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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. When the first thing you do after BD is back online is to check this thread that is called You know you're a Braindenizen when... or something to that effect.

    When during the great Brainden Blackout you automatically compulsively check the forum conditions every 2 days.

    when you call someone a baddie.

    Edit: typo

    Lol. Is that the official name for the crash now?

  2. Hmm. Lets carry over for now. Tole, Caven, and MikeD may or may not be back but the others can be reached through MM. If they change their mind, that is OK as well. Then again, it might take a while to get people back here after the crash. I guess either way works. What do you think?

    Hosts: Thalia and flamebirde with MiKi supervising


    1. mewminator GMT+2

    2. Cavenglok EST

    3. MikeD GMT+2









    1. Hidden G GMT +2

    2. tolecnal EST?



    1. Slick MST

    2. Aaryan EST

    3. MiKi CST




  3. :lol: I'm willing to take that risk, if only for the inevitable amusement that will fill up my currently bleak life. :)

    I'm trying to keep my scholarship so. . . I like Mafia but I'm drawing the line here. I can mentor but I won't have the time to go through all the posts. Especially if certain people are involved. I guess having Molly as the host and maurice on temporary leave might lessen the post count but. . .

  4. I can mentor if you'd like. I'm just not ready to fully commit to reading the 100 pages that I'm sure will result if curr3nt gets involved at this point in time. *Remembers the horror of seeing 5 pages of email notifications from previous mafias* Lol. Chemistry takes priority at the moment.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I looked at the MAFIA page too many rules sorry. I would probably love it if I could get into it. Infarct my addictive personality disorder would have me submerged in my role. BUT I also have the attention span of a gnat (no dis meant to any gnats reading this). while reading one spoiler I easily forget what the previous spoiler said, also while reading one spoiler I easily forget what the previous spoiler said.. so unless someone took me by the hand and took me step by step though a game ( i am a kinaesthetic learner) so unless someone took me by the hand and took me step by step tho oops did i say this already?

    So as I was saying it is hard to keep me...oooh look there is a cute kitten over there

    That's what mentors are for. ;)

  6. Hosts: Thalia and flamebirde with MiKi supervising


    1. mewminator GMT+2

    2. Cavenglok EST

    3. MikeD GMT+2








    Backups:<br>1. Hidden G GMT +2<br>2. tolecnal EST?<br>3.<br><br>Mentors:<br>1. Slick MST<br>2. Aaryan EST<br>3. MiKi CST<br>4.<br>5.<br>6.

    Thanks for signing up! If you get a chance, take a look at the Newbie Guide. It should be pinned at the top of the Games forum.

  7. How do you define distance? I remember my physics teacher talking about displacement- the distance between the start and end point. If Ike completed a whole number of circles (1, 2, 3, etc), the displacement would be 0. If Mike rides in a circle with the same radius, going around for twice as long, he would also end at the start point and the displacement would alsi be 0.

    Probably not what you are looking for but might as well try.

  8. Hi Neil, welcome to the Den! Hope you enjoy it here. If you get a chance check out the games section and Mafia (and the riddles/puzzles of course). We're always looking for new players. If Mafia isn't your thing though, we understand. (Er. Most of us do. But that might go with MiKi's insanity speech so I'll leave that to her. She'll probably be here soon. . . :excl: MiKi may or may not be armed with a taser. . .)

    As for your question about signatures, if you look at the upper right corner of the screen, you should see your username and a drop down list. Click on "My Settings." That should take you to a page with some options on the left hand side. One of them should say "Signature." I think the rest is self explanatory from there. Can't help you with the lottery. :lol:

    Hope to see you around the Den!

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