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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    I knew it was time to go when I heard that familiar sound of running water.
  2. Straight off belegoth got both my decoy (his first guess) as well as my intended answer (his second guess) and a couple others that make a lot of sense. well done. Kudos also to LivAqua, MissKitten, fabpig. Canadola pretty much gave a fair assessment of the "story" but need know there is no such thing as a pathetic answer. really all the answers presented were quite clever and make alot of sense, even pratik k's * looks over shoulder for the wrath of MiKi et al * Had fun. Be back soon.
  3. Hello fellow BrainDenizens - Been a regular here for quite awhile. Truly enjoy the challenges presented and the interaction with all. A now familiar and most comfortable culture thanks to you. Am very process oriented so love to figure out how things work/are made. Discovered riddles and puzzles fit nicely into that mindset thanks to this site. Have an engineering and fine arts background which keeps those two hemispheres in constant conflict. Am a designer by trade. Enjoy the occasional pastry. Am a tall person with a keen sense of all things hanging lower than two meters. Don't really like to learn from my mistakes. National partriotism embarrasses me. Can't tolerate intolerance. Prefer tennessee to kentucky whiskey but never scotch. Don't have a favorite movie. Tend to ramble in print. Appreciate conversation not about those talking. Well that seems like a logical segue toward ending this. Hope to see your Brain in the Den.
  4. has been allowed reentry

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      Congrats on the modship, too.

    3. plainglazed


      oh, I know very well who you are. you know how our shared buddies like to talk.

      thank you too, M M

      still guessing and having fun here are listed in the requirements of a mods duties.

  5. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    My Wife's cooking is so bad (best I strike that).
  6. What sometimes gives good directions and other times leads you in circles but either way gets to the point?
  7. plainglazed

    oops, right on k-man. * ... 2 + 6 carry the one ... *
  8. ah, I like HeadShot's answer. but that could just be the bottom desk drawer sneaking into my head at 4:30 pm Friday.
  9. plainglazed

    Some clarification, please. I read this line: "Each of the counterfeit coins, if any, is known to have come from one of two batches of coins, one of which is too light and the other of which is too heavy." to mean that if two coins were counterfeit, one would be heavy and one would be light. Is that correct or can you have two heavy coins or two light coins?
  10. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    was siding with Anon's but what the hay - When I lost my car keys became pretty much useless.
  11. yes indeed, that is my intended answer.
  12. urghh - have revisited this several times in your absence. should have promoted it for more group think. cant believe I could not come up with ... (too lazy to put in a spoiler and my battery is dying) hope you're back to stay for a bit and all is well with you. see you around (like a donut )
  13. well cut off my legs and call me shorty. so good to hear from you t_l. wrote this one in haste and after an extended stint of not writing riddles. offer that as an excuse. realized after rereading this one that there might be several good/alternative answers. would say yours qualifies and is pretty close to mine own. will probably reveal mine shortly if not guessed soon. hope to see more of you here again. ah, more good responses. especially like your middle one above. another valid alternative. drats. did mean this is an actual tangible object before. and as for WAI, that's the abbreviation here for What-Am-I which I probably should have stated since the riddle itself did not ask for an answer.
  14. plainglazed

    as shucks Nana, thanks . did make a mistake transcribing from my notes as well as leave out two possibilities but the series of questions does work. here's the corrected solution.
  15. hey Thalia - see where you are coming from with both of your responses and they do indeed fit in many respects. still think there is (at least one) better fit. hope you give it another go. thanks.
  16. rats, meant to list WAI as a sub-title. would say Thalia is closest so far as this is an object am attempting to describe.
  17. Keep your cool Give it the slip Now dont sweat it Better get a grip Foam at the mouth For a hole in one Cause it dont suck After you're done
  18. will get there. please dont give up on us yet.
  19. plainglazed

    EDIT: rethinking general algorithm to include even number of villagers. need more coffee...
  20. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    Vacuum Cleaner is not my instrument of cleaning cause cleaning sucks.
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