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Everything posted by Shakeepuddn

  1. Cut and culled from mother’s pate Gathering like fans Bound to branch in toilsome fate Amassing what we can. High or low is where we go, Engines never needed, Just a sleight of hand will do, Rules of décor heeded.
  2. amonkkilla, please use spoilers. It's the blue "S" icon that appears on the tool bar when you post. Thanks.
  3. Sorry about this one guys and girls. Not my style, just trying something new. If I could delete it I would. They're lyrics. Should have made that clear to begin with.
  4. Clue: An alternative to weeping for liberty reveals the man in song.
  5. Hi Ryan. I'd be happy to explain. In the Hebrew (and Christian) Bible, Leviticus 11, animals that have cloven (split) hooves and which are not ruminants, are designated as UNCLEAN, both literally and spiritually. They are taboo. You may not eat them (if you're Jewish of course). A unicorn is not a ruminant and it has split hooves like a goat. Therefore, step split-unclean biblically. Hope that clears things up.
  6. Nine and sevens Harbor City forecast good. Same old-same old in a hold. Come spirit, He’s gone. He’s gone. . . .
  7. And the winner is . . . Plainglazed! (a bit too easy for you super-genius types?)
  8. Undying once in truth now dead We carried swords that claimed our heads. Our step unclean was split asunder Silent where our kin make thunder. We’ve lain upon a maiden’s pillow And dwelt among the fern and willow. If from the vile you would drink A tip from us is best we think.
  9. Plainglazed nails it. I knew it was easy with an abundance of clues, but well done anayway.
  10. Methinks you have it Plainglazed, but let's be on the safe side.
  11. I’m full, I’m sated, I’m packed to the nines A city of prisons marked T and line. I’m the heart of a river, the good to the bad, I’m the grades of a test from happy to sad. I’m the juice for your children The food for your nickel, From my head to my toe I bestow the tickle. Head to a fist, Foot to the wire, My blood runs the circuit Of the day’s desire.
  12. Shakeepuddn

    well done. The continuous play between the two meanings is what stumped me. I'll be more careful of your most excellect style next time. Cheers!
  13. Shakeepuddn

    Interesting Faith. Could I get a line-by-line explication please.
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