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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. well hello mkj and welcome to the den! must say your answers are quite inciteful. especially like how your first two fit with the "turn and run" bit as well as some other parts of this riddle. do have something else in mind though which I think you will appreciate in the end. definitely thinking in the right way for this one. cheers.
  2. certainly a fair enough question as nothing is specifically asked for. though I think these types of riddles are not too uncommon here. It is indeed intended to be a "what am i" as peace said. in this case it is an object that you are looking for and whose description or function is being stealthly disguised within the "story" thanks for covering for me peace. right on. as to your guesses tho... good thoughts all but not it. hey fabpig - sorry, not that. but come back in, the water's warm.
  3. plainglazed


    oops, oh yeah, like maurice said, if DODOS - 1... knew there was a reason I chose that particular word
  4. Caught behind the enemy line No choice but to turn and run Two windows of opportunity exist But to escape there is only one To which you must stay the course Don't be shaken, you have to maintain Until it's time to make your move And then you can no longer remain For time is of the essence The littlest slip and you're gone So if you make it to tell the tale Will depend on whose side you are on
  5. plainglazed


    DODOS - if 0 then S is the last letter; from DRAWN - 1 (the established R) so not D, POTOO - 0 so not the second O and the now known RO so not OD.
  6. plainglazed

    Was just about to go back to your last topic with compliments and suggest maybe a puzzle or similar thread to this one. There are a bunch of adverbs/prepositions that may qualify. like neverthesess, notwithstanding, etc. The one noun that popped into mind is kinda similar to your example - longshoreman. There's lots of words that can be divided into three words that are not really compound words, too. like concentration.
  7. the first riddle of consequence for me was someone's original handwritten on a birthday card. I'm the center of fashion Though never in style. And avoid big rivers Like the Seine and the Nile. I shun every city, village, and town Yet reign in Hamlet, like a king renowned. I've one seat at home, two seats in church, And here I'll be found at the end of your search. Can you guess who I am? posted some time ago. fun to think of this again. thanks t_l
  8. plainglazed


    SARIS - if 2 then I is fourth or if 1 then N is last; from BRAIN - 1, not B from BARER -1 (the established A), not the A from PEARL - 0 so either the I or N is correct. so if SARIS - 2 - not the S or S from SOILS - 0, not the R from AORTA - 0 so must be the I but if SARIS - 0 means not the I so N must be last. more than a little slow on the draw today. try CABIN
  9. plainglazed


    BARER - if 2 then first two letters are BA; not R from AORTA - 0 and not ER from USHER - 0
  10. plainglazed


    ughh - me to. will check in later. sorry curr3ent, good luck Quag
  11. plainglazed


    BORIC - if 2 then C is last; the I is established and the BOR is ruled out by BORAX - 0.
  12. plainglazed


    INNIE ah yes, those were the days, remember them fondly. Think maybe that was before you topped the leaderboard.
  13. plainglazed


    D O N U T SOAPS - 1 POPES - 1 LOATH - 1 ENEMA - 0 PIPES - 0 ROLLO - 1 COURT - 2 BOOZE - 1 CORAL - 1 COUGH - 1 +5 Quag +25 curr3nt +10 O
  14. sorry superprismatic, but am still a little uncertain as to the goal. am thinking we're looking for the discards that result in most likely improving your hand in any way? otherwise, discarding none if the odds are less than 50% that you would impove?
  15. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ SOAPS - 1 POPES - 1 LOATH - 1 ENEMA - 0 PIPES - 0 ROLLO - 1 COURT - 2 BOOZE - 1 CORAL - 1 COUGH - 1 +5 Quag
  16. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ SOAPS - 1 POPES - 1 LOATH - 1 ENEMA - 0 PIPES - 0 ROLLO - 1 COURT - 2 BOOZE - 1 CORAL - 1 +5 Quag
  17. hey there M M - so good to see you in this forum. not the intended answer.
  18. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ SOAPS - 1 POPES - 1 LOATH - 1 ENEMA - 0 PIPES - 0 ROLLO - 1 COURT - 2 BOOZE - 1 +5 Quag tnx WB
  19. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ POPES - 1 LOATH - 1 ENEMA - 0 PIPES - 0 +5 Quag
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