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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. Yes. So if three people tie, then it could be all die, one dies, two die, or none die.
  2. LIAR GAME Sorry, couldn't resist.
  3. @Mew Psst! I kicked slick out since I couldn't count! Check the second OP!
  4. @mew Yes for 1, win for 2, yes for 3. Although, if it happens that early, then yes, game will probably continue on for second place. Also, for dragon, if all three targets die at hands of another, then he basically can't win. He will still continue playing, he just won't be able to achieve his WINCON.
  5. This actually came from the One-Up Me thread in the Games forum, but someone suggested I post it as a joke. So I am. This spawned from 45 minutes of sitting next to this one kid I know on the bus ride home. He constantly made perverted comments whil pretending he was all "goody-two-shoes" or whatever and whenever I called him out, told me my mind was in the gutter. Now, don't get me wrong, I love him [he's like that irritating little pet you just can't help but adore! ], but 45 minutes of that can get just the teeniest bit annoying. But anyways, this is what somes whenever I need to get rid of all that perverted-ness. The start phrase from EDM: ...so the girl/guy said.... And the smiley must be used in the sentence. My response [roughly. It's been modified a bit to make more sense and be a bit funnier.]: A guy had some salted, honeyed cashews. A girl was really hungry, so she went up to the guy and asked him for some. After she ate the cashews, she remained silent. The guy, who wanted a "thank you!", asked her, "Well? Don't you have something to say?" The girl is surprised and thinks for a while. After a few minutes, she still doesn't know that she's supposed to thank him. And so the girl said, "I like your nuts!" Of course, it might be just me who gets the perverted-ness about that, and if that's true, then that's great. But if you get it, please don't kill me, and understand that even though I'm young, I have a lot of perverted friends who forced their knowledge upon me.
  6. MiKi yawned again. "Yeah," she replied, dropping back so framm could stick the medal in her pouch.
  7. MissKitten


    Okay. I keep forgetting that.
  8. Okay, since MiKi obviously is feeling the stress of finals, she has decided to restart the thread. This is now officially the OP. Ignore the first one. I do believe I've fixed my mistakes, but I'll get Aura to give me feedback or something. This starts today, with N1 most likely ending Friday night. Days end 8:00 PM CST, nights end 5:00 PM CST, with night posts up by 8:00 PM CST. Host: MiKi Cohost: Nana7 1. Flamebride 2. TheChad 3. SMV 4. mew 5. Roy-chan (hotthnfire) 6. Ravyn 7. Fat Tony 8. Hidden G 9. marhart14 Mentors: 1. Auramyna 2. Thalia 3. Slickster 4. Backups: 1. smoth333 2. tolecnal? 3. mboon Roles are out, please confirm. Also: I think that's all. Let TMM-X begin!
  9. MissKitten


    I shall take both. CHOIR FIRES-0 HOPPY-0 PATCH-0 BRATS-0 BRAIN-1 TRAIN-1 BRAID-1 CRASH-1 CILIA-2 flame +10, curr +15?, MiKi +9
  10. MiKi yawns, slowly swimming after the priestess. Her lack of sleep is finally catching up to her.
  11. MissKitten


    C??I? FIRES-0 HOPPY-0 PATCH-0 BRATS-0 BRAIN-1 TRAIN-1 BRAID-1 CRASH-1 flame +10 Wondered when someone would get that.....
  12. Gah! Yeah, you can tell it's been a while since I hosted a game. No, NK can't be blocked. But you can save the target. That's what I meant. I guess I forgot the block, though. Sorry. Also, if anybody else [Nana!] sees any errors, please do correct me ASAP. I really don't want to screw this up like I did Sherlock Holmes.
  13. "Yes," MiKi says. "We found some information in the library that gave us a solution." She proceeds to tell Cara about the bacteria caused by the dolphin pollution. "We think that if the dolphins were to contain this pollution, both sides could be happy," she finishes.
  14. @Thalia Yes, Indy win ends the game. @slick Yeah..... Thanks! Yeah, N1 ends Friday afternoon. Game ends..... in however long it takes to end.
  15. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Okay, great, thanks! Actually, I accidentally let one extra peron sign up, and I took you off cuz you have the most experience. And yes, it will be through PM.
  16. "Yup!" she says happily, and quickly swims off towards the dolphins. Upon reaching the dolphins, she takes a second to recover. "I need to see Cara," she finally says to a dolphin near her.
  17. MiKi immediately perks up. She sees her friends all about to fall asleep and realizes she's in the best shape. "I'll go!" she offers, quickly pulling herself together.
  18. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Okay, I'll see. Also, I can't count, so one extra person signed up [only 9 roles.] Therefore, since slick was the most experienced, I kicked hi off. I'll see if he wants to mentor Ravyn. I'll also ask Shad and Aki.
  19. Okay. MiKi obviously can't count. Upon looking through her mafia, she found she only has 9 roles, but 10 players. Therefore, I'm kicking the most experienced person off the list. And I believe that would be slick. Sorry, slick. I think that's the only mistake I have made, so that's cool. As for slick, do you want to be a backup or mentor? So, new roster: Host: MiKi Cohost: Nana7 1. Flamebirde 2. slick 3. SMV 4. mew 5. Roy-chan (hotthnfire) 6. Ravyn 7. Fat Tony 8. Hidden G 9. marhart14 Mentors: 1. Auramyna 2. Thalia 3. 4. Backups: 1. smoth333 2. tolecnal? 3. mboon
  20. So this starts today, most likely ends Friday night. Days end 8:00 PM CST, nights end 5:00 PM CST, with night posts up by 8:00 PM CST. Host: MiKi Cohost: Nana7 1. Flamebride 2. TheChad 3. SMV 4. mew 5. Roy-chan (hotthnfire) 6. Ravyn 7. Fat Tony 8. Hidden G 9. Slick 10. marhart14 Mentors: 1. Auramyna 2. Thalia 3. 4. Backups: 1. smoth333 2. tolecnal? 3. mboon Roles and such will be out later today, possibly within the next hour, even. Also: I think that's all. Let TMM-X begin!
  21. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Okay, if we can get more mentors, that'll be awesome. I'll probably assign thal and aura to the newest noobs.... Also, for start dates, I'll probably post the thread now, and have N1 end Friday night. Is everybody okay with that, or do you want me to start later?
  22. MissKitten


    ???I? FIRES-0 HOPPY-0 PATCH-0 BRATS-0 BRAIN-1 TRAIN-1 BRAID-1 CRASH-1 flame +5
  23. OOC: We could always just send one person on ahead. Like I said, MiKi's used to pulling all nighters for finals, so she's up for a little bit more than the rest. You could probably send her along, and she could tell the dolphins, while everyone else rests.....
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