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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. Laser motion sensors and security cameras cannot speak, cannot cause footsteps, and cannot be hidden from until they pass by (Edit: well maybe a sweeping camera could, but not a laser). So since Molly took the latest swing and our side's up:

    Witch of Secrets: the daemons are alive

    As a side question, need we spoilerize stuff, particularly blue truth questions? It makes it slightly more cumbersome to read through, and this seems like it will need to be a team effort.

    It might be helpful to read about the animates from earlier. Dudeney, for example, was a typewriter but appeared to be able to move around. Daemons could be different but if you are using that to say that they can't possibly be sensor and camera, I would disagree.

  2. The Crimson Apprentice slipped through the halls of the Tower, where old souls were bound for many purposes, and took note of her environs. . . There was the Room of Caged Minds, where mute Animates of great power revealed and dispatched messages of distant lands. . . And everywhere there were the Walls of Souls, where ancient minds awaited summoning. The Cabinets of Miniatures, too, held a great many souls, but these required a conjurer's apparatus to summon.

    But before the Apprentice could think further on this, she heard footsteps approaching and ducked around a corner as two daemons approached. One was slender, the other portly, and both walked with measured confidence.

    "The Mistress has forced long, wakeful hours upon us," grumbled the portly one. "To work thus on the eve of a new year is atrocious."

    To Thalassa: The Wall of Souls and the "old souls" are books and bookshelves with the Cabinet of Miniatures being special books/resources/library things. The "daemons" are the night watch/security.

    *Steps aside to allow Yuli or Y-san to strike*

  3. @Thal *points to Brainiac* I like him.

    @Brainiac :P Then you'll fit right in. :D It's awesome to see you already getting into the Bden spirit. And re: shanking, lol, as long as you're a fast learner, you won't be shanked too bad. I promise.

    Or do I? :ph34r:

    :lol: It sounds like you will fit in. I'm not sure I dare risk pairing you two in Mafia. Hmm. Would MiKi shank her mentee or drive me up the wall instead? I am still trying to hang on to some shred of sanity here.

    Umm. Just to be clear (because BD definitely screwed up with me), you are a "her", right?

  4. The First Safe:

    The Hapax Club is a museum of riddles.

    The Crimson Apprentice was no ordinary Witch-in-training. She was skeptical, quick-witted, thirteen years old, and, technically, guilty of breaking and entering. She had followed her mother to the Great Tower of Hapax, where she knew a great final ritual was to occur.

    To Thalassa: The Tower of Hapax and the Hapax Club are either the same or one contains the other.

  5. @Thal :( *cries* Technically, the taser warning doesn't apply yet, because cavenglok hasn't been back to restart his Brian Dennis series. So no taser atm. :(

    We will indeed shank you. ;)

    @MiKi- hug.gif Still love you.

    @Brainiac- Take note: She doesn't have the taser "yet" but she will shank you.

  6. I know I said it in the Mafia thread but I guess I'll say it again here: Welcome to the Den! As MiKi said, good luck holding on to your sanity. It is possible. We just don't make it easy. :P lol. Your comment didn't come across as creepy (Well, I can't speak for those who have completely lost their sanity but. . .) Oh, by the way, you might want to watch out for MiKi and her taser. . . You have been warned. . .

  7. No problem. Err. Just to be clear, that wasn't a guarantee that we'll start around that time. Things are a little slower since the blackout. If you'd like to check them out, these were the last two TMMs:

    MissKitten(MiKi)'s Fairytale Mafia

    GMaster's Call of the Brawl Mafia

  8. I have a question:

    What happens if I sign up, but I can only get on in a certain two-hour time limit? Should I not even bother?

    (BTW, this circumstance should not last for long. But if it does, I want to make sure I don't waste anyone's time.)

    Hi Brainiac. Welcome to the Den! The way signups are going at the moment, we aren't likely to start before the end of the school year (middle of June) so if your time restriction will be done by then, there shouldn't be a problem. Even if you still have a time limit when this starts, two hours should be OK. During the night phase, you only need to be on long enough to send in your action. It's also nice to read through the game thread and maybe post but if you have a time restriction, don't worry about it. The day phase is a little different. If you are on the chopping block and aren't here to defend yourself, well. . . that sucks (there's really no other word for it). You should at least post a little and place a vote though. Might get some slack if you let the other players know about your time limit. So feel free to give Mafia a shot. :)

  9. The second question was aimed at who would win if played competitively.

    Is your "minimum" solution a statement that B wins if the players compete?

    The fewest that I can get on the board is 4 so yes but I'm guessing that there is a way to get 3. I'm not seeing it though.

  10. Hmm. Personally, I do not support same-sex marriage. However, this is a faith based matter for me and though I do not believe that it is right, I also believe that religion should not create our laws. It seems like this kind of law is one religion/faith/belief forcing their beliefs on the rest of the country. If another group, let's say Jewish for example, were to push for a law that bans pork (I think it's Jews and pork), I would not support that because it is a religious matter. As long as there is no requirement for a Christian church (or any other group that doesn't support it) to perform same-sex marriage, I think it's up to each person what they want to do when it comes to that.

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