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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ E GRAVE - 1 CREPE - 1 GRASS - 0 GRAPE - 1 PLACE - 1 SAUTE - 1 +5 benjer3
  2. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ E GRAVE - 1 CREPE - 1 GRASS - 0 GRAPE - 1 +5 benjer3
  3. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ GRAVE - 1 CREPE - 1 GRASS - 0
  4. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ GRAVE - 1
  5. plainglazed


    cool. been awhile. think I remember how, somewhat anyway. _ _ _ _ _
  6. As thieves, this HICK is rather FOND of that comparison.
  7. definitely makes all the synonomous connections. am looking for answer pairs that are slightly more familiar in todays lexicon. would say this one qualifies as an alternative. especially since I kind of bungled this one myself.
  8. plainglazed

    okay, usually dont chime in on this type of thing but feel it's worth saying that there is really no reason to get huffy. the OP is clearly looking for a universal solution. to define the outcome and then give one "solution" to that outcome is trivial. moreover, your solution is impossible for any situation per the parameters of the OP. maybe you meant 7000.
  9. Belgium BOUND on TICK with just one click.
  10. well... not quite. (not a hint just feel a little too fussy)
  11. am afraid those cyclotrons tend to make my head spin so wouldn't know. well, that one does pass my Google autofill test. with lyrics and a movie no less. just fyi - had given an alternative clue for this one Support Position/Instant Location and an alternate (replacement) for Jealous Nut - Raw Fruit yes indeed, just the one I had in mind (before I stood too close to that cyclotron. ...or was it just after?)
  12. Hey Dej Mar - good to hear from you. appreciate your responses, always. have a slightly different second word for the second answer above but basically the same thing. thanks
  13. Yeah, even then a mule can only wish to SWING under a NEON star.
  14. plainglazed

    had just stopped by to nominate a dictionary - www.thefreedictionary.com
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