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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. The BD Mafia Queue would probably be the best source. If Klue's taking TMM-V, Anon and I will take TMM-VI. I'd say whichever becomes ready and makes the queue first. *Shrug*
  2. Molly Mae

    Woo-hoo! We couldn't have done it without Hirk! ... Er....
  3. Molly Mae


    Page 1000. Nice. TRUST - ?
  4. Scum rule? I'm game. I'll PM that shortly. The goodies must operate under the assumption that I have two successful redirects. I understand that. But I didn't. I got Foghorn and Henery down to two people each. If Foghorn was A, Henery was B. If Foghorn was C, Henery was D. There wasn't contradiction, you just didn't follow the logic. Whether I'm lying or not doesn't matter. You do have to operate under the assumption that I have 2. If the roles were reversed, I'd do the same thing.
  5. I up-repped that post because there's a very valuable lesson to be learned from it. And sarcasm really drives the point home (although I had to have someone point out that it was sarcasm...I'm really bad at that). Goodies shouldn't out themselves, whether there's a RID kill or not. All that outing was unwarranted. *Shrug* Maurice made a great point about it.
  6. CRIB AUTO - 0 BABY - 0 WORD - 0 CAST - 1 BUST - 0 CZAR - 1 CLIP - 2 CLAP - 1 CEIL - 2 Score Change: Cubie McCubester +10, FP +15, MoMa +9
  7. Anyone would openly declare that they wish to be spied. I've done it as a baddie. But I can confirm that Aaryan's a goodie. And I'm trusting him to do the right thing tonight. @HG: I don't know who you are specifically (don't out yourself), but I have you down to 3 roles. I know you're good. As Maurice points out in the below post, I have deduced who Henery was. Until the end of D2, I wasn't even certain of who Foghorn was. Hence the two groups. In upsetting the baddies (and many other things), I aim to please. HG is the only one in your list who isn't a baddie. The fourth baddie is Klue. Right. I've spoken to the baddies enough. *Shrug* I'm not wasting any more time responding after this post. But to clarify, I knew nothing about the roles or factions of players (other than my own) before N1. There were 4 goodies outed D1 (5 including Flame). Aaryan's hint was so clever that I couldn't help but get it. I had Aura down to Road/Tweety/Baddie (based on her hint). *Shrug* It's been a bit of guessing combined with a bit of logic. Most of it was decided on who was outed + who could not be convinced to change their vote for me. It's not perfect (I still thought HG was a baddie until last night). I can't tell anyone for certain that Klue, Aura, Hirk and YoDell are the baddies. Thalia or HiddenG might be in there somewhere. I doubt it, though. The risk I take by guessing here doesn't affect the goodies--it affects me. If I'm wrong about who the baddies are, they kill me and not the goodies...at least for a night. And this night post will tell us who (at least) most of the baddies are for certain. @Baddies: I can't get any successful redirects if you don't act. You can't get any actions in while I redirect you back to yourselves. I request that you not act for the rest of the game. =/
  8. Foggy can. BD shouldn't, and for two reasons. One, I can't guarantee who Aura's nemesis is. Two, if Aura hits her nemesis, I'm dead. Everyone will assume that I've redirected Aura to her nemesis and kill me. BD doesn't have a nemesis, so he shouldn't be redirecting anyone to himself. EDIT: Since the Henery -> Foghorn redirect has already happened, it can happen again and I will still have fewer than 3 points.
  9. Ha. Pretty freaky, huh? But only if I really am Taz............................. (I'm joking*) *It's bad that I have to include that I'm joking....
  10. I am asking the goodies to trust me until the end of N3. If you're not happy with the results of N3, I will undoubtedly be lynched.
  11. @Barnyard: I leave Aura to you. Redirect her to herself, please. She is either Marvin or WEC. I will sacrifice a win in this game for spite. It is a very powerful thing, spite. Duck and Company have shown their lack of trust in me. If they don't do anything rash tonight, they will see that my goal is a baddie defeat.
