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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Updated BD Game Queue Current order: Skulduggery HPY3 TMM-V Coup of Rhotus
  2. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    My gun was the hand of judgement...
  3. Oh. After an Indy has been recruited, that Indy can begin recruiting other Indies to his new faction.
  4. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    Me too. =P We're going to wait for HPY3 to start and finish before we kick this off. Unless kristmark's vacation is lasts awhile, we should be good to go after Shadow's done with that game. So if you can't wait for this to start, be on the lookout for Harry Potter sign ups.
  5. Molly Mae


    ????N is proved. MELON - 3 and HELOT - 2 With ?E?O? proved, one of M?L?N must be correct. None of H?L?T is correct, as HELOT - 2 accounts for two proven letters. The letter change from MELON -> FELON without score change means that M???? is incorrect. So from MELON - 3, we know that M???? and ??L?? are incorrect, leaving only ?E?ON to score 3.
  6. That kind of limits it to Cube and HG... *Thumbup*
  7. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    It's not inactivity as much as it's a lack of new players. They seem to come in waves.
  8. Your I Me Flee Gabardine --- Tour Elf Confusion Might Mispronunciation ---
  9. Nice. Assuming Cube is Tome, the last is likely one of HG or FB. Of course, it's dumb of me to say that since everyone but HG, FB, and Medj have been "cleared". Medj's logical vote pattern have me convinced that she's on our side. I guess I'm just really bored. Entertain me?
  10. I wanted to target you with the NK, but Aura wouldn't let me. Kidding. If HG is gone for the day... *Shrug* I can move to him tomorrow. I likely won't be back until....tomorrow.
  11. Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube 2. Hidden G 3. Flamebirde 4. Shadow 7. Auramyna - voting for TheCube 9. Molly Mae - voting for TheCube A. curr3nt B. Medji - voting for TheCube DEAD: 5.Thalia-impaled N2 bySerpine 6.Anon26 - disintegrated N1 by Serpine 7.maurice- stabbed D1 and found to be the White Cleaver @Hidden G: Prepare a defense/hint. You're on my list. Changed mine and Aura's vote, per her request.
  12. Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube 2. Hidden G 3. Flamebirde 4. Shadow 7. Auramyna - voting for Hidden G 9. Molly Mae - voting for Hidden G A. curr3nt B. Medji - voting for TheCube DEAD: 5.Thalia-impaled N2 bySerpine 6.Anon26 - disintegrated N1 by Serpine 7.maurice- stabbed D1 and found to be the White Cleaver Added your vote. I didn't get your hint. TC is likely the baddie and I do think we should go for him eventually. I'll go look for it.
  13. Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube 2. Hidden G 3. Flamebirde 4. Shadow 7. Auramyna 9. Molly Mae - voting for Hidden G A. curr3nt B. Medji DEAD: 5.Thalia-impaled N2 bySerpine 6.Anon26 - disintegrated N1 by Serpine 7.maurice- stabbed D1 and found to be the White Cleaver This is how D1 started for me. =P
  14. GLUE - ? Edit...darn G.
  15. It's more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. If you do decide to host, though, I strongly suggest a co-host for your first time. Doing it alone the first time can ruin the experience. That last part is a joke.
  16. I'm going to let the RID Kill continue to target me for one reason--it is my defense. If the RID Kill targets anyone else, then I fear there will be votes for me tomorrow. Why not clear me now and avoid the hassle? I did consider requesting that the RID kill go elsewhere, but why bother? The whole thing is WIFOM anyway. If I can be only the one role, I would like it very much to come at me. But I did hint pre-N1. It's a lazy hint somewhere in my first four posts. If you find it, please don't insult me. I was having a...thoughtless day.
  17. I was under the impression that one must also offer only words from the chosen dictionaries to be used as guesses. I might support that. Regardless, though, there is a that should contain this discussion.
  18. I don't have an OED with me, but I agree. I see a few non-prefix entries using "define:giga" in google (which I typically use for ROLO while at work). But eh. Anyone got the OED handy? Or that other dictionary that was agreed upon?
  19. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    I had a blind date last night. It was like a Tom Cruise movie...a small minority report that my particular mission, impossible to some, became one of legend when I successfully avoided all of that risky business with all the right moves in the rain, man. And you thought I was losin' it...
  20. Sign-ups will likely start as soon as HPY3 begins, since there are 19 players required. Anon nailed it below. Right-on. All Indy abilities are secret, although some may be divined by things that happen during the night or day. I'm considering changing the sequence voting, however. Presently, it is by secret ballot and requires my direct input. I think I will keep this method (and I will publish a "best practice" for players to easily keep track of votes). Considered change: Passing a sequence. As it stands, any sequence that reaches absolute majority (n/2)+1 passes. At the end of the day, any sequence that maintains simple majority (Pro > Con) passes. Instead, I am considering (and would like your input on) a gap. Absolute majority would automatically pass a sequence, as usual. However, to pass a sequence without absolute majority would require P > C + n/3 where P is PRO, C is CON and n is the present number of living players. This makes CON votes a little more important. I have noted that all sequences require simple majority at the end of the day (min 3 votes) to pass. This is to encourage CON votes. I might eliminate this for kill sequences (to avoid flash sequences). A tip for voting: Sequences will be listed in order by number, based on when the sequence is started. Keep an excel spreadsheet. It doesn't have to include the name of the sequence (since excel has the number on the left). You can quickly see which number in excel corresponds with each sequence. In the A column, keep a running list of what you want to vote for the corresponding sequence: PRO, CON, or N/A. If you copy/paste the A column into a PM, I should be able to keep it intact and copy it right into my master voting spreadsheet. This will also allow you to quickly see how you have voted for any sequence, so I'm not bombarded with questions like "What is my vote for sequence 53?" I would gladly change votes for a PM saying "Change my vote on sequence 45 to PRO." So two biggest questions: 1) Keep secret ballot voting? 2) Change end-of-day passing method from (P > C) to (P > C + n/3)
  21. Excellent. The biggest problem I see is thus: If I am bad, I die N2 and a goodie will likely be lynched. Not too much of a problem as two baddies would be dead. If I am not killed N2, there are two baddies left and you think you know where they are. I also have my suspicions. The biggest problem is NK Wifom, but I'm sure you've handled that as you're the primary cog of it. I really don't have anything more to say until the night ends, though. We'll see how this goes.
  22. Hindsight is 20/20. Knowing what I know now, I would travel back to D2 and let the baddies win. I would lose either way. But naturally letting the baddies win while I'm outed? It's a sure-loss for me and you're right--I wouldn't do it (especially since my record as an indy is presently 0-4). My serious query, though: If I hadn't made a redirect N4, would I have been lynched D4? Even if I wasn't, would I have been killed N5? Honestly, if I had made it to N5, I would have redirected goodies to themselves. It wouldn't have really helped, since Mo and Aaryan could tie the baddies down with redirects. *Shrug* This was a game of balance and I didn't keep it. I shouldn't have given goodies so much info. And I shouldn't have allowed too many baddies to die. Too many problems. If Cube hadn't spied me so early, this would have been a quick game. I hardly expect to fight. Unless one of you is secretly my brother. He and I fight a lot... *Bleeds* Ouch... =P Agreed. I don't take anything in Mafia seriously. It's a game. A fun game. A fun game involving a bit of logic. Games aren't meant to cause serious friction. I wouldn't get angry at someone over a game of chess played as beautifully as this game. Why would I get mad?
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