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Everything posted by Thalia

  1. Thalia

    A really tall ladder or a crane.
  2. Thalia

    Go through the laptop and contact book. Try to access email. Does anyone besides him have a key or some sort of access to his apartment? What else is on the table?
  3. Thalia

    If you are refering to the one in Malaysia, the building only has 12 floors so. . . you can't.No one said that the window goes out over the edge of the building. It could be a store window or just an oddly located window.If you are not afraid of heights, climb a ladder from the outside and jump through into the building. Hopefully, the window is open.
  4. Thalia

    Sometimes, if a riddle goes on long enough, the poster will add some lines.
  5. When you memorize math problems and catch yourself calculating probabilities on styrofoam cups.When someone tells you that math is useless and you proceed to prove that math is everywhere.You incorporate factorials into a card game.
  6. Uber_Krueger- You could try writing about something that happened during your vacation.how you met your best friend and things that have happened.one of the assignments I ahve been given in the past is to look at a picture and make up a story about it. For example, I picked a picture of Vesuvius erupting and wrote a story about a girl who was in Pompeii when it erupted. Just pick something and do a google image search.Hope this helps.
  7. Thalia

    Touching and holding are not the same thing. Given the wording, this is a possible solution (depending on the cork). However, that is possible.
  8. Thalia

    Is one of them the Mona Lisa? If not, what are the paintings?
  9. Thalia

    A start: Have forensics team determine time of death.Determine victim's daily schedule worked out.Determine who was last person known to be with victim and interview him or her.Interview Eva.Bring on the riddles! (if necessary)
  10. Thalia

    I've got something a little more specific in mind.
  11. Thalia

    Here are a couple of ones that have been done before if you want to take a look at how it works.
  12. Thalia

    Something to do with family? All in the family? I noticed that the people that are responding are all fairly new to brainden. They probably have not seen the ones done by Cavenglock or Omegascales and some others so they probably are not familiar with the way this works. You might want to explain it.
  13. a able about account acid across act addition adjustment advertisement after again against agreement air all almost among amount amusement and angle angry animal answer ant any apparatus apple approval arch argument arm army
  14. Thalia

    I've got one: "Chocolate is a serious thing."
  15. Oops. I think I just looked at the end of the word instead of the whole word. Left Right Up Down Forward Backward Side Attack Defend
  16. but if that was it, then antidisestablishmentarianism wouldnt get in... Yep. That's it! an·ti·dis·es·tab·lish·men·tar·i·an·ism. It does get through. -ism is one syllable.
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