1 and 4 are described, 2 and 3 are close to another
might have to try that if it snows this year....
both involved...
also part of the answer
Well, we have lots of pieces, now we just need to tie them together
I aim to please.
not that either and i never race while i am texting : P
EDIT: sorry, i put unnecessary smileys on the original and they weren't needed... but i obviously already said that... well gotta get home before the uncle gets mad... see you all in the 'marrow
posted from my cell at an especially long red light... wrote it at the two before
and not that...
What about...
no but there were a couple of those on the road with me yesterday i think
heh... dreading friday morning, but i do need a new TV but not those
never.... well at least not recently
MrsP's first guess is still the closest so far
Lack of fear is what it takes
To take the chance and damn the stakes
Some are born with poise and graces
Some to dart through tiny spaces
Others prefer slow and precise
And few can handle well on ice
But whether there's empty lanes or crowd
One thing's clear: No Texting Allowed!!
Although I have to admit some slight cheating because I couldn't remember what the actual word was!! Several pages of the thesaurus later ...
Funny, I didn't see that one when I googled I mean, ummm... Cheater! you can google mine if you want : )
Of course if we really wanted to get nit-picky about it... Why doesn't the guy just ask someone to push the 8 button instead of acting all immature and embarrassed, or better yet carry a cane or one of those extending batons... It would be much more impressive if he were to act human and adapt to the situation instead of letting his height cause so much extra trouble for him
At the same time... Maybe he does have some sort of tool in his pocket that would allow him to press the correct button, but he would rather walk the stairs so he can get the exercise necessary to help combat some degenerative muscular or skeletal disease which people of smaller stature are more prone to suffer from... But on days when it rains his arthritis or <insert other painful condition here > is much worse and so that is why he pushes the button for 8...
Hmmmmm... Or maybe it doesn't really matter and we should just try to enjoy solving riddles in the word puzzle section and save the logic critique for the math/logic puzzle section