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Everything posted by Glycereine

  1. Glycereine

    I did. That's why I surmised that any flippable numbers must end in 6 to be symmetrical. so a number that contains all 0,1,6,8,9 must be 9xxxx6 to be flippable. so for any given 2nd digit, there are 5 possibilities, because the 5th digit must match, ie 90XX06, 91XX16, 96XX96, 98xx86, 99xx66. the middle two numbers must again match, so be either 00,11,69,88 or 96 5 possibilities for each. Unless I'm missing something big my logic is sound.
  2. Glycereine

    I'll be back in a bit!
  3. Glycereine

    First off I agree, hats off to both of you. I suck at writing riddles but I have one in mind for this format.... expect it in a few days. for another guess
  4. Glycereine

    This was what I did before I still get
  5. Grats Darknoob on solving it without the explanation! I couldn't do the same for certain. Was fun!
  6. Glycereine

    It was me that said the 31 digit phone numbers but I was talking about when we had 101 generations. For 101 generations 2^101, the answer goes into 31 digits (but just barely). For the 20 generations we're talking about now 6 digits is enough .
  7. Glycereine

    agreed. There must be a cipher involved but it escapes me.
  8. Glycereine

    Yes, there are more available numbers (up to 6 digits) than bacteria. Which is why I worked backwards from the highest number available (of 6 digits) based on the difference between numbers available and the number needed. Result was in my above post along with reasoning along the way for exclusions or not.
  9. Glycereine

    I guess I don't know what you mean... the first six letters or the ones (of those 6) that are present in the words... Obviously don't have to answer if it will ruin it, but I just don't know where to go.
  10. Glycereine

    Grats to Chicory since he's the one who topped off my guesses after I had to go teach a class
  11. If Z was greater than X and W, then W has to be above X because Z himself said so
  12. It's most definitely possible, but the idea was for it to be solvable. Example: A measures B, C result B B measures C, D result C C measures D, A result D D measures A, B result A No wizard can be the strongest, they are always contradicted.
  13. Glycereine

    I leave the other two questions to someone else.
  14. I see it but how on earth did you come up with it?
  15. Glycereine

    I'm starting to feel bad about putting this puzzle in a riddles section... =/ I dabble in the math/logic forum and here, so I'm ok with it but I can definitely see the frustration from people thinking they were trying to solve a riddle! (Although I think you can tell right away it's not a "normal" riddle. That said, I'm stuck...
  16. I too thoroughly enjoyed this!
  17. I can make many other combinations that work for 18 coins but have yet to find one smaller. I don't doubt it exists but it's escaping me.
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