 0 TREAT - 0 PLAIN - 0 BUILD - 0 SCORE - 2 SLAIN - 1 maurice +5 SNORE - 2 SCALE - 1 SNARE - 2 maurice +5
  13. Fixing colors Host - maurice Red - Blue - dee Green - Araver Purple - Orange - LimeGreen - Turqoise - Brown - HotPink - nana Gray - Framm
  14. araver


    Sorry for the delay: S _ _ _ _ AORTA - 0 OUNCE - 0 TREAT - 0 PLAIN - 0 BUILD - 0 SCORE - 2 SLAIN - 1 maurice +5 SNORE - 2 SCALE - 1
  15. araver


    Back to a desktop: _ _ _ _ _ AORTA - 0 OUNCE - 0 TREAT - 0 PLAIN - 0 BUILD - 0 SCORE - 2
  16. araver


    Still on phone, din't know how to get rid of quotes
  17. araver


    Woot woot Ok, go. _ _ _ _ _
  18. araver


    SEARS if 2 then S-A-- since DEERS=0 else if 0 then -T--T since SEARS=0 and START=0.
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