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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. Yodell- I'm trying to keep the NK nonblocking so the only thing that will stop the broadcast is a block. Redirects will not stop it.

    Morningstar- If you're about to be lynched, you might as well say anything you have to say in the thread since everyone will know who you are once lynched. RIDs cannot be blocked/redirected/etc.

    OOA/OOP: RID Kill>RID Kill>>RID Recruit>>Redirect>Redirect>Block (if recruited)>Block>Save>NK>>Spy

    >> means it happens in that order regardless of who targets who. RID kills>>recruit>>redirects/blocks/save/NK>>spy.

    > means it happens at the same time. RID kills happen together and redirects/blocks/save/NK happen together.


    1. In the event that the White Witch dies, the NK will pass to Maugrim, then Ginarrbrik.

    2. The NK is not blocking. e.g. If the White Witch NKs Edmund (after recruited), Edmund's target will still be blocked.

    3. The following will appear in the night post only if successful: RID Kills, NKs, Blocks, and Saves. Blocks will fail if the target does not act at night. Baddie block will fail if he targets the same player as Edmund (because Edmund's block will go through first) Redirects and Spies will not appear regardless of success or failure.

    4. Redirected players will be informed that they have been redirected but will not be told to whom they were redirected.

    5. If Edmund is targeted for the NK, Aslan will die in his place (bodyguard) and Aslan's role will be revealed. Edmund will become a goodie. Edmund cannot die in the next cycle.

    6. Edmund will be notified if recruited. Edmund's recruit will be publicly declared in the night post.

    7. Aslan's broadcast ability may be used once per cycle in either the day or night post. A 250 character limit (not including spaces) will be enforced. The broadcast can be blocked. Broadcast messages in the night post will not be clearly marked but they may be hinted at.

    8. Edmund will be informed if the first sibling is NKed but will not be told the specific role. If the first of Edmund's siblings is lynched (as opposed to NKed), the first player to vote for the sibling of those who are still voting for the sibling will be held accountable for said sibling's death. If the sibling is killed as a result of a redirected kill, the redirector will be held accountable.
  2. M??????

    MONSTER - 1

    MISTAKE - 2

    CONCERT - 0

    TRUANTS - 1

    MUTANTS - 2

    MAMMALS - 2

    MUNDANE - 2

    MOHAWKS - 2

    WARTHOG - 0

    MASTERS - 2

    CASTERS - 1

    TheCube +5

  3. :blink: *Takes deep breath* OK. Here we go.

    What does it mean that the NK is not blocking.

    If a player is killed, their action will still go through. Wow. I just realized how messed up the OOP/OOA is. That will be fixed shortly. . .

    Also, who takes the blame if the first of Edmund's siblings is killed by a redirected attack?

    The Redirector.

    Also, does broadcast always go through? Can the broadcast be blocked? Can the NK be blocked?

    I will let you know when I fix the OOP/OOA

    Also, if the first of Edmund's siblings is killed at night, will he be informed?


    Does the blocker change the broadcast if the broadcast was blocked?

    Not quite sure I understand this one but the blocker cannot change the contents of the broadcast as the blocker only enters a player's name.

  4. Then what would happen in a case that, Lucy is lynched and is the first sibling to die, but it was the player, who is Edmund, was the first player to vote for he?

    Well, that sucks for Edmund. WinCon requires him to commit suicide. :lol:

    In that case, it will be the first person to vote that isn't Edmund and is still on Lucy (or Peter or Susan) when she's lynched.

  5. 3 questions :

    - can Edmund trade his RID Kill every cycle ? or is it one time deal ?

    He can trade it every cycle but he will only be immune for either the day or the night. Not both. If that changes, I will let you know. :)

    - would we know which part in the night or day post is the broadcast message and/or if there is one ?

    Hmm. I'll have to think about that. It might be obvious depending on what the message is. I'll get back to you on that one.

    - rule #8 - what do you mean by accountable ?

    Let's say that Lucy is lynched and is the first of Edmund's siblings to die. Whoever was the first person to vote for her would be considered the one who is responsible for killing her. So if you were the first to vote for her, you would be Edmund's target. If Lucy was NKed, the carrier would be responsible and would be Edmund's WinCon target.

  6. But why would you want to? (forgive me for being completely confused)

    If you have information or something that you want to say without putting yourself in danger by posting in the thread. . .

  7. Awesome! Sounds neat!!!

    I don't mean for it to sound like I'm rushing you, because I'm not. When will we find our roles?

    Roles will go out when the roster fills up. It's possible that people will have to back out or there will be other complications so we wait until the game starts.

    Also, what exactly can you do with the broadcast ability?

    It means you can add a message to the day or night post. Could be serious. Could be just to say "Hey. I'm alive." Could be total BS if you have nothing to say but want to (like a certain someone I know).

    • Upvote 1
  8. This is the current plan for the game. Anyone have any last comments, suggestions, etc?

    Goodies (WinCon: Eliminate Baddies)

    Lucy Pevensie- save

    Susan Pevensie- redirect

    Peter Pevensie- RID kill

    Aslan- indy RID Recruit, bodyguard, broadcast

    Mr. Tumnus- vote manip

    The Beavers- spy

    Baddies- Have BTSC and Night Kill (WinCon: Majority)

    The White Witch- NK carrier

    Ginnarbrick- redirect

    Maugrim- block

    Indy (WinCon: RID kill the player responsible for killing first dead sibling. If that is not possible, survive until goodies or baddies win.)

    Edmund Pevensie- RID kill, can trade for night or day immunity or spy; if recruited, RID kill becomes block, no immunity

    OOA/OOP: RID Kill>RID Kill>>RID Recruit>>NK>>Redirect>Redirect>Block (if recruited)>Block>>Save>>Spy

    >> means it happens in that order regardless of who targets who. RID kills>>recruit>>NK>>redirects/blocks>>save>>spy.

    > means it happens at the same time. RID kills happen together and redirects/blocks happen together.


    1. In the event that the White Witch dies, the NK will pass to Maugrim, then Ginarrbrik.

    2. The NK is not blocking.

    3. The following will appear in the night post only if successful: RID Kills, NKs, Blocks, and Saves. Redirects and Spies will not appear regardless of success or failure.

    4. Redirected players will be informed that they have been redirected but will not be told to whom they were redirected.

    5. If Edmund is targeted for the NK, Aslan will die in his place (bodyguard) and Aslan's role will be revealed. Edmund will become a goodie. Edmund cannot die in the next cycle.

    6. Edmund will be notified if recruited. Edmund's recruit will be publicly declared in the night post.

    7. Aslan's broadcast ability may be used once per cycle in either the day or night post. A 250 character limit will be enforced.

    8. If the first of Edmund's siblings is lynched (as opposed to NKed), the first player to vote for the sibling will be held accountable for said sibling's death.
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