  12. Wait...why can't you trust me? I just gave you Elmer Fudd. I've also given Henery Hawk to Foghorn. None of the baddies will act on a goodie N3. What are you worried about?
  13. Sure. I covered it so even without the BD redirect, Henery would get redirected. *Shrug* That's why there are two groups. They are baddies... Just confirming it for you. The only answer I have is that Medji was mean to me at the start of the day. *Shrug* I'm not after my wincon anymore. I'm after a goodie win (out of spite, yes). Mostly because I can. And I want to show you all that I can. I know who Sylvester and Tweety are. You won't see that grouping appear in the night 3 post. If you do, you have to lynch me. I understand that. I will be redirecting Sylvester, but not to Tweety. Baddies especially won't trust me because I'm upsetting this game for them. Sure, I'll probably take a loss. I've accepted that. But I do this for the greater good. This is a position I won't soon forget. Yes, I may as well be unlynchable tomorrow. But you'll see that I won't make a pairing tonight. So who will vote for me? But the baddies and goodies together have at most 3 kills. Yes, I get that. And my strategy isn't perfect. A clever baddie will see one big hole in my plan and tear it apart. Do you see it? Or am I just taunting you with WIFOM? The people who get angry are the baddies. Go through the posts and you'll find that common thread. So you've all decided to not flash vote. *Shrug* Nice play. You're very observant. I was wondering if anyone else would point that out. But I am unredirectable. Redirect >> everything else, and nothing can act on redirects, even another redirect.
  14. I can help with that. My biggest concern is one I can't mention in this thread. If Duck takes my advice and enlarges the BTSC, he should be good. I wish Maurice could get into that BTSC. I hate to think of what they're planning... @Barnyard: I asked you to do something earlier for N3. I hope you remember what it is.
  15. Hmmm... Yes. But it wasn't intentional. It was...a small strategy. Now. Let's live for the now. Remember what I said about being bros? Even in a game of Mafia? I stand by that and invoke the promise of the bro. I will not screw you over and I will do my best to end this game in a goodie win.
  16. @Maurice: Here's my plan for Henery (without outing Foghorn =P). Cube 1 Hirk 2 Anon 1 Klue 2 EDM 1 Yodell 2 Flame 1 Medji 2 Maurice 1 Akriti 2 Nox 1 Thalia 2 Aaryan 1 Aura 2 HiddenG 1 If you are Foghorn and you have a 1 next to your name, redirect Hirk to Hirk. If you are Foghorn and you have a 2 next to your name, redirect Aura to Aura. This will ensure that Henery is redirected to himself.
  17. Because I have a post-day post post typed up for if I survive.
  18. Eh. There are 5 of you and only one of me. Nice ruse, though. Fortunately, I know who all of the baddies are and will be redirecting each one to the other. The 4th (Henery) will be redirected to Foghorn by Foghorn himself. You'll see.
  19. 1. Aaryan-voting for OtherMedji 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for OtherMedji 4. Anon26 - Voting for OtherMedji 5. KlueMaster - Voting for MollyMae 6. EDM(Peace*out) - voting for MollyMae 7. Auramyna - voting for MollyMae 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - voting for MollyMae A. Akriti - voting for OtherMedji B. Thalia - voting for OtherMedji C. TheCube - voting for OtherMedji D. YoDell E. Hidden G - voting for OtherMedji F. maurice - voting for OtherMedji (and any other Medji I can get my hands on) G. Darth Nox - voting for MollyMae Adding Nox's vote for me. =( I'll edit and link to that post. EDIT: @Nox + EDM: If the baddies flash vote, the vote will come down to 7 vs 6 in my favour. If there's a vote mod giving Medji an additional vote, it'll be a tie. *Shrug* Just letting you know.
  20. You can. And you should. The baddies have to get rid of me. As a baddie, you have to get rid of me. *Shrug* No argument out of me.
  21. Donno how I missed this post. But thanks. I do know who you are now. I learned it in the hood.
  22. Molly Mae


    GUIDO? Slang. And probably not in OED.
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