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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed


    _ _ _ N T IVORY - 0 SPELL - 0 PRINT - 2 SPENT - 2 +10 maurice [/code]
  2. not it, M M hey LJ - not that or those but good guesses. and yeah, have had that one title and was never terribly satisfied with it. always seemed a little gruff or even arrogant. both of which are totally unintended. wanted to somehow include the POW/Play on words cause that's what I do and that was the best I could come up with. not so recognizable, eh? that's not so good. ouch, a most excellent answer. starting to think I should say yes and go on. guess I cant tho. definitely deserves a hint - this is a tangible thing.
  3. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ IVORY - 0 SPELL - 0 PRINT - 2 [/code]
  4. makes me sick to have to say it, no. no, though the title might be helpful here. if not should make sense afterwards, anyway. not that jkl - will say the answer is a thing - tangible. hope you enjoyed your mid-morning break. none of the above it is true but I am not that. yeah - it's truthfully not one of those types. just WAI ah, thus summonned I should be compelled to say yes. but no. rereading it I see a pretty good fit. totally unintended.
  5. sorry EDM, neither DD had a real gem of a response earlier which I guess was the closest so far...
  6. plainglazed


    wow, that was unexpected. too lucky. sorry 'bout that maurice. been off work but out with the kids. back now so can stay current with this thread. _ _ _ _ _
  7. and fabpig gets group 2 *phew* EDIT: fixed typo
  8. plainglazed


    BLANK - if 1 then L is the second letter. not B or K from BRISK - 1 which was the I, not N from PAINT - 1 which was the I, and not the A because the third letter is the I.
  9. hey Qesh - see where that matches but think there is another with a stronger connection (EDIT: more synonomous) to the last of the three in that group.
  10. haha and that's nice of you to say. is that as in just getting started? or as in to fail? or as in ?. not it. Since am going to say this again, this time it now might even be considered a small hint. This one is a What Am I.
  11. often, but not this time none of those. so many guesses I fear the riddle's flawed. still gonna give it bit more of a chance. hey C_V - clever but no. well hello ther Raeoflite777 - welcome to the Den. Definitely see where you're coming from but not what I have in mind for this one. cheers.
  12. hey all - good thoughts but none match my answer. gonna leave it at that for now and resist the temptation to say more.
  13. plainglazed


    NOISE EDIT: Your LATTE was quite a guess. That one was poised to get very confusing/go on for some time. What with four letters guessed and all with only 1s or 2s as responses. Good stuff.
  14. hello Thalia - I can see where your guess comes from so wouldn't say random but will say not it. WAI stands for What am I. I added that as a subtitle because I often do more Play on Words (PoW) where you might manipulate the word answer itself. Like my recent "riddle constructs" where one rhyme describes word A, the second rhyme word B and the third the answer AB. This one is straight what am I. Of course there are/could be plays on words within this riddle (kinda my thing) like unexpected meanings/double entendre, puns, homophones, etc. yeah, I really liked her answer, too (always had a thing for juice). gotto just say no.
  15. hey C_V - long time no riddle with. love the answer but not the same as the one I'm thinking of. heard anything from Dea lately?
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